Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Skirmish Desperate Times, Desperate Measures [Commonwealth vs Bryn'adûl]

Allies: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble
Engaging: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus

His heart slammed in his chest, that black thing came like the night with its impossible wings. It was hard to look at, like it didn’t belong - like it made no sense. His breath was caught in his throat, part of him didn’t believe what he was doing. Isolated atop the battlefield, far from home and any form of fellowship. He hoped his friends well, his fellow Jedi. But he would not fight the Sith whilst the Bryn lingered. He couldn’t, his morals wouldn’t allow for it. It was sad, to be strong seemed to mean to be alone. The Jedi Knight took the long-hilted Saber into hand, seconds to go.

“Here goes nothing.” He whispered, his last moment of quiet spirited away as the Saber ignited into an ice-cold blue.

The next breaths that left him, visible as the saber generated an aura of extreme cold. With a quick strike, he slashed the glass window directly in front of him, stepping back as the Dredd came close.

Weyland broke into a sprint, crashing through the window as Tathra’s beast flew by. His hand outstretched, grabbing onto whatever he could as he collided with the Dredd. At first he rolled, sliding down one of its tendrils. The wind forced his eyes nearly shut, his fingers digging into the thorned razor sharp black scales of the creature. He could feel his hand bleeding.
Allies: Sethrak Sethrak | Amunra Khaeus | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma
Intent to Engage: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble | Weyland Castril Weyland Castril

The Dreddikkast shot forward like a bullet, cutting through the enemy ships driven into close quarters of the skyscrapers. They were trapped, hiding from the melting beams of the Ra’maks. The Dredd propelled itself forward, using its many wings like arms as it hacked and slashed at the ships.

Tathra pulled himself against the mount, making his frame as small as possible as debris and fire flew past him. Clearing the smoke and fire, the Dredd flew up away from the city-scape. Even with the battlenet keeping him informed, that still didn’t count for his own eyes on the battle. He needed a better view of the battlefield.
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Allies: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble
Engaging: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus

The Jedi Knight spared no time activating his Lightsaber once again, slowly climbing up the side of the Dreddikkast with saber in hand. The wind made everything shake, the sheer turbulence too much to handle. Weyland had to use the force to keep holding on, he couldn’t let go.

Not now, he was in for the long haul. He had to bring the creature down, or get the Titan off of it. Either way, he could get a surprise of two in from here. Or so he thought, as dozens of eyes on the winged creature looked to him.

Horrible, strange things. He had forgotten about them in the short but intense dogfight in Hrothgar’s low orbit. His instinct? Slash them, the cold blade cut through the Dredd's softer skin with ease.
Allies: Sethrak Sethrak | Amunra Khaeus | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma
Intent to Engage: Weyland Castril Weyland Castril | Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Tathra turned in his mount, aureate gold eyes shifting back at the sound of a Lightsaber igniting. For once, he was completely caught by surprise. He recognised him, and so did the Dredd. He had been at Hrothgar. Perhaps he was alone, perhaps not. They would both find out soon enough.

Tathra took the Axe from his back, attempting to steady himself with one hand as he swung down toward the Jedi attacking the Dredd - nearly losing his balance as he went. Tathra’s free hand grabbing hold of the reins, he yanked hard with the reins, forcing the Dreddikkast to double over.

“Jedi!" He growled through gritted teeth, the Axe glowing as it secreted a vapour of red smoke into the air.

He looked back again, the Jedi was still on his mount - growling he released a wave or red energy at the Jedi from his seated position. Tathra patted the Dreddikkast on the side, commanding it to steady its flight path.
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Post: 2
Allies: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma Keldothera Keldothera
Enemies: Open to anything. The Commonwealth

Sethrak had landed in a hot zone within the city, his troops following close behind him. From there they had carved their way through several groups of enemies. The foe was hiding, using hit and runs, traps, and other forms of Guerilla Warfare against The Bryn. The Warlock a few years ago would have called these tactics cowardly. But he had matured, he had Wisdom now that he didn't have before. He applauded the futile effort and appreciated the tactics that he himself had used before. The Bryn seemed to be getting the upper hand as usual. That being said, the enemy had managed to take back a small area of the city. That's where they are, that's where I'll be. The Warlock told himself, dispatching the last of a small group of foes. Giving a hand motion to signal his forces The Warlock made his way toward the enemies' position.

It felt good to be back in the fray instead of waiting in reserves. Though his temporary "break" had been well deserved and brutally needed. This fight was giving him a completely new will to make things happen. When he took the break the battles had started to merge. Each one had been the same as the one before. There was nothing new and the Warlock had been drained of energy. His will had been broken. But today felt like some of his first fights...adrenaline pumped through his veins, he wanted to fight. He wanted to continue the Bryn's ultimate goal.

It felt good and when this fight was over he knew he would be ready to take charge of his planets and fulfil his duties as a Warlord of The Bryn.

So the reinvigorated Warlock walked with pride, ready to dominate the foes ahead.

Whirlwind of the Cosmic Force
Location: Dubrava
Tags: Skajin var Imret Skajin var Imret

He felt the rage, the impudent rage of a weakling. The Primarch watched intently as the Kubaz listened to what he, the superior force user had to say, But it went in one ear and out the other. He would not listen, but Drek'ma already knew that. When the Kubaz raised its weapon, the Primarch called upon the well of force from within - white energy shaping from the pearl in the head of his Staff.

A transparent shield of force energy formed ahead of him, blocking the disruptor rounds. His tongue slithered between his teeth as he lowered the barrier, slowly beginning to walk toward the Kubaz with a patient and confident arrogance only a Draelvasier could have.

"Do not resist, you crawled out of the blackened hole of your home. But - your powers are inconsequential." He explained, calmly - raising his off-hand.

From his palm, a singular tendril of lightning, smaller streams of energy interlinking round the main beam; darted across the distance between them toward the Kubaz, chest. His left hand, pulling back with his Staff to prepare his second attack.

"Compared to mine."
The electrical discharge threw Skajin skidding along the huge beast and locked his body in a silent shriek. The disruptor tumbled away. The armor handled the impact well, gave him the breathing room to get up again. Hate drove him to his feet. This being, this monster, had helped eradicate Skajin's entire civilization. Dying to kill him would be a worthwhile trade.

As Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma conjured his followup strike, whatever it was, Skajin dug deep. His learning had been esoteric, nonstandard, largely self-directed. One ability that had come his way stemmed from the fallen Jedi splinter group, the Vindicators - assassins and heretics. Their signature kill was the self-inflicted kind: Memory Walk, the reawakened conscience, guilt and grief strong enough to cause suicide in seconds.

Skajin had no idea whether the technique could work on a Drael dark lord. But Drek'ma wasn't the target.

The gigantic M'gaelak siege tower bucked and roared like a brutal earthquake. The Drael had removed and replaced much of its central nervous system, but Skajin's will spiked into what remained at the physical level, and the beast's tormented spirit as well. Doubtless its Drael controllers would be working to regain control. But for the M'gaelak, life just was not worth living. In fact quite the opposite.

The titanic beast tipped and fell, perhaps a stumble, perhaps just trying to ram its sensory organs into the ground. The carapace slanted drastically, steeper by the moment. Skajin stuck his vibroblade in it and held on for dear life.
Whirlwind of the Cosmic Force
Location: Dubrava
Tags: Skajin var Imret Skajin var Imret

Drek'ma felt the ground shake underneath his feet. Something was wrong, and he could feel it. The intense anguish exploded from the M'gaelak outward like a thought bomb that affected all the Shamans within. He felt the crown dip as the Siege Tower struggled to stay afoot. The Shamans were fighting for control, but whatever fragment of the M'gaelak the Kubaz had reached - it was fuelled by the rage of a extinct race.

The Kubaz had poured his malice into it, and Drek'ma knew he could not control it. The decision was made, as the Siege Tower thrust its own two front tendrils into itself, releasing a blood curdling roar as it's two arms crushed the command centre and what remained of its functioning organs. The Gunboats stored in its exterior bays rushed to escape as the legs collapsed under their own weight - the massive crown slipping further as the Siege Tower came crashing down into the streets below.

Thrown off balance, Drek'ma did not have time to fire off his second attack. Instead, he had to focus on his own survival. The Primarch summoned the force, teleporting himself out of a lethal drop to reappear wherever he sensed the Kubaz.

The frail creature had caused enough trouble.
Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma

Skajin's location happened to be a little way downhill, sliding fast. The living siege tower had stood half a kilometer tall before it died by suicide. Now its seven-hundred-meter-wide carapace had tilted at a steep angle, a recently-living mountainside. Unless Skajin teleported or grabbed something, he had a long slide ahead of him, hundreds of meters' worth. His armor was specced to survive extreme heat and melee combat against Draelvasier; he liked his odds.

The Shaman appeared nearby, and he had a good chance of tumbling down the steep carapace too.

Skajin had momentum already. As he skidded along feet-first, he rolled onto his stomach and aimed uphill. He'd lost his disruptor: just now his weapon of choice was the dart launcher in each bracer. A pair of little monomolecular-tipped armor-piercing darts slashed uphill, bearing enough poison to harm or kill even a Drael.

Just plain chucking darts at someone like Drek'ma wouldn't work. Except, perhaps, when that someone expected a reasonable battlefield and teleported onto a steep, heaving, chitinous mountainside.

Beneath Skajin's helmet, his trunk wrinkled in a sneer of hate.
Allies: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble
Engaging: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus

Weyland slashed at the beast with his blade, the air making it hard to keep still as the Dreddikkast danced through the sky like an impossible black terror. He deactivated his saber, trying to climb up the creature to reach Tathra as the Axe came swinging down. Weyland hugged the side of the creature, crying out in surprise as he narrowly avoided the crimson blade. He felt his heart nearly explode, fear from the pit of his stomach screaming to let go, to run away while he still could.

But there was no chance of that, even as the Dredd climbed higher and higher and the battle below turned into a skirmish of ants-sized warriors. There was no turning back, not for him or Tathra.

Another strike came, a ribbon of red energy coming down on him. Weyland rolled on his back, moving out of the way of the strike, cutting his hand on the hide - wincing in pain. The force fuelled every strained muscle in his body, fighting just to hold on.

Weyland took the saber into hand, and stabbed the blade into the centre of the Dredd.
Allies: Sethrak Sethrak | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma | Amunra Khaeus
Intent to Engage: Weyland Castril Weyland Castril |

The Dreddikkast cried out in pain as the ice cold blade of blue energy cut into its flesh. Tathra was nearly thrown from the saddle as it dipped low, wind in his face as his hands tightened round both Axe and rein. The wings of the Dredd became near solid, tensing as pain cut through its back like a dagger. His mount couldn't keep upright, dropping into a steep freefall.

Enough was enough. This was the second time this Jedi had wanted him dead, trying to take him out of the sky, the Titan would give him the fight he so desperately wanted. Red energy oozed from the Axe's blade, shooting upward in the air like smoke from a crashing ship.

Tathra turned around in the saddle, pulling both of his legs up over it to turn on his stomach as he used his free hand to climb up the spines of the Dreddikkast. Golden eyes peered up at the Jedi now above him.

"COME ON!" He barked his challenge.

Post: 3
Allies: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma Keldothera Keldothera
Enemies: Open to anything. The Commonwealth

Sure enough the foe had taken a section of the city back. It wasn't enough to worry The Assaulting Bryn, but it was enough that there would be a fight to take it back. Sethrak had arrived moments ago with his Drael from Lothal ready to crush the foe. Now he and his men were not so confident as the foe had more men and better positioning than he had imagined. Irritating.

The Warlock called out to The Force, asking, or rather commanding it to aid his allies. It would give them more strength, more energy, and it would make them more alert. Sure enough the Drael seemed to move quicker, shifting from cover to cover like a well-oiled gear. Their shots were more accurate as the foes behind glowing-hot cover were now mowed down. Still they were many, and they had the better position. No enhancements, natural or not, would be enough to dislodge the foe.

The Warlock hunkered down, unable to continue channeling the Force while dodging blasterfire at the same time. "Troops, advance with haste, don't let the enemy continue to send replacements for those that we have struck down!"

How boring
The Warlock thought to himself. He was a Warlock but he never acted like one. He hated sitting out of fights while others seeked the glory and honor. He wondered how the other Warlocks managed to watch other Drael take victory after victory that they likely wouldn't have claimed without the enhancement from the Warlocks themselves. The power was his and the rewards of honor and glory should be his.

He had had enough. Quickly he dropped his focus and sprinted toward the battle. Glory awaited.
Whirlwind of the Cosmic Force
Location: Dubrava
Tags: Skajin var Imret Skajin var Imret

He had expected to teleport onto solid ground wherever the Kubaz had fallen, how he had not predicted that the assassin would linger here as he had clung to life before. An arrogant oversight on his part, rematerializing into a steep fall where he had expected solid ground.

He gasped as his feet slipped, two small projectiles coming for him as he attempted to roll aside, dodging one but catching another in his ankle. The Aeravalin snarled, gritting his teeth in pain at the feeling of the dart in his ankle.

As they continued to slide, he reached out with the force at the Kubaz. Drek'ma could already feel, something - poision perhaps. He had had enough. He would attempt a more direct method of neutralisation, using the force to
stop his opponents heart.
The reason Forcers didn't go around ripping out each other's guts at range was that a decently trained Force user had an innate defensive aura. Circumstances could throw all kinds of wrenches into the works. Both the caster and the target skidding down a chitin mountain definitely qualified as 'circumstances.'

What tipped the scales was that this was not Skajin's first heart attack.

He went into an uncontrolled tumble, pinballing through gigantic downsloped shell spines. The armor was designed to handle severe blunt trauma. Otherwise he'd have been, well, dead. He came to rest a good fifty meters from the bottom, caught in broken shell and twisted skyscraper.

Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma
Wearing: The Morpheus Chitin

Armed with: The Sword of Cinndurr

Psychic Lightsaber

Crime Hunters Pistol (Cryonic Configuration)

With: Syd Celsius Syd Celsius (Syd's Equipment: 90 Suit, Wind and Fire Wheels)

Nuetralizer Prototype

Nuetralizer Model 1 (007 Thousand)

007 hours prior to invasion of Dubrava.

She had barely gotten permission in time from the ones in charge of Dubrava to employ her sons in battle.

She had only been given the go ahead at the last moment, when it was clear the only other choice was to let the Bryn'adul run roughshod over Dubrava. Her frustration towards The Jedi only grew the more they focused all their attention on the Sith. Why couldn't they understand what was at stake? The Bryn'adul destroyed everything they set their hands to.

The NIO and the damned GA had had her so busy with their bullchit it was all she could to focus on the real threat.

Nine's foundries had started pumping out more Nuetralizers, and a fresh batch had been sent after final approval.

Laertia had finally had time to repair her single most powerful armor. It was the same armor she had worn when slaughtering Draelvasir at Yurb and Nar Kreeta. They would remember its stern silvery and ornate appearance as it ripped their heads from their spine and cut through their armor.

She had a perfect Weapon for cutting. One even she feared.

She had carefully cracked open its amber prison, removing a heavily scorched and blackened hilt. A dual vented Lightsaber.

She felt the arcane power within hungrily reach out to her spirit, shuddering in delight as she grasped it.

Julia my whispered.

"That blade..."

Laertia spun around, clad in the black armorweave body glove she wore for heavy power armors. Syd stood behind her in her dark blue and gold skintight catsuit. Ready to head out and fight.

Her Force Presence in such close proximity instantly brought relief to Laertia's agitated soul, wrapping itself in the warmth.

"May I see it?"

"Its not safe..." Laertia replied. "To be honest, I'm kinda scared of it."

"I'll be careful..." Syd assured her.

Laertia hesitated a moment before handing it to her.

Syd's flesh ripple unnaturally as she grasped it, closing her eyes, taken aback at the sheer power of the crystal inside, as well as the fact the energy resonated so much, its magic shifting the color of her hair from a matching dark chestnut with Laertia to its old orange red.

"This...this was made by me...but I have no memory of it." Syd said, astonished. "Where did you get this?"

"It was awarded to me for helping defend Atrisia from the Sith Lord Mythos. I have no idea where they got it, or why they would part with it. I wanted to follow up on that for so long. But in between fighting the fething NIO and trying to ensure the production of as many of my sons as possible, I just haven't had the time...but you're certain you made the crystal inside?"

"Ninety percent certain..." Syd confessed. She floated over to it.

"This blade...Surt'r's blade...those swords we uncovered at Atrisia..." Syd trailed, handing it back after the hilt got warm.

"Don't you see...they are all signs. Signs of a shared fate." Syd said. "I promise we will get to the bottom of both of them. Do you trust me still?"

"Implicitly..." Laertia said without doubt, her organic eye mutated a twisted Bronze and Green. She stepped towards Syd.

"Do you trust me?" Laertia asked.


Laertia concentrated, twisting the Light inside of her to her will, manifesting a dark blue sphere of energy in her palm meant to absorb attacks from The Dark Side...

Syd stared at it. "You've gotten more training from your benefactor...I do hope you will introduce me to whoever it is someday...I have...questions..."

"I'll introduce them...and soon..." Laertia promised. "But...would you be willing to try and learn something of what I learned so far?"

"'re asking me to do something with the Force that I swore I wouldn't do ever again."

"We already diverted from 'their' path. Does it really matter how we use the Light at this point."

"I feel it does, yes...when you twist the Force instead of being guided by it...there is great tragedy and danger in walking such a path...even if its the Light you are using to do so like your benefactor has somehow learned to..."

"We twisted the Force and manipulated it for years as Jedi. Every Jedi manipulates and twists it to their own ends, whether they have the guts to openly admit it or not, they twist it to fit preconceived notions of what the Light is and act as though those notions are justified. I'm just doing it semi-openly."

"I can't..." Syd spoke. " Starlin Rand Starlin Rand is still being taught by me. It would destroy the boy's trust if I did such a thing. Magic is enough off the beaten path. are on a 'very' dangerous path...please don't be so quick to use this power..." Syd pleaded softly, touching Laertia's face. "There is no need to break 'every' boundary to achieve victory."

"I know. But I'm willing break as many boundaries as necessary."

"I don't see things as being so desperate as for me to break 'that' boundary. Not when I'm responsible for Starlin's training. I'm sorry...I do trust you, Laertia. I do. But I can't...I can't bring myself to do that again. Not when it would put my student at an unacceptable level of risk from me..."

"You're afraid of yourself..." Laertia realized.

"You've seen what I'm capable of. I have every reason to be afraid of that scenario...and...and if you knew half the chit I was guilty of..." Syd said, looking away from Laertia in shame. "You would be too..."

Laertia knew Syd enough by that point to know she wouldn't budge. Syd took what had happened at Dantooine with Starlin deadly serious in terms of failure. Laertia understood. She had her Sons and Daughters in the Nuetralizers. Syd had the closest to a Son she could get in Starlin. She refused to do anything to jeopardize her Padawan more than she had to to further his training. Laertia sympathized. Starlin was a good guy. She felt responsible for what happened to him at Dantooine also.

Laertia nodded in understanding. Syd had stuck with her even as her Jedi body count mounted. Laertia didn't want all that Jedi blood on her hands but they hadn't left her a choice except to back away and feth everyone over fighting the Sith while the actual threat was paid virtually no heed...

"Alright..." Laertia replied reassuringly.

"I'm worried about you. All the people you've killed...I never wanted us to fight other Jedi..."

"They decided to be part of the problem..." Laertia said. "It was the choice of Ryv Karis to lead those people to Dantooine and all those planets instead of focusing on those who murdered Nar Kreeta."

"Just as it was our choice to kill them for refusing to see reason...we are not blameless..." Syd tersely reminded her. "We will have to answer for our actions against them. Against all of them. Someday.

"Someday." Laertia agreed. "But not today."

"Twisting the Force like this is dangerous to your spirit, Laertia. I mean that. I can't force you not to use it. But the risks of it turning you into something you don't want to be are dangerously high."

"I have spent my whole life being something I don't want to be. If I could do it all over again? I'd have been a Veterinarian. I wouldn't have all these deaths I'll pay for in the hereafter. Even if they were Sith deaths I'll still pay for those. There's no escaping that punishment, no matter how twisted my working of the Force gets." Laertia replied. "I'm fully aware of the consequences."

Syd nodded. "Please be careful...don't lose yourself to this power. You might not be able to climb back on your own..."

Syd floated out of the Gozanti Cruiser's armory.

Laertia sat on a bench, running her hands through her hair. Then she went over to the cabinet containing a finished Prototype. One she hadn't yet activated despite having finished all final checks months prior due to the need to get the Model 1's up and running, and fast.

The Bronze Colored Chassis of the heavily armored Skeleton gleamed in the light. Laertia used her ionization abilities to activate its Circuitry.

Green Photoreceptors activated.

"Status?" It asked in a deep electronic tone.

"General and First Son." Laertia answered.

"Mother Designate?" It asked.

"Laertia Io." Laertia answered, stroking the cheekbone of its nightmarish skeletal face.


"Mission?" Laertia repeated. "We go to war my dear Hadrian. We're going to war."

The Prototype raised both its arms and clenched its fist in a maniacal gesture.

"WAAARRRRRRR..." it called out in a murderous drone. (DREDD?! NO!!: 2000 XP)


They had entered the system as large cargo hawlers making a last minute delivery just two hours before the arrival of the ships, and had wasted no time deploying its Cargo.

If it hadn't been for the fact the Dubrava authorities had permitted the delivery, everyone working at the docks would have fled in terror at the sight of the Silvery skeletons armed with T-7 Ion Disruptors and modified for stealth field generators for this mission, Headed by Laertia, Syd, and the golden skeleton. The Machines began to set up defensive positions, ambush sites. The goal was to murder as many Bryn'adul as possible and draw as much heat on themselves as they could. 700 were sent to reinforce Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble . Hopefully he wouldn't look a gift ronto in the mouth when they arrived.

Laertia sent 500 Nuetralizers during the prep time to Gial Goldarr 's location just to bolster his defense forces, sending an encoded notification beforehand explaining their presence. It was all she could spare him. They would likely arrive by the time the enemy was about to attack. A thousand were spread in heavily armed squads to reinforce the We Who Survive factions that Skajin var Imret Skajin var Imret and Laertia were members of. She sent messages ahead of time to make certain it wasn't her sons who got shot at by them instead. Others were distributed at the most likely areas for Bryn'adul to attack, keeping in hiding until the time was absolutely right. Special attention would be paid to assaulting and destroying siege towers and attacking gunboats that landed.

They didn't strike until the Bryn'adul were in line of sight. They opened up with rocket fire against the gunboats ambushing Bryn'adul in the streets, using all the terrible, horrifying weapons they were equipped with in their chassis, exposing Warriors to Death at their hands by various means, very effective at ambushes. Some Draelvasir bit it from the Cryonic Laser in one limb, the long range sonic Disruptor, or the bio assault sprayers in their chest that turned them to goo. Bryn'adul began to die in droves as other Nuetralizers opened them up to Volley fire from both Stouker Concussion Rifles and Ion Disruptors. A stealthed Force of a hundred and fifty of the Robots were headed to the position Keldothera Keldothera and Amunra Khaeus were currently positioned, keen on attempting to assassinate High Value Targets as they moved in stealth fields, avoiding combat until there was literally no other way. Fifty diverged, taking up positions in ruined buildings armed with chainguns and Grenade Launchers, preparing their attack very carefully, letting Draelvasir and Juggernauts pass by until the time was right.

As the Juggernauts opened set up what looked like an FOB, one Nuetralizer snuck up and planted a charge on what looked to be ammo containers, then snuck away and then got the signal to detonate it.

The blast was horrific, immediately killing two Juggernauts, stopping their unrestrained slaughter of other guerillas for a moment, before they were bombarded with disruptor fire and expertly thrown cryo grenades and well aimed cryo lasers as the murderous robots at last revealed themselves, not one of them joking or doing anything except killing the enemy they were built to destroy. The Nuetralizers hungered to kill all Bryn'adul, and exterminate their species down to the youngest member. They were not here to feth around like they did to other enemies. Here their desire to murder-death-kill was overwhelming and had rendered them Ax-Crazy to kill every enemy fighting here.

A large number of Nuetralizers lay saturating fire on the Juggernauts near the base being set up, intent on storming it and killing any commanding officers they could find, some engaging them in hand to hand combat and killing them as painfully as they could, rockets hitting and exploding the gun boats near them as they got closer, slaughtering any Juggernaut that came after them.

"NUETRALIZERS SUPERIOR, BRYN'ADUL INFERIOR..." The Skeletal Robots called out as they marched ever closer to the perimeter of the landing zone with heavy machinegun and grenade rifle fire...


Laertia and a thousand Nuetralizers along with Syd and her 'Firstborn' Hadrian fought violently through the streets, Syd's flames creating vast and terrible tornadoes that sweapt into the streets ahead, hitting Draelvasir, forcing flames into their orifices to burn them from the inside out, Laertia's blade savagely hacking apart even the best armor they had, her beloved Sons proving their worth as Hadrian rained unholy hell on the enemy above and below, expertly coordinating their fire to inflict maximum casualties, the shock and awe surprise attack seemed to be doing well so far...only a few Nuetralizers had fallen in battle so far, but not before killing a few dozen each.

Hadrian seemed to be testing his weapons out piece by piece, getting a feel for blasting apart Bryn'adul.

Laertia winced. Her student was in trouble...

"SYD!" Laertia called out as she tore a Juggernaut's head off. "Skajin's in trouble!"

"I've got it covered!" Syd yelled, blasting more flames from her throat as she killed everything in front of her, dodging ranged fire and the infamous spikes that had nearly killed Starlin on Nar Kreeta.

Laertia withdrew from the frontline, flanked by her sons as they engaged in protracted urban warfare, taking a speederbike.

I'm coming Skajin. Hold on...she called out to him in the Force as she rocketed into the sky with her bike, gunning it at top speed while Syd and her Sons continued fighting below...

Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus

Sethrak Sethrak
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Allies: Skajin var Imret Skajin var Imret | Laertia Io Laertia Io | Gial Goldarr | Weyland Castril Weyland Castril
Foes: Sethrak Sethrak | Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus | Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma | Keldothera Keldothera | Amunra Khaeus
Goals: Survive

The line constantly moved farther and farther back. The Bryn were relentless. Powerful. And Kahlil wasn't a killer. He defended his troops, but his style of fighting was just that. Defense. That wasn't to say he didn't cut any of these large monsters down as they got too close. Just that he wasn't actively seeking them out to fight. It was a war of attrition.

And ultimately they had no reinforcements.

Kahlil's blade flashed through another of the Bryn as they got too close, cutting a line through their chest and letting the body fall beside him as another rapidly approached. There was no rest. No chance to recover or take a breath. And he was getting tired. He wouldn't last much longer at this rate. He caught a heavy strike, barely deflecting it away before sending his hand out. A raw blast sent several of the large figures flying back, but it didn't buy him any time.

Another had charged forward.

He hissed under his breath as his saber caught another heavy blow. Then fire erupted around him. No, ahead of him. The Jedi blinked in surprise as the seemingly endless hoard was ravaged. "Wha-" His blade cut through this last trooper before he turned to see these Neutralizers emerging from the tree line. Kahlil grimaced.

Mechanical skeletons wasn't something he particularly enjoyed seeing walking towards him, but it was welcome. The small squad of guerillas didn't seem to be as bothered, cheering as the Bryn was held off, at least for the moment.

"Alright! Reinforce the droids and keep the line held. They push us back no farther until it's time to leave!"
Allies: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble
Engaging: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus

Tathra was coming for him, and he needed to get him off of this bird. Weyland rose, using the force to keep balance himself as the Chieftain challenged him. Weyland began to gather the force within him, holding his Staff behind him as he outstretched his empty palm forward - energy flowing through him.


He waited for the Titan to come running, and would release a telekinetic strike to the Dredd powerful enough to throw them both from it

Or, he'd try at least.

Post: 4
Allies: Tathra Khaeus Tathra Khaeus Primarch Drek'ma Primarch Drek'ma Keldothera Keldothera
Enemies: Open to anything. The Commonwealth

Sethrak felt much better in the fray, The Force enhancing his strength, speed, and agility rather than his allies' traits. It seemed that they were now making progress against the entrenched foe. There was a long battle ahead. Sethrak wasn't going to enhance his allies with The Force, but he could certainly lead by example. Perhaps a series of lightning quick kills would inspire his troops to fight harder.

So the Warlock locked his focus on a lightly armored foe armed with a blaster rifle. Within a millisecond he had reached the foe, picking him up by the throat and ramming his Khukri through the man. Quickly he tossed the limp body aside, finding another opponent. This one was a Wookie. Certainly a worthy foe. The Warlock sprinted toward the beast, striking at its' chest only to be denied the kill by a vibroblade. Before he could return to a defensive stance a scaled foot rammed into his left ribcage from his side, sending him stumbling back a few feet.

A trandoshan. A surprise, certainly, from what Sethrak knew of his opponents Wookies and Trandoshans hated each other. A valiant effort, but a futile one...these mighty foes would be the example to inspire the Drael. The Trandoshan swooped in for another strike using its' clawed hand. Sethrak wasn't having it as he quickly raised his Khukri, slicing the arm clean off as the trandoshan howled in agony. Rather than finishing the weakened foe Sethrak instead feinted in its' direction then lunged at the wookie. His blade met the wookie, a clean cut signalled the death of the wookie.

The trandoshan was back again. Sethrak didn't waste his time with the beast. He had already beaten it. He allowed it to get within a few yards, then lifting his left arm toward the trandoshan he emitted a blast of lightning, frying the reptile. Surely his display of combat prowess would encourage his troops.

The question was, how did the results compare to those of The Force?
Whirlwind of the Cosmic Force
Location: Dubrava
Tags: Skajin var Imret Skajin var Imret |

The Primarch continued on the descent, watching as the Kubaz reacted to his attack. It seemed the Primarch's attack had found success as the kubaz began to roll, limp only to be caught between the broken scalp of the M'gaelak and the Skyscraper.

The energy of the force surged through the orbs built into his armour, offering him a greater reserve of power in the force. It combined with his Stave, maybe his adopted abilities much easier. He teleported blind into an adjacent part of the skyscraper from where the kubaz was still visible.

As he found duracrete under his feet, he felt the poison building. He seethed with anger as pain took his struck leg from him, reaching behind himself to remove the dart with a cry of effort. He would turn his attention back to the Kubaz now.
Syd and the golden Nuetralizer Hadrian pressed the attack, flames and Ion Disruptor bolts ripping into Bryn, killing them in savagely painful and agonizing manners that were 'not' quick.

Hadrian was observing the fighting patterns of the Bryn'adul, a miasma of the naked urge to destroy, spliced by splashes of fear on murdered faces. The Nuetralizers were relentless and brutal and cruel in dispatching the enemy they had been literally created to destroy.

The Golden Nuetralizer had been enjoying himself so far, Its Incinerator rifle on its shoulder mount, tastefully concealed in its Phrik Matrix Armored chassis, setting them ablaze, its micro grenade launcher on its other shoulder lobbing cryo grenades that flash froze Bryn'adul flesh, the Cryonic Laser mounts subjecting them to great agony (Laertia had been adamant in her designs about her sons being able to inflict maximum terror and agony to any opponent they were told to kill.) And right at that moment nearly all of their processing power was going to inflicting that on the Bryn'adul, trying to buy enough time for an evacuation.

The designated friendly known as Syd only occupied a few of his thoughts as the golden Nuetralizer emptied his Ion Disruptor from behind cover. But she would have made a good Nuetralizer in Hadrian's eyes. She possessed their level of unrelenting destructive instinct, let loose and wild in a way mechanical joints would never allow him or his brothers to.

Troublingly, he detected an eighty percent similarity to a preprogrammed target in his database. One for whom Kill-On-Sight orders had been temporarily suspended.

Hadrian thought it unusual Syd was so similar to The Amalgam. Was that why Laertia kept her around? Indirectly studying how to kill her real enemy by remaining in close proximity to a subject so similar to her intended target. If that was the case, he was gathering massive amounts of combat data for when the Kill-Restriction on the Amalgam was eventually lifted...

Syd for her part could feel the stress Laertia was under more than ever as she attacked The Bryn'adul in her burning path. Her flames spread, reaching and burning the flesh of the invaders, Sabers ripping and slashing into their defenses. Some were quick, blocking her blades, but once she started using what turned out to be extensive hand to hand combat knowledge in conjunction with her Lightsabers, whispering a spell to enhance her strength as she fought with demonic brutality against an enemy that reminded her of her own depravity as Darth Phyre.

Even with all the terrible, morally questionable things she was involved in by supporting Laertia, she had no regrets slaughtering these feths. Seeing what they did brought up scattered fragments of Phyre's worst acts. Syd genuinely believed defeating the Bryn'adul would enable her to atone on some level for all the butchery and insanity Phyre had inflicted during the Plague Era.

Syd's flesh rippled as she roasted enemies in fire tornados, flying past weapons fire to violently butcher more Bryn'adul, rallying guerillas...


Near the position Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble and his own Militia were busy backing up the Nuetralizers that had come to their aid. The Robots had already dug in and sorted out more defense positions, actively aiding the Militia to fight better, advising on biological weakpoints they had discovered so the Militia knew what to target on the bodies of their enemies.

Four of the lethal silver Skeletons approached Kahlil, armed with Heavy Machine Guns.

"Master Jedi, The Black Knight has commanded us to aid all Force Adepts currently engaged in Anti-Bryn'adul efforts. We stand by ready to personally assist you as an elite unit."

(Cutaway of Clone Troopers being shipped to Geonosis.)

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