Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jedi Temple, Coruscant

Night had fallen quickly for the restless skies of Coruscant while Kaleb Sunwalker couldn't sleep. He had tried to go about his daily tasks for weeks, brushing up on assignments, or even seeing if the others required a Knight for the Caldara Crisis far from the Core. He needed to get his mind off the whispers that came to him in dreams, or what the woman. The woman who called herself Ibaris Varanin Ibaris Varanin had told him to seek out the secrets the Jedi would keep hidden from him. She explained, and asked what the Jedi did to the artifacts that Kaleb and Master Eldara would find and bring to the Jedi Temple. He had tried to ignore her words, how she had intrigued him with the possibility the Jedi kept secrets too afraid to access. She sounded as if the Jedi were deliberately keeping dark side knowledge to themselves, for Knights like him were restricted from accessing such delicate knowledge.

He had tried to rationally argue that the secrets accessed by the Masters were wise. She had countered that an artifact collecter like him possessed the wisdom beyond his years, he should have access to all aspects of the Force. Her words had sunk in deeper, even more so as she explained what the Jedi did to the artifacts. Sith Holocrons, Lightsabers, Alchemized items, and ancient scrolls and tomes. The Council had gained it all in order to lock it away within a secret chamber within the Jedi Archives. At first Kaleb was in denial, he told himself that the woman was crazy, but the aura the woman gave said otherwise. She chillingly told him that the greatest knowledge was locked inside the Bogan Collection. She emphasized that only those wise, or brave enough were only allowed to access it. Those that did could overcome the Dark Side and find power the Jedi were too afraid of.

Ever since the conversation would Kaleb toss and turn in his bed every night, he had spent the days feeling an emptiness, a thirst for knowledge, an arrogant feeling to prove himself. He had gone about his routines, studying new territories within the galaxy, learning of the recent histories, lunch, and of course saber practice his most favorite of all activities. All of it was not enough to drive out the words within his mind. He tried to suppress it, to ignore the temptations, or even the idea that the Masters could keep secrets from him. For weeks he tried to carry on as normal, the emptiness growing into a consuming void.


That would end on this night. Kaleb would awaken with his quarters, Ibaris's words echoing into his mind. He couldn't stand it anymore. He couldn't deal with the deception any longer. He looked from his bed to an empty room all around him. A Jedi's quarter's were minimal with a closet, bed, refresher, and a small workspace for repairing equipment, tinkering with Lightsabers, or meditation. Kaleb would grab his brown cloak, fastening his tan robes to his body, pulling the hilt of his saber to him through the Force he would slowly walk out of his room. He gave his room a final look as he stepped out the hallway. There was no going back if he started now. He would close his door, heading off down the corridors, he raised the hood of his cloak hoping not to be seen as he headed towards the Jedi Archives.

He was careful to avoid the Temple guards, or the other Masters and Knights that still remained up at this late hour. Kaleb stuck closely to the shadows, the words of Ibaris echoed over and over again. The glow of holobook cases would greet Kaleb as he entered into the Archives. He would see a couple of Knights lost in studies, a couple of Padawans serving as assistants to the Librarian in managing the Archives, and helping with particular guests. A Zabrak Padawan in his midteens would approach Kaleb beaming with curiosity. "Kaleb! Is there something I can help you find this evening?" Kaleb would stand frozen before the Zabrak Padawan careful not to make his true intentions known. He would appear friendly to the boy with a warm smile. "Not at all Padawan, I know where to look." He said trying to distract the Padawan from prying. "Oh sure, I'll be around if you need anything." The Zabrak Padawan would say with a smile before he went off to his other duties.

Kaleb had no time to breathe a sigh of relief. He had to remember the woman's instructions on how to get in. At first would Kaleb start to tirelessly search along the walls. Going past the various towering holobook shelves as he tried to find anything, a chamber, a door, a passage. Anything he could find to look for this Bogan Collection. He thought back closely to the words said to him, he needed an access card of sorts. The Librarian's key... He had started to realize as he would approach the center of the Archives towards the security desk.

Occupied by a lone Jedi Knight keeping an eye on security Kaleb would hang back in the blue shadows of the Archives. With just a nudge of the Force would Kaleb send a few of the holobooks off the shelves to distract the Knight at the desk. As predicted would the Jedi get up from the desk to investigate the books flying off. Kaleb using the quick distraction would quickly head over to the desk. Looking through the table would he find a single key. Snatching it quickly he would move back to the shelves.

The Jedi Knight would move around the various shelves in the Archives. His frustration would quickly grow as he didn't know where to proceed next. He stood dumbfounded, until he felt a chill creep across his spine. He looked around and noticed the chill coming from a quiet section of the Archives. A corner that no one seemed to go to. He would follow the chill closely until he reached the end of the Archives. Kaleb would see a wall before him, a brow raised as he noticed two panels. One for the access card, and the other was a Force based mechanism similar to the Jedi Holocron Vault.

He would at first slide in the card into it's slot to see a green light appear. The first lock was easy, but the second? Kaleb would focus on the circular lock, and reached his hand open palmed to open it. The mechanism would start to shift from the pull of the Force, and would start to move around. At first the mechanism wouldn't lock into place causing a red symbol to appear. With an exhale would he close his eyes. Focusing on the Force would the mechanism now start to move into motion. The gears would shift into place until a symbol appearing as the Jedi insignia would appear with a green light following soon after.


A hiss of steam would follow as the door opened before Kaleb. The chill had quickly turned into a freeze. His own breath felt cold as he stepped inside. Inside the room was covered in a red and black glow to match the markings of the artifacts. Slowly Kaleb would walk through the room, and all around him were displays of Sith swords, masks, amulets, talismans, tomes, and scrolls. Many of the pieces he recognized as having collected with Master Eldara. What had caught his eye was at the very end of the chamber. A bright glow of crimson that had gained Kaleb's gaze.

Kaleb could hear his name in a chilling whisper. This name would only continue to echo the closer that Kaleb drew near. His eyes mezmerized by the crimson glow. It was a glow that had kept him before. He would now step cautiously, slowly towards the center where the device would lay. His eyes marveled at the pyramid design, the Sith markings etched into it's very design with a crimson glow through it's black structure that seemed to be almost beautiful. He stepped closer, his eyes overtaken by the crimson glow reflecting back to him. He was both in awe, and in fear of the device that whispered his very name. He would stop before the device hesitantly afraid to move any closer. Another whisper of his name sent a chill down his spine. Was he afraid after all? Was Ibaris right about the New Jedi Order? Was she right about him? "No... I am ready for this. These secrets shouldn't be locked away." He said with determination.

He would reach out slowly to touch the Holocron before him. The Stygian Codex, the rumored lost Holocron of Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis was the crown jewel of the Bogan Collection. The Dark Lord of the Sith that nearly brought the Galaxy's to it's knees was here at last. Reunited once more, he slowly reached a finger towards the top of the pyramid. His brief hesitation had felt like an eternity until he had touched the top of the Holocron. His finger was immediately sent recoiling back, as he felt a slight touch of pain only to see a drop of blood on top of the Holocron. The drop of crimson would slowly trickle down the now glowing Holocron as if a sleeping giant had been reawakened. Darkness would be sent rippling from the room throughout the Temple causing a disturbance unlike any other.


TL;DR: Origin Thread for Kaleb Sunwalker involving his fall to the Dark Side, betrayal of the New Jedi Order, and the heist of the Stygian Codex from the Bogan Collection of the Jedi Archives. Looking for NJO members for a fun attempt to stop Kaleb Sunwalker as he betrays his brothers and sisters for a new path, and hoping to provide fun story and character development, as well as possible rivalries for the future.

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Before the books hit the floor, the Chief Librarian was there. She materialized in front of the Knight who had gone to pick them up, startling to poor fellow half to death.

"What did I tell you about leaving your post?" she scolded. Seizing each of the fallen books in her tentacles, she slotted them neatly back onto the shelf.

"Books don't just fall on their own, master," the Knight pointed out. "I had to investigate."

Kass hummed quietly, surveying the area. "I don't see anyone here, and it isn't as if a breeze could've knocked them over..."

The pair returned to his desk, searching for signs of tampering. At first nothing seemed amiss, until the Knight opened a drawer. "The key to the Vault!" he hissed in alarm.

Kass was already moving, speeding through the stacks as fast as her gelatinous body could slither. The hidden vault door hung wide open; a shockwave of Darkness hit her just as she was rounding the corner. Standing in the middle of a host of Sith holocrons, each casting a malevolent red glow upon him, was a bearded man in Jedi robes.

"Halt!" she ordered, adding a mental compulsion to the command. Sometimes the mere sight of her was enough to scare trespassers into submission, but this guy was clearly craftier than the usual snooping student. "Back away from the holocron. Now."


"...And so, I will argue that it was the Second Battle of Obroa-skai, not the Battle of Ebaq 9, was the turning point of the First Yuuzhan Vong War. The decimation of the Vong's sole extragalactic reserve fleet effectively stranded the remaining invaders in the galaxy, sapping them of their boldness..."


"Why does this even matter?", Sazo said idly to nobody in particular, her eyelids drooping as she attempted to finish this treatise on some Pre-Gulag era war. But it was for lecture, and-

A ripple of something...wrong slammed into the Padawan's senses, jolting her back into the world of the living and sending her toppling over head over heels with an indignant squawk(and more then a few reproach looks were sent her way by the more studious Jedi). Now fully awake, Sazo rubbed her head ruefully as she quickly walked away, embarrassed by her display. But as she made her way to the exit of the Archives, she noticed a door open that was not when she came in earlier.

And the Dark Side seeped out of it.

Curiousity won out over good judgment, and Sazo crept in. As she got deeper down hall, she could make out a glowing red room. In the room was the gelatinous form of who could only be Master Cthylla. And a bearded Jedi was standing there...holding a Holocron. Sazo ducked behind a wall, determined to get a better idea of what was happening.

Sazo froze, unable to move a muscle due to the compulsion.

"Back away from the holocron. Now."

Sazo watched with baited breath, frozen to the spot.

Kaleb Sunwalker Kaleb Sunwalker | Kassogtha Cthylla Kassogtha Cthylla


As soon as Kaleb would find the Holocron within reach would he be tempted by the beating crimson light that had glowed through it's obsidian casing as the drop of blood only continued downward on it's surface. Kaleb's eyes were almost fixed in a trance as the pyramid would glow in a slow beating rhythm similar to that of a heart beat. He looked to see the cut made from the sharp point at the top of the Holocron, only to gently grasp the device of evil within his clutches. The Stygian Codex was beautiful in it's craftsmanship. Typical in design as were all Sith Holocrons, this one was distinctive to the dark obsidian color that had encased engravings and markings of the Ancient Sith that was often to reflect the Holocron's maker. Kaleb knew this by his numerous missions in gathering such treasures, and now he couldn't help but be in awe in what he held in his hands, and where he even stood.

The Holocron would once more whisper out to the young Jedi. It was as if the Holocron could sense the curious mind of the Knight, or the arrogant desire of taming the Dark Side itself. His eyes lost in the crimson glow, slowly would he try to attempt to unlock the Holocron. He knew how Jedi Holocrons worked, but only knew little of Sith ones based on what his Master had chosen to tell him. He would try to reach out to the Holocron to see if the Gatekeeper would reveal himself. The crimson glow only continued to illuminate brighter, and brighter as if slowly unlocking itself for it's unexpected visitor.

He would hear a stern, yet familiar voice. Kaleb would turn his attention towards the entrance. His anger was smoldering for a moment, for he forced an impassive look on his face albeit his frustration growing. He would turn to see the stern, and what some would call an "acquired look" For the Master Archivist Cthylla herself. The Holocron was clutched closely to his chest, as he would hear her next words, her stern words held.

"Back away from the holocron. Now."

This caused Kaleb to raise a brow towards the Archivist. His fingers instinctively trailed down the metallic hilt of his Lightsaber almost instinctively. Instead of backing away, and doing as she had instructed would Kaleb do the opposite. Instead, he would hold the Holocron closer to himself, as if entranced by the promise of dark secrets it had to share. How he would show all of them how better he was. He would greet the Librarian with smile as he held the Holocron. "Master Archivist, I seem to have stumbled upon where the artifacts were taken to. How delightful that you have kept such knowledge to yourselves..." What first started off as friendly would end with his last word in a hiss. Weeks of frustration was quickly rising now that Kaleb discovered the truth.

One hand clutched the Stygian Codex to himself, while the other hand was slowly tracing along the hilt of his Lightsaber. The pleasentries slowly started to wear off of Kaleb's face. His frustration slowly being fueled by the darkness that had surrounded the very chamber. "What if I refuse? What will you do? Too long have I been an errand boy collecting this knowledge... Now that i've found it you want to take it from me!?!? NEVER!" Kaleb would say his frustration quickly growing into anger. All the while the Holocron would continue to beat with it's red glow. His face changing into a defiant scowl would he pull the hilt of his saber from his belt only to catch the eyes of another Jedi who appeared behind the Librarian. No... They all wanted to keep the deep secrets of the Force to themselves. Kaleb's anger only kept rising into intensity, as he didn't expect to step aside from the knowledge that he felt was rightfully his. He would show the Librarian, the Masters, all of the Order that he was the greatest Jedi of them all. As his anger grew so did the darkness within his very grasp, sending a chill throughout the chamber of dark artifacts.

Kassogtha Cthylla Kassogtha Cthylla Sazo Vass Sazo Vass

The man only held the holocron closer, possessively. He seemed able to resist the compulsion; others nearby were not, such as the Padawan Sazo Vass Sazo Vass , who became frozen.

"Master Archivist, I seem to have stumbled upon where the artifacts were taken to. How delightful that you have kept such knowledge to yourselves..."

"You could've just put in a loan request rather than breaking into the archives," she pointed out.

"What if I refuse? What will you do? Too long have I been an errand boy collecting this knowledge... Now that I've found it you want to take it from me!?!? NEVER!"

Kass held her ground, though it was difficult for her. She was not naturally suited to conflict; no Pylantian was. But this man was clearly corrupted by the Dark Side, and now posed a danger to both himself and everyone around him. "You are not thinking rationally," she said. "Can you feel how your mind is clouded? You're under the holocron's spell. This is why we keep it locked away. Don't let it control you!"

Kaleb Sunwalker Kaleb Sunwalker
Sazo took in a deep breath, trying to rein in a sense of absolute panic as the situation she had literally walked into sunk in. This man was Bogan- the Dark Side was practically emanating from his pores. This 'room' was not just a room- it was a repository of Bogan. And this man seemed intent on leaving with one.

Even if it meant going through them.

She took another deep breath, attempting center herself. To overcome the compulsion that had frozen her to the spot. Sazo frantically worked through mental catrips and exercises, attempting to loosen the hold of the compulsion. She could only barely mouth it through her teeth, but she could feel her extremities again.

"...D-d-o-n't. T-a-k-e. I...sss... Da-rk...B...B-O..."

Kaleb Sunwalker Kaleb Sunwalker | Kassogtha Cthylla Kassogtha Cthylla
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Kaleb for a moment almost listened to the Master Archivist's own words, she had spoken with reason of how far Kaleb had fallen. Fallen? He had questioned to himself, how could he fall if he believed himself so superior to them all. He had wandered into the most forbidden area of all the Archives, able to withstand the Bogan, or perhaps he was shepherded by it? The Dark Side had beckoned to Kaleb with it's promises of tantalizing secrets that even the Jedi Masters dare not access. For a moment it seemed as if her words had some kind of effect on the young man. He would place his free hand on his forehead as if trying to see through a dark haze. "I-I..." He would pause as he felt his eyes close. Through the darkness would he hear the dark whisper of the Holocron once more. It's voice reached into his very core, as if it was showing Kaleb the truth. How it whispered that Kaleb was foolish to believe the deceptions of the Jedi. That if it could hide away secrets such as the Holocron, would they not also lie to Kaleb.

Kaleb had opened his eyes, his dark gaze showed a fury unlike any other. "No... No more lies, how can I have fallen when I surpassed the darkness? The Bogan didn't take me. It didn't paralyze me!" Kaleb would say triumphantly towards the Master Archivist, emphasizing his point by pointing his index finger towards her direction. "All of you are the same! Chained by the past, unable to look past the histories in order to unlock the larger mysteries." He would raise the obsidian colored Holocron in the Master Archivist's very gaze. He held it up for both her and the Padawan to marvel at it's dark beauty. "Look! I've spent my life hunting for things like this. I alone am living proof of beating the dark side unscathed!" Kaleb would say, as despite his boastful words was an aura of darkness that enveloped the man. His words were cloaked in delusion as the Master Archivist could see, yet Kaleb was too blind by both his delusion, pride, and the dark side itself to realize.

His gaze focused to the Padawan behind the Master Archivist as they succumbed to the Bogan Collection's effects. "See! The Padawan is slowed, while I remain untouched. I am worthy to access this knowledge!" Kaleb shouted his tone oozing with his convictions, as he clutched the Holocron close to him as a guarded treasure. His eyes drifted back towards the Librarian herself. His fingers made the metallic hilt of his Lightsaber visible to her. The hilt lowered, and what followed in seconds was the snap-hiss of the lightsaber as the green blade came alight. Through the silence was the familiar hum of the lightsaber, though now the weapon seemed more sinister than it's peaceful purpose. Slowly would Kaleb raise the glowing green blade towards both of the Jedi before him, while his gaze had focused firmly on the Master Archivist.

"You will stand aside and allow me to pass. I refuse to come quietly to any of you, and any attempts to stop me..." He would pause as his gaze shifted from the Master Archivist to the stunned Padawan next to her. "Will result in... Unforeseen consequences." He said his tone quickly shifting from diplomatic to downright deadly. "Better yet, Master Archivist if you shown me the secret passages out of this Temple, no one may need to get hurt." He said keeping his saber raised in one hand, and the other clutching the Holocron possessively to him. It was clear that Kaleb intended to pass, though he wouldn't leave the chamber, much less the Temple quite so easily with his prize in hand.

Kassogtha Cthylla Kassogtha Cthylla | Sazo Vass Sazo Vass

"You're free," Kass said, releasing the struggling Padawan from the compulsion. It clearly hadn't had any effect on the man it was intended for. <Go find help,> she told the Padawan telepathically. <Find the other Masters, tell them what's happening.>

She kept her eyes focused on the fallen Jedi before her. He was ranting and clearly delusional. But once he pulled out his weapon, igniting his green lightsaber, the threat he posed became all the more serious.

"You think you're in control, but you're not," she said. "I can't let you leave with that holocron. I'm sorry." Only a Pylantian would apologize to the aggressor in a situation like this, but she couldn't help it. Nor could she realistically overpower him if it came down to combat.

So Kass did the only thing she could think of. She used the Force to close the vault door, sealing him inside.

If Sazo could physically do it, she'd start hyperventilating right now. That man looked directly at her, and threatened to murder her if it would expedite his exit from the Temple.

She was helpless. She was helpless, she was going to die here, this crazy schutta was going to gut her like a fish, why was she even here-

"You're free," Kass said, releasing the struggling Padawan from the compulsion. It clearly hadn't had any effect on the man it was intended for. <Go find help,> she told the Padawan telepathically. <Find the other Masters, tell them what's happening.>

Sazo ran as fast as she could, out of the Archives, through the halls, looking for someone, anyone-



Oh, he would definitely work.

"I need your help, some guy's trying to steal a Bogan Holocron I was trying to study in the Archive and I accidentally walked in and Master Cthylla found a guy and did a thing and then I was frozen but the guy wasn't and then he said he'd kill us and then Master Cthylla undid the thing and told me to get help and locked herself in the vault so now I'm here and..."

Sazo paused.

Deep breath.

"Master Noble, somebody is trying to make off with a Bogan Holocron. We need to hurry. Master Cthylla is in danger", Sazo said to Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble .

Kassogtha Cthylla Kassogtha Cthylla | Kaleb Sunwalker Kaleb Sunwalker | Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble
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Kahlil sipped from his #1 Dad mug as he walked through the halls from his office. Today had been a particularly long day of paperwork. Now that the Alliance had signed gender equality into law, he was organizing some Jedi assistance with the enforcing of it. There were bound to be some planetary governments with individuals who thought themselves better than such a rule and sought to oppose it, likely in a violent way.

It was better to get ahead of that, especially with all the other looming threats forming.

He paused midsip as Sazo bounded down the hall towards him. There was only a brief bit of confusion as she spoke, but the key words that stood out were enough for his bewildered expression to calm. He set down his mug on a nearby table. "Evacuate any Padawan's you find and let any other Master you run into know what's going on while you head towards the safe rooms."

Master Cthylla being in danger was either an exaggeration, or meant there was a true threat here in the temple. He'd have to figure out how they got in, since that meant another lapse in security. Were they really growing too lax after the outright destruction just a few years ago? He rushed his way down the hall, pulling his saber from his hip.

Hopefully it was just an exaggeration.

Sazo Vass Sazo Vass | Kaleb Sunwalker Kaleb Sunwalker


Kaleb would narrow his eyes towards the Master Archivist, for he had finally found what he had been looking for, how that woman had been right all along. She had been right about the secrets that were kept from him, how even the darkest knowledge was coveted by the Masters. They would fear what he could do with it, they had feared the potential he could unlock with a powerful Holocron such as this. The hum of his green saber would still persist, as he eyed both the Librarian, and the Padawan that was next to her. He didn't intend for bloodshed, but the Holocron had whispered how he could simply move past them. To use his power and his strength so that he may take as he saw fit. Now he had wanted out of the Temple. He had gained the Holocron, and now he would do anything to be far from a place that were riddled with lies.

Before he could say another word, or even act on his threats would the Librarian look him in the eye, she explained how she couldn't simply let him walk away with the Holocron. Immediately would Kaleb's patience unravel, the diplomatic face had turned into a wrathful scowl upon the Librarian's next words. She would seal him in along with the other dark secrets. She had intended to make him into a part of the collection itself. Before he could protest, would be with a single gesture that the vault doors would start to close. "NO!" Kaleb would yell as he tried to extend an open palm out in an attempt to hold the vault door. There was a sudden pause as the door started to close, but the massive weight caused Kaleb's arm to shake, and his teeth gritted in frustration as he couldn't hold back the door. He tried to tap into his newly harnessed anger, but that did little to hold back the door as the Master Archivist would disappear behind heavy doors, and the blue glow of the Archives shelves would fade leaving only a crimson glow to envelop Kaleb and the vault of artifacts.

His grasp tightened angrily upon the hilt of his Lightsaber. It was only a matter of time before the Masters, the Temple Guards, and the Council would know of his transgressions. No, he refused to let them take him into custody. For a creature backed into a corner, he was quickly running out of options. In desperation would he attempt the access key, only for a resounding red light to appear, he was denied entry out of the Bogan Collection. He could feel the surge of presences awaken to the disturbance of darkness. He could access the Holocron's gatekeeper for a way, but by the time he would be successful the Jedi would be on top of him.

His time and his options were limited. He looked to the vast displays of ancient tomes, scrolls, holocrons, masks, and lightsabers. An idea would come to him, as with his green blade still ignited would Kaleb with a furious stroke of his blade would strike at the display case holding Sith Lightsabers. The display would shatter with shards of glass all over the floor. Kaleb would grip tightly to an ancient looking hilt. Upon having the saber within his grasp would he feel a surge of darkness shoot through his being. The anger he felt before had boiled to rage, what fury the past wielder of the saber held before had remained.

This rage was almost too great for Kaleb to control, but he had no choice in order to escape. Barely able to keep himself contained, hyperventilating as he felt his heart try to leap from his chest. He took a sharp exhale in attempt to contain himself as the red blade of the saber ignited. With a moment of focus would Kaleb reach out with the Force, both sabers flew from his hands, and with a gesture would Kaleb guide the sabers into a downward motion, where the blades would hit the floor. Both Lightsabers had pierced through the floor with sparks flying, with a circular gesture that Kaleb would guide the sabers to cut into a circle around the ground he stood upon. The sabers making a swift circular cut through the floor, would Kaleb find himself falling through the floor from the hidden vault to the level below. He looked around unsure where he was, but kept both sabers, and his prize close to him as he attempted to move forward. Wherever he was now, he would try to flee through the corridors of the Temple to find his way out with both himself, and the Holocron intact, feeling many that were now seeking out the fallen Jedi.

Kassogtha Cthylla Kassogtha Cthylla Sazo Vass Sazo Vass Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble


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