Desmond C'artyom
Space Jockey

NAME: Desmond C'artyom
FACTION: Galactic Empire
RANK: Major
AGE: 19
SEX: Male
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Blue-Gray

+I’m in: Give him a little time and the right tech and he’ll get data ports singing.
+Jellicles Can and Jellicles Do: Much like a feline, Desmond wields stealth as one of his prized assets. If the world were a tabletop RPG, he’d have proficiency in overall stealth and sleight of hand.
+/- Upgraded: Fitted with cybernetics, they are both an asset and a curse. On one hand, cybernetics. On another hand, EMP’s can really mess with his system.
-I could stop at any time: Desmond has a history of self control not exactly being his forte. It’s all or nothing for this one, and more often than not, it’s all.
-The beautiful people: Almost everyone likes a little eye candy from time to time. Desmond, perhaps, likes eye candy a bit too much, so much so that he’d develope a big case of diabetes if this candy was more than metaphorical. But hey, at least it’s a good view.

Humanoid, short black slicked back hair, angular cheeks, square chin, completely red eyes, and gray blue skin. Some even call him good looking with his handsome face and broad shoulders. On the back of his neck is a tattoo of a bird fading into the clouds signifying his former swoop gang rank.

Desmond C’artyom grew up on an ecumenopolis whose name he was too young to know. His father was part of the Chiss expansionary fleet and a high ranking official at that too. He afforded his family to stay in the best of conditions while he was away. One day though, he simply never returned. Desmond's family soon ran out of money and they were forced to move into the lower levels. Desmond became a street urchin, while his mother worked night and day.
Still he held his father dearly in his heart and vowed to make something of himself. For his parents if nobody else. Gangsters recognized the Chiss’s stealthy habits and dubbed him booster as they would ask him to steal something and he would come back with it seemingly easily. Thinking of what he did as simply a game the Chiss enjoyed stealing.
As he grew older he was offered more lucrative jobs and came to realize that his thievery had more potential then he realized. He soon found himself working for larger criminal organizations and finally, one day, the Sith. It was at the battle of Atrisia that the Chiss and his comrades found themselves fighting for a faltering cause. They were swiftly defeated and Des was forced into the Galactic Alliance military. It was this or face imprisonment on the planet of Belsavis.
It didn't take long for the GA to recognize the Csillains natural abilities and he was soon transferred to a black ops company. It was during this time that the Chiss began to remember his vow to his late father. Still he felt he was not quite the man his father would've wanted him to be. So, when Admiral Tanomas Graf came to him with a prestigious position the Chiss could not say no. He accepted and became a commander/special agent in the Imperial navy. But, with the new position came drawbacks that the Chiss had never foreseen.

The Krayt Dragon's Pearl
Pod: Christine
Leader of Inferno One
Special Agent Armor
Imperium Valete Inc.
A stealth bomber
A drone fighter