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Approved Starship Deliverance-Class Heavy Carrier

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Moff of the Mon Calamari Sector

  • Intent: To make a good Carrier for the First Imperial Navy
  • Image Source: Source
  • Canon Link: none
  • Primary Source: none
  • Manufacturer: First Order Core of Imperial Engineers
  • Affiliation: First Imperial Navy, The First Order
  • Model: Deliverance-Class Heavy Carrier
  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material:
  • Quadanium Steel
  • Titanium Honeycomb Support Structure
  • Glasteel

  • Classification: Carrier
  • Length: 1800m
  • Width: 570m
  • Height: 290m
  • Armament: Low
    12x Ion Cannons
  • 6x Retaliator Turbolasers
  • 23x Turbolasers
    4x Ventral

[*]11x Gravity Mine Launchers
[*]1x "Shortbow" Plasma Railgun (25 Degree forward firing arc side-to-side; Cannot be raised or lowered)

[*]Defenses: High
  • 88x Laser Point Defense
    40x Dorsal
  • 40x Ventral
  • 4x portside
  • 4x starboard

[*]8x Mark 26 HARM GMWS
[*]4x Pursuit Defensive Missile Launchers
[*]Standard Capital Ship Deflector Shield
[*]Redundant Capital Ship Deflector Shield

[*]Hangar: Very High
  • 15 Squadrons
  • Transports/Shuttles

[*]Maneuverability Rating: Very Low
[*]Speed Rating: Very Low
[*]Hyperdrive Class: 2.0
  • Capital Grade Ion Enigines
  • Communications Interception and Decryption Network
  • Escape Pods
  • Life Support system
  • Sensor and Targeting Computers/Systems
  • Navicomputer System
  • Titanium Honeycomb Support Structure: With this somewhat-advanced method of support structure, it enables the Deliverance to be able to withstand enemy fire, without shields, much longer than any normal support structure.
  • +Honeycomb Support Structure: With this somewhat-advanced method of support structure, it enables the Deliverance to be able to withstand enemy fire, without shields, much longer than any normal support structure.
  • +Party Incoming!: The Deliverance Class can hold an amazing 15 squadrons.
  • +Multiple Exits: There are two hangar bays on this ship, the one with the fighter, bomber, and interceptor complement has three different exits, one forward, one to port, and one to starboard. This allows the complement to get out quickly to engage targets.
  • +Not one step back: While having a small amount of long-range offensive weaponry, it won't go down without a fight, if subjected to one (in short-range).
  • -Limited Role: The Deliverance is first and foremost a carrier, and is limited to that role.
  • -Offense? What's That?: The Deliverance is not a brawler by any stretch, therefore it has limited short-range offensive weaponry.
  • -They are underneath us!: The Deliverance has little to no ship-to-ship weaponry on her underside, only 40 point defense and four turbolasers.

The Deliverance-Class was designed to phase out the Taskmaster and Vanguard classes of carriers. Though the previously mentioned carriers, will probably never be fully phased out. Now lets get into the nitty-gritty.

With advancements in technology always happening we, shipwrights in the First Order Corp of Engineering, have decided that it is finally time for a new and improved carrier to finally be boasted on the field of battle by the First Order and its Navy. While keeping with the the stereotypes of carriers, it is decently armed more so, than previous carriers fielded by the Order, though it is still well below standard for a ship, based on the anaxes war college, for its size. However what it lacks in firepower, it makes up with in squadron count. The Deliverance boasts a large FIFTEEN squadron count, That means a massive 180 starfighters (if all squadrons are of the standard size of 12). Now what's best about this particular ship is that, it is, and will be, mass-produced. This means more naval officers and pilots can fight for the Glory of the Supreme Leader.
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