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Populate Devastation of Nirauan | NIO | Populate of Ansion





The Devastation of Nirauan was swift and unexpected.

Brought upon the New Imperials through the machinations of the Sith'ari, Darth Solipsis, the onslaught of the Maw delivered a taste of true desolation to the heart of the Empire, transforming the former throne world into a hellish warzone. The defenders of Nirauan fought valiantly to repel the Mawite assault, their efforts further bolstered by the arrival of an Imperial Battlegroup led by none other than the Iron Emperor himself. Their efforts to defend the planet did not go unnoticed, as the savage hordes of the Maw perished by the thousands, leaving mounds of decaying corpses for every inch of city block they took.

Pandemonium would reign supreme, and Nirauan would lie in ruins once the fighting had surpassed the zenith of its intensity. While the combined Imperial battlegroup regroups on the edge of the system, large remnants of the Nirauan Sector Army remain on the world, entrenching themselves within the broken ruins of New Carannia until a counter-attack could be launched. Their situation remains desperate, in spite of their unyielding spirit of defiance, yet still, they hold on, intent on defending both their homes and the unevacuated civilians left behind in the chaos.


The desperate defenders of New Carannia hold out against all odds, entrenched in sporadic pockets across the crumbling cityscape of New Carannia. Fighting tooth-and-nail for their survival, and to protect the pockets of civilians who remain in their protection, the defenders of Nirauan have held against all odds after the bulk of Imperial forces were retreated off-world to consolidate their fighting strength. With both supplies and fighting manpower dwindling, their exterior defense lines have finally begun to show signs of faltering after several weeks of persistent attacks and bombardments by the forces of the Maw.

Fortunately for them, Hope arrives, and not a moment too late.

Imperial reinforcements arrive on the world, spearheaded by Lord Commander Erskine Barran, and Lord Dante Corvus of the Myrmidons. Barran's Counter-attack aims to shatter their momentum in one fell swoop, divided into a hammer and anvil maneuver. The hammer of Lord Barran's counter-attack aims to strike the Mawite forces with everything the reinforcing Imperials have, whilst the anvil under Lord Dante rapidly deploys from orbit, reinforcing the defenders' positions, and trapping the marauding forces of the Maw within a deadly pincer.


While the bulk of the Imperial battlegroup engages the Brotherhood's forces in the city, a separate task force of Imperial Knights and Special Forces descends upon the Hand of Thrawn to rid the proud fortress of the Brotherhood's taint. Tempted by the rumors of force artifacts and long-forgotten cloning technology, the corrupting presence of the Sith becomes evident to the advancing New Imperials. Seeking to not just cleanse the fortress, but to deliver vindication upon the Sith present, the Iron Emperor along with his half-brother Lucien, launch an all-out assault upon the Sith and their subordinates, intent on wiping them out thoroughly to the last.



New Carannia remains in an almost permanent state of chaos in the aftermath of the invasion. Unevacuated civilians require medical aid and protection, trapped pockets of Nirauan Sector Forces are scattered about, and roving bands of marauders seek to plunder the riches that remain trapped beneath the city's rubble. Feel free to explore whatever angle you think of.

As always, it's whatever gets you to post chief, and have fun.

N E W _ I M P E R I A L _ O R D E R
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The bridge on the NIV Myrmidon grew still as Nirauan came into view. For many of those present, the planet before their eyes had become much more than just the symbol those outside the Dominion would come to associate it with. Nirauan was home, or it became so as time and circumstance led them to the thriving jewel of the Dominion. Their families lived without fear of the Second Imperial Civil War spilling over to their homes, and their children would grow up to recognize the freedoms they were soon to be afforded. To be an Imperial within the Dominion came of one's own volition, and for this reason alone, they would pay the ultimate price to protect their way of life.

Far-flung they went, spread across the stars in support of the greater Imperial war machine. The men and women of the Dominion cascaded across the stars, fighting on behalf of the Imperator, and later the Emperor as well. They gave their lives to protect what they believed in; what they were promised, and given, by the Warlord who stood in defiance against those who sought to make them conform. Free from the chains of the Sith, those who fled to the Dominion would not see themselves shackled into reluctant acquiescence to another oppressor. Their collective Light shined bright on the furthest edge of the Imperial's western frontier, leaving no doubt that the individualists of the Dominion were amongst the most Defiant of all the Imperial worlds still inhabited.

As their world burned, ravaged by the unrelenting hordes of the Maw, sullied by the taint of the Sith who came to plunder and destroy what was built through their own blood and diligence.

The New Imperials of the Dominion did not lose hope.

They fought onwards until the end, ceaseless in their utter defiance against the hated foe who dismantled what they built, reducing their bastion into a crumbling redoubt filled with the lost souls of their brethren. To the last, and to the end, many of them would fight and die with nothing but valiant contempt for those who sought to destroy their homes. Even as they were told that reinforcements were nowhere in sight, that they had been abandoned by the rest of the Empire, who sat by idly and watched from the relative safety of their homes.

Even as their weapons ran dry, and they were reduced to their sidearms and fists, the soldiers of the Dominion fought with disregard to their evident demise. Pockets of resistance reformed into great bulwarks of defiance, fighting onwards with each day, their hope never waning. Though the Empire had seemingly abandoned them, the armies of Nirauan would not willingly concede any ground. Each city block, and every mile of earth, was paid for in blood, whittling the nightmarish hordes of the Maw after each successive engagement.

The men of Nirauan paid dearly in their own blood, their own strength eroding as well, diminishing themselves to hold back the tide and protect the civilians safeguarded within their pockets. When their forward lines began to crumble, slowly at first but surely they did, they continued to fight. As the days turned into weeks, and even more of their comrades died by their sides, the defenders of Nirauan would continue to hold on. For their planet, for the citizens who couldn't escape from the planet, and for the Hope that was the basis of their way of life.

They were defiant until the end.





No hesitation predated Dante's orders, who peered through the glasteel viewport upon the fleet that separated the Battlegroup from their home. Battlegroup Retribution pressed forwards upon his orders, enduring the enemy's efforts to stop them from advancing towards their goal, the New Imperials clearly aiming to press through them at once. Weapons were primed in tandem and released all the same once the New Imperial fleet had closed generously into the range of their primary batteries.

A dazzling light show detonated across the skies of the planet below, brilliant flashes of vivid luminescence reducing the orbital defenders into nothing more than hot white slag. They had come to pillage and plunder, claiming the jewel of the Dominion as their prize. Dante spat at the thought, delivering his orders down the chain of command upon confirmation of the enemy's disposal.

"All vessels, proceed forwards into high orbit. Myrmidons to their station. Red Riders to follow in the second wave after. Supporting elements, follow up in the third wave of the drop."

The placid tone of the Dominion's Lord Commander echoed across each ship in the fleet and every communication device that linked the New Imperial formations to one another. He slid on his helmet, locking it secure, then sealed his Vibro-axe into its thigh-mounted sheath. Off the bridge he went, moving through the silent corridors of the NIV Myrmidon until he'd reach the primary transport bay near the center of the ship.

The sight beholden to him was awe-inspiring, even to someone such as himself, who'd seen all facets of war there were. The entire Legion had been gathered, each company of the Myrmidons called from the far reaches of Imperial space to liberate their home once and for all. For those elements of the Legion who had been deployed when the assault on Nirauan happened, the battle to come was personal. Many of his men had lost loved ones, and many sought nothing more than to rip and tear until the blood of their enemies soaked the ground beneath him. Dante would grant his men their wish, and force-willing, he'd see his men to victory once more.

Klaxons sirened off in the distance, echoing through the metallic halls and corridors of the battlegroup's respective vessels.

Myrmidons mounted up in their drop pods, adrenaline coaxing them onwards even more so than their desire for revenge. Weapons were checked and readied, each of them being strapped inside the Dominion vessels by their battle-brothers and droid-servants to the Legion. The ship waned and rocked, a familiar rumbling booming through the ship, alerting them of their impending insertion into Nirauan's upper atmosphere. The battlegroup had barrelled forwards through the slagged wreckage of their enemies, high speeds allowing them to enter the planet's orbit, and push even further without too much worry of what anti-ship emplacements the savages had on the ground.

The rumbling continued, increasing in intensity until the metallic drop pods they were mounted in seemed to resound as much as the Star Destroyer around them. The Myrmidon came to a creeping halt, growling as its propulsion systems finally limited its speed. Dante remained silent as it did so, waiting for the communication that he knew was soon to come.

"Lord Dante."

The crisp tone of Admiral Mandela, long-term subordinate of Lucien Dooku, and the most senior officer of the Dominion's navy, entered his left ear. "We've breached the thermosphere as of sixty seconds past; Targeting software has been adjusted and primed for the operation."

A pause followed. Though each of them understood the risks of their intended operation, it was Admiral Mandela who hesitated the most in these kinds of situations.

"We're ready to proceed upon your command."

Dante allowed his men a few more moments to prepare. The Legion had come together as one, brothers-in-arms entwined once more into the cohesive unit that brought fear and death upon the Sith-Imperial Legions in the great war that preceded the current. It was the least he could spare, despite the bloodletting he would give them soon enough.

"Proceed, Admiral. We're ready."

No response followed as the Admiral knew what had to be done. What needed to be done to avenge those who were lost, even if he had his own reservations over such a dangerous maneuver being pulled.

Dante opened up another channel shortly after closing the one with the Admiral. Reaching out across orbit, the private line of communication breached the hull of the Myrmidon's sister ship, the twin vessel that was once-mothballed, but as of recently been gifted to the Lord Commander of the Empire.

"Lord Barran." Dante didn't wait for a response. He knew the line was secured the moment it was sent. "I've authorized the assault to commence. Proceed with the counter-attack as soon as your men are in position. They'll be softened up by the time you're planetside."

Klaxons blared once more, and he could feel the anticipation within his blood growing with more fervor.

"Always forwards, Erskine."

It was time.


The entire bottom side of the Myrmidons' hull erupted with the thunderous accord of an orbital-grade weapon, as dozens upon dozens of droppods were discharged in salvos into the atmosphere beneath it. His own dropship exploded forth from the hull, joining the fusillade of Descending Angels as they rocketed down from near-orbit, the precise software of their drop pods dispersing them into numerous groups, splitting the Legion across New Carannia's dispersed battle lines.

Their drop pods impacted the ground with the momentum of comets being propelled upon the planet's surface. Down between the broken buildings they went -- and crashing through them in some cases -- fracturing earth and rupturing whatever material that just so happened to be beneath them. They landed on the very fringes of the defenders' lines, discharging their complement of Myrmidons, who showed little regard for the thunderous drop they had just taken part in.

Cries of passion and anger erupted from their modulated voiceboxes, disruptors and blasters, swords and axes quickly finding their way into the advancing Mawite hordes, brought to a brief shock by the bloodthirsty angels of the Empire. Myrmidons crashed behind enemy lines as well, their drop pods breaching formations and defense emplacements alike, leaving its content of elite warriors inside to further disrupt the living, and in many cases, proceed to slay the hordes of Undead shambling their way to the defenders' frontlines.

They were the first wave, the first in, and would be the last out, only if Nirauan was freed. Nothing would stop them from bringing the Dominion's revenge upon the savages who brought such sorrow to their people. The Myrmidons slew them to their heart's content, Angels of Death, as much as they were of Defiance. To the defenders who could do nothing but watch in awe at first, afraid to move onwards, lest they be caught in the carnage beholden to their eyes, the Myrmidons were more than just the tools of the Dominion's retribution. They were a symbol of the Warlord's ideals, vindication for the month of suffering they had undergone. But even more than that.

They were hope.

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NIO: Dante Corvus Dante Corvus Noel Strasza Noel Strasza





Flexing metallic fingers in his left hand as he stared out into the stars, the Lord-General was in one of his fouler moods, and in having enough self-awareness to see it in himself in every mirror he gazed upon, Erskine knew he was in no position to allow himself to lash out at anyone. Refusing to subject even one of his new subordinates to unnecessary beratement, it would seem to be a trend of sorts to remain within one of the NIV: Tigress' luxurious officer-cabins, drinking himself silly until he was needed. The only thing that seemed to calm him, and even remotely at that, was the stars out in front of the ships, the stars that hid the Nirauan System within. He couldn't let them have it, and though the Maw fought doggedly to earn it, the Stormchaser's burning desire for victory had reignited much too intensely to let the Shadows keep it for themselves. The man staring out into the approaching beyond, flexing cybernetic fingers, was not the Erskine Barran from before, something his only surviving son would learn for himself.

<"Greetings from Serenno, father. Heard you got hit hard in the last one - an' word has filtered through that ye chopped yer left hand aff. Undead Bite, aye?">

<"Feth off, you've got your own worries to contend with now. Namely, what happens on Galidraan III in my absence.... An' those fething Howling Crags! What were you thinking, son? You haven't even got any sons o' yer own, unmarried with no prospects of continuation of our family line - an' ye start a fething blood feud with the last, and strongest Dathomiri witch-clan in existence? You've actually lost yer marbles, son.">

<"They'll crumble just like the rest o' them, just you focus on the Mongrel in the meantime. Cairn One out!">

'Glaikit fething-', Lord Erskine trailed off, with fury descending on him heavily enough that he headbutted the Holonet terminal's screen full force and cracked it, roaring from the depths of his soul as everyone else on the ship went about their day, completely unaware of the Lord-General's predicament, completely unaware how wild he would be as soon as the disruptor-trails started flying. Not that it mattered, as this particular Erskine archetype was the one everyone needed to retake New Carannia, the one everyone hoped would step forth after the Hellish experiences of the Battle of the Myrmidon Breach and the assault on Fort Imperium; it was only a matter of whether such a fight made or broke him, but in seeing how he was behaving, it didn't take long for Lord-Captain McGechin to realise the former had occurred. Being of Barran-Loyalist Woad descent, and a good friend of Lord Erskine from as far back as childhood, Lord Carwood knew he was safe from mockery and beratement alike, pulling out his hipflask from his black IMPAF-officer's jacket as he framed his greeting as best as he could.

'Everything alright in here, Mil-ah feth! This'll take some getting used to, sir.'

Erskine couldn't help but laugh, understanding the frustrations of his new 2-IC, having only just gotten past that process himself, to which Lord Carwood bowed his head with a kindly Woad-specific smirk. 'In time, McGechin. But we need Nirauan back, we need a steady footing in our war on the Maw first.', Lord Erskine responded, being kindly enough to not mention the difficulties in adjustment to IMPAF vocabulary. Stepping away from the Holonet terminal to walk back to the window-display again, Lord-General Barran sighed to himself for a moment before reaching into his jacket for his own hipflask, though it seemed not to matter due to the fact they were both enjoying the Cladhan 804-cask together, their mutual reward for reconquest of the Heartlands. Then, after staring at the stars and drinking swigs from their,"Drams on the go.", in peaceful, elderly silence for a while, Erskine drawled,'No, Carwood. Nothing's alright at the moment, nothing anywhere is alright.... Not until we start slappin' the Maw aboot the place again, not until we start seeing stability again.', venting his frustrations without going to far in the process.

'That all, aye? Heeeeh! Lets have it then, ya auld burst fitbaw!'




<"Lord Barran.">

Erskine had been called to the ship's bridge, they were finally passing into the Nirauan System, and the Stormchaser was walking with more urgency, more eagerness than most around him. Generally glad to be in a position to right the wrongs that occurred during his first operation at the warfighting helm, it was obvious to all around him that Lord Erskine needed this, needed the chance to rectify his errors from the first battle; and even if the taste of victory would be bittersweet this time around, there would be no mistaking what banner would be raised by the time Barran was done with the broken city of New Carannia, a banner of which the Woad had the intention of having the honour of raising himself. Vengeance was also on his mind, for the memory of Gorman and Frayne would not be cast aside, not while the Stormchaser kept the illnesses and ailments of the elderly at bay, for even Lord Erskine's outstanding recall and memorizing abilities would flag by the wayside eventually - that is, if the Maw didn't get to him first.

<"I've authorized the assault to commence. Proceed with the counter-attack as soon as your men are in position. They'll be softened up by the time you're planetside.">

'Good, no use in hanging around when the real action awaits.'

As the sliding doors to the bridge opened before him, Barran then inhaled a sharp, long inhalation through his nostrils, looking out over the cloudy orb that had once been the pretty blue of planet Nirauan, but understanding most of those clouds to be the result of their hostilities not long before that day. To exact more damage on the planet of his dreams as a youth was a travesty to old Erskine, growing up books written by the very pioneer who built the five-towered fort on it's surface, but Barran knew for a fact it could gleam once more under loving, nurturing Imperial care, as it should have gleamed under Imperial care all along. The Stormchaser once considered this as a potential pilgrimage site for Goidelic warriors of all clans, to travel from one side of the Galactic outer-rim to the other, and to pay their respects to the greatest Grand Admiral who ever lived as all great warriors should; and the Lord-General became very aware of this old thought from years bygone in this moment, and in recalling this old notion of his, Erskine found himself internally vowing to himself to make it so someday.

<"Always forwards, Erskine.">

<"Oh my days.... A maxim of which I haven't heard in a long time, my young friend. An' you'll have no idea how badly I needed to hear that, though you will be informed that it was a maxim I never thought I needed to hear until now. Thank you, an' may fortune guide your hand today. Stay sharp out there, Dante. Lance One out!">

The kindest Lord Erskine had been in weeks, but it was well-earned, for the previous Imperator's saying,"We march to victory, or we march to defeat - but we go forward, only forward.", had given courage to thousands in moments when it seemed all hope was lost, and would give life and unexpected strength to Erskine's soul in turn. Kicking him into action with enough force that his own body shook him from his waking reverie, the Woad's mind would attain it's trusty state of working flow, but something else would happen that gave the Lord-General every reason to believe he was on the right track; it was the ping of a colleague he thought he'd never have the honour of meeting again in person, only this time, Noel Strasza's ping had a Lord-Executor symbol lighting up the center of the blip. Having learned the new callsign since, and having taken quite a liking to the replacement, Barran knew that the change from,"Deader", to,"Iron Maiden.", had been made with lasting finality; understanding that there was usually no demotion or change expected from a Lord-Executor's role beyond that, with Rurik Fel being one of those rare exceptions as always.

'Ready a dropship, Wyll.... Now, I know you're still grieving, but its best that you drop with us regardless. Look lively, mate.'

'Captain McGechin, you'll be required to come down with us as well. I want you clued up on everything as we go along.', Erskine said as he threw a datapad to one of the staffers operating the fleeter traffic-control booth behind his chair, turning to another senior staffer and clicking his fingers to see the weapons manifest and formulate a plan around it. Seeing exactly what was needed almost straight away, Barran turned back to the (soon not to be) temporary-replacement 1st-Lieutenant and drawled,'Alright, Lieutenant.... Rosk'Aiar, is it? Good, now I need exactly sixty LMGs and three-hundred ammunition belts sent to dropship - bloody hell that was quick, Carwood! Aye, send three-hundred ammunition belts to Dropship Four-Eighteen along with the sixty LMGs.... An' by the way, you're dropping with us as well. Get kitted out an' get busy. Move it!', to which a salute was given before Lieutenant Rosk'Aiar made an about-turn and ran off to his duties.

'Sir, if you would follow us this way? We can see you're fully-armed, so we can take you to Dropship Four-Eighteen straight away if you wish.'
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Waymar Dathrohan







Burning hell and smoldering ruins. Waymar set heavy metal footfalls on Nirauan as one of its many vigilant protectors. They left bloodied and battered. They couldn't keep waging a war this way. Lying in wait as the Maw emerged from the blackened void and cast death down upon the Imperial heart.

They wouldn't. They were cycled back from relief right back unto the hell they'd created. As the Emperor Fel and his half-brother, Dooku took the main assault of the Hand of Thrawn from above, Dathrohan and a team of knights and Imperial special forces infiltrated the Hand from the subterranean tunnels that were mapped beneath the ancient fortress. Engineered as an avenue of escape for the Hand's namesake and a means to transport the clones within the hidden chambers beneath the Fortress, the Empire had them fully navigated being that Nirauan was the seat in-exile to Tavlar's rebellion.

Dathrohan took full advantage of this, after several minutes trekking through the infested tunnels, wrought with the shambling Perished.

Waymar's argent blade slowly cut through the last blast door, the circle of searing orange-hot metal finally forming before he slammed a heavy foot against the thick durasteel, sending it down in front of him with an immense scream and slam of metal unto metal.

Immediately across from Waymar at the head of the pack, a Sith adherent to the cult of Solipsis, the supposed 'New Sith Order' ignited a crimson blade with a distorted sear of the saber from its bleeding kyber, a devious grin painting across the expression of the pale Rattataki man.

"More! More of you Imperial dogs!? Haha! Here I was starting to get bor-"

Dathrohan hardly offered a chance for the Sith to revel in the opportunity for bloodshed, drawing his heavy metal Beskar round shield from his back and unto his cybernetic left arm by the will of the force before plunging forward with inhuman speed, igniting his saber only when he was certain it'd make purchase in the Sith's flesh, stabbing the blade of argent into the Rattataki's abdomen. His helmeted gaze stared down the dying eyes of the scion of darkness and Waymar stared back in the apathetic blackness of his visor before he'd lean back, planting his booted foot against the Sith's chest and kicked him to the ground, regarding him as little more than refuse.

<"I shall suffer the darkness no longer..."> He said, slamming his heavy metal sabaton unto the face of the fallen Sith Knight, a splatter of chipped bones and putrid gore bursting from the impact, leaving a mass of crimson hardly resembling the defiant marauder that faced him down moments prior.

<"To me. The cloning chambers are our first priority. We can't let that technology fall into the hands of the unclean. We are retribution.">
He hardly faltered in pace as he continued onward, sword and shield at the ready.
Location: New Carannia - Nirauan Lower Atmosphere
Call Sign: Nacheria Seven
Objective: I - Inflict Terror
Equipment: TIE Pilot Flight Suit │ Hekler’Kok FP-01
Allies: BotM ( Electra-13 Electra-13 )
Enemies: NIO ( DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran )
Direct Engagement: Jon Kovacs Delilah Jones Enzo Demici Enzo Demici
Theme: Stronger

From the skies, the Final Dawn reigned terror upon the valiant defenders of Nirauan.

Electra-12 wielded her TIE/fd with all the skill and finesse of a newly-minted ace. The clone relished the opportunity to shoot down the TIEs of the false-Imperials, doing so with glee and bloodthirst to make even the most ardent Neo-Imperial blush. In her mind, the enemy pilots were nothing more than false imitations of the real thing, impure Imperials without the paternal hand of the Sith to lead them. In the wake of their temporal victory over the heretic Sith, that lack of guidance had led them into the mire of corruption, feudalism, and ultimately, defeat at the hands of the Maw. Perhaps then, it was fitting that one of their jewels be defiled by the savage marauder hordes.

However, in addition to ideology, Electra-12 hated the enemy TIE pilots because in a sense, they were competitors. Electra-12 had always envisioned herself as the last great TIE ace. After the Second Genesis and the beginning of a ‘pure’ galactic order, there would be no need for TIE pilots like herself. Perhaps in that galaxy, she might become an artist, a dancer, or a healer. The clone imagined herself with a family and children of her own, a partner to love and friends to comfort her.

In pursuit of that vision and more, she would burn Nirauan, then the galaxy itself, to atoms.

Electra-12 drove her TIE/fd hard as the pings of drop pods appeared in her sensor readouts, the arrival of a fresh New Imperial fleet indicating a renewed offensive to take back Nirauan and break the Brotherhood’s deadly siege. As if on cue, multiple fire missions requests manifested on her HUD, forcing the clone to work through each one based on proximity and priority. Pulling a tight chandelle to shift her heading, Electra-12 pushed her control sticks forward, before angling her craft’s chin down towards a drop pod which had landed only seconds before. At her command, green laser fire lanced out from her TIE’s cannons, bathing the pod in purging fire just as its occupants moved to get out. Pulling up after the salvo, leaving the burned-out husk of the pod in her wake, Electra-12 set her course towards the next target without delay.

In the process, the clone began to sense that the skies wouldn’t remain uncontested for much longer.




Thilde Yahl Thilde Yahl | Rurik Fel Rurik Fel




It was defiled, ruined some might say, once their eyes fell upon the once-mighty fortress of Nirauan, the bulwark which shielded it against the threat of the Sith. The Brotherhood spared little effort in reducing the Hand of Thrawn to a primitive state, ransacking its interior for anything they deemed of value, or purposefully destroying what they could as a slight towards the Imperials who regrettably let it fall under their control.

The signs of battle from the month before still persisted upon its exterior shell, including the massive gap in the fortress's roof, collapsed inwards by the Warlord himself during his battle against the current reigning Sith'ari. It proved inconclusive, which although a more favorable outcome than their duel a year prior, meant little in the grand scheme of the overall conflict.

Nirauan was lost, the planet all but capitulated to the forces of the Dark Side, albeit its planetary armies continued to fight on. Hope arrived not a moment too late, this one reason out of many possible being the sole excuse that he could fight with his head held up high. The forces of the Empire had not shown up to reclaim a graveyard, filled to the brim with the corpses of the defiant. They were here to reclaim a world still living, brimming with souls who valiantly stood against the dark tide surrounding them, resisting the corruption that threatened to consume all. Nirauan would be cleansed, that much he'd promised to himself, and to his brother as well. What Nirauan had devolved into was an affront to the New Imperial cause, and for the people who called it their home, it was his sole mission to deliver them the vindication they deserved.

He would not fail them; not again.

The Angels of Defiance were at the vanguard, unable to contain their rage upon seeing the same horrifying displays of taint and evil that infuriated their Knight-Commander as well. So much was their fury, Lucien would not stop to hold them back, instead choosing to let his Knights ascend towards the fortress with the sole purpose of delivering retribution where they deemed fit. They dashed headlong into the defenders' field of fire, force-enhanced speed augmenting their already superior physiques, obscuring their profiles into a tide of shifting glamour.

The first of their brethren jolted into the exterior defensive lines positioned outside of the fortress, their eclectic mixture of lightsabers and vibro-axes igniting the bloodletting that would soon mark their unending advance forwards. Weapons met flesh in an instant, the clattering of their blades following through meat and bone alike being proceeded by a deluge of sanguine liquid raining down upon the alabaster of their armor. The blood of their enemies painted them in a beautiful tapestry of death, fastening upon their forms to display a cadaverous visage to those privy to the sight of the Angels before their eyes.

Lucien did not join them, nor did he allow his anger to guide his actions, or cloud his mind with the sole desire to shed blood and seek revenge. The woman at his side dampened those emotions, she too being presented the sight of the men under his command. Savage, they were called, the descendants of the Myrmidons, who shared in the bloodletting across the entire warzone of New Carannia. He glanced to his side, placid in his appearance, a charcoal hilt loosely gripped within his hands. Amber eyes lingered upon her signature pallid countenance for a time he could not perceive, though it was no more than a passing moment.

"The dark side...I can feel it; Permeating where it should not be present." A quiet sigh escaped from between his lips, and he took a step forwards, his grip tightening around the hilt of his weapon. He could feel the taint that had been left upon Nirauan, a part of him fearing what the corrupted ambience would do to his men's psyche as they descended further into the Hand of Thrawn itself.

"Stay close, Tilly." He continued, another glance shared between the two Knights.
"Nothing good awaits you or I in my fortress."
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Imperial Knight Armour | Lightsabers

There was something obnoxiously annoying about your own weapons being turned against you. Descending from the skies in a burning dropship, the Knight-Errant stared out from the open ramp to the Fortress below.

The Hand of Thrawn.

The fortress' body itself was the palm, the towers the splayed out digits struck up to the sky. Laser cannon fire lanced through the air, shredding the Imperial landing parties as they closed in. For the Maw to have created a beachhead in such a place, they must've suffered through the same, Draco thought. He sent a glance over his shoulder, obedience and suppressed fear kept the troopers rooted in place in the altitude dropping shuttle.

If those chaotic savages could do it, then so could they.

"For the Empire!"

An ivory fist raised into the air above him to punctuate the cry. It quickly proved to be at his own detriment as aerial vehicle met stationary surface. His mouth came colliding together, closing on his tongue and the last thing he recalled was the coppery taste of his lifeblood flooding his mouth.

The dropship slid uncontrollably across the courtyard, rock and bodily defenders cast aside as it ruined the open space. It finally came to a stop close to the fortress' main keep. Blaster wielding Perished assailed the exterior with their weapons, answered moments as the first of the stormtroopers stepped out. Most were shaken, but in their number, the Young Draco. A pair of silvered blades dancing through the air between his men and the Perished.

Raiders and savages bolstered their ranks. Salvaged weaponry turned upon their creators. Draco seethed. It would not be the first time he fought his way out of a corner against this 'Brotherhood.'

His arms snapped to a point above his head, blades crossing into an X and then slashing across the first marauder. Overhead blades came crashing down, slashing across the upper torso of the walking dead-man. A pair of three centimetre wide furrows burnt a blackened path down either sides of his body. Atticus was already moving to the next one, his bisected victim barely able to process what happened before a blaster bolt burned a nasty hole into the centre of his skull.

The next that came for him wielded vibroweapons. An axe was swung horizontally at his midsection, and Atticus leapt backwards to avoid it. The vibrating axehead passed through the space he had been occupying harmlessly, both from both of his flanks, blades were arcing in towards him. He feinted to the right, right hand snapping upward as the bladesman weapon shot over his shoulder. Before the surprise could manifest on his features, the right-handed blade was already passing his face vertically. Weapon hand severed, he dropped his elbow onto the smaller mans' skull. He heard a crunch, felt something give way, and then the man crumpled. His previously pushed back hairline caved inwards and leaking scarlet fluid.

The axeman - though it was more a polearm than a single-handed axe - swung again, this time an overhead attack.

It was the first and last mistake the marauder got to make; Atticus stepped forward. While the polearm's bladed edges expectedly able to withstand blows from his saber, he could see that the weapon was poorly crafted. Bulky and unwieldy, he knew it was barely held together. In the midst of dropping it was cleaved in half, the haft of the polearm parted by one of his blades before both plunged through his upper chest and lower abdomen.

Hilts clenched tight, he dragged them out to opposite sides, turning about to face the third. He had a running start, charging with blade raised high. His momentum was arrested, wrenched off of his feet and flew toward him at a rapid clip on a direct course for the White Cloak. With a thrum and a flash, arms and legs flew past him, vibroblade skittering across the stone, deactivated without its activation button held down.

More came.

Young Draco was ready.
Location: New Carannia - Nirauan Lower Atmosphere
Call Sign: Nacheria Eight
Objective: I - Inflict Terror
Equipment: TIE Pilot Flight Suit │ Hekler'Kok FP-01
Allies: BotM ( Electra-12 Electra-12 )
Enemies: NIO ( DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran )
Direct Engagement: Jon Kovacs Delilah Jones Enzo Demici Enzo Demici
Theme: Perturbed

The TIE howled as Electra-13 watched her sister descend upon the hapless drop pod. The green streaks reaching out across the space between them as the drop pod erupted into a magnificent display of the never ending sign of war.

Something the Final Dawn sought to bring to an end with a cleansing sweep of their hand throughout the galaxy.

All would be made equal in destruction. All ideas of right and wrong wiped away in place of order and seemless continuity of peace and prosperity. Ideas that never faltered in the strand casts mind as she watched more pods drop into the atmosphere.

Her own TIE sang as the engines roared to life, following a pod that had nearly clipped her wing on entry. A scowl plastered her face as she watched the dust settle around the thing once it touched ground. The doors opening to allow those inside an unholy sight as her twin cannons let loose their own green bolts.

They sizzled through the air, and for a split second she could swear she watched the things wiggle in flight as she pulled up and lost sight of the transaction between energy and solid object. A satisfying flash told her that the pod had ceased to exist as the clone banked sharply to find another target to practice on.

Her eyes danced along the readouts, pondering her next target as her readouts suddenly went dark.

Behind the helmet, she sighed. It had been a gross and near fruitless hope that something with her craft would remain intact on the battlefield. Leveling out long enough to free a hand, she tapped on the display before opening a line to her sister.

"Nacheria Eight to Nacheria Seven, I've lost instrument readouts. Flying blind, how copy, over?" She just hoped her radio worked still as she tapped the displays again while glancing between the viewport and the blacked out screens.



It was a humiliation which lead Admiral Regent Rausgeber to Nirauan. The world having fallen to the forces of this Brotherhood was an embarrassment, given the Admiral Regent had not been present during the battle. By the time he was alerted, and a host mustered, he was ordered to bay his blood. Keep time, and ensure the good order of this operation before it could begin. Carlyle resented it. He felt that Prefsbelt Command especially was a force to be brought to bear. And yet he abided by the command. Orders were orders. Although he was distinctly displeased by the circumvention of his command by this Dante Corvus. The insolent prick. How dare he? How dare any of these pillocks and imbeciles tell the greatest living naval tactician alive whose business was whose to tell him, let alone organise a relief effort without his knowing. The invisible hand of resentment drew Carlyle in. This was not a final straw by any means. He knew his place, and the utility the New Imperial Order provided for his machinations. But he certainly was not about to let this go by any stretch.

Still. Despite this, the Admiral Regent was a patient man. And while Corvus proceeded to leap in the maw of the lion, Carlyle kept his mouth shut. And had instead been organising. While his own fleet was substantial to say the least, it was the support elements which required organisation. A cordon. A ring of star destroyers and other assorted warships had been assembled to surround Nirauan. And to be able to reinforce the engagement at the signal authorisation of Rausgeber, they would leap into the fray. They were eager to avenge the Empire's defeat. And Carlyle perhaps more than anyone present, was hungry for the taste of hard earned victory, purchased with the blood sweat and tears of the Maw.

Tregessar was the vessel which tore out of lightspeed. But it was soon joined by a veritable menagerie of forces. One battlecruiser. Then another, and another. Followed by squadrons of star destroyers, formations of cruisers, and frigates. And finally entire packs of corvettes. All chomping, salivating at the chance to prove once more the might and strength of a navy which had toppled the Sith. From his command deck, the Admiral Regent eyed the procession of vessels. The bridge of the Tregessar itself was a storm of activity. Technicians, officers and operators all barking data readings. Ensuring everything was for now key. And yet, contrasting with all and attired in the thick ivory trappings of his uniform, Carlyle sat, basking in it.

The Maw presence was for now minimal in system. He was certain reinforcements would be called for. But that was immaterial. Now was the time to establish how the victory of Darth Solipsis' forces, one which would not be able to be appropriately supported, would cost the Final Dawn and its associated brethren. "
Spool gravity wells." Carlyle commanded, voice booming over the fracas that was a wartime command bridge. For a moment, every member of his staff paused in their tracks. Eyes boring into the Admiral Regent's form. He did not turn to address them. "Engage gravity and ensure nothing leaves the system."

Dispatch fighters." He continued, voice thick with contempt and bile. "Form up vessels in defensive positions. Formation AD-56." A classic manoeuvre, which would embed the interdictors in the middle of the fleet, protected by an array of heavier star destroyers, and cruisers capable of forming a point-defence system, which would in theory mediate any missiles or heavier ordinance fired at the vessels. "Engage the KriegsGeist," Carlyle's list of demands continued, echoing through the bridge, "And have us patched into Ground Forces Command, ready to apply pressure and close air support if neccessary."

Carlyle drank in the stars, and the distant landing by Dante Corvus with a callous sneer. Idiots. Morons. This was his moment. His time to shine and it had been robbed of him by these insolent buffoons. "
Recall that task force, and prepare a relief group. Corvette packs Hellhound and Ravager," Rausgeber added, turning his head briefly to the starboard communications post nestled in its crewpit. "They are to escort the vessels back to our range for covering fire. I don't want Corvus' recklessness to lose us any more assets than necessary." He glowered. Each syllable filled with vindictive venom. "General McClure?" There was then the unmistakable clicking of Stossjaeger heels, and the pounding of a clenched fist against his armour, "Organise your men into boarding parties. I want as many Maw personnel brought in alive, for transportation back to Prefsbelt."

"Prepare for movement, once we are in formation. I want us pushing on those Maw transports." Carlyle added, turning back to the crew, he raised his gloved right hand, and wagged a finger at them, "Nothing today, is to be allowed to leave the system." He snapped, "We today, avenge this disaster. And we will show this supposed Brotherhood, that the cost for embarrassing the Empire is not worth the suffering we will inflict."

New Imperial Order
307th 'Red Riders' Stormtrooper Legion - Imperial Battlegroup 'Retribution'


Dante Corvus Dante Corvus DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku Rurik Fel Rurik Fel

The stars of many systems dragged across the port windows, illuminating the dark bridge in a blinding light; the sheen reflected off the durasteel walls of the deck. It was near maddening to watch the bleeding of space as it warped around the carrier as they were hurdled toward the Nirauan sector, the heavy whirring noise from the Inceptus Class ships engines deafening. The naval crew that manned the station was a live wire, there had been no hesitation as all hands took to their station. There had been numbers crunched, the greater half of the Legion had mustered, parts of the armored division sheared but the heart of the fighting force was here.

Every man and woman had
volunteered to do this kind of job at one point, to strike down the death grip that enthralled the metropolis world. The remain-in-corridor orders had bred stagnation in militia born men. It was her absence and less publicly known stent that had thrown the Legion in to a grinding halt. No deployment, no action to sharpen their teeth since the second siege of Muunlinist. What little command had remained had been demoted and re-organized, it was a kinder punishment in the face of mutiny from the 193rd, those souls some gone on their own accord and others waiting to rejoin the fray. Stupid, foolish loyalty had pushed them. Some orders were meant to be disregarded for good cause, and there was no call they would not answer.

Perhaps she was lucky on that account, to boast a fighting force-unafraid. Though they were acting on good faith in conjunction with the Lord Commander now, good faith with the Myrmidons that had been cemented over the first battles of the Braxat Run. Loyalty itself that was born in blood. For Sybila, it was for Dooku-too good of a man for the likes of the machine of the Empire. Nerves burned and she glances once more over deck, slowly inspecting the power suit. She was clean cut from the masses, the iron sun on her chest though-felt uninviting.

A confrontation was coming, and her fingers traced the symbol. It was long and overdue-Rurik Fel, Command-it wore many faces and burned like white noise within her skull. She felt the quake in her hand, and doubted her aim for the briefest second; her gauntlet balling in to a tight fist. The muddled fury that plucked at the Force was swarming the planet itself on the unseen horizon, the dark side bled by millions of lives. Nothing was sacred, no even the Imperial stronghold. The remnant Mawites as they had been dubbed in the brief, still hunted.

This Legion belonged in only one place and it was here on the
move, the damage down to the command could be fixed, in time maybe the same spirit instilled during their early days could be resurrected. They had been the conglomeration of the galaxy itself, from nothing to a fighting force-their had been little room for her to weed out all volunteers alike during the commission but that was beside the point. What had befell Nirauan however, in a despairing show of weakness-there was far less hope.

It only posed the question, who would be next?

The woman mulled on the mess wrought, what reports that came out the sector were grim. Standing aside as the crew exchanged communications with the NIV Myrmidon and Galidraani combined fleet. The main flight officer shouted from across the bridge with a growing fevour, moving with purpose as Sybila looked on from the far catwalk taking note of the Lieutenant. All eyes were set on the observation windows, a collective breath was held as the minutes to exit winded down, crew and Legion preparing for the impending drop from hyperspace.

"All vessels, proceed forwards into high orbit. Myrmidons to their station. Red Riders to follow in the second wave after. Supporting elements, follow up in the third wave of the drop."

“Captain ETA is one minute behind the NIV Myrmidon-all personnel prepare for hyperspace exit, all hands to battle stations, brace for impact..”

“Admiral Mandela this is Captain Yazecc, Inceptus due in less than a minute. Fathal Burst squadron on standby, air element awaits further instruction following delivery,” the Kel’Dor broke silence from his place at the helm, patching to the Myrmidon’s naval command. Archer-Actual confirmed from the drop pod locking in the shock element as the 207th readied themsevles, the man’s voice clipped on the comm links and she practically missed the exchange.

“General Voi’Kryt you’ll want to join the 201st and 193rd remnants in the drop hangar if you plan to lead from the front,” Yazec followed up, the Commander’s greeting drab-nigh chiding. He wanted to be rid of her. Ban who stood aside, lurked-the Zabrak remained a keen guard. Embossed upon the breast of his blast plate the remintted charge of the 193rd’s security force..and at his hip a pair of heavy set stun cuffs hanging off his belt. It helped ease her return to the chain of command, the small threat of force-of insubordination. Hypocrisy really, but nothing she wouldn’t resort to.

Bescane wasn’t on fire after all, the Order was; and extremes were nessasary.

The pale Kel’Dor had been her worst opponent and least biased council, something she vaguely recalled fondly. He wasn’t beyond reason at least, though his words were pried from behind his atmosphere apparatus as he stood with his back to her. Who he addressed and the woman that stood at the far end had been one in the same to many soldiers alike but Sybila faltered hearing the name, her eyes narrowing. She didn't know how to be that woman anymore, “-There is potential for serious ramifications after this deployment as you were made aware, I trust you will ensure our immunity when the Brass finds out after all is said and done.”

“Yes..Captain you and many staff alike have expressed your concern. Concessions will be made given the dire straits,” Sybila acknowledged, a reserved drawl to her voice. She didn’t know what Rurik Fel would do, but she knew what she would fight for at the very least. The woman’s heels dragged forward to cross the deck, lumbering in outfit for the battle to come.

“Isn’t there a bounty still on your head?” the former Lieutenant Commander, Archer had posed.

“Shavit,” the woman muttered under breath as the comment invaded her mind. The stray eyes burned into her back and her jaw held firm in displeasure. Sybila approached a lone figure beneath the transparisteel. The sole remaining junior commander the woman knew from her time presiding over the Riders, Yazec still served as the proprietor of the carrier and naval forces. Joining his side, her gauntlets tucked into the small of her back as they viewed smathering burning past the port windows. “This will either be your victory, or my failure.”

Nirauan, a bastion of its own once upon a time-how long, to little, to late now. Irveric’s secret. It wasn’t home, it was far more foreign to the woman now but all she remembered was a brilliant emerald planet. Something akin to another galactic state when she considered it in contrast to the vertical standing cities of Bescane-stars choked out under the gas works, it was a place like that reminded of her home.

She could only imagine the strife Lucien now faced as both his home and his assignment suffered decisive strikes from the Maw. How many forms had the Sith twisted them into, just to
survive-what remnants might she recognize in the battle standard. Kascalion had desired this, and could be partly to blame in helping keep the struggling monstrosity afloat; she was supposed to have been standing amongst its ruin with the torch worse yet. His mechanisms had failed with her surely, cold disposition bloomed in her chest as she inhaled sharply, that was her only assurance...

“General Voi’kryt, you’re going to delay the drop pod strike,” Yazec’s voice rose, and Sybila cleared her throat, knowing her error as she removed herself from the painful recollection. There it was again, but she held her tongue-she feared that name. Phantom pain raked it's way down her skull and it was a wonder she stood straight through it all as her throat closed, the high pitched whistle of steam, marred by some woman's own cry told her so.


“I’ll be joining the support element unless requested otherwise by the Lord Commander,” Sybila wheezed-dismissing the Captain’s insistent reminder, inhaling deeply-practically gasping as she dropped her shoulders. The armor locked as she tensed as they disengaged. The Kel’dor reached out to brace himself off the rail-


The blur of the solar system dragged to a startling halt and she was faced with the battlefield, breath escaping her. The Inceptus dropped out of Hyperspace into the cradle of the Order, lurching the entire ship. A crash resounded off the stern, the wail of alarms taking over a second on the bridge as damages were assessed. The NIV Myrmidon appeared on the starboard shields ablaze, rippling as explosions rocked far as their carrier-the flag ships spearheading through the remaining lines of the Maw’s forces.

Nirauan was held in a grip of a chaotic storm of rend metal and ships, continents of green engulfed in fires leaving the destruction to take up the greater half of the port. The smoke from the planet side’s destruction is visible, drifting across the planet’s lower atmosphere. The flag ship cut a swath forward ruthlessly, and they waited as the drop launch began. The Inceptus’ forward progress was marked by a field of debris and the dwindling blockade’s resistance.

“Shields at ninety eight percent-”

“-dropping to six hundred kilometers and descending on the Myrmidon’s path, sublight drives activated. T-minus one minute and thirty seconds until we hit the thermosphere. Captain the assault has been green lit.”

“Deploy the drop pods on breach of the thermosphere, keep us steady and drop our speed to three hundred kilometers,” Yazec ordered, standing unwavering, the planet steadily grew on the horizon until they could make out the likes of city grid and detail. A vivid burn trail left in the wake of the Myrmidon’s own attack as the shocktroopers took to the hundreds of miles below the deck.

“I trust you can execute this maneuver Yazec?” Sybila found herself questioning the rapid approach, for something to focus her mind upon-the destruction entrapping all sights. The steady pull from the planet’s gravity dragging them closure after the flag ship.

“If there is any shred of doubt, you are welcome to take the helm General.” Yazec almost sounded thoughtful but she could feel his eyes bore into her from her peripheral vision. Touche, but she preferred terra beneath her boots. Her eyes darted across the world damage, taking in the blackened land-she raised her forearm as digits pressed in the control panel. The cerulean projection of their target zones hovering at her fingertips as she studied the marks to what lay outside the viewport.

“Yazec if I wanted to join the Navy and command a bridge-I wouldn’t have enlisted in the Legion to get here,” Sybila grinned with her teeth, the curl of her lip a sneer. The ship’s frame shook as thrusters ignited and the hull creaked slowing their descent into the fringes of the world. One hand shot out to brace herself fully as the map fizzled out, and she leaned against the rail as hell erupted over the window ahead as they broke through orbit; knuckles white under the plate. The bridge darkened then, lights flickering before a resurgence of the shields corrected the interference. The vibrations threatened to send anything unbolt across the deck as the faced the harried approach, whispers on the deck cursed and wondered the violence.

“The answer is yes, General-” Yazec begrudged her. The deployment of the drop pods was sonorous, a brilliant flare that branched from the hull dissecting hazey skies to deliver salvation. Assigned squads followed the lines of the Myrmidons to relieve the front. The monstrous bellow from the ignition shook the Inceptus in a final clamor as they slipped into cruising altitude past orbit still descending closure-nearer New Carannia and it’s stressed battle lines.

“Prefsbelt Command inbound,” an officer spoke up from the rows buried into the bridge, “-sir do we defer?”

“Do not,” Sybila interrupted, a crack in the glacier. A turlous wave engulfed the woman and swelled in her gut-cold sweat building on her neck at the mere mention. She trusted that instinct duly. There was talk of..what was it? Rausgeber..? It had been a topic of disinterest at her height of command, something of gossip she had avidly avoided or there was something else. She trusted no one outside a handful to serve the best interest as a whole. They moved under jurisdiction of Dooku by extent now however, and she nodded to Yazec who tilted his head after silence stretched in her interjection.

“My line is open Captain, I will see you when the dust settles,” Sybila’s hand peeled away from the rail as she nodded to the Kel’dor. She retreated backwards, turning on her heel away from the port with little fanfare. Ban fell in behind her on her right as they exited the bridge, heading to the hangar bays floors below to join the 44th Support Battalion. The five suit, the sabacc card up any good army's sleeve. Munitions, to emergency rations, and emergency medical personnel were packed into the drop ships. The smoke would clear and they’d be there to pick up the pieces and she was the rook out of place.

“I have VST-one through four readied. Genesis forfeited..they're accompanying the engineer's corp.” Ban spoke up, the zabrak reluctantly spoke up as they made their way down the sterile halls of the carrier, arms and armor drumming with every step. Sybila found no surprise, only mounting disappointment as the engagement commenced, her servo hooking over her shoulder to accept her helmet from her shadow. It was only another addition to her growing list, Appw’rii did what was right by standard. It was just another invisible wound she bore, but what had her friend endured? She turned the grey, battle scorned helmet in hand. Viewing the green reflection of the visor-a blurred image of herself there greeting her.

Sybila slipped the heavy helm over her head then, white halls cut off by the dark encasement of the armor-dulling their footstep and the hum of the ship. It was the line in the sand, as she tried to cloistered herself off from rampant thought. It was a dangerous trail of uncertainty, was she truly back where she had began ten years ago, at the start of this long dark journey? The HUD illuminated before her eyes, greeting her with a roster of the units, flickering through Company to Battalion as their forces spread out on the radar. Sybila steadied her breath, eyes mopping the floor as they entered the hangar toward their assigned ship. She wanted to see her sons again, her heart heavy and laden with time wasted. The woman's eyes burned, filled by her own revulsion so much so she wanted to gag, she had made to many mistakes for what? For what, she mouthed wordlessly. She refused to shed her frustrations. Sybila pushed aside the frivolous thought, the static mounting above her head in violent storm.
Now, here, she mouthed the words with exacerbation. They had a job to do, the exacts were open for interpretation but she knew at the least she was behind schedule. Boots thuded against the durasteel of the hangar and heart picked, Sybila broke out in to a steady jog to reach the transport.
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The call to station was enough to pull the junior tech from his intensive work, the ringing PA system chiming over the speaker haphazardly tucked into his broom closet of a laboratory. "Doctor Qar and team please report to hangar two, immediately." That was his cue, he was team, the straggler, the plus one. The disheveled technician slapped the clamp around his wrist to free his arm, the rest of the recalibration would have to wait, and threw his lab coat over his shoulder, darting for the door after. Down the hall he went, bouncing over the stairs two at a time, until he rounded the corner and narrowly dodged the departing Lord Executor, who he greeted with a tight-lipped acknowledgment of her presence, and kept moving.

He found his team lead standing in the hall, frozen, eyes watered by the glistening streak of sorrow. Oh, it was that kind of visit. It didn't bode well for the cyborg doctor's focus, that much Vladimir knew for sure, and as much as he wanted to give the man the time he needed to process, they had none to spare. "Hey, doc, c'mon man, look at me." The insomniac planted his tired boots in front of Julian, waving his cybernetic hands between them, "We're getting deployed, short notice, we gotta focus up." He blinked, struggling to chase the bloodshot red from his eyes and refocus his augmented vision, "C'mon I need you focused, I'm scared as hell man."

What was processing? A luxury that would have been well received had it been granted to him - but this was not that kind of environment. There was never time for processing or ruminating, all efforts were set on pulling him kicking and screaming to the present. Frozen limbs actuated slowly as if his system had been reset from the factory right there where he stood. A sound followed - ‘what was that?’ A voice and then another came through as static, calling out to him from above and in front.

“I’m fine, I’m good…” he finally spoke, taking a breath he’d held until he could no longer see the flicker of her crimson glow. Julian lifted his hands, pulling agony from his cheeks with the heel of his augmented palms. A thousand days and counting to land on the same resolution. Solitude. Duty. Action. “Ok, ok … yea, let’s go. Come on.” The voice replied just as quickly as he was pulled from one place to the next. The doctor nudged his anchored limbs, setting a course for his office as a hand palmed over the sensor quieting the flicker that would remain until there was distance again.

“They never tell us where the fuck we’re goin' till we get to hangar…” he broke his train of thought, shoving the picture frame face down on the desk while he looked for the only constant he had left. The knife. “Listen kid, you’re gunna be fine.” He looked over his shoulder with a weak smile as he slipped the blade into the holster of his boot. Adrenaline had already kicked in, masquerading the surge of emotions with a new drive. “It’s alright to be scared, just don’t let it eat at ya. Eyes up, it’s go time.”

Vladimir watched the doctor go through the motions, his brows pinching together over those tired eyes. He huffed, scattering his wildly-out-of-regs hair from his sight, and gave chase. "Yeah, I knew it was comin', but that doesn't make it easier to grasp." He mumbled, ripping the magnifying band from his head and tossing it onto his much smaller desk in the doctor's office, the same scattered and haphazardly stacked with the paperwork he was neglecting. He dove behind it, pushing out a forceful breath to steady himself, and claimed his deployment bag from beneath. Just as he had been coached to, he was prepared, at least in that regard. "Rather have clinic duty for sixteen hours again than sit in a steel tomb going who knows where."

He slung the pack over his shoulder and moved to hook his lab coat on the rack behind his meager space, forgoing it for the patched leather jacket hanging in the same place. This he draped across his right arm, and after doing as much, he finally looked back to Julian. "They already got all our gear on the ship, is what they said. Who else is comin'?" He allowed his question to hang before rather quickly adding a hopeful: "Hazel?"

This was the ritual of preparation he often took alone and in silence. It seemed now it came with an added bonus; a nervous Technician to settle into space. “First jump is the hardest,” the doctor offered, trekking through Vladimir’s minefield of banter he found himself in. “I reckon you heard this shit before, anyways. Just remember to breathe and always watch your feet.” The doctor glanced over at Vlad with a nod of reassurance. His attention turned back to his preparation, slipping his wrist under his desk at the scanner tucked between the steel. “Authorization?” A digitized voice interrupted, following the doctor's own less than enthusiastic response. “Doctor Julian Qar - AX-919.”

“Access granted.”

The doctor cleared his throat, wiping at his face before carefully plucking a small black kit from the freezer. He opened the container with almost laser focus, inspecting the four marked angels before clipping it to the empty housing on his belt. “If you want, I could always get ya assigned back to clinical when we get a call.” He snorted, finishing off his ritual with the retrieval of his pack of smokes and the tattered leather duffel bag he kept behind his desk. The doctor took a moment of pause, sensing this physical manifestation of oil and water between them; it was a calm and tension-filled aura that blanketed the office and he wondered, for a moment, if he had ever felt fear over duty. “You’ll be fine, trust me. Everything else we need is on the ship…including Dr. T’hess.”

The tech's bruised eyes widened, processing the answer to his question. She was coming too, that was great news! But… not so great when he remembered the swollen, cotton-stuffed nose peeking out of the lower edge of his field of view. Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku 's awakening from repair hadn't been very graceful. He was asking for it when he hadn't specified he was going to have to remove more of the man's arm to connect a new highly-specialized cybernetic to it, but at least the new toys had made up for it in the King's eyes… so he thought. "Feth, okay, that's good. I haven't seen her for a minute, I've been worried." Vladimir lied through his teeth, flexing cybernetic fingers through his messy tangle of hair in some attempt to soothe the rolling waves to no avail. "Yeah uh, I'll be okay, I think. Used to violence, just not used to war. Hopefully, we're going somewhere nice."


"Fething chit…" the tech muttered to himself from the edge of the gathered medical staff, his eyes shifting from the officer on the podium briefing them to the neon green streak of hair hovering somewhere close by. Nirauan, he had heard, was trashed. It was a wasteland. Soldiers had been stranded there for a month, beset by undead corpses and ruin, not to mention the fallout from the massive bomb The Maw had dropped on the city of New Carannia. It wasn't a good picture, and he certainly didn't feel any better about it now than he had before. If anything, it only twisted his guts into a tighter knot. His eyes had moved to his boots, the man scowling, until a tap-tap on his shoulder forced him out of his dread and a turn of his head put Hazel's wry grin in his gaze.

"You look rough," the woman teased him, shoving at his arm, "c'mon, it's not that bad. We'll be cozy in a field hospital in no time, just wait." Vladimir could only nod, forcing a narrow smile at her remark, trying to hide his anxiety. "I'm not worried about it," he lied, "I just uh…"

"What happened to your face?" Her head cocked curiously, those purple lenses narrowing at him suspiciously.

"Oh uh, got into a fight," he lied again, he did it often, though this time embarrassment etched its red stain across his battered features, "one of my patients got out of line."

"Which one?" though she already knew the answer, and it was obvious by the quivering restraint on her laughter. "The uh… King of Serenno…" V muttered, tapping a metal finger against the pad of an equally alloyed thumb. "So you knocked him out?" Hazel giggled evilly, earning a heavy sigh in response from the tired man, "Shut up, the officer is still talking."

"Oh V, don't be such a sore loser," she rattled his arm with her own metal grasp around his bicep, "I'm sure you took it like a champ. C'mon, you can sit with me on the transport."

Hazel's relaxed banter had followed an unsavory remark from the tense and yet seemingly calm medical lead, "I'mma need y'all ta shut the fuck up and listen..." Julian snapped, groaning as he tucked his hands behind his back and turned the finger on his left out of habit. He shifted over slightly from the two, inching his way towards the front as the officer finally got the boisterous group of medics and rescue teams under control.

"This is your standard casualty evac mission. We will have medevac teams stationed in three locations in New Carannia. For those of you who are new, listen up. This information is important and we'll be runnin' through it quickly." Julian glanced around for a moment at the sea of new faces that stood at rest, eyes glued to the officer in charge of the briefing. This newer crew was still rowdy like the bunch from Carlac but their energy felt more precise like a razor's edge. He felt a sense of calm despite what was in store for them when they'd land again at the city center.

"We will be assessing and retrieving civilian and military personnel on the ground. Under no circumstances will you perform life-saving treatment on the field. We have intel that there are bands of marauders wreaking havoc throughout the city in addition to legions of undead soldiers still on the move. So remember, focus on assessment and retrieval, and get the hell out of there quickly. Doctor Qar will explain the tagging system and then we load up and head out." Julian exhaled softly, swapping his exterior presence to mask a lingering sickness in his gut. Every time these announcements came around it had shifted his demeanor, transforming him into a beacon of care, duty, and confidence. The doctor had situated in front of the podium, holding up four tags in his left hand as he commenced with his intel briefing. "We'll be usin' these tags for quick visual guides on how to tend to patients when they board the ships."

"Slap a green tag on those who are wounded and can walk, Patients who need minimal care that can be delayed, get yellow, all critical patients red. Simple. Field medics this is important, you will be paired with diagnosticians, rescue responders, and security detail. Assess, retrieve, and get them to the ships. I'm gonna repeat what Aekoh has said, do not treat. Stop bleedin', open airways, and get the fuck outta there."

"I know for some'a you, this is the first time seein' these before."
His hand lifted the black tags, causing Hazel to grimace on sight and grip Vlad's augmented limb just a little tighter. Seeing those deathly flags never got easier, no matter how many times they'd done this before. "This is for those that are unresponsive with no respiration or pulse, clinically deceased. You need to move these bodies away from the livin' so the RTs can pick'em up and do what they gotta do." He granted them seconds to take in every bit that was thrown at them, glancing down towards his former assistant and his new charge. "That is all, stay safe out there. Y'all are dismissed." He stated, giving a nod to the crew as they quickly dispersed onto their ships.

Vladimir pressed a cumbersome breath from his lips, soaking in the information he was presented and did what little he truly could to ensure it cemented into the grooves of his forethought and commanded his full attention. Green, yellow, red. Easy. He could remember that, right? Black tags were for bodies. Easy. Cold metal fingers brushed the length of his face, dragging from a sunken, tired eye to trail off his chin, and rather abruptly flatten against the width of his chest. He spared Hazel a glance and his lips quivered, unsure of what to say or which shape to make at her reaction to it all. Truthfully, he didn’t know much of anything about her time enlisted, and if she had told him during any one of the numerous times she’d sat in his chair, he was too strung out to remember. “That’s not so bad,” he stated with a half-hearted shrug of the arm the woman clutched, “easy to remember.”

Purple eyes flicked up to catch his, the light behind their twilight stars indecipherable. “You say that now,” she stated in an uncharacteristically graven tone, “but wait until we’re out there. It doesn’t… it doesn’t sound like we’re going to be sitting cozy in a field hospital at all… this is just evac and rescue ops.” His brow furrowed at her tone, taken aback by it entirely, “You say that like it’s the worst possible mission to get.” The junior doctor gave his arm a pat, the metallic collision resulting in a soft clang clang with her digits against his limb, “You’ll see, V. Just uh… remember to breathe.”

She left him then and started up the ramp of their transport ship. It was all he could do to give chase, only to be recalled back by sharp words from Julian. “It’s uh…” he inhaled deeply, turning his gaze up to the cyborg, “it’s gonna be a long day, isn’t it?”


// Julian Qar Julian Qar \\



The specialist pinned his back against the curving wall behind him, inhaling deeply through battered lips in some struggle to rein his nerves back under control. Nobody had told him it was going to be like this, nobody had taken the ten seconds to pull him aside and say 'hey Vladimir, we're going to be airdropping into an active warzone on a flying deathtrap taking incoming fire from marauding forces instead of landing on the outskirts and making our way in systematically'. Nobody had told him that. Maybe it was for the better that they hadn't, as he was starting to doubt his resolve about the whole ordeal entirely. He was made for late nights in the lab, for slaving over the minute details and wires of his work, for connecting and linking the intensely complex and fickle wires of a machine into the equally, yet somehow slightly less interesting, complicated mechanisms of the human body. Despite the fact he had managed to doze off- thanks entirely to the fact the soldier sitting next to him had so generously allowed him to use her shoulder as a pillow- for the few hours it took them to arrive at the devastated world, he felt as though he was still dreaming, trapped inside of a nightmare that he knew was only going to get worse the further in he went.

It's what he had told Julian in the office earlier that same day, he was used to violence, scenes of graphic horror, and the terrorism of his former group. What he had never witnessed, however, was a theater of war in the flesh. He desperately tried to tear his eyes from the narrow porthole he stared from, but he simply couldn't look away. There was something instinctual within him, something that made him want to run toward the fire, to run toward the streams of laser fire spitting into the heavens. Human nature was to flock like crows to tragedy, and he was no different. Another turbulent rattle saw him startle and tighten the grip on the edge of his seat he had taken, at last freeing his hexed gaze from the window and sealing it tightly behind his eyelids. 'If anybody is listening...' he urged in his thoughts, though he suspected that line was entirely one-way and that the party on the other end had long since hung up.

"Sawbones, get your chit together, we need you sharp!" the sergeant on his left side shouted over the racket of the warzone below, and the daring breaches through the clouds that careened by their AV, "You can handle a little pressure, can't ya?" Beneath his helmet, V scowled in the man's direction, his eyes gutting into vicious daggers. It was not the first time that particular sergeant had hazed him, nor did he doubt it would be the last. Perhaps if he actually listened to Julian, he would have learned to take the high road ages ago, but he was notorious for his selective hearing. "Dunno Barnes," Vladimir piped up, forcing his voice to steady in its projection, "your voice sure is making it awful hard to concentrate, you sound just like your ma!" Kark the high road. His jab back earned a gruff chortle but was rewarded by silence, the kind that V was dying for in the middle of the commotion.

His hands shifted from the seat on either side of his knees to the straps pressing his heavy chestguard onto his body, and his digits curled around as though his life depended on it. This was more comfortable to him, the added pressure, but he only had so long to savor it until:

<"We'll be over the drop zone in one-hundred-eighty seconds. Standby."> never had V dreaded hearing a voice more in his life.

Overhead, the red light flicked to yellow with a digitized, singular tone beep, and with it echoed the grinding groan of the drop ramp deployment. The team tucked safely into the transport's belly stood up in unison, save for Vladimir, who struggled to get himself in synchronicity with the highly trained soldiers, and lagged but a half-second behind. He reached overhead, grasping onto the bar as the smoky air poured into the vessel from the parting doors. The hell beneath suddenly became much more real now that there was nothing but the visor over his eyes guarding him against it. 'C'mon Vlad, it's not so bad.' he tried to reassure himself and seemed to manage it partially, steeling his nerves as the line on his side of the ship inched closer to the open mouth of the craft. 'Certainly not going to have to worry about your fix later... and your nose isn't hurting as bad, now is it?' Turns out the perilous realization that you were about to dive willingly into an active warzone was enough to get your focus off a broken nose.

"Julian!" he called out across the way loudly enough to be heard over the howling wind churning about the cabin, "Some kind of pep talk would be appreciated!"

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✚ T A K O T S U B O _ C A R D I O M Y O P A T H Y ✚
[ lux aeterna ]



The call to station was enough to pull the junior tech from his intensive work, the ringing PA system chiming over the speaker haphazardly tucked into his broom closet of a laboratory. "Doctor Qar and team please report to hangar two, immediately." That was his cue, he was team, the straggler, the plus one. The disheveled technician slapped the clamp around his wrist to free his arm, the rest of the recalibration would have to wait, and threw his lab coat over his shoulder, darting for the door after. Down the hall he went, bouncing over the stairs two at a time, until he rounded the corner and narrowly dodged the departing Lord Executor, who he greeted with a tight-lipped acknowledgment of her presence, and kept moving.

He found his team lead standing in the hall, frozen, eyes watered by the glistening streak of sorrow. Oh, it was that kind of visit. It didn't bode well for the cyborg doctor's focus, that much Vladimir knew for sure, and as much as he wanted to give the man the time he needed to process, they had none to spare. "Hey, doc, c'mon man, look at me." The insomniac planted his tired boots in front of Julian, waving his cybernetic hands between them, "We're getting deployed, short notice, we gotta focus up." He blinked, struggling to chase the bloodshot red from his eyes and refocus his augmented vision, "C'mon I need you focused, I'm scared as hell man."

What was processing? A luxury that would have been well received had it been granted to him - but this was not that kind of environment. There was never time for processing or ruminating, all efforts were set on pulling him kicking and screaming to the present. Frozen limbs actuated slowly as if his system had been reset from the factory right there where he stood. A sound followed - ‘what was that?’ A voice and then another came through as static, calling out to him from above and in front.

“I’m fine, I’m good…” he finally spoke, taking a breath he’d held until he could no longer see the flicker of her crimson glow. Julian lifted his hands, pulling agony from his cheeks with the heel of his augmented palms. A thousand days and counting to land on the same resolution. Solitude. Duty. Action. “Ok, ok … yea, let’s go. Come on.” The voice replied just as quickly as he was pulled from one place to the next. The doctor nudged his anchored limbs, setting a course for his office as a hand palmed over the sensor quieting the flicker that would remain until there was distance again.

“They never tell us where the kark we’re goin' till we get to hangar…” he broke his train of thought, shoving the picture frame face down on the desk while he looked for the only constant he had left. The knife. “Listen kid, you’re gunna be fine.” He looked over his shoulder with a weak smile as he slipped the blade into the holster of his boot. Adrenaline had already kicked in, masquerading the surge of emotions with a new drive. “It’s alright to be scared, just don’t let it eat at ya. Eyes up, it’s go time.”

Vladimir watched the doctor go through the motions, his brows pinching together over those tired eyes. He huffed, scattering his wildly-out-of-regs hair from his sight, and gave chase. "Yeah, I knew it was comin', but that doesn't make it easier to grasp." He mumbled, ripping the magnifying band from his head and tossing it onto his much smaller desk in the doctor's office, the same scattered and haphazardly stacked with the paperwork he was neglecting. He dove behind it, pushing out a forceful breath to steady himself, and claimed his deployment bag from beneath. Just as he had been coached to, he was prepared, at least in that regard. "Rather have clinic duty for sixteen hours again than sit in a steel tomb going who knows where."

He slung the pack over his shoulder and moved to hook his lab coat on the rack behind his meager space, forgoing it for the patched leather jacket hanging in the same place. This he draped across his right arm, and after doing as much, he finally looked back to Julian. "They already got all our gear on the ship, is what they said. Who else is comin'?" He allowed his question to hang before rather quickly adding a hopeful: "Hazel?"

This was the ritual of preparation he often took alone and in silence. It seemed now it came with an added bonus; a nervous Technician to settle into space. “First jump is the hardest,” the doctor offered, trekking through Vladimir’s minefield of banter he found himself in. “I reckon you heard this poodoo before, anyways. Just remember to breathe and always watch your feet.” The doctor glanced over at Vlad with a nod of reassurance. His attention turned back to his preparation, slipping his wrist under his desk at the scanner tucked between the steel. “Authorization?” A digitized voice interrupted, following the doctor's own less than enthusiastic response. “Doctor Julian Qar - AX-919.”

“Access granted.”

The doctor cleared his throat, wiping at his face before carefully plucking a small black kit from the freezer. He opened the container with almost laser focus, inspecting the four marked angels before clipping it to the empty housing on his belt. “If you want, I could always get ya assigned back to clinical when we get a call.” He snorted, finishing off his ritual with the retrieval of his pack of smokes and the tattered leather duffel bag he kept behind his desk. The doctor took a moment of pause, sensing this physical manifestation of oil and water between them; it was a calm and tension-filled aura that blanketed the office and he wondered, for a moment, if he had ever felt fear over duty. “You’ll be fine, trust me. Everything else we need is on the ship…including Dr. T’hess.”

The tech's bruised eyes widened, processing the answer to his question. She was coming too, that was great news! But… not so great when he remembered the swollen, cotton-stuffed nose peeking out of the lower edge of his field of view. Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku 's awakening from repair hadn't been very graceful. He was asking for it when he hadn't specified he was going to have to remove more of the man's arm to connect a new highly-specialized cybernetic to it, but at least the new toys had made up for it in the King's eyes… so he thought. "Feth, okay, that's good. I haven't seen her for a minute, I've been worried." Vladimir lied through his teeth, flexing cybernetic fingers through his messy tangle of hair in some attempt to soothe the rolling waves to no avail. "Yeah uh, I'll be okay, I think. Used to violence, just not used to war. Hopefully, we're going somewhere nice."


"Fething chit…" the tech muttered to himself from the edge of the gathered medical staff, his eyes shifting from the officer on the podium briefing them to the neon green streak of hair hovering somewhere close by. Nirauan, he had heard, was trashed. It was a wasteland. Soldiers had been stranded there for a month, beset by undead corpses and ruin, not to mention the fallout from the massive bomb The Maw had dropped on the city of New Carannia. It wasn't a good picture, and he certainly didn't feel any better about it now than he had before. If anything, it only twisted his guts into a tighter knot. His eyes had moved to his boots, the man scowling, until a tap-tap on his shoulder forced him out of his dread and a turn of his head put Hazel's wry grin in his gaze.

"You look rough," the woman teased him, shoving at his arm, "c'mon, it's not that bad. We'll be cozy in a field hospital in no time, just wait." Vladimir could only nod, forcing a narrow smile at her remark, trying to hide his anxiety. "I'm not worried about it," he lied, "I just uh…"

"What happened to your face?" Her head cocked curiously, those purple lenses narrowing at him suspiciously.

"Oh uh, got into a fight," he lied again, he did it often, though this time embarrassment etched its red stain across his battered features, "one of my patients got out of line."

"Which one?" though she already knew the answer, and it was obvious by the quivering restraint on her laughter. "The uh… King of Serenno…" V muttered, tapping a metal finger against the pad of an equally alloyed thumb. "So you knocked him out?" Hazel giggled evilly, earning a heavy sigh in response from the tired man, "Shut up, the officer is still talking."

"Oh V, don't be such a sore loser," she rattled his arm with her own metal grasp around his bicep, "I'm sure you took it like a champ. C'mon, you can sit with me on the transport."

Hazel's relaxed banter had followed an unsavory remark from the tense and yet seemingly calm medical lead, "I'mma need y'all ta shut the kark up and listen..." Julian snapped, groaning as he tucked his hands behind his back and turned the finger on his left out of habit. He shifted over slightly from the two, inching his way towards the front as the officer finally got the boisterous group of medics and rescue teams under control.

"This is your standard casualty evac mission. We will have medevac teams stationed in three locations in New Carannia. For those of you who are new, listen up. This information is important and we'll be runnin' through it quickly." Julian glanced around for a moment at the sea of new faces that stood at rest, eyes glued to the officer in charge of the briefing. This newer crew was still rowdy like the bunch from Carlac but their energy felt more precise like a razor's edge. He felt a sense of calm despite what was in store for them when they'd land again at the city center.

"We will be assessing and retrieving civilian and military personnel on the ground. Under no circumstances will you perform life-saving treatment on the field. We have intel that there are bands of marauders wreaking havoc throughout the city in addition to legions of undead soldiers still on the move. So remember, focus on assessment and retrieval, and get the hell out of there quickly. Doctor Qar will explain the tagging system and then we load up and head out." Julian exhaled softly, swapping his exterior presence to mask a lingering sickness in his gut. Every time these announcements came around it had shifted his demeanor, transforming him into a beacon of care, duty, and confidence. The doctor had situated in front of the podium, holding up four tags in his left hand as he commenced with his intel briefing. "We'll be usin' these tags for quick visual guides on how to tend to patients when they board the ships."

"Slap a green tag on those who are wounded and can walk, Patients who need minimal care that can be delayed, get yellow, all critical patients red. Simple. Field medics this is important, you will be paired with diagnosticians, rescue responders, and security detail. Assess, retrieve, and get them to the ships. I'm gonna repeat what Aekoh has said, do not treat. Stop bleedin', open airways, and get the kark outta there."

"I know for some'a you, this is the first time seein' these before."
His hand lifted the black tags, causing Hazel to grimace on sight and grip Vlad's augmented limb just a little tighter. Seeing those deathly flags never got easier, no matter how many times they'd done this before. "This is for those that are unresponsive with no respiration or pulse, clinically deceased. You need to move these bodies away from the livin' so the RTs can pick'em up and do what they gotta do." He granted them seconds to take in every bit that was thrown at them, glancing down towards his former assistant and his new charge. "That is all, stay safe out there. Y'all are dismissed." He stated, giving a nod to the crew as they quickly dispersed onto their ships.

Vladimir pressed a cumbersome breath from his lips, soaking in the information he was presented and did what little he truly could to ensure it cemented into the grooves of his forethought and commanded his full attention. Green, yellow, red. Easy. He could remember that, right? Black tags were for bodies. Easy. Cold metal fingers brushed the length of his face, dragging from a sunken, tired eye to trail off his chin, and rather abruptly flatten against the width of his chest. He spared Hazel a glance and his lips quivered, unsure of what to say or which shape to make at her reaction to it all. Truthfully, he didn’t know much of anything about her time enlisted, and if she had told him during any one of the numerous times she’d sat in his chair, he was too strung out to remember. “That’s not so bad,” he stated with a half-hearted shrug of the arm the woman clutched, “easy to remember.”

Purple eyes flicked up to catch his, the light behind their twilight stars indecipherable. “You say that now,” she stated in an uncharacteristically graven tone, “but wait until we’re out there. It doesn’t… it doesn’t sound like we’re going to be sitting cozy in a field hospital at all… this is just evac and rescue ops.” His brow furrowed at her tone, taken aback by it entirely, “You say that like it’s the worst possible mission to get.” The junior doctor gave his arm a pat, the metallic collision resulting in a soft clang clang with her digits against his limb, “You’ll see, V. Just uh… remember to breathe.”

She left him then and started up the ramp of their transport ship. It was all he could do to give chase, only to be recalled back by sharp words from Julian. “It’s uh…” he inhaled deeply, turning his gaze up to the cyborg, “it’s gonna be a long day, isn’t it?”


✚ H E M I P L E G I A ✚
[ into the sea ]

// Vladimir Kovačić Vladimir Kovačić \\


The world around him did not exist. The only thing that stood between them was short spurts of time before they were asked to make contact on an unfamiliar terrain to do the unthinkable for some. This was always an act of service for him and to those that followed his charge. There were some that were ready without movement, others counted the seconds on imaginary objects, or spoke to voices of the unknown. Whatever they needed to prepare minds for grueling hours ahead that often felt like atomic rips in reality, were always granted. He spoke to no one, his eye seemingly locked in on the now blank inlay of his arm as he recalled habits that were once muscle memory for him. It was all a matter of overwriting things that were a part of his routine. He could do this, he would remind those ever working thoughts, he had to stand as foundation for them.

The doctor peered across the ship from him, catching glimpses of this small unit of misfits he would bring into the fringes again. A seasoned veteran who served as support for panic attacks and a kid with a prison sentence who probably wanted the safety of a claustrophobic cell over warp speeds into the unknown in a metallic death trap.

Perhaps a bit cynical now, but he shook his head and chuckled to himself as he pulled his eyes away from past and present, to look out the window at the future.

Years ago he would have never found himself to be a man of ritual. Now every drop consisted of an ordered list of events; check AZ, install his prosthetic, smoke, think and finally talk down one of his teammates from the usual pre-jump panic attack. Each of them served as part of a greater body until one of them would become riddled with paralysis he was forced to unlock. And just like clockwork, a voice called to him and captured his attention.

"Julian!" he called out across the way loudly enough to be heard over the howling wind churning about the cabin, "Some kind of pep talk would be appreciated!"

"Don't die." He stated simply, his expression frozen in neutrality unit he broke character into his familiar. Metal onyx digits tightened around the handle behind him, addressing his small unit and the pilots of the craft. The wind pushed on his form but he held steady, projecting from deep within his chest to silence the roar of the machine just outside.

"Listen up! Once we get down there it's gonna be hell. I'm not gonna sit here and sugarcoat this for y'all. Most of y'all have been with me for years, some of y'all are new. I say the same chit every time, I reckon y'all are tired of hearin' my mouth, but our newbie Sawbones wanted a pep talk so here we go. Trauma team, I need you prepared, alert, and fightin' with all the courage you got in your fucken hearts. We got lives to save people!"

█ █ █





Issue #2 w/ Delilah Jones Enzo Demici Enzo Demici Electra-12 Electra-12 Electra-13 Electra-13

Dagger-5, Bravo Flight Lead
181st Imperial Fighter Wing, Imperial Battlegroup

From the skies, the Imperial hammer of retribution will fall upon the bloodthirsty hordes of the Maw.

Deployed on intercept duty, Bravo Flight came with hearts burning for vengeance against the Sith. A month ago rookie Gar Vane - Dagger Seven - was downed by the Sith-imperial remnant on Krownest during an air support mission. Today, their numbers were replenished with a new Seven - one Enzo Demici Enzo Demici . Introduced to their new comrade on the eve of the counter-attack on Nirauan, they had barely had the time to learn more about each other. Hughes, their Eight, was off the picture - she'd taken Vane's loss harder than anyone had expected and Squadron Lead had mandated her on a leave of absence. With the rest of the squadron on CAS roles, the three Bravo pilots were to keep the skies clear for the arriving reinforcements - pave the way for the coming storm.

<"They say three's a holy number."> his voice crackles through the comms, <"I ain't much of a believer but I sure as hell am feelin' like delivering some...sanctified wrath."> yeah, Jon's read those words somewhere. Some scripture he's probably confused for a burlesque show ad. Who knows.

They broke through into lower atmo, the sudden drag rattling the TIE-Outlanders as they squeezed into a tighter formation. Adjacent, on their portside, drop pods rained from the vessels in orbit. The Imperial Fury unleashed.

<"Dagger!.. Two red bandits, uh, bearing 290 at 40. Get visual!">

It's a hard left to get the bandits in view. Gs stewing his head even with the inertial dampeners. Afterburners kick in to minimize the turn radius and the engines' thundering roar cracks through the skies.

<"I can live with X-wings but this... our eyeballs manned by freaks makes my stomach turn."> Jon remarks in disgust. He's in no way the most upstanding Imperial the galaxy's got to offer, far adrift from the image of the True Imperial, but the employment of TIE models among the cultist marauders is a line drawn too far even for him.

<"Let's get 'em fast, got a date with Del later."> he adds smirking. Imagination had always been a strong suit of his.
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ALLIES: Waymar Dathrohan | Atticus Draco Atticus Draco | Rurik Fel Rurik Fel | Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku | Thilde Yahl Thilde Yahl | @whoever else
ENEMIES: BOTM | NSO | The damn underground tunnels
ENGAGING: Darth Saevius Darth Saevius (Soonᵀᴹ - come at me, bro!)
GEAR: Armour | Lightsaber | Pistol |Vibroblade | Vibroknife | Grenade loadout




Uncultured swine.

There was no other way to describe the Brotherhood and their childlike ability to just stomp all over the masterpiece of a sandcastle. Chess with pigeons. That blinker-mindset of "Oh this is pretty! ~Stomp~" that really got on the Child of Serenno's nerves.

The taint and turmoil itched beneath Raina's skin as she moved through the tunnels with the covert task force. It was creepy as feth with all the Perished Arrrrrrrrrrrrrgh-ing about while the Darkness throbbed like a festered wound. There was nothing classy or appealing about it all, purely because of the uncivilised mindset.

She had just hacked through a bunch of Perished alongside two other Knights, when the crash of the door hitting the door further up the tunnel reached them. Goosebumps still had the hair on her arms stand on end as she turned in the relevant direction - not because of fear, but because the Undead were really, really, really gross. One would expect the once eccentric Halketh Halketh to at least have more class than a bunch of slobbering puppets.

<"To me. The cloning chambers are our first priority. We can't let that technology fall into the hands of the unclean. We are retribution.">
Oh thank goodness....
<Good, because I'm getting claustrophobic.> she quipped before she moved forward in a Force-induced blur to decapitate two Perished before embedding her saber into a third before they could move forward properly to meet them. <We should really bless these folks on their way out.> she added as a blazing electric ball formed in her free hand and she threw the Judgement sphere square at another's chest. The currents jumped instantly to some other Undead next to him.

Lucky for a rebreather, as she was sure the smell wasn't very pleasant as the walking corpses convulsed on the ground.


ALLIES: NIO | Delilah Jones | Jon Kovacs
ENEMIES: MAW | Electra-12 Electra-12 | Electra-13 Electra-13
ENGAGING: Come at me bro
GEAR: In bio | TIE-OTx 'Outlander' | Standard loadout


Sitting in the cockpit of the Outlander with his head held high and his grip tight on the controls, Enzo was patiently waiting for the orders to move on any enemies that appeared on their scanners. This was his very first flight with the new squadron and, while they might outrank him, he certainly felt up to the task. Besides, it was always interesting to fly with new squadrons, meet the other competition in the Navy.

:: Copy that, Bravo Leader. :: He answered over the comms the moment the blips came up on the scanners. In an instant the squadron banked hard in pursuit of their new targets.

Enzo wasn't expecting other TIE fighters from the enemy... this was going to be a fun little bit of target practice. Enzo chuckled softly over the comms at Kovacs' quip before clearing his throat. :: I seem to have missed the briefing where Dagger-6 dropped her standards, Bravo Leader. :: He spoke up calmly with a parsec-long grin behind his helmet. Calmly shifting his controls around, he stuck in close formation with the rest of the squadron as they pursued their opponents.

:: Time to see if this rabble of peasants know how to handle such pristine pieces of technology. :: He chimed in, shifting slightly in his seat in anticipation of the fight ahead.


Delilah Jones



ALLIES: Jon Kovacs | Enzo Demici Enzo Demici
ENGAGING: Electra-12 Electra-12 | Electra-13 Electra-13
GEAR: Armour | Pistol | Vibroblade | 2x Vibroknives | TIE




The Krownest Op had been chit.

Vane's death had hit them all hard. Not that they had a lot of time to come to terms with it as they were deployed again almost instantly. All except Hughes. Del understood why, but it felt almost lonely without a fellow vixen on her wing.

The new guy was introduced to them somewhat hastily as they were prepping. And one look at him told her all she needed to know, and boy, did she want to wipe his nose out of the sky with a wrench. He seemed like that typical, entitled rich kid that got into the Academy on money alone and looked down on her less-privileged kind.

But only time would tell if he had Vane's spunk.

She wasn't a big fan of the Outlanders, even though they were the Fighters she been taught on. At least they had speed. But damn, she liked her firepower. It would have been worth so much more in an engagement like this. She was kind of surprised that Kovacs' lungs didn't reach the hangar this time around.

So here they were in fart-in-the-wind TIEs that couldn't shoot down a grasshopper even if they tried.

<"Dagger!.. Two red bandits, uh, bearing 290 at 40. Get visual!">
<I'm going to stop bringing you on ops, Kovacs. You're bad joojoo. We'll need to cleanse you first.> she quipped as she banked to get the visual. And ugh! Just ugh! Why the hell were the unholy Mawites floating around in New Imperial looking Stuff? It just looked wrong.

Her nose was still scrunched up in disgust when Kovacs just had to go and put his foot in it with his next quip.
<"Let's get 'em fast, got a date with Del later.">
Del pulled a face before opening her mouth to let out a quip when the noob piped up from her flank.
:: I seem to have missed the briefing where Dagger-6 dropped her standards, Bravo Leader. ::
She strangled the controls.
<I must have missed the briefing where you are even remotely classified as a standard, Dagger-7.> she jabbed right back. <I'll make you a deal, Kovacs. You win today's score, you get your dinner. I win, then you buy Demici two rounds of drinks.> she said before inching forward her Fighter to get in range of the bogeys.

Del flicked a few control to prime up her firepower.
<You prefer a holy intervention off the bat, Kovacs, or do you want to introduce us first?> she asked Jon as she kept her sights on what would be the technologically dead bubble that was Electra-13 Electra-13 's Fighter.




DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran

You did it, old boy; you have done it.

Barran had forsaken the initiative, and in doing so, the Maw had overcome the old boar's stout defences through sheer force and fanaticism. Not even the Imperial armies most hardened units could hold against such a tidal flesh wall of bodies; his men had held their line through it all, primarily spared of the mass that came Barrans way. His subordinates diligently waited on the command that never came, even when it seemed most decisive and properly orderly to do so. But Tal never took the opportunity; instead, he resigned Barran to his fate and spared his units of the carnage. Old comrades were both in the past, and even now, he did not limit his old boy punishment for his allegiances to Fel. Let the men of the Woad die for the old man's mistakes. He'd not waste good men on Barrans folly.

The distant burning necropolis of Carannia illuminated the grim procession of Galidraani tanks and carrier craft filled with wounded atop stretchers and men, many of whom were from the battalions dammed to defend the downtown. Tals sole contribution to the battle, largely throwing the men of Barrans homeworld and near human conscripts to the wolves of the Maw to buy time. He himself was sat at a war map in the hollowed building that used to function as a shop in another life; it had become his temporary war room from which he'd conducted operations throughout the fall of Nirauan and its aftermath.

"Get me a line to Barran; make it quick."

"Yes, sir."

His aide passed him the commlink, patching him through to Barrans private military channel from which he could address the old sport.

<"Tal to Barran, I have my men in reserve; keep us aware of any further developments over.">

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Objective 2: Dark Tide Rising
Tags: Waymar Dathrohan Jan Beroya Jan Beroya Atticus Draco Atticus Draco Rurik Fel Rurik Fel Lucien Dooku Lucien Dooku

In what was once one of the many larger offices, no doubt belonging to one of the Hand of Thrawn's commanding officers, what had once been a Spartan room adorned with a few accolades and military banners was now completely altered almost beyond recognition. The banners of the upstart Empire had been torn down and burned, the accolades similarly destroyed. The desk remained, with Lord Saevius seated behind it as he inspected a datapad intently. He eventually turned his attention to a line of men and women, bent onto their knees, both of their hands chained to a bar newly mounted in the room.

The Sith Lord arose from his seat and clasped his hands behind his back. His eyes appraised each person, a total of 6 individuals with adhesive tape over their mouths. Saevius stopped in front of one in particular; a human male in a sweat-stained military uniform staring daggers at his captor. He ripped the piece of tape from the man's mouth, who in turn immediately spat at the Inquisitor. Immediately, two rather large guards bristled at the act of blatant disrespect, but Saevius quickly raised a hand to halt their pulverising the captive within an inch of his life.

He merely grinned as he reached for a kerchief and slowly wiped the saliva from his face. Wordlessly, he then turned and nodded to the two guards, who wasted little time in none-too-gently pulling the man from his restraints and shoving him onto a rack on the opposing wall, with restraints to hold each of the average person's limbs firmly against them. The brutes manhandling the officer did just so, with the human fruitlessly struggling against the guards who dwarfed him in both height and girth. After securing him to the rack, the guards returned to their place watching over the other captives, with Saevius now approaching the rack in a very purposeful, dignified manner. His eyes once again appraised the man, this time regarding him as if... as if he were a sculptor inspecting each minute flaw upon the marble he was about to work. His eyes glowed an unnatural yellow which shone brightly in the dim light of the room. He could sense the fear pulsing through this man’s veins, which he attempted to compensate for with copious amounts of blustering vitriol.

”You’re wasting your time, bastard! You won’t get anything from me!”

”Are you certain of that?” Saevius’ words shot back almost as quickly as his captive's ended. The expression on the officer’s face was as if the wind was taken straight out of his sails, but he still trained to put on a brave face for the others. By the look of their dress, he appeared to be the most senior NIO officer in this room, which meant that if Saevius broke him, it would do much to loosen their lips. It would stand to reason that this officer - a Captain by the look of him - would have the most to offer by way of tactical intelligence, but Saevius had selected this assortment on purpose. A district prefect, two sergeants, a clerk, and an engineer. From what he had gathered over the past few weeks of being here, all of these men and women were suspected of holding information of insurgents who were operating behind the Maw’s lines, and were guilty of very effective partisan operations. While one of them would not provide enough information on their own, all of them put together would do much to ease the transition of this world into proper Brotherhood control.

And so, Saevius began in earnest:
”I will give you one chance, and one chance only to give me the information I require peacefully. If you do so, I will see to it that your family will be fed and kept safe, and that you will be treated honorably as my personal prisoner. If you refuse... well, I suggest you don’t.” His voice was cold and as merciless as ice, his tone even and without emotion one way or the other.

”Where is the former commander of this facility hiding?” He continued, his eyes looking deep within the Captain’s. The Captain, in turn, said nothing, his breathing growing more intense as he tried to control himself. After waiting a few moments, and as it became more clear the Captain was not going to answer his question, Saevius let out a deep sigh. ”Very well.”

He reached out his hand, stretched it mere inches away from the Captain’s face, and reached out into the Captain’s mind. The sensation that would wash over the captive would be as if thousands of tiny, needle-like fingers were penetrating his flesh and seeping into his mind - he struggled at first, grunting in discomfort as the power began to settle in, as if in some desperate way to resist what was about to befall him. When the feeling continued, the Captain finally spoke again ”Alright, I’ll talk, I’ll talk! Please just stop!”

But Saevius said nothing, his eyes closed as he pushed through the Captain’s defenses to probe his thoughts and find the information he needed. Despite his words, and despite the officer’s lack of training in the force, his willpower was respectable, to be sure. He struggled against Saevius’ advances, but the Sith Lord pushed onward.


”You had your chance.” Saevius replied in a soft voice, focusing on his technique. It would seem the Captain was desperate to prevent this probing, which reinforced the Sith Lord’s suspicions that he would just be lied to if he did indeed stop. The struggling and begging persisted for several moments until the officer let out a loud, animalistic scream. Eventually, the screaming stopped, and so did the struggling, with the officer’s wrists dangling limply to the side.

Saevius grimaced slightly, as if it had ended before he was able to extract all of the information he needed. But, he did get something. He turned to the brutes, and said:
”A safe house, somewhere in this district in fact. Near the south side, by the industrial park.” Muffled cries erupted from the other captives, with a few breaking out into sobs from behind the tape on their mouths. One of the brutes rushed out of the room with the information Saevius had given them, and the Sith Lord kept his eyes on the now dead Captain for a few moments before pulling them away and back at the captives. He regarded them with the same coolness he had done a few minutes prior, but before he could select a new interrogation subject, he paused. A feeling of unease gripped him - as if something were... amiss. He reached out in the force, and felt a series of presences that... did not belong in this bastion of the New Imperial Order. At least, presences that no longer belonged. He made eye contact with the remaining brute, and said: ”Watch over them. I will return.”

At that, he arose and exited the room, leaving the brute alone with the five all but terrified captives still chained to the wall. As he walked with purpose down the corridor, his bemusement became obvious. With the Captain’s death, he could feel them all but begging mentally to share the information they had - at least, most of them. But no, as his senses focused evermore on the disturbance he felt, he became all the more certain that they could wait. There were intruders sneaking into the Hand of Thrawn, and he would deal with them himself. Before he made it far, he met the gaze of a Maw chieftain he was about to pass by. ”Send twenty men down to the tunnels. We have company.” At that, he continued on, pulling his lightsaber from its place at his waist and making his own way down to the tunnels to meet the intruders whilst the chieftain bellowed orders, assembling his men. ”More subjects, perhaps I will get something actually meaningful this time”



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Location: New Carannia - Nirauan Lower Atmosphere
Call Sign: Nacheria Seven
Objective: I - Inflict Terror
Equipment: TIE Pilot Flight Suit │ Hekler’Kok FP-01
Allies: BotM ( Electra-13 Electra-13 )
Enemies: NIO
Direct Engagement: Jon Kovacs Delilah Jones Enzo Demici Enzo Demici

"Nacheria Eight to Nacheria Seven, I've lost instrument readouts. Flying blind, how copy, over?"

“Are you kidding me? Now?” Electra-12 paused as she began to tap away at her central console, flipping a few switches as she did. “Drat! They couldn’t have chosen a worse possible time to mess up!” She grumbled, though a relieved breath escaped from her lips as she worked out a solution. “Okay 13, I’m transmitting the data feed from my sensors to yours. You can at least use mine for now.” The clone said. All the while, her sensors pinged more contacts entering the atmosphere from space, with three in particular closing in fast on her position.

“Eyes up, 13! Bandits are 3 o’clock, high.” Electra-12 said. “Let’s make a statement. Get them into 12 and lock targets! Get ready to launch torpedoes before we get into cannon range!”

With that, Electra-12 activated her targeting systems, switching to torpedoes as she pulled her control sticks hard to the right, setting her course directly towards the three New Imperial TIEs, in what could very quickly become a head-on as she closed in on cannons' range. Immediately, target locks were set and confirmed on the two bandits adjacent to the lead in the enemy formation. All the while, her control sticks were pushed forward and up at a shallow angle, perhaps projecting the illusion that she intended to initiate a head-on pass with cannons, if her TIE’s speed and heading was any indication.

“Fox 3 on my! Break left, 13! Keep them contained in 1 through 5 o’clock!” With a strained grunt, the clone squeezed the triggers to fire a pair of torpedoes, then she pushed her control sticks to the left, rolling her TIE’s wings in the same direction to tighten the radius of the turn, intending to evade any incoming laser fire in the process. It was only then that she saw the blood red stripes on the wings of a bandit, her nostrils flaring with recognition, then anger at the bold-faced ripoff of the legendary, ancient 181st. A student of naval history, the emotion quickly overtook the clone even as the Gs began to pull on her body. Did any of these pilots even have the ten kills needed to earn their red stripes or were the markings just pure aesthetic to them?

Perhaps arrogantly, she doubted that they did.

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Wearing: See Above

Tagging: OPEN

Jesse had ducked down another alleyway, a group of enemy troops moving past where he had been moments before rushing off towards the front lines. The man had been in many sticky situations before, but this one was getting really old, pretty fast. He needed to continue to disrupt their forces in their zone of occupation, but to do that required a little bit of expertise.

Under normal circumstances this would've been a normal walk in the park, but when there is a war going on inside the city you are operating in, not as easy. There was a good thing to all the noise and confusion though, it provided him with excellent cover. He moved from street to street, using the cover of explosions to his advantage, the sounds disguising his moves and actions.

Having learned much in his years, Jesse was an expert in not being seen, and this was going to be no different. Finally, he spotted the building he had been looking for. He made his way next door, a band of troops keeping a close eye on the building of interest, and causing him some dilemma. He needed to get in there without being seen.

Moving into the neighboring building Jesse made his way to the top floor, taking out a pair of binoculars and scanning through the building, all he needed was to find an undefended access point that he could sneak into. An air vent, a back door, a garbage shoot, anything could work.

Perfect, an air duct that he could reach from a ladder located on the North West Side of the building, he nodded to himself before putting his binoculars away and began to move out of the neighboring building, his footsteps as quiet as a cat's as he made his way down the flights of stairs.

Before he knew it, he was laying in the street, a large hole was blown into the wall where he had just been standing, the impact had sent him flying, dust, dirt, and debris-covered him as he groaned softly in agony. He didn't have time to wallow in the pain he felt, he needed to move or he would be caught, getting to his feet he stumbled over to a trash can and knelt down to assess the wounds he had received from the explosion, What a chit way to start this ordeal, this is just gonna make all this a heck of a lot harder.


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