Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Campaign Devil You Know: Campaign to SJC Held Myrkr (Myrkr, Velmor, Orleon, Azure, Katarr)

Location: Around a campfire
Interacting with: Mazrim Caide/Taim Mazrim Caide/Taim
- - -​
The core? Her mind went to back to a briefing of soldiers before landfall. The platoon commander instructed them to seek immediate transport if the order was issued, but the the confidence in his voice lead many to believe that their leaders wouldn't utilize the two-edged sword. Yet she didn't judge them, as in any pursuit for the Empire one must give all for victory.

She nodded toward him, "If I'd have had my helmet... well, smoke signals could do as well as shot comms."

The legionnaire was odd, his complacent nature drawing out a quick squint from Ruek. He felt off in some way, a vague touch of something hidden beneath his confidence. But the foretoken of feeling which bubbled in her gut could be attributed to the ysalamiri's influence... or simply bad Mon Calamari.

"Killing for the Empire and dying for the Empire are not the same as being crushed by an asteroid," she downed the rest of her tea before slinging away the droplets left on its rim then packed it away.

As she continued packing up her supplies she asked, "What do you think of these Jedi, legionnaire?"
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii


Dueling: Cara Dorniarn Cara Dorniarn
Location: Outside the city, in the woods.
Units: 1st MIL Battalion "Netherhounds", 1st Armored Platoon "Wraith Division", Star Angles, Banshee Squadron (12 8-R Toscans), 2 Jai'galaar Bes'uliik
Gear: Lightsaber Trayc'kad, Echani Vibrosword given to him by Kat Decoria , Mandalorian amor, comms unit, Slick Anti-Acid Coat, Sith vibroknife, Nightbrother Fighting Knife, a pair of Taak'tabi, a pair of Hissing Ghosts

Mig looked at Cara, noticing her surprise at him saying she could. He had two reasons though. For one, there was a droid with almost 900 years of experience flying as the pilot, but second, why would she do anything? She made a bad jump it would destroy her too. The Sith had one more surprise though. She knew Concordian. It sounded like a bad attempt at of a Mandalore native at mimicking Concordian, but the voice was there thanks to how she spoke.

<“Well, good to know you’ll understand me when I speak with my more native tongue.”> Mig knew that something was going to be an odd trip, though he did wonder what had happened to make her hate his people, yet seem to understand their language so well. Even the dialects. R10 would howl again as the courier finally began to slip out of the atmosphere, Mig would be a long trip, and now that lizard made it longer.

Either way, they were sliding out of the atmosphere now, the asteroid in a much clearer view.

He answers without hesitation as he brushes crumbs off his armor and stands, waiting to depart.

"I think they're killers, just like any other. The only difference is that they assign morals and honor to their murders. But if we could ask the ghosts of the fallen, I do not think they would speak of honor and morals when they describe their death. I think they'd speak of pain, and cold, and fear. Death is death, and its dealers are murderers regardless of moniker or reason. But, in this world murderers are in higher demand than heroes, and so here we are. Do you know the way to a nearer evac location, or should we head back the way I came?"

His voice never loses its calm, unbothered tone, and his one green eye tracks Ruek Tast Ruek Tast 's every movement with a sort of detatched analytical stare. This man is a soldier through and through, and certainly doesn't belong in the uniform of a basic legionnaire...
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim-Ragal
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand
The Red Witch; Director of Blackwatch; Baroness of Vengard, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Location: Vegemite Temple, Myrkr
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | 2x red blade lightsaber shoto | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Shield talisman | G1 OmniLink | Empyrean gland | Taozin amulet
Space forces: 4/4 Adjudicator II-class Star Destroyer (under Thaelius Thaelius 's command)
Ground forces: 2.000/2.000 Ultranauts | 2.000/2.000 Infinites (under Telis Taharin-Zambrano Telis Taharin-Zambrano 's command)
Enemies: -

Background music:
Sabaton – Rise of Evil

One of the most important things she didn’t forget during the rush was to issue the retreat order to her own teams as well. Ingrid hoped that Telis Taharin-Zambrano Telis Taharin-Zambrano would not object to this because she had no intention of sacrificing the lives of her own people for an asteroid. This fight was not worth the price. It wouldn’t have been worth it if they, the Eternal Empire wanted to get any planet. It’s one thing to help the Sith Empire in war, even with units, but she won’t sacrifice them, so pointlessly. She never agreed with the genocide.

She received feedback from all the Eternal Empire’s commanders and officers on the planet to retreat and leave the planet as soon as possible. Great, she just had to reach the dropships. This pushed things to her side that she was invisible. So she only had to manoeuvre between the warring parties. She looked at herself with a dropship that had just risen into the air.

She was forced to use Force Speed, as was Force Jump, because the dropship rose quickly and the door was closed. Ingrid could just crash on it in time, mowing several Sith troopers inside who landed on the ground. It was then that she was visible again, and everyone raised their weapon for a few seconds on her. Only until they realized that the woman was one of their allies. In fact, she is a fairly high ranking person. As for the way back, it was much more peaceful than the way down.

Now no one really shot them, they could safely make their way. The captain of the dropship was so courteous and landed on one of the Eternal Empire ships that the Overlord would get on her own ship. Here the woman immediately hurried to the bridge, meanwhile informed that most of the troops had also returned or were on their way to the ships. The losses were within acceptable limits, both in space and in battle on the planet.

Their battle was over, but they still remained and continued to provide support to the Sith units in the space battle, and then they would leave only if the other Sith ships were too. But there was really nothing left but the grand finale…

OOC: Last post.


Pancake Avoidance
Tags: Kyra Perl Kyra Perl | Nida Perl Nida Perl | Lark Lark

They were getting surrounded as several squads were attempting to flank on both sides, forcing Thirdas to divide his focus on right, left, center all at once. His rifle fired as relentlessly as the man wielding it spat Valkyri curses at his enemies, and even when he took a shot to the shoulder he barely let the enemy know they'd hit him. When one particularly daring Sith trooper thought to run straight up to him Thirdas responded by crushing the man's throat with his cybernetic hand, squeezing until his head popped clean off.

He was fully prepared to die here this day.

Kyra meanwhile seemed to be faring far worse, barely able to put up a fight with the blaster she'd been handed. He wasn't about to reprimand her; were it not for his training coupled with the sheer anger he felt he too would have crumbled. Instead, he'd gone berserk.

It wasn't until he felt her hand on his arm that he paused and met her gaze, and as much as he wanted to stay and fight, his greatest concern right now was no longer Nida. It was her baby sister.

His temper cooled and he offered an affirmative nod, firing off some more rounds until he was out of ammo before Kyra could activate her Force shield. Together they fled the scene while under fire, with Thirdas putting his arm around her waist and firing off his grapple gun to one of the nearby rooftops. Zipping through the air, more blaster rounds were fired but got soaked up by the shield as it emcompassed the pair.

Once having reached the rooftop and were able to briefly catch their breath, he made sure to halt Kyra and look her in the eye.

"You alright," he asked while clutching his own shoulder, only now recognising the burning pain. "Kyra. We couldn't save her this time. Next time, we'll be ready." He waited for her to respond before they resumed their hasty escape. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a communicator.

"Mr-- sigh Mr. Bumkins, take off and meet us to the west! We'll be on one of the rooftops."

They were not out of harm's way just yet, as another volley of Sith blasters were so kind to let them know.

"Climb on my back," he kneeled down facing away from Kyra, allowing her to jump on.

Leaping off the rooftop, another well-aimed shot from his grapple gun allowed them to swing high above the Hyllyard streets onto another rooftop, further away from their pursuers. He doubted they would continue the pursuit for long however, as they too would need to retreat off the planet before the whole place went up in flames.

Their landing on the second rooftop was far less graceful, with Thirdas struggling to pull himself and Kyra over the parapet with an injured shoulder. Fortunately their ticket off this world had arrived as Kyra's ship appeared beside them, ramp lowered.

"Ladies first," he literally picked up and tossed her onboard before attempting to leap across the space between rooftop and ramp. It proved a stretch, even for him, and only managed to hold on using his metal arm as his other had become too weak for another feat of strength.

Kyra moved off instinct, her arms wrapping around Thirdas' neck as he propelled them from ground to roof top. For all her training, she found herself capable of doing nothing in that moment. It was the biggest disappointment, her voice ringing through the back of her fog, yelling at her to wake up! Heroes don't going into shock! Heroes don't need to be carried away!

But wanting to be the main protagonist in a war flick and actually stepping up were too very different things. It was all a choice...

Nida's betrayal... and her... her response.

It was a choice.

Kyra snapped to life, gripping onto Thirdas' back as she pulled out her blaster and shooting shooting back.

Her arrival in the ship wasn't graceful, squeaks escaping her as she skittered across the ship's ramp. She had been tossed, of course. She pulled herself up, red hair sticking to her face as found Thirdas jump... and falling out of sight. She scrambled forward, metal limb reaching out and wrapping around the single wrist she could still see.

"Hang on!" She bellowed, scrambling to find a way to lift him. For all her arm's strength, her body lacked weight. Her eyes watered in distress, the sky growing darker as the battle ranged on down below.

Countless were help or unaware, but Kyra knew... She knew she was staring down death.

Remember who you are. Krya let out a scream of exertion, the force sweeping up from under Thirdas and enveloping him. Telekinetic tendrils lifted him, his body spilling into the hanger with her.

"Mr. Bumkins go!"

Her horrified gaze held Thirdas' for a moment, her chest heaving, before turning to stare out at the doomed city in shock. Thirdas didn't know either yet. Her words caught in her throat as the ship closed its doors and sped away.

Just in time. ... For them.

Dueling: Mig Gred Mig Gred
Location: Space
Gear: Personal armor, Judicator,
KS-9 'Firestorm' Grenade x2, Sonic Imploder x2, Vibroknife x2
She allowed a quick glance from the terminal and towards the asteroid. Hearing Mig's curse she hummed, <"Quite a sight to behold. Doubt Hyllyard city council intended for this amount of remodeling.">

She clicked the switches overhead, <"I'm not risking sitting in a debris field, but from the distance I've input we can view some of the aftermath. Preparing for lightspeed in three... two... one...engage,"> the stars blurred as the craft slipped into space.

Cara leaned back in the seat, sighing as she raised a hand to pinch the bridge of her nose. It was getting to her, the quiet. A ship had never been so silent before and it irked her, and the lack of connection to her own limbs was unnerving. With a sharp breath she slapped her hands onto lap, "Ow!" She winced, the business of escaping certain doom having distracted her from the kunai in her leg. She huffed an annoyed sigh and glanced over her shoulder to Mig,

<"Ideas of where that blasted reptile is hiding?">
Location: Around a campfire
Interacting with: Mazrim Caide/Taim Mazrim Caide/Taim
- - -​
Ruek watched him with the same dissecting eye he had kept on her.

"...murderers are in higher demand than heroes..." he had said in what she took as a critical tone. Did the man not realize they were the heroes, they who went above and beyond to secure the future of their Empire? She realized then what she may had felt before, a trace of that which she loathed above all else--


Of course she would wait to find proof of this assumption but until then she had to trust the legionnaire. She buckled her supplies back onto her belt and retrieved her rag-wrapped rifle. After cradling the weapon in her arms Ruek tred over to the Jedi.




Indeed, he was still unconscious. She removed her knife and began to cut the ties which kept him and the ysalamiri bound to the tree.

"We will return along your path, since you seem to have come from Sith Imperial held ground. How long have you served?" She asked the soldier with a deceptively casual tone.
Location: Outside the city
Interacting with: Mazrim Caide/Taim Mazrim Caide/Taim
- - -​

A few moments were given while she modified the answer. If not for the lightspeed incident she would have been dead centuries ago, retired as an agent of Vader's empire or dying in service to him and the Imperial cause.

"I joined the Imperial Academy when I was 17. For fourteen years I have served."

The filaments binding the Mon Calamari were snapped and he fell forward, the ysalamiri slipping to the ground then scurrying away.

"...I was chosen out of the academy, I did not reach normal deployment."

With a shove she relocated the Jedi into Caide's hands, "I will carry the rifle, you carry the prisoner."

She turned away and stomped the embers of the campfire.

Perhaps his planet of origin held a clue.

"Jelucan." She said as she checked the vibro-hatchet on her belt then started in the direction he had come.

"I don't know where I was born. My father moved us around constantly, whether for work or to outrun his gambling debts or both I don't know."

The explanation comes out calm and without emotion, as if he's describing what he had for dinner as he hefts the jedi over his shoulder.

"I spent most of my time as a kid on a ship or in a port. I started learning to fight mostly because it was something they had at basically every star port and underground fights was a way to make money. guess you could call it a hobby of circumstance. Then when I was 17, my dad got spaced for stealing from the captain of the ship we were on. Best thing he ever did for me was denying that I was his son. After that, I travelled around doing odd jobs where I could find them until I was old enough to enlist. The rest is in my combat records, you're welcome to read them they aren't classified."

His voice never wavers once as they walk, his green eye calmly watching the trees for any threat of danger as he awaits Ruek Tast Ruek Tast 's response

Caedyn Arenais


Location: Troop Transport, descending for the ground.
Personal Inventory: Caedyn's Jedi robes, Armistice Lightsaber.
Opponent: Nan'eth'illa Nan'eth'illa


"A Cataclysm?" Caedyn repeated with no small amount of uncertainty and question, "What exactly do you think is about to happen?" he asked further, though his gaze had moved to focus upon the Thermal Detonator in Nan'eth'illa Nan'eth'illa . Whatever the Woman thought was about to come about over Hyllyard City, she sure as chit seemed willing to go the mile to escape it.​

"You let that thing go off and you'll be killed along with every one of us on board this ship" He pointed out to her, "Seems like the exact opposite of what you're trying to do here, doesn't it?" his eyes met with hers once more and he gave a slightly tilted nod in gesture to the explosive device. "You've already suggested that I'm willing to give my life for others, I'm not sure that's really going to improve your situation any I'm afraid".

While he didn't make any visible sign of notice, Caedyn considered the open side compartment to which their newcomer had entered into the transport. If needs were to arise, if he were to be given no other choice, then he'd be forced to send her back out the way she'd come in via a telekinetic barrage of Force. Only if she were to force his hand however. For the time being, the Jedi Knight seemed more intent on trying to talk her down.

"Explain the situation to me, this doesn't have to end violently and I do not wish to be forced to hurt you in order to protect the others on board" Caedyn suggested further, still wanting to know what exactly had gotten the Sith Apprentice so spooked. "We won't be far from the surface" he continued, "Land with us and you can take the next shuttle off of Myrkr if you're so desperate. I won't stop you, unless you're going to go out of your way to endanger the lives of others".
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii


Dueling: Cara Dorniarn Cara Dorniarn
Location: Outside the city, in the woods.
Units: 1st MIL Battalion "Netherhounds", 1st Armored Platoon "Wraith Division", Star Angles, Banshee Squadron (12 8-R Toscans), 2 Jai'galaar Bes'uliik
Gear: Lightsaber Trayc'kad, Echani Vibrosword given to him by Kat Decoria , Mandalorian amor, comms unit, Slick Anti-Acid Coat, Sith vibroknife, Nightbrother Fighting Knife, a pair of Taak'tabi, a pair of Hissing Ghosts

He looked back at Cara, glaring a little at the joke about the asteroid impact. He sighed a little before the looking back, listening to the transmissions and the engine's humming. It wasn't the kind of thing that he took pleasure in. Yeah, he was a Mandalorian, but it didn't mean he loved stuff like this. Hewas a warrior, not a barbarian. The Echo's Light's hyperdrive would soon come to life though, and they were off, leaving the world to its fate.

Mig would then hear an "Ow" from Cara, shaking his head. He could tell that she wasn't handling the lack of the Force too well, and she had forgotten her injury. He shook his head, thinking about where to fight the Netherborn creature that ad snuck aboard. <"Ok. I'm not sure. If it's inside it'll be easy to find. If it's in the gearwells...."> He shook his head. It better have come inside the ship so that they could handle it. Mig looked at a closet, waving Cara over. <"I'd start with the closet with a medkit though.">


Saint of the Damned
The day truly was perfect.

The melodic hymn of the birds filled the cool air, and the slight breeze playfully rustled up the boy’s scarlet hair, tickling his neck. He let out a giggle, his hair was soft as a feather. He pushed his sister’s stroller along the bumpy ground, taking care to avoid the mazes of cracks and rubble. The rest of his family strolled beside him, his mother humming along to the chorus of sound, voice nearly as sweet. His father smiled softly, and took his wife’s hand in his own. His brother, only a year older than him, helped guide the stroller. The boy could barely see over the top of the stroller, so together the two helped navigate their sister along the most comfortable route possible.

The sky was blue. It seemed like it was almost always grey, but today it was as blue as his eyes, with not a single cloud in the sky. It was daunting, almost dizzying to look up into the endless ocean of azure. The boy couldn’t believe that past all the blue, there was an endless expanse of heavenly stars, and even other planets with people and families just like his own. One day, I hope I get to visit them.

The boy loved moments like this, when the whole family could spend time together. He peeked down at his sister, she was probably too young to understand what was going on. One day, the boy thought, I’ll show you all the love this family has to give you. I can’t wait until you’re old enough to play games with Brother and I. We’ll play all day, and we’ll be the happiest kids in the world.

It’ll be great.

They walked through a local park, although it was much more grey than green. The fountain, which once spouted out water that shimmered like crystals, was now filled with filthy rainwater and trash. The swing sets were rusted and unused, and no other families graced the park with their presence. But none of that mattered to the boy. All that mattered was that his family got to spend a nice afternoon together.

The boy lifted his sister from the stroller, and carefully placed her in a swing meant for holding younger children. He didn't push very hard, lest he risk frightening her. Hearing her youthful giggle made the brothers smile bright- even the eldest sibling's eyes were bright, after normally seeing sunken and withdrawn. "If only these days would last forever," the brother said.

As they left the park, not one of them saw the figure in the shadows watch them go.

Dinner wasn’t much, only a few slices of fruit for the boy and his brother. His father didn’t eat anything, which made the boy worry. This was the third night in a row. The boy tried to offer his father one of his slices, but he politely declined. “You need to eat son,” he said. “Don’t worry about me. I eat when I’m at work.”

His father had been fired from his last job, the one at the building he told them not to go to. He started working as a construction worker, but apparently it didn’t pay very well. And Mother couldn’t work, or else no one would be able to take care of the kids. But in four years the boy’s brother would be ten, and he could start helping around the house and their mother could find a job. It’ll all work out, the boy thought.

Suddenly the door was forced open, slamming against the wall and ripping free from it’s hinges. Three strange men ran in, guns pointed and fingers on the trigger. His father shouted something and charged at the intruders, before being struck to the ground. One of the men ran to the table where the rest of the family sat in fear, and ripped the boy’s sister from his mother’s arms. She tried to fight back, begging and pleading them not to take her away. The assailant hit her with the end of his gun, breaking her nose and forcing the back of her chair to the ground.

And as quickly as they had come, they left. The boy’s father grabbed something from his bag, and chased after them. The boy and his brother sat in stunned silence, unable to comprehend what had happened. Their mother lied on the ground, sobbing while chilly air blew through their broken door. A moment later, they heard the distant sound of sirens and gunshots. A few minutes later they were told that their father had been shot dead and no one knew where their sister was taken.

The boy continued comprehend what happened. Confusion, despair, what were these feelings? She can't be gone, we were playing on the swings an hour ago.

She can't be gone.

An hour later, the boy felt cold.


Allies: Nida Perl Nida Perl
Enemies: Kyra Perl Kyra Perl Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield

Lark watched Kyra and Thirdas flee the encounter, they were desperate, a bit unhinged after facing the reality that Nida wasn't under their control. She had chosen this path for herself. They had an opportunity to reunite as a family, and they couldn't do it. He couldn't help but feel a bit of resentment towards them. How dare they rip away the bond they had? Did Nida truly mean so little to them that they could not even spare a few moments to heed her words? But despite the abhorrent hatred he felt towards them, Lark kept his weapon sheathed. He was almost certain he'd be able to finish them off, but he had made a promise to Nida. I wish you both well, he thought towards them.

He didn't know what might have happened if they had taken Nida. Lark had already had both his siblings stolen from him, but there wasn't anything he could have done as a child. But now he had the strength the protect the people he cared for. He'd harvest every power the galaxy offered in order to see his goals realized.

And then the end of the world broke the horizon.

It was beautiful. A herald of the end, a sign that all of Myrkr was preparing to face the only aspect of life that all were equal in. Lark couldn't take his eyes off it. But they weren't filled with the same wonder that one might show when gazing at their lover or a marvelous sunset, his expression was more akin to passive amusement. He welcomed the asteroid to his home with open arms, it was only fitting that Lark's return spelled ruination for the whole planet. Let it become nothing more than a memory, an ashen tomb so desolate even the ghosts sought to escape it. He thought of letting himself be taken by the blaze of chaos that was only moments away, to bury himself in the embers of the place that introduced him to laughter, to joy and love, and to misery and heartbreak. It sounded comforting, Lark could just softly close his eyes and rest here forever. He was meant to die here once before. Perhaps this was the universe correcting itself.

But Lark would not bend to the will of the cosmos. Nida grabbed his wrist, urging him towards one of the evacuating shuttles. He gave one final look to the land that built him, forged him into this complex amalgam of personas. The asteroid would do to all of Myrkr what he had done to his hometown all those years ago. Lark had not launched the asteroid, but it was his will. Goodbye, old friend. May the ghosts from that night find good company amongst your cinders.

He turned away from the apocalypse dismissively, letting Nida guide him towards the retreating Sith forces. Dropships were beginning to take to the air, surviving soldiers raced to secure a spot of safety, though some were bound to remain stranded. When silence fell on Myrkr, it would be impossible to differentiate their ashes from any of the other innumerable specks of dust. But the two of them would not count themselves among that number. "Hang on," he said smoothly. A comfortable presence enveloped them like a snug blanket, and Lark lifted them off the ground with the Force. It felt wonderful to finally have a true grasp of his powers. He guided them towards a ship hovering a few meters above them, whose ramp had not yet closed. Together, they landed with the elegance of the most powerful birds of prey.

Lark wished they could enjoy a dramatic moment on the ramp while the world ended below them, but spots of darkness cloaked the sky and the intoxicating aroma of impending annihilation overwhelmed his senses. So they rushed in, and the ramp sealed the ship shut. A little over a dozen soldiers lay exhausted, it wasn't lost on Lark that despite the fact that he had never so much as drawn his sword, there was a whole battle that had been raging while he and Nida fought their own wars.

That feeling of graciousness that she was still by his side was felt more than any other. He placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, both to help her and make sure she was actually there. "What you did takes tremendous strength and willpower. I'm proud of you, Nida." The ship rocked, but Lark did not waver. "How are you feeling?"

Aristeia Zambrano

Tags: Torrack Torrackstur Torrack Torrackstur
Equipment: in Bio
Main Objective: Shatter Resistance, Assist in Siege of Hyllyard City.

Aristeia wasn't known for her patience. In fact, it was well known she had little to no patience. Her mother had chided her about it time and time again, and yet, here she was sitting in a tank getting frustrated about the course of the battle.

She could feel the despite her attempts, her squads just weren't up to par. Snipers and artillery units were having a field day taking them out. Seemed the only thing to do, was to burn the savages out. If she had more power to spare, she could have wrought down a storm upon the area, destroying the cover of the Mandalorians and crushing them beneath her wake. Unfortunately, such things could not be done.

Using the feedback from her troopers however, Aristeia’s tank support was able to take note of the positions in question, as their fire support switched to hosing potential sniper nests with heavy blaster fire, and possible artillery positions. It seemed the best move was to push deeper into the woods, rely on their superior communications network, and use that as cover from the artillery.

The Gammorean would be happy to find that the Zambrano seemed to be falling for his trap, as Aristeia’s tank was the first to shift into this line of attack, driving headlong into the treeline.

She was going to be stark raving fethed when her tank was to be waylayed.
Location: The playground

Currently in a tank this unit uses(tank is in the description):

Former Primary Objective: Conduct guerilla warfare within the forest's of myrkr, making it difficult for them to even get to the city of Myylard city.

New Primary Objective: Attempt to capture the emperor's daughter.

Secondary Objective: Fight till the bitter end in the jungle, kill as many as possible should the city fall
Allies: Forjund Australis Forjund Australis Kaine Australis Yuroic Xeraic other MU and Silver Jedi Forces

Enemies: Sith forces , Aristeia Zambrano

Beskad Sword:

Units commanded currently:

Elite Tank unit:

5 units of these guerilla's):

1 at 70%

1 at 60%

1 50%

1 at 30%

1 at 20%

As the lone tank came into the the ambush zone ,that the defender of myrkr had set up for the empress's daughter to come into. Upon spotting that this was indeed her personal tank, a grin would appear from the pig faced being underneath his bucye. The hover tank in question would set up carefully placed and systematic traps designed for sith imperial hover tanks. Boulders would fall down from a nearby hill in the treeline, several ion and frag mines designed to take away the mobility of said tanks. To make matters worse this ambush site was filled with several trees containing Ysalmiri, that made an anti force bubble around the area. This was his home, his jungle, and the gamorean would use his home turf to help him face his foe any chance he could. While the traps would likely kill the crew, it would not be enough to kill a sith. Especially one related to royalty, a princess born from such a powerful dark lord would not die so easily. While the mandalorian viewed this noble women as a fancy little priss, he knew that she would not die easily. The armor clad warrior would draw his beskad cutlass, aptly named the Rancor's Wrath. For the berserker earned that title upon finishing his training with Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae , his teacher and mentor that he cared for. Her toughness, was respected, her bravery was also exhibited in the other battlefield at Mandalore. Where his mentor would be fighting for the motherland of the manda'ode, this fight was just a mere diversion.

Before, there would be no way that the crude warrior would ever have a chance against such a dangerous opponent. But with his training, the Rally Master was ready. Training under a super soldier, who was called "The Emerald Dragon." for being able to as a force user bend fire to her will. The attitude of the veteran would be that his foe was just as dangerous as his mentor. With the tank being too damage, and the force barrier, there was no call for help yet again. Dismounting from the tank, the ball of rage was ready to fight his foe. The madman would scream in mandoa at his opponent , "JATE JATE!SQUEAK SQUEAK. Without the force bubble this would be an even fight, but with the force bubble, the veteran had the advantage in this duel. While the princess could simply have been killed by the elite tank crew backing him, he wanted her alive. As a result, he would need to face this blondie head on. The renown berserker was known for repelling the zombies that were deployed by the TSE at the skirmish in onderon , but this was different. The living legend would now be facing a daughter of the very dark lord and emperor of the sith empire.

What was visible is that the porker was getting into a visible rage, banging his heavy beskar plating with his beskar gauntlets. The berserker rage was a keystone to the berserker, this allowed such individuals to make their anger into fuel, into a weapon that allowed the individual to complete great feats. That many could not accomplish otherwise, the master of this form was able to still remain in control unlike other berserkers who couldn't in this state. This made him extremely more dangerous then the average mandalorian berserker, as his foe was about to find out. "YOU ARE LUCKY! HOINK HOINK I WANT YOU ALIVE ARUELITI! SQUEAK SQUEAK YOU FIGHT ME OR WE TAKE YOU OUT WITH MY ELITE CREW BEHIND ME! SQUEAK SQUEAKY COME DUNDERHEAD ! ". If she is as intelligent as her father she would accept, as the duel was the only scenario she had any chance of living. The tank was armed enough to obliterate her, and her death can still be used as damning propaganda to be held over the empire's head. She was isolated once more, and now without help. Myrkr is the guerilla's home, and if the sith were to underestimate such knowledge, then he would make them pay.

Meanwhile more and more men were dying at the hands of the sith invaders, but they would continue to keep fighting. Torrack needed time, and he would get it. They all agreed this was worth dying for, capturing a sith princess that can be used as a bargaining chip for the rebellion is worth it. There was no better death then to die against such odds, and to die with bravery. The battle continued to rage as more and more traps began to be activated and began to inflict several more casualties against the isolated forces of Aristeia Zambrano's forces.
Joycelyn’s stuff: Lightsabre pike, Zaudraka, Jin’wodasir x3, Imperator’s Raiment, SIF-7 Minos, Dwomotchwûq, Sonic Grenades x 2
Armies: The Cathedra, Varanin Legion.
Sithspawn: Horde Mother, Sith Wasps, Spark Bug, Maelridae.
Palm-Imer Palm-Imer Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion Inara Basai Inara Basai

It was getting interesting.

So interesting Joycelyn barely even heard the chatter from her helmet as it lay in the mud. She did, however, hear the distinct sound of walkers approaching; the high-pitched scraping of their mechanical joints, accompanied by the heavy thuds of their footfalls. The Legion was pushing hither, the battle was going well.

But these playthings were far too fun!

Mathieu blew Joycelyn’s fire back at her, and had she been less attuned to the element, then it would have been a painful experience. However, with the simultaneous authority afforded to her by Zaudraka and the scroll of fire kept inside her breastplate, the fire instead split and curved around her. It left a clear path between her and Mathieu, but blew all the more in the direction of Palm.

However, it did not seem to bother Palm as she leapt over and landed a kick into Joycelyn’s breastplate. Knowing she could not stop or counter it, she leaned back and accepted the push. Rolling backwards she rose to her feet and brought Zaudraka around. The wicked blade shimmered with heat as it pulled fire from its surroundings into a tail of smoke and embers. She parried the strike at her shoulder, knocking it up. Then, Joycelyn was almost too late to see the pummelling coming her way; she turned her head in the direction of the strike, trading a broken jaw for a bloody mouth and some loose teeth.

She grinned through the pain.

And returned the favour: From the parry, Joycelyn brought the pommel of Zaudraka down against Palm’s nose. She then put her right hand on the spine of the blade to shorten the distance and gain leverage, then followed up with a drawing cut against Palm’s chest. Zaudraka’s edge was unnaturally keen, easily able to cut through most materials, and it still left embers and smoke in its wake.

The sky flashed white, bugs were turned to dust instantly in the face of Mathieu’s Force Light, and the herd had visibly thinned. However, the substantial thumping of mobile artillery was growing ever louder.

Beneath them, the ground began to break, physically cracking under the pressure of the battle, and the combatants in struggle.
Lark Lark Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield Kyra Perl Kyra Perl

Unlike Lark, Nida couldn’t find a hint of beauty in the planet’s destruction. The meteor’s imminent impact only serve to deepen the chasm between her and her loved ones, as if to punctuate a point she desperately tried to instill.

I will not go back.

The encounter had shaken her nerves, and Nida was grateful for Lark’s assistance as they ascended towards the waiting ramp of a low flying vessel. As they landed, Nida found herself clutching a thin support that held the ramp open, her legs buckling sadly beneath her. She didn’t feel strong at all. She felt horrible, and she was afraid that she would regret her actions in the long run.

“I…I don’t know if I made the right choice.” She spoke plainly yet brazenly. Nida had been too wary of most Sith to express her concerns, afraid that her struggle of morality would appear as disloyalty. But she trusted Lark. Exhaling roughly, she smoothed back her hair with anxious hands, forcing her feet to take anchor as the ramp closed and she released the beam.

Myrkr was reduced to ash, and yet she felt Kyra and Thirdas linger. They had not evaporated into dust, but their presence was steadily dwindling into the stars. They had escaped, and that gave her a twinge of blasphemous hope.

All too wrapped up in her own dealings, she had forgotten that the planet beneath them, all but annihilated to ash had once been his home. “I’m sorry about-“ Her eyes swept low, to the fog of dust rising from Myrkr’s surface. “It meant something to you.”

Location: Den Velmor
Objective: Assist with defense of the planet, evacuate civilians
Allies: Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion , Palm-Imer Palm-Imer , SJC
Enemies: Joycelyn Zambrano Joycelyn Zambrano , Sith

Inara held her arm up to shield her eyes from the brilliant flash of light conjured by Mathieu. The swarm of sithspawn turned to dust above her, and drifted away with the breeze. But one trouble was replaced with another as the ground beneath them began to shake. A small gasp escaped Inara as she pressed her back against a nearby building. And the ground didn't just shake -- it split.

She looked in awe-struck horror at the broken ground, the gap that was beginning to separate one part of the city from the other.

There were smaller cracks inching along the ground, too. Her eyes settled on the Sith and the battle that raged between her and Palm. Against the smoke and dust, their silhouettes were impressive. But Inara feared for Palm, and for Mathieu, too. They needed to get to safety. Her eyes shifted towards the heavy sound of artillery -- distant at one point, but much closer now. Then, comm chatter grabbed her attention.

Looking skyward, there were military drop ships.

Soon, the streets of the city were being pounded by Silver Jedi Concord teams and members of the local Velmorian Security. "A chasm has opened up at my coordinates," Inara said, giving them a heads up. "Two friendly targets and one Sith -- be careful." she added. Meanwhile, the darkness in the sky seemed to recede. Was it already the light or morning... or simply darkness retreating?

Inara fired at a few more buzzing sithspawn just as a squad of local rangers came around the corner, adding their firepower to hers. As they then snaked their way through the nearby alleyways, securing the area -- Inara skidded over to her friends.

"C'mon!" She yelled, hoping they'd have a chance to break from the battle. "We have to get out of here!"

Location: Den Velmor, Velmor
Equipment: Ashlas wristguard | Blaster pistol with a stun setting | Stun baton | Two Lightsabres | Brion Substance Regulator | Electromagnetic pulse emitter | Jedi Robes
Allied tag: Inara Basai Inara Basai | Palm-Imer Palm-Imer
Hostile tag: Joycelyn Zambrano Joycelyn Zambrano


The battle that was raging on between Joy and Palm was a fierce one. In a way, Mathieu questioned his decision to watch their flank for incoming insects with Inara. But the decision had already been made and things were happening quickly. Turning back to the two fighters, he prepared to reengage and started running towards them. Another salvo of artillery shells rocked the ground beneath them - putting a abrupt halt to his charge.

The ground was starting to split up beneath his very feet and to him, it looked like both Palm and Joy might be swallowed by it unless they moved. It was not a hard decision. With a tingling sense of regret and anxiety for what his former mentor might think of him, the Padawan started to centre himself as he produced a telekinetic blast that erupted between the two fighters. Unless they managed to defend against it, both would be flung away from each other to land on separate sides of the crack that had been nearing them at a dangerous pace.

He did not mind if the Sith had been saved in the process. Killing was not a goal for him and perhaps mercy or generosity would help set her on a path towards the light. But what he really did care for, was Palm and the way that he acted was the quickest and safest way to split them apart that he could think of.

Rushing to her side, he bent down a bit and reached out with an arm to help her up. The large Morellian would provide her with as much support in moving as she needed, but his main focus was on the giant on the other side. She had always proven to have a trick up her sleeve and it would not surprise him if she did this time too - keeping them all as safe from her as he could was the current top priority whilst they made their way back to Inara.

It seemed like fate had separated them this time. And in truth, he hoped that they would not need to cross blades again - she was a fierce opponent who had proven to be most formidable and in the best case scenario, she might be someone whom they could redeem. But those thought were most naive and for now, he just wanted to get his friends out alive.
Location: The playground

Commanding a Mortar unit

Former Primary Objective: Conduct guerilla warfare within the forest's of myrkr, making it difficult for them to even get to the city of Myylard city.

New Primary Objective: Retreat

Secondary Objective: Kill as many as you can.

"Damn it" Forjund cursed as he saw Sith forces swarming towards his platoon in the jungle, ordering his men to fire off one last volley before retreating down into the tunnels. He began to pick up his gear, after finishing he turned around and yelled "Follow me men! We must go, gather up the mortars we leave at once." Watching his men move down into the ground he looked around, satisfied he would leave no trace he finally entered the system of tunnels himself. As far as he was concerned he needed to find a place to relocate and regroup with more mandos, maybe find a place to get off this blasted planet.
Turning a thought to Torrack he wondered how he faired against the Sith tanks, he was about to turn back but was distracted by his Sergeant shouting
"Sir, we need to move now!" Turning back to his men he continued to retreat.

Torrack Torrackstur Torrack Torrackstur

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