Via Dolorosa
Amans In Tenebris
Only fools, real fools, would mass around a planet that held more hot air and volcanic activity than a crooked politician at a funeral hosted by it's counter-party. Only fools would look through the holonet, believing a planet that was filled with volcanoes, ash ridden skies, and barely breathable air could ever constitute the offset of resources to claim it. Fools, well, everyone loves fools.
Aboard the warship Nebula, Darth Venefica, not a fool but a well known strategist, stared out the viewport at the planet before her. Memories and tribulations came flowing back into the unstable mind of the Sith Lady. Her eyes had looked upon countless world, minutes before the first One Sith missile was launched. However, she was not here leading that juggernaut into a battle; or more aptly put, leading the citizens below into a life of slavery and wholesale solitude.
Trouble and impending catastrophe was lending an abusive hand to the inhabitants of the planet; a threat that was easily averted if those wearing the right frame of mind could react quickly. Reports and pleas flooded the transmission beacons around Kesh, as countless voices rang together in a pleading song for assistance. The highly trained enviromental experts assessed the situation; all agreeing that intervention was the only proper course of action.
Objective 1: Find evidence of the Makezh and the Codex. Discover if all the knowledge was recovered by the Aing- Tii monks. If not, secure them for the BR.
Objective 2: Volcanic activity is at an all time high. Several small villages and towns are threatened with destruction. To show the masses that the BR does in fact care about them.....aid them in any way possible. (Do not kill....but rescue)
Objective #3: During the last great volcanic eruption, several labs where abandoned, leaving various vital information behind. Secure the labs or information for the BR
Objective #4: A rare and unknown virus sits alone in it's vial deep in a volcanic mountain, heavily guarded by frenzy droids. Find the vial and bring back safely to be studied.
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[member="Seras Goto"]
[member="Darth Veles"]
[member="Darth Zarrah"]
[member="Camellia Swift"]
[member="Darth Mudrac"]
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]
[member="Teresa Sin"]
[member="Everyone Else"]