Audrey Thénardier
Crime is a Family Business

Thénardier Estate, Naboo
An grand wide invatation had been sent out throughout the galaxy.Her Ladyship Audrey of House Thénardier extends her greetings to all those reciveing this message. She invites you to attend a private swaray in honor all those who have been called friends, partnerns and associates to the home of the Thénardier family. Food, drink and entertainent will be provided. Dress attire required. The festivities offically begin at Noon. Plus ones allowed; this rule not pertaining to luxury droids. No firearms premitted. Personal escort allowed. Enjoy.
A three days before the party itself was to begin and the entrie estate was put to work to make sure everything was ready for Lady Thénardier's event. The servants were put to work to make sure everything was spit-spot. Others were busy preparing the food, some needing to be ready and/or ordered in advance so that it arrived on time. The droids were cleaned and readied, making sure none would break down or malfunction during the event.
During all this time, however, Lady Thénardier was barley seen around the estate as usual. Anytime she had shown herself it was only to see how the decorations were coming along. She would never utter any other word, only nod or shake her head to indicate how the job was proceeding. Either she was troubled by something, or there was something else going on.
Finally the day of the party had arrived. Everything was set and ready. The main room where the party was to take place had everything prepared for the guests arrival. Tables were set with food and drink while over a dozen servants were dressed and ready to server. Cabbi hands awaited at the small docking port near the estate to handel any of the shuttles and ships the guests arrived in.The room itself was circular and spacious, able to hold all the room for the food tables, separate tables for anyone wishing to sit, an area for the band to set up and start playing, a large potion in the middle for anyone wishing to dance, and finally a table at the front reserved for any and all members of the Thénardier family, with labels indicating who sat where, or other specially invited guests of honor.
Even as the first guests arrived, some low level and high level gang leaders, there had been no sign of Lady Thénardier yet. Any who asked would be given the same excuse that she was still preparing for the party itself.
Even in her room as she changed Audrey only hoped her family members who were present were doing thier best to host the party until her arrival.
@Viviane Thénardier [member="Aedan Thénardier"]s [member="Grayscale"] [member="Cryax Bane"]