Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Demon's Run

[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Camellia Swift"]

Balaya was watching them go off and prepare, her full attention on so much of it that she now could move freely while Elara was working on the vents and warehouse portions. The greater thoughts going into what she had before rubbing hands together while sending the force energy to frenzy the croa into their attack on the ones int he facility. The prudeii working to scout around and take out sentries and turrets as the large zeltron was walking to enter the lower levels to get at the bottom of the facility and an open area they were clearing. Sany and Camellia could have their time together within but she'd be able to move around with Elara towards phrik stores and trap people in the rooms as needed.
[member="Darth Praelior"] [member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

In all honesty Camellia couldn't say she approved of killing of the security guard that she and Sanya stumbled across , especially not when they could have just had the droids subdue the enemy and drag him back so that he could have been infected to become a Croa like them. It wasn't like it was a discrete kill anyway, since anyone on the cameras could have seen the guard flung about by insivible forces. The Rendili woman just couldn't stop herself from frowning "Killing the guard was a waste though, we could have made him so much better and added another to the ranks of the Croa. Let's not waste anyone inside the security room then. We just need to take it before they can react so we can keep our future sisters alive and well."

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Camellia Swift"] Ξ [member="Darth Praelior"]

Sanya agreed that it was a little excessive and maybe the droids would need more specific orders that just something straight forward. They hadn't been programed to understand the whole croa infection thing, just to take out threats efficiently and quiet. After all that part was more of a security war Droid program. "I will make some tweeks in their programing my wonderful girl. As far as current programming they followed it, but I'll see if I can get Praelior to share the data on is so I can code it in to the so it won't happen again." Sanya kinda felt bad now. She didn't intend for it to happen although getting in was crucial, still that was no reason and the droids will need tweaking. As Sanya pushed up further opening the door she peeked inside to see it was empty. It was a little surprising saying it was the fastest route to the security room. Still Sanya was a little interested in looking through old security footage of any aing-tii activity. She hoped there was because she wanted to have one captured and have their mined stripped of it's knowledge about the force and what it knows. She didn't want to hurt any but it wasn't a want for the knowledge but a need and they had a habit of attacking force users without attempting to communicate. As the small team walked through the halls talking could be heard from ahead. Looking to Maria and Alice she nodded to them. "Knock them out don't kill them okay." The droids would just go invisible and most likely advance up to the source of the sound. "At least we are making progress beautiful."
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Camellia Swift"]

Balaya continued to feel their progress while she was moving forward through the hallways and sections of the base. Elara got the door opened as Balaya was moving inside, carts and crates with ore in it to be moved to a processing facility as she motioned with her hands. "Start unloading some of the crates and have the engineers work on them. The latches needto be opened from the inside and have croa kept within to be shipped to the processing plant. I want them to be under guard but protected as the prudeii scout." She looked towards Elara as they started getting to work and she moved towards the doors and pried them open so more of their troopers could come in.
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Darth Praelior"]

Well so long as they could preserve the rest of the workers and guards to convert into Croa then Camellia supposed she couldn't be too upset that the droids killed the guard since they were just following their programming to protect them. It just felt incredibly bothersome that the person should lose their life instead of experiencing release into a more grand and wondrous race. Still, with Sanya saying that she would fix their droids protocols regarding these matters the Rendili woman didn't really have much to complain about as she followed the other woman along into the security room as they proceeded with the operation's plan. "You're right I know. . . . .I am a bit surprised we haven't encountered more resistance. I thought our team would run into more trouble. They're either in disarray or Lady Praelior has their undivided attention. Either way we should get going on taking control of whatever defense measures they have in place. If we rob them of automatic turrets and door controls they're counting on then we'll have practically ensured victory." Spotting the Sith Zeltron in question on one of the screens, Camellia found herself smiling at what she figured was the amazons plan now down there. That's certainly a fun way to infiltrate the other facilities quickly and quietly.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Camellia Swift"] Ξ [member="Balaya Praelior"]

Sanya would giggle slightly. "Well that's the plan and with praelior distracting almost everyone we are able to just walk in. Although those people that hopefully just got knocked out will need attending too." She said with a smile. "The room should just be up ahead then the slicers can plug in while we well do something while we wait. Any ideas what we could do?" Sanya would raise and eyebrow and her smile turned into a smirk. After all because there was work to be done didn't mean they couldn't have fun. As Sanya walked further and took a right turn two people a man and woman had been sat and propped against the wall. Stood besides the bodies that where unconscious stood the two droids. "You wana do them or should we leave them to our sisters cutie?" She asked looking at them. At least with them been unconscious they'd not go through the starting stage so harsh.
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Camellia Swift"]

Her laugh resonated while she was moving through the facility, from one room to another as she let Sanya and Camellia move qickly and quietly compared to her lumbering like a massive monster through the facility. "Pets, ensure the defenses are down while we are moving in. It will help speed up the process." She was looking at her troopers moving down the hallway and through the defense turret firing on them as one hand extended. "Move to the side." The troopers moved into cover as a black spear moved down the hallway into the turret with it exploding putting on the small security there sparks while her troopers fired into them.
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Balaya Praelior"]

Well the Rendili woman knew that was the plan, but it just seemed to be going much more smoothly than she had imagined it would. That was the difference between hitting a factory and an actual military facility she supposed. All the same though, Camellia first thought that they would have to be keeping up on work while they were busy with the slicing too. Not that she wanted to disappoint the other woman as she grinned upon turning the corner to find the droids were following their new orders to take the workers and security personnel alive this time around. "Let's do it now so they finish changing sooner. You take the other one." With a chuckle she would bend down to quick sink her teeth into the shoulder of the captured female before standing up again and striding toward the room they were posed to remove the automated security from. "Let's get the slicers to hurry Sanya so that Lady Praelior has an easier side of things. And so she doesn't get mad with us later if we end up taking too long."

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Camellia Swift"] Ξ [member="Balaya Praelior"]

Sanya walk walk up to the male and sink her teeth into the guys wrist making four puncture holes with blood trailing out of them. Shed stand back up and then wipe her mouth of the blood that had trailed down her chin. Immediately following camellia to the room full of screens and terminals. As her beautiful girl spoke Sanya would nod. "You heard her girls get to it, turrets down first then trap anyone trying to retreat." The two slicers got straight to the terminal and hooked up their device's in case of any passwords that popped up. Sanya also patched in herself using the datapad to bring up all the security cameras both inside and outside of the facility. Her head would turn to look at camellia with a smile. "Well I guess that's our job kinda done just need to wait for praelior now."
[member="Camellia Swift"] [member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

Balaya moved now as the turrets were disabled. Sanya and Camellia were proving effective as she miled holding the black stone and going forward into the fight with her croa near her. "You my pets have been doing well and I am very proud but now I am afraid we will have to do the dangerous parts of the mission. We must ensure what is within the processing facility finds its way back to the ships." She had some of the people there while motioning with a few of the things before her blade came out and slashed into the chest of another cleaving it before she pushed him into a small pile of transforming croa and laughed. The small baby playing with the stone and she could feel it while moving.
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Balaya Praelior"]

The Rendili woman had no problem with that at all, she was becoming fairly tired with all the work they had done lately, even though she knew it was entirely necessary and was netting them immeasurable results. For the most part anyway. With the major security threats done now though, Camellia simply watched the monitors to see if she could track how the Sith Zeltron was doing, the giantess's voice coming in over the comms now that it seemed like the load on her end was made easier with the turrets deactivated. "Of course Lady Praelior, is there anything we can do to help you with that any further? Or shall we mostly focus on preventing enemy units from retaking their security controls here?"

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Camellia Swift"] Ξ [member="Balaya Praelior"]

With the security feed up Sanya unhooked the datapad and kept her eye out on the hall way outside and the exterior of the complex. Moving over to camellia she would put her arm around her shoulder and cuddles up close. "Well I don't see how that is the hard part, we can just tamper with the manifests and mark then as important cargo." She said with the com still open. "We are in the right place to do so and I'm sure the slicers can rig much more. Just send them a list and they'll get to it in the order. As for us we are waiting for you to get here, in the mean time I'm keeping a look out on the security feed and what dose these aing-tii look like?" She asked the zeltron as she has more of an idea.
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Camellia Swift"]

She was watching them now in the force while thinking about it and the croa with her were fighting as they moved through the facility and with the saturation of the area reaching a level on her display of nearly a third of the way. "Set up defenses to keep the control rooms and seal sections as needed. We'll take the facility area by area." The massive zeltron exited one of the sections and stood on a catwalk while croa moved around her onto the metal and started climbing for the soldiers bunched up on the other side. Her hand coming out and directing them forward as her squad of soldiers took up positions behind and around her for defense with the sound of their claws on the metal came.
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Balaya Praelior"]

Getting whatever they wanted out of here didn't seem like the biggest problem in all honesty, the Rendili woman had to agree with Sanya on that one. They could alter files from the control room or simply see about utilizing any automated measures as well. Although Camellia wasn't even sure they would need that much. After all, once they took over the facility fully and converted whoever hadn't been killed in the conquest then by all means they could practically just ask for it. The only real issue she saw was minimizing the damages to both personnel and the facility while they were all at it. That and preventing word from reaching other factories if the Sith Zeltron so desired to took hold of their operations as well. All the same, Camellia signaled to the droids Sanya had created to position themselves by the door as she focused on simply keeping the security room under their control. "We could have a team sweep the halls around here and then take to the vents for ambushing anyone who tries coming by." Wrapping her own arm around Sanya's waist, the Rendili woman wondered what the other girl wanted with one of the aing-tii. . . .

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Camellia Swift"] Ξ [member="Balaya Praelior"]

Sanya continued to hold camellia tight against herself as she spoke. Her warmth felt good and her smell was sweet like some kind if purfume or something. Every little thing about the rendili woman was comforting to Sanya, each one puts a smile in her face and always makes her happy. The woman was the best thing to ever happen to her and yet each day they found something new about each other. The way the spoke, looked, walked, emotions even how they did things. It sometimes left Sanya a little self conscious of what she did in case it annoyed her or she would like how she did that one thing. Although Sanya knew deep down camellia loved her for everything big, little, good and bad, like Sanya loved everything about her. "Sounds like a plan cutie, although we kinda came thin of security for our selves. I could always take a quick scope around if anyone is lurking about?" She said kissing her cheek. Although Sanya could tell she was in thought bringing a little smile to her face. "What is it beautiful?"
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Camellia Swift"]

Balaya continued with her initial plan while she was within the room sitting down as she let her engineers get to work on the computers. They could handle that as she was reaching out into the force and the darkside to build up the force energies and let the feeling of the croa as she wanted to have them frenzied and attacking what came at them. "Kil, infect, spread my pets." She whispered the orders while her croa were screeching and clawing at the walls to pry at the panels. Fidning the vents and going into it while leaving bits of black ooze that seemed to pulse with the darkside and the sensation crawling along the skin while the sithspawn virus made it bubble and collect in small puddles on the floor.
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Balaya Praelior"]

Well she supposed they weren't exactly backed up with the same force that the Sith Zeltron had accompanying her, but then it was because Lady Praelior was such a threat that they weren't likely to run into much trouble themselves. After all, if they didn't try and stop the amazonian sith, then the giantess would completely overwhelm them, but if they didn't try and retake the security room they likely wouldn't have a chance either. The best the opposition could do in the situation was to try and split their own forces to handle both problems. Meaning even though she and Sanya had fewer soldiers around, they would also be facing the lesser threat. When though the Rendili woman wasn't sure, but at least she had Sanya to keep her mind off worrying. "Just thinking everything over, and wondering what you need to find an aing-tii for."

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Camellia Swift"] Ξ [member="Balaya Praelior"]

Looking to her data pad checking the feed from outside the door to check if it was clear her attention moved straight back to camellia. "Well I know it sounds horrible but I asked praelior to bring a certain device along before we came here, and this device will allow me to take the knowledge of a certain power that very few know. It allows me to kinda teleport to anywhere at any given time. An well if I knew this power I can come to you any time. If your in trouble or just wanted to see you. I know it's selfish of me to want this ability but there is alot of good I can do with it. Like if a person was in serious danger but no one could get there in time then I can be there in seconds. But not only would I know it in since I'd have already mastered it." It still left a trace in her mind it was selfish, but one life in hopes to save a hundred others was worth it, wasn't it? It was something Sanya needed not just wanted. To strive to become the best she could sometimes a sacrifice had to be made, even if she didn't like how it had to ba achieved. The device would most likely kill the creature from a neuro overload. "I know you don't understand the force or well how much it makes me feel to weild and lose it. To me it's an extension of myself that I've always had. If something was to sever that connection it would be like someone ripping off my ligaments slowly. Its why I need to become stronger so I can protect everyone I can. I want to be strong for our sisters and for the people of the order."
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Camellia Swift"]

They could keep the energy going outwards as her hands rested and Elara was moving through the building now. Her ad Omega avoiding the frenzied croa and were opening doors as they could. The warehouse and area they had been sent to to grab phrik and let the croa out to scour the world well that would serve a purpose to her. She had some ideas and what better place to test out some of their other things then against the massive might of the sith lord as he had the black pearl and the device for Sanya. Though they had a job to do here first she Balaya remained still and let the force swirl around herself.
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"] [member="Balaya Praelior"]

Camellia didn't know what to say in response to everything Sanya just said to her, especially when the other woman was so passionate about it either. In all truthfulness she found everything her love said to her to be too far fetched to ever work out. However, she had no desire to say otherwise to the girl next to her when she felt so strongly about what she was saying. Even with the force, teleporting was just a rather. . . . unreasonable notion to say was possible. Just thinking about it gave the Rendili woman a headache Putting it all aside though, Camellia just smiled at Sanya as she give her fiancee' a gentle squeeze and looked back to the monitors. "Well you're right I don't understand the force, but either way I'm going to tell you to be careful. Regardless of whether or not what you want is possible, right now there is sort of a battle going on, and the aing-tii are generally a dangerous folk to begin with. If you do find one prioritize your safety over their capture."

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