Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Define Yourself

Cyril nodded in quiet agreement as they came up on the designated coordinates. The encampment, if you could call such a shoddily put together place such, was just below the next hill. Cyril could see it from over the top of the next hill, and more importantly, the hustle and bustle of the beings within. Cyril brought the speeder into a low flight, then cut the engine entirely when they came to the base of the hill.

"Good plan," he spoke, offering her a confident smile, "We can do this, so long as we're careful. They're waiting for us just over the hill, though I highly doubt that they know we are coming. Time for a stakeout." He retrieved a pair of macro-binoculars from the side-hatch of the speeder, and exited.

He pulled the edges of his coat a little further up his collar as he strode up the hill. Confident that Cazoa would stay by his side, and ever so thankful for that fact, he wasted no time in reaching the top. With a press of his mental capabilities, he extended his senses to the rudimentary village beyond. More than two dozen beings wandered about doing whatever tasks they had ahead of them. Some were almost completely inert, and they remained near the edge of the town in a small shanty of buildings.

"Extend your senses, Cazoa," Cyril instructed. "What do you feel?" After a few moments of waiting, he added, "What do you suppose those inert figures at the edge of town are, hmm?"


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