Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Defensive Wisdom


Courscant | Jedi Temple
Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble

The sun hung low in the sky of Coruscant, casting long shadows across the vast expanse of the Jedi Temple. Inside one of the numerous martial training centers, the hum of lightsaber blades clashed with the silence that filled the vast room. Jedi Padawan Roman Vossari moved like a fluid whisper, his green lightsaber slicing through the air with precision and grace. He was practicing Form III—Soresu—his movements deliberate and measured as he honed his defensive skills.

The polished floor, reflected his figure—a tall, athletically built young man with amber hair tied back in a neat bun. As he sparred with the air, Roman's mind wandered to the ideals of the Jedi—peacekeepers and guardians of the galaxy. The echoes of the past resonated deeply within him. Although he was only a Padawan, Roman felt a heavy weight on his shoulders, one that came from the expectations of his family, but more importantly, from the challenges that seemed to be forever looming over the New Jedi Order.

Roman immersed himself in the rhythm of the Form III movement, shifting his weight fluidly from one foot to the other. He enacted the well-practiced cycle of defense, his body a guardian of tranquility despite the inner turmoil that threatened to breach the surface. Each movement was a conversation—a dialogue with the Force that resonated through him like a heartbeat. He reminded himself that Soresu's strength lay not just in evasion but in the resolution to remain calm and centered amidst chaos.

As he practiced, he noticed a flicker of movement in the corner of his eye. The door to the gym had opened, revealing Jedi Younglings peeking inside, their eyes wide with curiosity. They had long admired Roman for his discipline and prowess, often dreaming of one day wielding a lightsaber like him. He smiled softly at them, remembering his own days as a Youngling, when he too had gazed in awe at the older Jedi.

He continued on, his movements a little more exaggerated in an effort to give the younglings a show worthy of their attention...



Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery paused in the doorway of the training center, her gaze immediately drawn to the Padawan moving with practiced precision. He was older than most current Padawans, highlighted by his more advanced proficiency in Soresu, as well as the warrior's physique her eyes drifted over. The soft hum of Roman's lightsaber filled the room, its green glow casting shadows on the polished floor. Valery watched in silence, observing the rhythm of his movements — the way his form flowed seamlessly from one stance to the next, each step deliberate and measured.

There was an unmistakable calmness in his presence, a focus that was palpable even from where she stood. It reminded her of her own training days, the countless hours spent honing her skills in solitude. But there was something about the way Roman moved that caught her attention beyond just his technique. His athletic build, honed by years of training, moved with a grace that spoke of both strength and discipline.

After a remarkable display for a student, the younglings quietly slipped out of the room, leaving them alone. Valery leaned against the doorway, her presence perhaps still unnoticed. She wasn't in a rush to interrupt him, content to let him continue for as long as he needed.

There was value in this moment of quiet observation, both for him and for her.



Sweat glistened on his brow as he poised himself, feet firmly planted in the familiar stance. With each breath, he centered himself, feeling the Force flow through him like a gentle stream. He shifted his weight, feeling the slight resistance of the air as he moved. His lightsaber hummed with a calm certainty in his grip. He had trained tirelessly, attempting to mold his skills into the elegant defensive masterpiece that Soresu could become.

Roman's focus sharpened as he imagined the countless scenarios where such a style would be essential—blaster bolts flaring toward him, and foes rushing in, seeking to subdue. He practiced the parries and counters, his body weaving gracefully as he deflected imagined attacks, drawing upon everything he learned.

It was during one of these practiced motions, a fluid transition between blocks and counters, that he felt an unexpected presence disrupt his concentration. It was subtle yet profound, like a ripple in the serene waters of the Force. He opened his eyes to see that the younglings had gone, yet he was still not alone.

Standing at the entrance to the training center, the formidable figure of Grandmaster Valery Noble observed him. The sunlight streaming through the high windows caught her hair, casting an ethereal glow. The stories of her deeds—valiant battles against the darkness, her courage, and wisdom—were etched into the very walls of the Temple. For any Padawan, the sight of her could overwhelm them, even for an older Padawan like Roman.

Caught off guard, Roman faltered for a brief moment, but regained his composure. He took a step forward, returning his emerald blade back into its hilt. His right hand covered his heart as he gave a slight bow of respect to the esteemed Master. "Master Noble." he said, promptly greeting her. Vossari had known of the great hero and Master, Valery Noble. He had even seen her and been in the same vicinity on occasion, but he never had the opportunity to formally introduce himself. "Roman Vossari, Padawan." he added.

Roman's piercing blue eyes gazed upon the room, realizing he may of overstayed his welcome in this specific training room. "I apologize if I have gone over the allotted reserved time. If you need the room, I would be happy to vacate it." The young Padawan had reserved it for a little under an hour, now realizing he may have been lost in the movements, going well over the time frame.



Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

As Roman's movements faltered and his focus broke, Valery couldn't help but let a smirk tug at the corner of her lips. She had seen that slight stumble, the momentary surprise in his eyes when he realized she was watching. It was a small, almost imperceptible crack in his otherwise flawless composure, and it amused her just a little.

"Don't worry, Padawan Vossari," Valery said, stepping further into the room, her tone light and teasing. "I'm not here to chase you out of the training center. Besides, it looks like you were just getting into your rhythm." Her fiery eyes twinkled with a mix of warmth and playful challenge before she dipped her upper body slightly into a bow. When she rose again, her hand came up and passed through her long, dark-brown locks to tuck them into place.

"You move well," Valery then added, "Your technique is impressive, and your dedication to Soresu is clear. It's not an easy form to master, but you're making good progress." Valery folded her arms across her chest, studying him for a moment. "But remember, even the most disciplined Jedi needs to stay aware of their surroundings. You never know who might be watching," she added with a wink, clearly enjoying the moment of light-heartedness.

Looking him up and down again, she took note of the light glistening against the layer of sweat over his brows and forehead. He had been training for a while, but he wasn't quite exhausted yet.

"Are you perhaps interested in a training partner? I came here for my standard routine, but training with someone else is always far more enjoyable."



"Tha--Thank you, Master Noble." he replied, striving for a composure that felt shaky at best. He wiped the back of his hand across his forehead, brushing away the bead of sweat that threatened to distract him further. "Your words mean a great deal."

He felt the energy shift beneath her teasing gaze, and it caught him off guard. It seemed the Grandmaster had an effortless way of combining warmth with a playful challenge. He glanced at her, trying to regain that serene focus of a Jedi, but a tiny knot of embarrassment tightened in his stomach. How could he have faltered while she was watching? He should have been more aware.

"I'd be honored to train with you," he said, a flicker of excitement igniting within him. The thought of facing her in practice sent a mix of anticipation and butterflies swirling through him. "I—uh, I mean, if you don't mind sparring with a Padawan." he added, trying to maintain his composure, even as warmth crept into his cheeks.

Roman straightened his posture, determination washing over him again. "Be warned, I might give you a run for your credits." he attempted to tease back, trying to connect with the Master in some way, yet he only felt more embarrassed than he already was. Maybe he should have kept his mouth shut, he had heard the tales of her prowess in battle, this surely wouldn't end well for the Padawan. The familiarity of sparring flooded back, and he took a deep breath, grounding himself in the Force.

As the pair moved toward the center of the room, Roman nodded, his own momentary nerves settling as he ignited his emerald blade, allowing its hum to resonate within him. His mind, once chaotic with thoughts of inadequacy, now nestled into the rhythm of focusing on the present moment.

"I'm ready." he declared, his stance shifting slightly. Normally he would try and blend both Form III and Form II together for a duel, yet something told him he would need the defensive form of Soresu way more in this spar.



Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery's smirk widened as she noticed the faint blush creeping into Roman's cheeks. It was endearing, really, the way he was trying so hard to maintain his composure under her gaze. She had seen it many times before — young Jedi trying to impress their seniors, their confidence wavering under the pressure of being observed. But Roman's genuine enthusiasm and determination made her eager to train with him.

"Don't worry, Roman," she said with a chuckle, "I don't mind sparring with a Padawan, especially one who's as dedicated as you are to your form." She couldn't resist adding with another playful smirk, "But I might hold you to that 'run for my credits' challenge."

As she moved towards the center of the room with him, she kept her expression light, though her eyes were sharp, assessing. She could sense the shift in him — the nerves settling, the focus returning as he prepared himself for the duel. But that blush, still lingering, was hard to ignore. It made him seem less like a polished warrior and more like the young man he was, eager to prove himself but still susceptible to the little embarrassments of life.

Igniting her own lightsaber, the brilliant violet blade casting a warm glow, she took a relaxed stance, her posture deceptively casual. "Ready when you are, Padawan," she said, the challenge clear in her tone. "Just remember, it's not about winning or losing. It's about learning, so I'm going to push you out of your comfort zone, but not too far." There was nothing to gain if she did her best to 'beat' him.

No, she wanted to enjoy this spar and make it a good learning opportunity for both of them.



Roman appreciated her willingness to teach him a thing or two, to push him further out of his comfort zone, out of the normal structured training of the Jedi Temple. Padawan Vossari flinched the moment, her blade ignited, maybe giving away his nerves a little too much. Maybe it was the stories that were told of her between his fellow Padawans, maybe she exuded an aura of power, yet he couldn't help but wonder what her enemies felt facing her prowess if this is how he felt when sparring with her.

The training room was quiet, save for the soft hum of Grandmaster Valery Noble's lightsaber. Sensing his moment, Padawan Vossari inhaled deeply, drawing upon the Force to center himself. He could feel the anticipation buzzing in the air. The Grandmaster's presence was all-encompassing, a palpable energy that demanded respect, yet also offered warmth and encouragement.

"Here we go," he muttered under his breath, positioning his own green lightsaber, the blade flickering beside him. Bright and keen, it felt both familiar and foreign in his hands. Roman took a step forward, determined to showcase the skills he had honed over years of rigorous training under her watchful eye.

He struck, aiming for her midsection. Her violet saber flashed like a vivid star in the dimly lit chamber, a beacon guiding the ebb and flow of their duel. She moved fluidly, propelling him to respond explosively.

Taking a breath, he adjusted his tactics. Gone were the calculated strikes. Instead, he anticipated her movements, moving in sync with her rhythm. For every thrust she aimed at him, he shifted, the dance becoming a duet rather than a battle. He felt the blush seep deeper into his cheeks, but he grinned, exhilarated by the challenge. Each interaction was a pathway to learning, and despite the Grandmaster's prowess, he found himself eager for more.



Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery's violet blade met Roman's with a precise parry, her movements fluid and controlled. She maintained the rhythm of the duel, but her mind was already considering how to push him further. She could strike faster or with more strength, or even use some highly uncommon abilities to throw him off, but that wouldn't necessarily teach him anything. No, she decided to try and put his current skills to the test instead.

With a sudden and subtle flick of her wrist, she reached out with the Force, attempting to shift his balance by nudging his back foot just enough to potentially throw off his footing. Without hesitation, she followed up with a quick feint to his left, her lightsaber flashing towards his side. But she redirected it just before the strike connected, sweeping low towards his legs, testing his agility and focus.

Whether it worked or not, she continued their little dance with pleasure, having noted the blush seeping into his skin. It made her grin, and she searched for eye contact to deliberately throw him off even further. Her gaze could be intense with the fiery color of her eyes, but alluring as well when she tried to be.

Could he retain his focus and balance while he did his best to keep up?



The moment their blades met, a shock of power surged through him, and he struggled to match her fluidity. Her violet blade gleamed in sharp contrast to his own, a brilliant green that felt heavy in his grip. He had practiced for countless hours, yet Master Valery was a whirlwind, weaving through his defenses with effortless grace, the embodiment of the Jedi's teachings.

Roman was no stranger to pressure, but there was something about her presence, her gaze, those fiery eyes, that sent another tremor through him. He could feel the weight of her expectations, like a looming shadow. As she began to lead the rhythm of their duel, he desperately tried to keep up, aware of the blush creeping up his neck. This was mastery in motion, and he was merely a boy fumbling to keep pace.

She engaged him with a sudden flick of her wrist, a subtle push of the Force that nudged his back foot. Roman felt it, the shift beneath him, a sensation like the ground had erupted. Instinctively, he adjusted, shifting his balance to compensate, but the distraction broke his concentration just enough. He barely saw her feint to his left before she redirected, sweeping low toward him with a strike aimed at his legs. He leapt backwards, losing his footing in the process. His fell led him into a tumble that he tried to gracefully recover from but it probably looked like he had no coordination.

"Focus, Roman!" he muttered to himself, trying to ground his thoughts as his muscles strained to respond. With each calculated move of hers, it became a game of wits. Could he outlast her playful tests? Could he withstand the storm of distractions, her alluring beauty, her skill, the way she made it all look so outrageously easy? The question lingered in his mind like an itch he couldn't scratch.

Roman forced himself to breathe, grasping at the fragments of concentration that eluded him. He refocused his mind, channeling the Force around him. He needed to retaliate, to prove that he was not just a passive defender but an active participant in their little dance. With a quick step back, he attempted to draw her in, then launched a countering force push aimed at her upper body with his left, hoping to throw her rhythm off. If it had any success, he figured he could quickly follow the distraction of the push on his right hand with a quick slice across her torso.



Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

When he jumped back and lost his footing, Valery didn't press forward. She didn't even say anything or offer a look of disapproval. He already understood the mistake he made, and the only thing she cared about, was that he'd remember. That he'd adjust and learn from this moment to not lose his balance again.

If he wanted tips or advice, she'd offer it after their spar.

As the duel continued, Valery soon felt the surge of Roman's Force push building and instinctively adjusted her stance, grounding herself firmly but with her feet ready to move. When the wave of energy struck, she let it flow through her, absorbing the impact and moving along with its currents. The force of the push sent her sliding back just a few steps, but she remained balanced, her eyes never leaving his. She caught the flicker of determination in his gaze and allowed herself a small, almost teasing smile.

"Not bad," she murmured, her voice soft yet edged with playful challenge.

As Roman pressed forward with his blade, Valery met his strike with a swift parry, her violet lightsaber flashing in the dim light of the training room. The hum of the blades was the only sound between them, but Valery's movements were anything but silent. She flowed like water, her posture fluid and confident, and she allowed just another hint of playfulness to slip out, as she locked her gaze to his eyes. A slight tilt of her head, a quick, knowing glance — each subtle gesture was designed to throw him off, to make him second-guess his next move.

When she countered, it was with precision and purpose. Her blade flicked toward his side, but there was no intent to overwhelm. She wanted to test him, to see how he would handle the pressure.

"Careful, Roman," she teased, her smile widening. "Don't let me get inside your head," Valery said before she suddenly pressed forward, her blade sweeping in for a strike. But right when she was about to connect with either his body or his blade, something changed about her. Valery tapped into the Force and phased through him and his blade, her body and gaze drawing dangerously close until she ended up through him, and then behind him, hoping it would throw him off completely alongside her ongoing distractions.

Every spar needed a conclusion, and she hoped to reach it with one quick sweep at his legs from behind.



The training room was a blur of lights and energy, a dance of vibrant colors as Roman focused on her, determined not to let her playfulness disrupt him again. When she had laughed off his earlier misstep, Roman had felt his cheeks flush with embarrassment, realizing that in his efforts to impress her, he'd become predictable.

He steadied himself, drawing in a deep breath and centering his thoughts. Another moment of hesitation wouldn't do; he had to adapt. But just as he was about to launch another attack, he sensed the tremors in the Force, she was building momentum again. He narrowed his eyes, locking onto her fierce gaze as she adjusted her stance.

As their blades clashed, Roman focused on every maneuver, every subtle change in her stance. The Master's violet lightsaber hummed intensely, almost coaxing him to make a misstep. The way she flowed like water, maintaining an air of confidence and playfulness, made him second guess his own movements. When she flicked her blade toward his side, he could feel the intent behind her strike as much as the air it cut.

He couldn't let her get inside his head. He squared his shoulders, ready to retake the initiative, he was going to show her he'd learned. In truth, she had long made a home inside his head. This wouldn't end well for him.

But then it happened. In the midst of the chaos, Valery tapped into the Force in a way he hadn't anticipated. Before he could react, she vanished right through him. He felt a rush of cold air, and the moment stretched indefinitely as he instinctively closed his eyes. His heart raced as he tried to center himself, but his instincts betrayed him, in that fleeting moment, he forgot about her presence entirely.

When he dared to open his eyes, she was gone, and panic surged through him. What trick had she pulled? The world around him became starkly quiet, his heart beating louder in his chest.

Then came the realization of her true intentions. A sudden weight on his back drew his attention downward too late. Before he could brace himself, her attack swept him off his feet. He stumbled backward, hitting the mat with a solid thud, his breath escaping in a rush.

"I suppose I walked right into that one, didn't I?" he grinned, propping himself up on his elbows, a loyal warrior accepting his defeat. "Remind me never to close my eyes in battle again, especially against you."

But deep down, amidst the embarrassment, Roman could feel a spark of excitement. He would remember this moment, he would learn from it, and he would get back on his feet. He flashed a playful smile back at her, ready to spring back into action if she was not done with him yet.



Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery couldn't help but smile as Roman picked himself up from the mat, his grin infectious. She deactivated her lightsaber and clipped it back to her belt, the violet blade disappearing with a soft hiss.

"You did walk right into that one," she teased lightly, her tone warm and playful. "But I can't blame you. I used an uncommon ability, which perhaps wasn't entirely fair." She flashed a grin and raised a hand up through her long hair to fix it in place.

She took a step closer and offered him a hand to help him fully back onto his feet. "You showed a lot of promise, though. You adapted, adjusted your approach, and didn’t let my distractions completely throw you off," Valery said, her voice carrying genuine praise. "That’s what really matters in a duel — being able to think on your feet and learn from your mistakes."

Once Roman was standing again, she added with a playful smirk, "But maybe next time, I'll make it a little harder on you." She had an excited sparkle in her eyes and looked at him for a moment, content with the spar they had.

Her tone softened as she continued, "How about we take a break? We've sparred but I don't know much about you yet."



Roman blinked up at Valery, still catching his breath from the duel. Her presence was both daunting and invigorating, and he felt flustered, struggling to compose himself after their sparring match. Her violet lightsaber had a certain beauty to it when ignited, a reflection of her own grace and strength as a Jedi Master.

"Uh… thanks, Master Noble." he stammered, grasping her outstretched hand to pull himself upright. "I guess I wasn't fully prepared for that last move." He couldn't help but express his admiration as he brushed the mat dust from his training tunic, keeping his eyes averted.

Her praise warmed him, igniting a mixture of pride and shyness, the latter he rarely feels. "I really appreciate that you took the time to train with me. I know I've got a long way to go before I can stand toe-to-toe with a master like you." He stepped back, though not too far, wanting to maintain their connection without losing the warmth of the moment.

"Make it harder?" he thought to himself, his heartbeat quickening. "Is that even possible?" He shifted his weight, unsure whether he should laugh or panic. The thrill of the duel was still lively in his veins, and despite the embarrassment of his mishap, he felt a strong appreciation for her skill, though the admiration was tinged with the awkwardness of a Padawan suddenly recognizing the depth of his master's capabilities.

Taking a deep breath to steady himself, he nodded eagerly at her suggestion to take a break. "That sounds great! I mean, yes, let's do that. I'd love to… " He brushed back a few locks of hair that had fallen from its knot and caught her eye, daring himself to maintain that connection a moment longer. "I'm not sure if there would be anything interesting about me to a well traveled Master."

Roman fought against the urge to fidget as he spoke. It was hard not to feel drawn to her, just as difficult was the endeavor to appear cool and composed. After all, who wouldn't want to impress someone like her? He leaned on the cool stone of the training room wall, crossing his arms to disguise his nervousness. "My family calls Serenno home, it was a wonderful place for my childhood. But i've always longed to be apart of something more, to make a real difference in the galaxy."

He hoped she wouldn't notice the heat creeping to his cheeks, but the excitement of the moment overshadowed his self-consciousness. Whatever came next, he wanted to be part of it, to learn from her, to get to know her more. With that thought, he felt a smile creep onto his face, returning her playful energy with youthful optimism.



Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

"It was my pleasure to spar," Valery said after she pulled him up to his feet, "I'm sure if you keep at it, you'll become a fine duelist for the Order." She beamed a warm smile and watched him step back, though not too far. Their spar had helped form a connection in a way no conversation could, and it seemed he wasn't ready to break it yet.

For her, it was an opportunity to get to know him even better.

Valery couldn't help but smile as Roman tried to steady himself, his eagerness and nervous energy both endearing and amusing. "Don’t sell yourself short, Roman," she said, her tone light and teasing. "I’m sure you have plenty of interesting stories. Serenno, huh? I’ve heard it’s beautiful."

She crossed her arms casually in front of her chest, leaning back slightly as she studied him with genuine curiosity. "I like getting to know my fellow Jedi, so I can help and lead them better," she added, her gaze warm. "So, tell me more. What was it like growing up there? Any wild childhood adventures? And what made you want to join the Jedi?"

She paused for a moment, her smile widening as she caught the slight flush in his cheeks. It had been there during the spar as well, and while she wouldn't call it out directly, her smirk likely showed him that she was aware.



He took a breath, heart racing as her gaze remained fixed on him. "Growing up on Serenno was… the best, to say the least," he began, recalling the lush forests and vibrant landscapes of his home. "The skies are always a brilliant shade of blue, and the hills are dotted with ancient ruins. As a child, I would often wander off exploring. There was this one time I climbed a moss-covered cliff and discovered a hidden waterfall. I was convinced I'd stumbled upon a secret, a place only I knew."

His words flowed a little more easily now, spurred on by her encouraging expression. "But for the most part, I spent most of my childhood learning my families trade, we are somewhat of a significant family of Serrenian culture. I spent most days dressed in stiff tunics and robes. Mingling with powerful men and beautiful women--" he caught himself mid-sentence, he foolishly motioned to Master Noble as to equate her with those women he was around as a child.

His fingers fiddled with the hem of his tunic, suddenly self-conscious, trying to divert the conversation. "And about joining the Jedi… I guess I always wanted to be part of something bigger than myself. I was fascinated by the idea of helping those who couldn't help themselves, of bringing balance. But honestly, there's also something about the way you and other Masters carry yourselves, the wisdom and strength you show. It makes me want to strive for more, to become better."

He paused, searching her face for a hint of her response, a blend of admiration. "So, um… do you have any childhood adventures of your own?" He felt emboldened to ask, wanting to discover more about the Jedi who inspired him so much, but also unsure how to continue the conversation with a woman of such power.



Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery couldn't help but smirk when Roman motioned toward her as he mentioned the beautiful women of Serenno. The way he caught himself mid-sentence, fumbling slightly, was both endearing and amusing. "Beautiful women, huh?" she teased, raising an eyebrow playfully, "And you gave that up to be stuck in a Temple?" She was definitely teasing him, but she did feel a warmth spread through her own cheeks for the first time today because of his gesture.

It'd likely go unnoticed, given his embarrassment.

Her smirk softened into a warm smile as she listened to the rest of his story. She was always fond of childhood stories, in part because she never had much of a normal childhood herself. She grew up within the Jedi Order, so all of the joys that kids could have were different to her.

"It sounds like Serenno was an amazing place to grow up. And I can see where you get your curiosity and drive from." She dipped her head, then blinked when he asked about her childhood. She didn't often talk about it, mostly because people rarely asked. His interest made her eye sparkle with a mix of nostalgia and amusement.

"Well, I was born on my people's homeworld — Keshi. But I didn't really grow up there. When I was very young, my parents gave me up to the Jedi and my childhood was growing up within the Order, though not here on Coruscant." Now, she truly began to smirk, as memories flooded her mind, "I lived on the New Cov Enclave, which is built in the hills of the Galaxy's most dangerous jungle."

"I've had my fair share of adventures there, and the Temple still exists. It was rebuilt after I came out of stasis."



Roman felt his head get a little light as Valery teased him about the beautiful women of Serenno. He could barely muster a response, his usual confidence slipping away like sand through his fingers. "Uh, well... it's, um..." he stammered, fidgeting with his tunic. Her playful eyebrow raised at him ignited a warmth, making him feel both foolish and oddly comforted.

As Valery listened to him share stories of his childhood, Roman found himself enthralled by the way her smile lit up her face. It was so genuine and warm, a stark contrast to the stoicism that often surrounded the Jedi Order. With her words, he felt as though she was reaching into the depths of him, unearthing something he didn't even know was there. "Thanks." he murmured softly, still caught up in the moment.

When she began to share about her own childhood, he leaned in slightly, his curiosity peaked. The way her eyes sparkled when she talked about her adventures was infectious. "Keshi…" He hadn't heard much about it. Roman blinked, trying to make friendly conversation, but he didn't really know what he was talking about. "Wait, you lived in the New Cov Enclave? That sounds amazing! I can only imagine the kind of training and adventures you had there. I wish I could've seen it."

He hesitated, glancing down at the floor for a moment, gathering his thoughts. "I mean, not that I'd want to be in a dangerous jungle," he added quickly, his voice nearly a whisper as he gestured with his hands. "But… getting to explore like that, it sounds like something out of a story! Did you, um, face any wild creatures or..." He caught himself, realizing how eager he sounded. Taking a deep breath, he managed to say, "You must have some incredible tales to tell. I just… I'd love to hear more about your adventures."

For a moment, the thought of sharing stories felt thrilling, and the admiration he held for his Master grew stronger. He looked up, his curiosity hanging on the last bit she had said. Roman had heard rumors from other Padawans, but he never knew what was real. "Stasis..." he mumbled, slightly hoping she might expand on that.



Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery's smile grew as she watched Roman fumble with his words, clearly flustered by her teasing. There was something undeniably endearing about seeing him, usually so composed, suddenly off-balance. It made it tempting to keep poking at him, but she didn't want him to end up uncomfortable. A grin and a playful sparkle in her eyes were more than enough to keep his heart pumping just a little faster.

For now.

Seeing his genuine curiosity about her adventures and past warmed her, "If you'd like, I could take you to New Cov someday and you'll see the creatures for yourself. The Temple still stands and the Jungles aren't the worst if you're with a good guide," Valery offered with an excited smirk. New Cov had a special place in her heart, so she was always fond of sharing it with others. But if he dared to join her for such a journey remained to be seen, considering how flustered he already was.

"As for stasis," Valery paused and ran a hand up through her hair, "I was born a very long time ago, in the days of the Old Republic. A few hundred years after the Mandalorian Wars," she explained. "But during a Battle on Onderon, I ended up in a stasis pod and woke up thousands of years later."

She paused again and smirked, her gaze intensely focused on him.

"Now I'm here."



Roman cleared his throat, trying to regain his composure, though the heat on his cheeks lingered. Valery's teasing smile was disarming, and he couldn't shake the feeling that she enjoyed watching him squirm. Despite that, perhaps because of it, there was a thrill in the air that he couldn't ignore.

"New Cov, huh? Sounds… adventurous." he replied, his voice a shade deeper than usual as he fought to hide his excitement. "Creatures, jungles, and ancient temples, how could anyone resist?" A nervous chuckle escaped him. He was both intrigued and a little wary of what awaited him in her world.

He chuckled nervously again, glancing down before looking back at her, trying to gauge her reaction. "Honestly, it's hard to imagine you being born during the days of the Old Republic. You look like you could still take on any Jedi who crossed your path, even after all that time."

Valery had a mysterious air about her, but it was her strength and confidence that both mesmerized and intimidated him. A battle on Onderon? A stasis pod? It was all like something out of a holo-flick.

Roman paused, biting the inside of his cheek, a hint of admiration creeping into his tone. "I mean, how do you even adjust to something like that? I can barely keep up with the tech and customs changing every few years."

He shifted slightly, a mix of admiration and vulnerability playing in his demeanor. "I mean, here I am, still trying to navigate the currents of the Force, and you… you've been able to see the rise and falls of empires."

The uncertainty in his voice betrayed his nervousness. Roman's heart raced as he realized he had made himself vulnerable by sharing his thoughts. Yet, somehow, standing in her presence, it felt less frightening and more liberating.

He met her gaze with newfound determination. "I'm in if you are." Roman's heart raced more violently than before, not just at the idea of adventure, but also at the idea of experiencing something extraordinary with someone as remarkable as the Grandmaster.



Outfit: New Jumpsuit
Weapons: New Lightsaber

Valery watched Roman closely, noting the mix of nervousness and excitement that colored his words. Despite the clear apprehension, his willingness to dive into the unknown with her touched her more than she let on. There was something both endearing and admirable about his determination, and it sparked a warmth in her that she hadn't felt in a while.

"New Cov is definitely adventurous," she replied with a soft smile, her tone both encouraging and teasing. "But I think you'd manage just fine, Roman. And besides, you'd have me as your guide, so what's the worst that could happen?" She winked, hoping to ease the tension he was feeling.

She had a feeling it wouldn't be that easy.

As he spoke about her past, Valery's smile softened into something more reflective. "It wasn't easy, adjusting to everything. Waking up in a different time, a different galaxy… it felt like everything I knew was gone. But I found my way through it, just as you're finding your way now." She paused, her gaze lingering on him with a mixture of admiration and warmth.

"just don't sell yourself short, Roman. The Force has a way of guiding us, even when we're uncertain. You've got the strength to navigate whatever comes your way, and I'll be here to help you along the path."

She leaned forward slightly, inching closer to him, her eyes locking onto his with a spark of playful challenge, "And as for our adventure… I'm definitely in. Just try to keep up, alright?" Her smile widened, a hint of mischief in her expression as she leaned back again, giving him a chance to absorb her words.

"Why don't we leave soon? Besides adventure, I can make it a training assignment as well and teach you a few... things."


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