Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Desolate Waste

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Jack Raxis"]

Matsu gave a nod of her head while she held the blade pointed towards the apprentice and moved slowly. Bringing the blade up in a solid motion that allowed the blade to go up slowly to twist bringing the blade down and hilt up towards the sky. She wanted to gauge his reaction time while she was moving slower with the movements so she could twist her wrist to flow and glide as her foots movement were bringing her forward. "Now I haven't used this style in a while so might not have the best movement at first while I shake the rust off." She said it as a joke but it was true, the last padawan who had wanted to learn Makashi from her was Cassie and she was.... oh yeah a long time ago before the harvesters attacked.
[member="Matsu Ike"]

Jack nodded, waiting for her to come into range. It almost seemed like she was stalling, so he took the lead, walking slowly towards her, blade still stretched directly at her. Each foot moved perfectly, in the tradition of the Mado'ade swordsman. left forwards, right shuffle, left, left, then right. He came just outside of her arm reach and stepped once more.

With a grin inside his helmet he was on her. His wrist rotated in a right parry, aiming to knock her blade aside, and then he stepped again with his leading foot, aiming a quick thrust into her abdomen.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Jack Raxis"]

Matsu was watching the blade as it was coming and she moved her hands with it, letting the contact of the blades remain for as long as possible. She could push it but was going for the flowing water to wrap her blade around. Arms going up to block at the thrust as she adjusted going in a sweep of her foot with the force energy. The sweep moving more of an indent as she adjusted to try and spin up his blade while using the hilt to strike at his hand to rap the knuckles like a school teacher with a student. "Good but makashi is meant to go against saber wielders. Usually allowing them to come into your area of attack and defense rather then going after them."

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