Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Developing The Understanding Of The Force


Upon hearing what Jairdain told him to do next, he felt nervous. He knew that he was already in unknown territory meditating this deep but to actuality slow his heart was something he know if he could do it. Still he focused on his heart trying to slow it down. However, upon hearing his heart beating less he stop as he didn't want to risk losing his life. "I don't know I can do that Jairdian." He said starting to fear for his own life. "What if I die from attempting it?"
Even through the meditation, Jairdain could pick up on his emotions and felt the fact he was nervous, scared and feared for his own life.

Before you try, allow me to demonstrate.​ Reach out to me and listen to my heart. Feel me my life through the Force.

She waited until Jasper did this before focusing on the tempo of her heart. She brought it down very slowly, in fact if somebody were to walk into the room, she would look lifeless. As her heart slowed, so did her breathing and all her other life signs. However, through the Force it would clearly be seen Jairdain was very much alive.

[member="Jasper Candos"]

He listened, not saying a word as he felt Jairdain's life through the force. He focused on listening to her heartbeat which was easy at first. However, it became more difficult for Jasper to hear it as it slowed down inside Jairdain. He tired to focus harder on listening to the sound of her heart beating but soon couldn't hear anything at all.

"How..." He asked in disbelief losing his focus almost forcing himself to stop meditating but didn't upon sensing the force around Jairdain. He cursed himself, Jasper felt that he shouldn't have lost control and focus like that knowing what she was going to do. After a few seconds later he calm himself down and focused back onto meditating. "How are you able to stop your heart without worrying about dying like that?" He asked.
Being fully aware of what she was doing, how to do it safely and what her limitations were helped. Jairdain hoped he would learn his today. She had infinite patience and would use it with Jasper.

A slow breath went through her body and her heart sped up again. As slowly as she had slowed its rate down, she brought it back up to normal.

Simple. Practice. It takes time to learn and finesse. Go on and don't worry just yet. Your body is far more than you think it is. Can take more than you expect. Trust in me and the Force. I will not let you die.

[member="Jasper Candos"]

"Okay..." Was all he said before he tired again.Jasper was still nervous about stopping his heart beating after inhaling and exhaling a few times he decided to try again. He didn't like to take chances in life but he knew that he was going to the moment he chose to come here. He also concluded after having a tour from the temple that the other jedis will be able to do something if the worst case scenario were to happen. Focusing on his heart, he begins to slow down its rate making sure he reminds himself that everything will be fine.

His body started looking lifeless with each passing second as his heart rate slow. He feared for the worst about his life but continued regardless thinking that Jairdian would save him. He hated to put his life in the hands of others. But he knew in his mind he has no choice. He needed this training and more in order to do what he promised himself years ago.

Soon his body became lifeless, or looked lifeless but was still alive due to the force
Feeling Jasper through the Force, Jairdain noticed how he did. Both the method he used and how he accomplished it. He had faith in her ability and trusted that she wasn't going to allow him to die. Doing a mental nod when he lifesigns went to almost nothing and yet through the Force was still alive and strong, she reached out telepathically again.

Now focus on your heart again and slowly bring it back to normal, please. Don't just let go of the control you currently have. The sudden change like that can cause harm. You're doing great.​

[member="Jasper Candos"]

Listening to Jairdain, Jasper slowly brought his heart rate back to normal making sure he doesn't do anything that will hurt his body. A few minutes late and his heart is back to normal or he feels that it has. He cautiously take some deep breaths which relive him of some worry each time he take in air. He through about the whole experience and what it meant for him now that he knows that it's possible for him to stop his heart the way he did. He still was cautious to the whole thing and made a mental not to do anything else when he stopped his heart again until he has this fully mastered.

"May I asked you something about what we just did?" He asked telepathically " Is it safe to say that this force technique can be used to stop other organs in the body?"
It took a few minutes for his heart to speed back up to normal, but he did it safely and Jairdain nodded more or less mentally at him. Since they both were still in a meditative state, he would be able to feel her much better. Allowing him the physical time for his body to recover fully, she listened to the questions Jasper asked.

This had nothing to do with the Force and all about your mind's focus, Jasper. I have never tried it on other organs honestly, but in slowing your heart down like that, you also slow all your other body functions. So while it may not fully answer you question, it does partially.

[member="Jasper Candos"]

Jasper took in Jairdain's answer to his question and began to wonder about something with that involves using the force. "Are the force and my mind connected all the time. Like subconsciously speaking?" He asked, " I felt like the force did do something to my body when I l slowed my heart's beating."
He asked a question that required a little thought from Jairdain. While what she taught she didn't feel had anything to do with the Force, there was the possibility it was. That maybe the Force kept them alive even though they were the ones controlling their respective bodies. However, that was all he asked and Jasper said he had felt like the Force had done something to his body while going through the exercise.

​Yes they are always connected. However, the Force can severed from you. If it happens to me, I become just a normal and blind human. With the Force though, I can accomplish so much. My vision is through the Force. Being separated is not fun for me.

It would something to clarify when these exercises were done if he wanted to know more of her past.

[member="Jasper Candos"]

Upon hearing about the possibility of losing the force Jasper interest peaked on the subject. "You can actually lose the ability to connect to the force!?" He asked almost losing concentration from his meditation, he didn't think that a person could lose the force. Despite owning a Jedi cube and looking at it he never knew anything about losing the force from it. "How is that possible?" He asked after calming himself down a bit but still worried about not knowing this. He felt worried that he could lose his connection with the force.
She kept calm and in the meditation through their conversation, but could tell it was maybe straining her student. No sense in causing him unneeded stress or concern, Jairdain came out of her meditation and opened her eyes.

"Come out of the meditation yourself and we can speak. We can continue with the practice of meditating when your questions have been answered."

Pleased to have such an inquisitive student there was not a hint of irritation in her voice or lack of patience that it might have caused to others.

"There are a few ways to lose your connection to the Force, Jasper. The Sith have a dart that was used on me, there are also Force skills that can totally sever the connection. Not to mention certain elements of metals and animals can be used."

[member="Jasper Candos"]

Upon hearing the tutor’s words Japser slowly came out of his meditation after some time and opened his eyes, focusing them toward the woman before him "Very well then, if that what you require in order for me to ask my questions" He said. He wanted to stay in meditation to continue using the force in to better control it but didn't wanted to risk losing his chance of asking his questions and didn't want to do anything to make her stop.

Jasper heard Jairdain answer and was felt with an unease in this body. He felt he should have known there was a catch to something like this, he didn't "buy" most of the things that he was told by the people on the planet he grew up in mostly due to the "catches" that came with the "buy".

"About these, force skills.." He started to ask thinking about the possible skills "What are some of them?" He wanted to know more than the darts that he sith used because of the threat that he felt toward the skills one can use with the force. He figured that the darts involve requiring resources that will be gone with time and was sure that some if not most sith will use them against others users as well.
It wasn't he that he would lose his chance to ask his questions, Jairdain didn't want to push his limits since she didn't know them. In coming out of the meditation, they could now speak freely and openly without any mental stress.

Picking up on his unease, she would attempt to exude a calming aura that he would hopefully pick up on. The answer to his question was not one she could answer though. Her not having the ability to read greatly impaired some things.

"The names I can't tell you honestly. The Jedi have skills that can sever the Force from a user as well though. So it goes both ways. They are rarely used so it's unlikely you will come across that threat in your travels."

[member="Jasper Candos"]

Taking in the words and information that Jardian said in response to his question Jasper stayed silent. Thinking about what he learned today he couldn't help but feel something inside of him that made him do subtle smile. The second he realizes that smile he quickly faded it away, cursing himself for doing so. He hoped Jairdian didn't notice it quickly asked a question to distract from it. " Have you seen it happen to someone before?"
She was blind so the smile Jasper gave was lost on her, but there was a touch of it within his emotions. Jairdain was not one of the people to deny or hide her emotions so it didn't bother her at all. He asked if she had ever seen one of these skills used on a person, she shook her head.

"No, I'm blind so seeing it done isn't possible. However, have I been around somebody that has lost the use of the Force?"

Pointing to herself, she nodded before speaking again.

"Me, I was injected with a dart or a temporary liquid that took the Force away from me for a short time. Other than that, no. Why do you ask?"

[member="Jasper Candos"]

Jasper felt embarrassed upon being reminded of Jairdain's blindness and hated that he forgot that bit of information. He was so focused on the answers that jedi was giving that he has forgotten about Jairdain's eyes. "Apologies Jairdain, I'll forgotten about that." He admitted loathing himself for having to admit it. When Jasper was asked about why he asked Jairdain his question he thought about what to say for but soon answered.

"I don't want to lose my connection to the force." He answered. He considers saying something else but decided to tell her the truth. He also had another reason but didn't want to say it. "How did it felt when you lost your connection with the force for a while?"
She felt the negative emotions coming from him and gave him a slightly confused look. When he spoke, he said he was sorry, but Jairdain didn't sense he really meant that. Shaking her head, she found it unlikely he would be in a position where he would lose the Force and said so.

"Just don't let yourself get captured by sith, I guess. Best advice I can give you there."

It was the only time it​ had happened to her.

"It felt like I was lost. For without the Force, I am a simple, blind human. For you, you would still have your physical sight and it would probably be easier to adjust to it. However, I don't think you will be in such a position soon."

[member="Jasper Candos"]

Japser already knew not to get captured by the sith from what he heard about them before meeting Jairdian and knew it was a no-brainer. "I see." was all he could say about the advice he was given. He continued to listen to Jairdian and her experience when she lost the force. He nodded when she committed on how easier it would be for him if he lost the force. "True...sad but true." He said in response felling bad about saying it. " However, it seems that something was on your side since you were able to get the force back and live. "
"I did not plan on getting captured. The Force was taken from me with the use of some potion."

She shrugged her shoulders slightly when she finished speaking.

"Only way I got free was by becoming a Sith."

There were times even now where she felt the call of the dark, but she wasn't going to tell Jasper this.

"Do you have any further questions? The day is almost done."

[member="Jasper Candos"]

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