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Private Devious Arms Sale

Earning Your Black Sun Stripes: Star Wars X-Wing

T A G S | Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus
O B J E C T I V E | Arm Dealing with the Family
T H E M E | Kayfoundo Naweea (Hungry Eyes)


The Hutt ancient crime family that once controlled the criminal underworld was nothing but a shadow on the wall having been brought low by the Bryn'adul Monsters and the Hutt Space Consortium. Despite this they had survived for centuries and will survive once more under the leadership of the Ruling Council based on the Glorious Jewel or Nal Hutta in common plebeian tongue.

No major organization could survive without influence and the Cartel needed to regain theirs most swiftly, with a prime factor being the current Alliance-Enclave War which was threatening several systems and millions of people. As such arms were a key business in such a war and who better to
acquire alliance made armaments than the Family who dominated the Corusanti Underworld with a ruthless fist.

And as such the Supreme Despot of Kaddak, and Kajidii of the Jiramma Clan would travel to the Capital of the Galactic Alliance, Coruscant to attend a brief meeting with Caporegime Solus, who the Hutt was told had the ear of Ivory Stroud. The Family had a certain reputation and caution would need to be taken with them during the arms sale, the usual tactics of threatening them with extinction would be disadvantageous.

Grangga clenched chubby greasy bejeweled fingers into a fist as the Jiramma Entourage moved through the streets of the undercity towards the Star Lounge which was likely to be as treacherous as boxing with a wookiee. It was a power move designed to indicate that the Hutt was not afraid to enter into the home territory of a rival syndicate if it meant expanding his own powerbase as well.

Shoving the Twi'lek Girl Servant forward as they tumbled onto the harsh surface. <<Worthless Girl..Announce our Exalted Presence among the Common Masses>> The deep voice from the Hutt would resonate as the harsh words were said in Huttese, clearly the girl had not enough experience within his criminal court. Though it was well known that the Family were Anti-Slavery in the Underworld which might draw their ire, but such differences only made them more productive during the negotiations.

"Ye..Ye..Yes..Master.. Announcing the Eminence of Kaddak and Hutt Ruling Councilor..Grangga Jiramma Juuru." a voice weak and frail; with dead looking eyes clearly having gone through enough under the ruthless tyrant. The corner of the Hutts lip would twist itself into a bitter frown at the lax introduction.
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Location: Star Lounge
Objective: negotiations
Tags: Qelluart Dagge Qelluart Dagge

Mairéad sat in the star lounge awaiting her guest, she wore an elegant white gown tailored for her comfort during while she carried. The gentleman coming to visit was a Hutt, one of the old gangster types that so many of his kin were. They were once the greatest of criminal empires, now fractured into disparate albeit still powerful groups around the galaxy. Qelluart Dagge Qelluart Dagge headed up one such group and he was interested on making connections with her own syndicate on coruscant. The Family had wealth, power and connections on Coruscant, Denon and Epica, but much less in old Hutt space, so whilst a conversation with the Hutt was of limited tangible benefit, it was not entirely bereft.

Mairéad looked at the Hutt, and his large moustache caught her attention, having seen very few of his species sporting any kind of facial hair. But what drew her attention further, and also drew her anger was the girl, he brought a slave... here. There was coolness in her eyes, remembering her own days as a slave and how she had clawed herself up from nothing, hunting down and killing the hutt who she had very nearly been forced to wed. The Family were anti-slavery, and Mairéad in particular had a very personal disgust for the practice. But there was always going to be activities that one organisation carried out that another disapproved of. So, although right now the made men in the room would be waiting for her signal to act, she would be diplomatic, it was a business arrangement after all. Sometimes your hands got dirty, sometimes it was your soul.

"Grangga Jiramma Juuru" she replied in huttese for matters of manners to welcome a guest. Her eyes locked with him and her hands danced around her glass, she had a warm smile on her face. "Welcome to the star lounge, my Family is always pleased to greet new business associates."

She glanced at the girl. "I'm going to assume that you brought this young woman as a gift to celebrate our bountiful arrangement? I will ensure she is put to good use." her eyebrow raised, challenging him to refuse, she would graciously accept this gift, the girl would be freed. He got to keep up his appearance, she got to stand on her morals. The woman with her free hand adjusted the collar of her dress and one of the made sentients stood and walked over towards the slave, ready to take control of her leash.

Mairéad was quite keen to get past this. A gift to the host was quite normal in hutt culture, so what she had said would hopefully resolve their immediate difference, and they could quickly move on to focus on their similarities.


Earning Your Black Sun Stripes: Star Wars X-Wing

T A G S | Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus
O B J E C T I V E | Arm Dealing with the Family
T H E M E | Kayfoundo Naweea (Hungry Eyes)


There was some noticeable tension within the Star Lounge as the Jiramma Entourage made their way inside after the twi'lek girl announced them, a stare down occurred within the bar area as the members of the Family and the Hutt Cartel checked each other out for a moment which was natural given their differences in opinion on the matter of slavery. It would not be difficult for the family to rescue the girl from the clutches of the Cartel Councilor as they had the home turf advantage, but they would never act without the approval of the Family Hierarchy and as such the matter would only be settled during negotiations with the Caporegime Solus.

Solus appeared from one of the various areas within the Star Lounge, wearing quite the luxury gown which was understandable given her high ranking within the Organization. She showed clear signs of annoyance with the decision to bring a slave girl but was polite in her welcome to the delegation from the Hutt Cartel, offering a sub-standard welcome in huttese which irked the Eminence of Kaddak for a moment as leaving out his titles were akin to a direct insult. He would never admit this but the Cartel needed the help of the Family to
acquire alliance made armaments in order to sell them into Mandalorian Space and thus the matter was dropped before it started.

<<Ho Ho Ho..You are quite bold to assume such,.. Caporegime Solus...but you would be right in your assessment. This worthless girl is a gift to you to celebrate our negotiations...although she can't be much help in menial tasks.>> The Hutt Lorda laughed for a bit, white mustache twirling and twisting as grease dripped from it, making sure to pronouce the Caporegime Solus part. He would not refuse to offer a gift to the Family but wanted them to know that the girl was beyond broken..not even fit for menial task.

The Twi'lek was clearly scared and scarred from working underneath the ruthless Despot of Kaddak, repairing her mind would be quite the task.

<<Now lets proceed to a matter of importance, the arms sale. I trust that you can
acquire what is on my shopping list.>> The question was posed to the Caporegime, wanting to ignore the state of the slave girl for now as she was clearly taken away by the Family servant.


Location: Star Lounge
Objective: negotiations
Tags: Qelluart Dagge Qelluart Dagge


It risked being a problem, and then it wasn't one, Mairéad was satisfied at the resolution as the girl was removed to somewhere else, the made sentient came back and fixed the edge of his hat, to which Mairéad nodded gently. She was safe now.

"Straight to business, how wonderful. I have taken the liberty of arranging a few delicacies to brought out throughout our negotiation, several of the items are fairly unpalatable to my species, but I do hope you will enjoy them." the drinks would flow freely and foods in keeping with the tastes of the hutt would be brought our by the well trained, and well paid, staff of the star lounge.

"As you correctly assume, there is little that we cannot aquire. My staff have had a look at the list that we received, quite a selection... not planning on killing any of my friend are you?" she smirked as she took a sip from her drink and placed it back down. "Is that the full list?" her eyebrow raised the the man subtley, it wouldn't be out of the ordinary for a customer to send a preliminary list of more innocuous items to test the waters, only adding the really juicy, and perhaps more illicit items once negotiations had begun proper. She observed the grease on the man's moustache, she had more self control than to show how unpleasant she found hutt hygiene practices, but she could at least respect that no hutt ever suffered from self doubt or poor self esteem.

"I keep intending to open a club in Hutt space, it's just one of those things I never get round to." she had even scouted out locations for a Reveries on Nal Hutta, maybe one day, perhaps even this gentleman would be a suitable usiness partner for the venture.


Earning Your Black Sun Stripes: Star Wars X-Wing

T A G S | Mairéad Solus Mairéad Solus
O B J E C T I V E | Arm Dealing with the Family
T H E M E | Kayfoundo Naweea (Hungry Eyes)


The tensions gradually cleared up within the Star Lounge as the matter with the Twi'lek Girl had been resolved without incident. Of course there was still some distrust between them which was perfectly natural for the Criminal Underworld as enemies were everywhere and friends were few and far between. There was a glance away from the Caporegime for the moment, as mountains of food and beverages would begin to flow freely from the kitchens, allowing the Jiramma Entourage the chance to sample some of their wares and exotics goods. It would be impolite for them to refuse food that had been so generously provided to them by the host, even if said food might be poisonous or contain a chemical strong enough to kill him without raising any suspicions of foul play. Grubby fingers snatched from tray after tray; taking a small sample from each as the conversation continued between them, while also taking some drinks to quench his thirst.

<<Most Excellent. Caporegime Solus, though unfortunately I have no interest in the Coruscanti Underworld otherwise I just might need to handle people you know.>> The Hutt Lorda stated in an off-hand gesture, wanting to show his appreciation for the Family as they could acquire things that no other criminal syndicate could at this stage. The Underworld of Coruscant was slippery and deadly with rival gangs stretching for miles below the surface, each wanting to take each other out for even a small amount of credits. It was no place for the esteemed, Supreme Despot of Kaddak.

<<That is the full list for now..a more expansive list will come if this arms deal goes smoothly. Never buy all your products from the same dealer is a common saying within the Underworld, as you might have known. As to the matter of Nal Hutta, I'm sure we can arrange a deal for prime real estate>> Was further added to her
inquiry about the full list, wanting to test the waters with the family before arranging any more expansive deals in armaments and general weaponry, and wanting her to know that he was open to negotiations about businesses on Nal Hutta even offering a prime site. As another drink was poured and clutched in bejeweled fingers.
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