Seeing her borther finally bow for once Audrey only watched him with a less-than-convinced look. Despite how nice a gesture this was she knew that he would often say one thing only for it to lead to another. Especially when recalling the last little reuinion they had.
"Just remember that this is my party, Aedan." she blunty stated. "Not some little get-together strung up by mother and the rest of the family so you can make a fool of yourself." After that she'd looked to [member="Grayscale"], hearing his reaction to her statements and then what was said to Viviane. She said again in a blunt tone "Just keep both sides of yourself under control, Mr. Grayscale. Is that understood? I don't pay you to cause havoc at my parties or bother my youngest sister. And you, Vivi, best be careful when making comments to my hirlings. Some can be a bit more dangerous than others."
Before she spoke any further Audrey felt a nudge against her leg, only to look down and see the tiger, Abby, nuzzeling. She smiled a little while reaching down and petting the large cat on the head. She even removed her right hand glove in order to feel the fur brushing against her naked hand. Despite how often her sister overused the wealth of the family she did enjoy her cats, something Audrey could agree with to a degree.
Finally, after finishing with Abby, she turned to [member="Doctor Zendu"] and said "Doctor, I do apologize if you've dealt with any inconviences before my arrival. You don't know how hard it is to slip into something like this while getting your escorts ready." she indicated both herself and the two aliens-in-waiting that were still standing by.
[member="Aedan Thénardier"] [member="Viviane Thénardier"]