Don't worry about it. I'll be charming enough for the both of us."
Well, sarcasm went clear over Iris' head. That was fine, he had plenty of other material to work with. Their objective was serious, but he would make this Jedi crack a smile from his humor if it was the last thing he did. And considering he was tweaking a crime lord's nose, it very well might be. At least he'd die the way he lived: telling bad jokes in tense situations.
Iris' Twi'lek friend gave them a quick run down on what little she knew about a slaving operation, or at least, what little she was willing to reveal. Gatz could understand the need for secrecy when running an organization that thrived on information, but weren't innocent lives worth taking that risk? But then... he didn't know the first thing about these people, or Denon, or how much danger they might be in for just revealing what they had.
So, maybe he shouldn't judge.
Iris turned to leave, but then turned back around when her friend questioned her motives. The small smile the Jedi had been wearing since he met her vanished, and Gatz didn't like what he saw in its place: conflict. Gatz was no savant when it came to sensing emotion in the Force, but he thought he might have been getting traces of fear and sadness from her, and it made his stomach twist itself in knots.
But then Iris reaffirmed her decision, and left too quickly for him to keep up with her. Still, he knew she'd wait for him, so he stopped for a moment to turn to her friend.
I'll bring her back in one piece, you have my word," Gatz tried to reassure her, "
more accurately: she'll probably bring me back in pieces, and have to stitch me back together, but I won't let anything happen to her."
Maybe it was arrogant of him, to think that he could protect a Jedi Knight. But then, he was Gatz Derrevar. "Arrogant" was his middle name. Or at least, like, a nickname. So he felt no shame or embarrassment at his declaration, and hurried out to catch back up with Iris.
Once he had, Gatz had a question of his own, "
hey, I won't question your decision like your friend back there, but are you alright? The last bit of that conversation seemed a little... heavy."
Iris Arani