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Defining Dark Jedi

The Hound

Throughout the years that I had been a fan of Star Wars I had always heard the term, Dark Jedi. As far as I could tell from what I heard, I played a Dark Jedi in the KOTOR games. However, my first real encounter with one was during the Darth Bane trilogy. I don't quite remember his name, but there was a Dark Jedi there. He himself wasn't a Sith, in fact he disliked both Jedi and Sith philosophies. Instead he used force powers from all over the spectrum to gain wealth and power.
This was different from my original interpretation of Dark Jedi as I thought of them orginally as Jedi who have left the order and follow the same (or very similar) moral compass however they use the dark side powers as a means to an ultimately good end. After reading the trilogy however my ideas changed. Now I see Dark Jedi as a force user outside of any institution that uses the Force to his or her own benefit regardless of the consequences on others while completely rejecting the teachings of both sides (Light and Dark). An example of this would be a buisnessman who uses the Force to trick his opposition and if need be has access to dark side powers like force lightning etc.
See I would never consider a true Imperial Knight as we see them in EU to be a Dark Jedi. Reason being, they are very anti-darkside. One of their primary purposes was the killing of the Emperor (who was a force user) should the Emperor fall to the darkside. Nor would I consider them grey jedi because the idea behind grey jedi is that they use the darkside for virtuous reasons (which I find flies in the face of a lot of the stuff in SW). Though to clarify, grey jedi is kind of a crap term because it is a fan term and not really a canon one. The only examples people use would never identify themselves as anything other than Jedi and don't really use the darkside (unless you make them in games).


News They Don't Want Heard
There is always a fine line that can be walked. The Rogue Jedi are not the same as rogue Jedi, and this is something often confused. The latter are members that stand apart from the order, but generally adhere to the Jedi tenets. The former are Jedi, Gray or Dark, who band together to fight evil. A user of the Dark Side does not have to be evil, after all.

I maintain my personal view that a Dark Jedi can practice both sides of the Force, though has leanings one way or the other, or is entirely dark. It depends on the character.

And yes, Tef, you're correct that it does corrupt. That is the nature of evil. The true test is to know your limits, and when you must give it up.


Disney's Princess
StarWars itself is often contradictory. Every book author, fan writer, and video game maker has their own 'interpretations' and vocabulary. Poor Wookieepedia knows this better than anybody. Even George Lucas himself enjoyed taking opportunities to make changes to his illustrious fiction. So, it is important to keep in mind that Star Wars is always "Subject to Change without Notice". Hehe.

That said, "Dark Jedi" is a term that I believe is open to massive interpretation. Both IC and OOC. Indeed, this wild wording can mean a great deal of strange and uncommon things. Thus and sadly, it will continue to remain an ever illusive term. Allowing any Tom, Dick, or Harry to simple take the title upon themselves and begin preaching their own personal brand of colorful righteousness.

I would highly recommend to avoid confusion in this regard that broader terms be encouraged. Such as Lightsider and Darksider. Understanding that while these terms are perhaps less colorful and dramatic? They can be surprisingly accurate measures of one's spiritual allegiance and general moral character.


Disney's Princess

Erm. I'd like to digress a moment and ask a question of Administration: Yo Tef'y boyMercia? Are you boys in Administration planning on making a hard rule and actually defining the term "Dark Jedi" for this board? Or just throwing the topic around the room for sport?

...Because we seem to have a few differences of opinion here. (Which is perfectly okay. Just confusing.) ;)
The term "Dark Jedi" is pretty self-explanatory. It's a Jedi who uses the Dark Side. Asajj Ventress is a good example, and is the first picture you see in the Star Wars wikia for the term. People may think it's open to interpretation, and as always it's fine to have an opinion. But in this case, they're wrong. A Dark Jedi is a dark-side Jedi.

However, we can't force people to choose the right Rank Title, and people will continue to choose the wrong one due to misinterpretation. Which is okay. Because we're not about to make a "hard rule" and enforce it. It's just a culture thing to accept this, and if a Rogue Jedi title is needed to help clarify Jedi who have left the Order so Dark Jedi doesn't get used wrongly, to pressure Staff to help make a new title for Rogue Jedi.

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