Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Die by The Sword | NIO invasion of BOTM held Csaus

Ziare Dyarron | Keilara Kala'myr (Mercy)
COMPNOR (ISB) Junior Agent, Nite agent | Marauder and Agent of the Maw
Location: The Necropolis, Citadel Caelitus, Csaus
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Omega Phase Assault Rifle | 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | Light Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Allies: Michael Barran Michael Barran | Nuruodo'kal'brast Nuruodo'kal'brast "Dokal" | Colton Colton Renfro | Rika Hiro Rika Hiro | Annor E-059 | Colton Colton Renfro | Amadeus Blackwood Amadeus Blackwood | Djorn Bline Djorn Bline | Open (Allies to Ziare, enemies to Mercy)
Enemies: Open
[ Planet Hell ]
"Galactic Basic" | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

It felt like I was floating; I have no idea where or why, but I hovered. When I opened my eyes, darkness greeted me everywhere. Moments later, lights lit up in the darkness, tiny lights as if they were stars. They didn't give much light, but it looked nice. As I looked in front of me, I got to know the constellations. They were like watching the night sky at home on the Serenno. I remembered it was there.

I think the request for memories I asked MANIAC was effective. I remembered everything. Also for things I didn't even want. Each name was me, just different aspects. My birth name, then Ziare, who I was now because it was safer to live under a pseudonym, after all I had done against the Sith than an insurgent. Freedom, too, was me after Omni captured and Freedom born, who was finally defeated and killed by Mercy when she was born.

I was all and none at the same time. I think I was the original, Keilara, when no other personality existed yet. What was my task here? To capture all personalities and become one again? Based on what I remembered, it would have been great if I had one and not torn in two directions. Or rather, that now I, it was me, were already three personalities? Was I the real one at all? Too many questions and no answers.

I mean, yes, there were traits in me that were only true of Mercy, and some that were true of Ziare. I don't mention Freedom because she was controlled by Omni. I think I could always be the real one, Keilara, and even Ziare was just a defence that closed my darker side and only good things remained. Due to the torture what was done by my parents and my brother against me.

I saw shadows in the darkness as I got closer, they were my other personalities, but they were all unconscious. If I had wanted to, I could have easily touched any of them. It was a scary sight. Maybe… maybe I should use the telepathy Mercy learned from Taskmaster? I mean, Mercy has used it so far to control Ziare because he’s not very strong and can use it pretty much on her own, nowhere else, yet. But after all, they were me, not other people. Just other personalities.

Was it all due to a head injury, or is my mind simply no longer able to bear it all?



501st LEGION | 16th COMPANY
ALLIES: New Imperial Order | DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran | Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla | Bex Tarring Bex Tarring | Volgin Alto
ENEMIES: Maw | Lurtz Null Lurtz Null | SCAR SCAR | Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr | Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze
ENGAGING: The Mongrel The Mongrel
GEAR: In bio | Standard loadout | shield

  • Shai engages Mongrel
  • Deploys shield and strikes back


While her strike was rather underwhelming, the rest of her initial actions had the desired effect. The shield caught him off guard, her repulsor sent him staggering back, and the impression was made. Their fight was beyond typical. Their movements were matched in speed and strength… this wasn’t going to be like the movies.

Shai growled at his comment as she gave a quick twirl with her blade, the shield collapsing back into itself as they got ready for round two. ”Kark Barran, I’m here on my own accord.” She snarled at him. This wasn’t just a proxy fight. This was a stepping stone for her. The General and his sword as simply a favour, she wanted Mongrel out of the picture. Then his masters, the ones behind all of the fighting and bloodshed.

The Mongrel was simply the first domino to knock over. And so far she was still waiting to see what more there was to him.

He moved first and the Shistavanen followed, The General's sword rising to counter as her left arm dropped for a quick sneaky move… only his attack was nothing she expected from such a barbaric fighter.

He dipped down and she charged into his sword. The blade slammed and skidded down her cuirass, pierced the cortosis weave suit beneath, slammed against her Beskar ribs, slid down…

And plunged straight through her gut.

A heavy grunt escaped her as her eyes went wide, the realization of her mistake setting in. She halted pretty much right on top of him, enveloping his blade through her core as pain shot through what remained of her body. But there was one fatal flaw in the attack.

Almost nothing in her stomach region was organic anymore.

As she halted over his blade, she let go of the General’s sword and would attempt to grab hold of the Mongrel’s neck, stunners activating in her gloves in hopes of stunning him if only for a second. Simultaneously her left hand emerged, holding her Nite Owl Kal and aiming to slam through the dome holding his brain. At least there was no concern about him being able to use his blade against her… even though it hurt like hell against the few pieces that were still organic inside her.

”You missed.” She grunted, tasting blood and that same horrid cybernetic fluid in her mouth that she came to know on Nirauan.


:: STOP LOLLYGAGGIN' AN’ GE’ THOSE HOWLAH’S UP IN THE AIR! :: Arden boomed over the comms as he turned to face his men. :: I want those skiffs and lines broken in the next five minutes! Our boys are cu’ off and those tanks need a way through! MOVE IT! ::

:: On it, sir! :: His officer shouted as he rushed over to the Basilisks.

A couple seconds later and the massive beasts were in the air. Their engines howled as they aimed for the right flank and the skiffs bombarding the tanks. The moment they were in range of the skiffs, proton torpedoes belched from their launchers to tear a hole through whatever stood in their way.


Immediately after their strafe, they banked left to fire along the Mawite line with their cannons and concussion missiles. Two split off to circle like vultures over the Sixteens in hopes of making room between them and their unrelenting enemy with their rotary cannons.

The Sixteens, on the other hand, kept fighting for their survival. The losses were slim, but the wounded piled up. Majority continued to fight with whatever they could, while the rest held their ground against the constant waves of bodies piling against their walls.

:: Pile ‘em up! They’re making great cover for us! :: Gira roared over the cacophony of the fighting. :: That’s a little grim isn’t it? Guess there’s one way to top it… :: Helin commented… and soon the hive mind took hold again.


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ALLIES: NIO | Delilah Jones | Jon Kovacs | DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran
ENGAGING: The Mongrel The Mongrel
GEAR: In bio | TIE-OTx 'Outlander' | Standard loadout


:: Negative, Seven. Both of you - move as far away from the wrecks as possible. Not risking the Maw scavengers. ::

:: South of here - Hill 121, the one overlooking the ruined watchtower. Rendezvous there, over. ::

Enzo turned to look around for the landmarks he described. After a few seconds he finally got his heading and nodded slowly. :: Copy that, Bravo Lead. See you two there, over. :: He radioed before he clambered back onto the wreck of his TIE. A quick search and he made sure he had whatever gear still survived the crash.

With everything sorted, he started his trek through the snow towards Hill 121. By the sound of it, though, he got off easier than his comrades. Then again… with the painful headache pounding in his head, he wasn’t sure what was scrambled around up there.


Enzo looked over the engagement happening far below them… it was a mess, to say the least. He turned to face Jon and Delilah as their leader explained the situation to them, emphasizing on the fact that they were going to be alone for a good while before their extraction came to find them.

Enzo drew his pistol and made sure it was ready for use before holstering it and looking at Jon. His gaze shifted down to the bacta injector in his hand as he mulled over the offer. ”Hold onto it. I’ll buy some for myself when we get back home.” He flashed a wink at the man as he gently closed his hand and pushed it back. The two of them clearly needed it more than him… handing it out when it wasn’t needed didn’t sit right with the Serennoan.

It also made him look modest which was always good for flirting.

”Let’s dig in and see what… we… got… pardon my language, but what the kriff is that?” He pointed down to the black swarm spilling from the temple and coming directly towards their hill. His heart sank as he checked his pistol once again. ”We might want to make sure to leave one round for each of us in the guns before those reach us.” He commented with raised eyebrows and pursed lips. ”As if a horde of Mawites isn’t enough to deal with.”

With a sigh he gave both a smug smile. ”Don’t worry, you’re still getting dinner and a bath. Might even take the both of you to the manor on leave.” Hopefully his optimistic arrogance would make them feel better… which would make him feel better.

Nobody could say that he wasn’t a compassionate soul



Iron Skin | Lightsaber



The fires around him burned hot, but they were not as infernal as the fire within Rurik Fel. Many had learned that lesson before him, bringing the Man of Iron to the brink of death and damnation only for the Emperor to persist and endure the punishment. Loss of limb or essence would not withhold his assault of righteousness, Sith'ari be damned.

But so too was Solipsis a soul of paramount resilience. The mortal blow across his haunting gaze did little to nothing to fetter his assault further. With Rurik managing the wounds he'd sustained not only from this fight, but every other leading to this pivotal moment. Following his swift flank, Solipsis's equally expedient reprisal severed his crimson blade through Rurik's chest plate, creating a punishing gash of orange and white hot iron to expose the argent armorweave below.

Fel emitted a groan of audible pain in reply, the first he'd shown of such strife in any of their engagements, under any other conditions able to hone in and control the sensation throughout his entire body.

Solipsis carried the fight further into the sanctum of darkness that was the bowels of this horrible machine, this testament and ode to deceit and betrayal. A fortress manifested from hatred, spite and betrayal. Rurik wanted to resort it to ash before him. With the progress the two were making in their path of devastation in the belly of the machine, his wishes needn't remain as such for much longer. He only need make certain that just as Citadel Caelitus is razed to the ground, it is also the Sith'ari's tomb.

He pursued him unto the narrow crossing toward the control room with narrow eyes, pursuant only in his slow, methodical heavy metal footfalls in the Sith'ari's wake. A perilous venue, one fitting for a final symphony and send away for the Sith before him.

Apathetic to the explosive chaos surrounding him, Rurik kept his sole focus and decisive aim on the Sith'ari.

"Any more would be your damnation, demon."

Rurik stated, letting the last word leave his lips with venom tainting his tone before he vaulted himself to be well within the striking zone of Solipsis once more, burrowing into the form of the Vornskr as he viciously assaulted the Sith'ari with heavy handed blows of his blade against the shard of crimson before him, seeking to exploit any glimpse of weakness as he sought to drive him back toward the control room in earnest, veering the battle to his desired destination by relinquishing his left hand from the blade and rearing his arm back to throw a thunderous burst at the Sith to slam him into the entrance way of the control room.

" but a temporary intoxication, enslaving the depraved, the weak and the pitiful to its call of supposed freedom at the behest of those who seek to enslave them. But chaos...never lasts. The Galaxy's natural state is that of Order...and you will see the cold embrace of retribution by my hand, demon. Until the end, I am hunting down you and your cult to the last."
Rurik remarks, grinding his teeth against one another as he surged toward Solipsis once more as they entered the crimson illumination of the control room, swiping his blade through an array of pipes lining the walls that filled the corridor with a choking smoke and in that shroud he disappeared just as he did moments ago.

"You might think to yourself...that you are in control...but like all the other morally corrupt and degenerate whelps of your creed, you are the prey." Rurik says, emerging from the darkness at Solipsis's flank to deliver another blow of his argent blade, his eyes widened in concentration and the tempered rage of his iron obligation.

Atticus Draco | Lucien Dooku | Dorian Sicarrio | Raina Demici | Varus the Sigillite | Larro Paeb | Ihsan Varad | Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt | Marus Saretti




Location: Necropolis, Citadel Caelitus
Allies: Brotherhood of the Maw | Darth Solipsis · Halketh Halketh · Darth Saevius · Jin Kyrel · The Fire of Rage · Erion Justeene Erion Justeene
Enemies: New Imperial Order | Rurik Fel Rurik Fel · Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt · Atticus Draco · Lucien Dooku · Dorian Sicarrio · Raina Demici · Varus the Sigillite · Larro Paeb · Ihsan Varad · Marus Saretti
Objective: Repel Invaders | Face Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt
Equipment: Red Lightsaber

In my day.

She had heard the line a thousand times or more, from her father, her cousin, and every last soul that ever spoke to her in a manner as condescending as this. She had surpassed all of them, something that a few of them might've been aware of, but the curse of keeping the truth hidden was the ignorant bliss one could be in to make such vapid claims as what could and would constitute as scarier. She had met every last one of the woman's villains du jour and there wasn't a single one of them that could have inspired anything resembling fear in her heart, assuming she still had one. 'Which one then?' She wondered, curious as to whom she had been compared to; which relic inspired such fear, or perhaps awe, that she found that factor alone enough to belittle her with.

She wondered if maybe it had been her cousin, Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex - though the man was still alive, so perhaps the woman meant someone who had died, like the councilor of war that had abandoned the Sith Empire for the New Imperials only to be killed with so many others during that fateful night on Bastion, Bellum if she could recall, but had vague memories of a man who was far more accomplished with creating droids and vehicles of war than winning them himself. Or perhaps she meant someone older, from an age before her own time, but then there were sparse few Sith she could have possibly encountered that would've inspired that kind of fear.

Varanin, maybe, but there wasn't any fear in Vesta's heart or mind towards her former paramour's mother, regardless of whether or not such confidence was well-placed or not.

The sound of explosions outside, as well as the woman's complaint towards her attention, drew her focus back to the issues at hand - one being the woman standing there, judging her, and the other being the New Imperial Order crashing down on Caelitus' gates. "I don't need to be scary." She said, twirling her lightsaber between her fingers without sparing the weapon even a cursory glance. "The idiots from back in your day couldn't deal with a dozen stormtroopers and a few tanks."

She took a step forwards, lowering her lightsaber in a manner not unlike the opening stance of
Makashi, her features shifting slightly to shed the youthful nature that she seemed to have inspired in Sybila's mind. As a shi'ido, it was child's play to increase her apparent age by simply making herself appear so - she envied a younger Vesta, a happier Vesta, which explained the assumption of youth in Mori's mind, though there was some merit of truth there. After all, Vesta had fought on Bastion during the night the slew of Sith that had aligned with the New Imperials had been stabbed in the back, and as far as she was aware the people present there, on that day, were the extent of the Sith that she could have possibly been compared to. It wasn't like the One Sith were worth remembering.

In one moment she seemed to have been pondering whether or not to take the next step --

-- In the next she was already moving substantially faster, having flung herself forwards through the air as if by some unseen force, her lightsaber held in front of her with its tip guiding her forwards, in an act that was so much more reminiscent of the unhinged staccatos of Juyo than the elegance of the second form. "Scream for me, traitor." She whispered, lashing out with a completely uncoordinated strike using the tip of her blade in a manner that wasn't quite so different from the tip of a scorpion's tail.

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Thirty Seconds

He had to survive for thirty seconds. The mesh of atrophic fire that descended upon the front of the mighty Imperial tanks was blinding. The meta cannons of the enemy spewed their burning shots with avarice, hungry for blood.

Lieutenant Fears cycled through the shielding, ensuring it would withstand as many of the hits as possible.

No need.

The front of his tank burst open like packaged tin, a rush of exceptional heat followed by the cool and stark chill from the night air. He sat, unsure as to what was happening, the aggressive change in temperature causing him a great sense of disorientation, the sounds in his ears a strange rhythm of pumping machinery and whirring electronics, voices crying down the comms in his ears.

Twenty seconds.

He tried to reach forward from his seat, his head leading the way. He found he was pinned to his chair, his torso uncooperative in this moment of challenge. He reached forward and could feel nothing, a strange sensation that confused him further.

He was able to look down at his right shoulder, the confusion both increasing and abating at once. He couldn't feel anything as his arm hadn't moved at all, unresponsive to his every attempt. He turned again, looking out at the large gaping hole that was now the front of his display and tactical array.

Ten seconds.

He coughed violently, a spew of blood and organic material flying across the space in front of him, dashing what would have been the comms array with a fine coat of ichor.

He looked to his left, the ragdoll form of his gunner lying still, an unnatural amount of metal and scorched flesh all melted into a half-ball of molten mess. He lurched right, his eyes desperately searching for the pilot. He could see what may have once been his legs in a puddle on the floor, small flashes of what may have been his skull or other such bones on the steel floor beneath.

Fears blinked and coughed once again, the chill of the night reducing in ferocity rapidly. He felt the call to sleep growing ever stronger.

Just a few seconds. That's all.

The way his skin had cauterised and melded into the chair, holding his body to the seat, had given him the briefest illusion of being able to walk away from this incident. The fact that everything beneath his stomach had been ripped apart and near melted by the initial salvo sustained by the Maw was lost on him. All was lost on him. Lost.


Three tanks, burning. Static. Left. One in flames, one a smoking wreck. One split open like the husk of a coconut, the men inside peppered with shrapnel and chunks of diseased, dirty metal, cutting them open like an unwieldy surgeon let loose with limited time.

The Second platoon watched in horror as the first of their Company engaged the enemy, sustaining an unwieldy amount of damage from the Maw without respite. They watched as their comrades were dashed aside by the ferocity of the attack, claiming several lives.

The last tank of the First Platoon stood its ground, firing more and more shells as if each one would bring back the comrades sacrificed on the field today. The Second platoon joined the fray, answering the intense fire with their own brand of Imperial action. Chain guns spewed countless rounds, the tanks fired at point-blank range into the enemy machines, intending to kill them, even if their own lives would be forfeited.


1st Platoon-1 XT-62s
2nd Platoon-4 XT-62s
3rd Platoon-4 XT-62s
Command-3 XT-62s plus two Armoured Command Vehicles

Platoon one has sustained incredibly high amounts of damage, near knocking out the entire fighting capability. Second Platoon are laying down intense fire against the MAW assault in response


Eclipse Actual

Engaging: OPEN

Loadout: Double-bladed lightsaber, blaster pistol, vibroknife, Imperial Mk. I "Dooku-Pattern" Jedi Armor

Allies: Michael Barran Michael Barran , Rika Hiro Rika Hiro Colton Renfro, Nuruodo'kal'brast Nuruodo'kal'brast , Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr

Enemies: BotM



New Cold War

They had spent a good amount of time sizing each other up in silence, attempting to glean what information they could before striking out. This stranger was no novice, that was for certain. The way he took care to prepare himself, the look in his eye showing the steeled mindset of a true warrior... all of it told Amadeus that this would not be an easy duel. Eventually, the time came, and their energies crashed against each other as the barren planet echoed with the sound of their duel, lighting the area with a brilliant display of color.

The duo continued to clash upon the frozen lands of Csaus, plasma crashing against plasma as they conducted their dance of death. Amadeus found himself admiring his opponent's technique. Each attack was quick and fluid, providing a proper counterweight to his own. They moved back and forth, seeking an opening with each thrust and slice. Yet, no opening came.

Something felt familiar about the man's movements, yet Amadeus couldn't put his finger on it. It was almost as if they had trained under similar circumstances, or at least, took to similar philosophies of combat. Another strike... parry... riposte... and again and again. Amadeus kept up the pace, matching the man blow for blow as their blades continued to clash. The duel was almost thrilling to him, as if he truly met a worthy opponent.

Whoever this stranger was, he certainly knew how to fight.

After several long, drawn out minutes of continuous blows, they found themselves once again standing off, each holding a proper guard in response to the other. Amadeus took a moment to catch his breath, though he wasn't tired. One simply had to maintain a level head when facing such an opponent, and he wanted to maintain complete control over his mental faculties. Eventually, he heard the insult escape from the lips of the stranger, calling him a Sith. An audible scoff came from Amadeus as he held his blade in front of him.

"If I'm a Sith, then you're a fethin' monkey lizard!"

His Galidraani accent began to slip out. Though he had largely lost the accent through the years, every once in a while it would come back, especially when he was angry. He had taken care to avoid advertising his heritage, as he knew that his Force identity wasn't exactly popular among his people. Nevertheless, there it was, all the same.

Ziare Dyarron | Keilara Kala'myr (Mercy)
COMPNOR (ISB) Junior Agent, Nite agent | Marauder and Agent of the Maw
Location: The Necropolis, Citadel Caelitus, Csaus
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Omega Phase Assault Rifle | 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | Light Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Allies: Michael Barran Michael Barran | Nuruodo'kal'brast Nuruodo'kal'brast "Dokal" | Colton Colton Renfro | Rika Hiro Rika Hiro | Annor E-059 | Colton Colton Renfro | Amadeus Blackwood Amadeus Blackwood | Djorn Bline Djorn Bline | Open (Allies to Ziare, enemies to Mercy)
Enemies: Open
[ Planet Hell ]
"Galactic Basic" | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Or there was another solution. What if I don't unite them but destroy them? Yes, I was thinking about mental suicide. To start all over again, from scratch, where there is no problem, no more personalities, only me. Without memories and without everything. Where I know of nothing and maybe I don’t even want to search them because I could get the peace and peaceful life I wanted. It all sounded so incredibly simple and yet unthinkable. Like a fairy tale that never materializes.

And yet, it was in my mind if I could kill them. Would their memories then cease to exist? Would they be deleted? It was a really interesting thought; and yet, I was afraid to do it. They were me, and I never had the courage to kill myself, not even during the greatest pain and torture. A lot of people thought I was infinitely brave and strong for that, that is, because I would endure them, stand them, and fight against them. The truth was, I was afraid of passing away and I was afraid of death.

Mercy does not; I also admired her for not having a sense of danger. She didn't want to die, that's one thing, but she was much braver nonetheless. How easy it would have been if I could have put together a new one from the pieces of the personalities in front of me. He who is brave is great at work but is a sentient being and wants to help others. Yes, in short and concise, Ziare and Mercy's personalities together, but not so much different. I hope this makes sense. I didn't really know what I was like.

It’s uncomfortable and awkward that I know my own alter egos better than myself. But maybe it was really in my mind to put an end to this condition. Is that really the solution? Or am I just hallucinating the whole thing because of my head injury? But then the question was still there as to which personality I was. I think I already understand why Mercy's headache before she… we passed out.

Maybe, meanwhile, I really got between the personalities, and while I was thinking about these, I noticed that Mercy was moving. The next moment Mercy attacked me and her hands grabbed my neck and she tried to strangle me…




Location: Csaus, Citadel Caelitus Outskirts
Allies: Lurtz Null Lurtz Null | SCAR SCAR | Electra-12 Electra-12
Foes: DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran | Bex Tarring Bex Tarring | Shai Maji Shai Maji | Jon Kovacs | Volgin Alto | Delilah Jones | Enzo Demici Enzo Demici

  • The NIO First Battalion runs into the Mawite defensive trench and wall on the BotM right flank (map left)
    • Defenders in the trench and on the wall (with E-WEBs) fight to hold the position
    • The surviving Raider Walkers harry the advance with chainguns and grenade launchers
  • NIO Second Battalion (Sabretooth Legion) uses the distraction to bypass the Mawite defensive line
    • They end up in a running skirmish with the Tarar Warbands moving on Hill 121
    • The Perished continue their charge toward Hill 121
  • One of the War Skiffs is destroyed by Second Platoon and Basilisks
    • It ends up frozen halfway into the lake
    • The eastern defenders are forced into cover by the Basilisk attack run
  • The Mongrel's brain case is badly cracked by Shai's knife, and would collapse under another hit
    • He scrambles back, leaving his blade embedded in her
    • He shoots flame at her from his built-in flame projector, trying to force her back
      • Or ignite her inside through the blade wound

The Mawite right flank, bordering the rocky western side of the valley, felt the pressure on them increasing. The plan of the NIO drop troopers had, despite their losses, largely succeeded; they had established a beachhead close to the Brotherhood lines, and their presence provided both cover and a distraction while the NIO infantry moved up behind them. While the Crimson Hands battled for control of the ruins, First Battalion flowed around that fracas and crashed against the Mawite lines, bringing the entrenched Scar Hounds to battle.

Although the Brotherhood was most powerful on the charge, and generally bristled at being forced onto the defensive, they had faced the NIO often enough to know the value of a good fortified position. Memories of the trenches on Csilla, which had held back the fury of a marauder army through charge after charge, had inspired their "engineers", and they had copied much of what they'd learned for use in situations like this. Beyond the ruins, First Battalion found a trench dug into the permafrost, with a crumbling but solid wall behind it.

Mawite warriors in the trench fired freely, lashing out with blasters, plasma casters, flame projectors, scatterguns, Chiss charrics, bowcasters, and countless other scavenged weapons. As befitted the chaos of the Brotherhood, there was no unity in the wall of weaponsfire that rolled out from their positions - bolts of blue, green, purple, and red joined electricity, flame, and metal slugs in flying out at those who dared attack their position. Behind them, atop the weathered stone that had once bordered the Chiss compound, stood more defenders.

Defenders hosing down the plain with E-WEB fire.

At the same time, the Brotherhood's Raider Walkers continued to attack from the center, firing into the right flank of the oncoming NIO forces. Now that more of the enemy was moving up, and not all of them were ensconced in the cover of the ruined Chiss compound, the walkers' chainguns roared once more, and grenade launchers spat fragmentation grenades out over the frozen lake and its shores. The flat, open tundra that had once been the lakeside compound was a near-perfect killing field now that the snowdrifts were vaporized.

But in the chaos, Second Battalion was slipping by.

Keeping to the rocky foothills beyond the Mawite wall and trench, the Sabretooths picked their way over the rough terrain of the valley's western slopes. With their comrades fighting, killing, and dying all over the valley floor, they were able to keep low and quiet, infiltrating past the Brotherhood's defenses. They were closing in on Hill 121, hoping to spare the crashed pilots of Dagger Squadron the slow and painful death they would no doubt endure if they fell into Mawite hands... but they weren't the only ones moving in on the hill.

Sabretooth Legion's advance was virtually parallel to the Tarar Warbands who had been moving back from the Mawite defensive lines, eager to scavenge the crash site and torture the survivors to death. It was inevitable that the two forces, both on the move to roughly the same position, would soon notice each other. Soon the Tarar were squeezing off potshots of plasma at the NIO troops, uncertain of their numbers and precise movements but determined not to let them reach their goal unhindered. They would increase the pressure...

... trying to crush the invaders against the valley wall.

As they moved north toward Hill 121, the Sabretooths were both aiding the stranded pilots and endangering themselves. Their arrival had greatly distracted the Tarar, buying Dagger Squadron a reprieve from the charge of the scavengers... but it also put them at risk of being surrounded themselves, fully cut off from the rest of the NIO forces, with their backs to a wall of ice and snow. And the Perished, for their part, just kept coming. They streamed out of Citadel Caelitus in an endless tide, dead fingers curling around blaster triggers.

This was their master's domain. They were legion here.

The Perished were not the stupid, drooling zombie hordes of popular holofilms. Though dead, puppets of the Sith necromancy of Halketh Halketh , they retained some of the discipline and weapon skills they'd possessed in life. The swarm began to part as it got closer to the hill, the Perished dividing into squads, providing covering fire for each other as they charged. But their advance was still a fearless one; they were already dead, for what did they have to fear? They would die in droves if it meant bringing their targets down.

Dagger Squadron was going to have a long night.

Back on the eastern side of the valley, tanks and war skiffs clashed. The NIO's First Platoon was nearly wiped out, the Brotherhood's mighty MetaCannons smashing through heavy armor and detonating explosive shells inside the enemy vehicles. But they did not escape unscathed. As the War Skiffs pulled back, retreating toward the Mawite defensive line, the focused fire of Second Platoon caught the last War Skiff in the line. Repeated impacts ripped into its engines, shredding delicate steering vanes and hardy power systems alike.

And then the Basilisks came in to finish the job.

Repulsorlift engines sputtered, then died... and the entire massive vehicle, thousands upon thousands of pounds of heavy metal, plunged from the air at a height of a dozen meters. The prow of the speeding craft split the ice of the frozen lake like a sharp blade piercing flesh, and a sharp crack echoed out across the battlefield. The dark waters rushed up to embrace the huge skiff, and frigid liquid flew up all around it as that water displaced, becoming a cloud of freezing rain as it plummeted back to earth. Slowly, bit by bit, it sank.

It would have taken half an hour at least for the lake to drag down the entire bulk of the vehicle, and that never came to pass. The ambient temperatures of this region of Csaus were far too cold for liquid water to last long. Instead, the skiff gradually became frozen halfway into the lake, its prow swallowed but its slagged engines - and half its deck - protruding from the ice like a splinter stuck in a man's thumb. The surviving crew leapt from the deck, sliding down to the frozen surface and running back toward the Mawite lines.

The marauders holding those lines couldn't give them much cover; they were too busy keeping their heads down as the Basilisks strafed their positions, vaporizing large chunks of the defensive wall and melting through the permafrost. They'd dug their positions well, and could not be broken by a single attack run, but they could provide little covering fire for the retreating skiffs. "Where is our air support?" cried one of the warleaders, watching many of his troops flail as they were riddled with blasterfire or blown up with missiles.

They needed Electra-12 Electra-12 , or the Basilisks would shred them.

The Mongrel was only dimly aware of the larger battle; his entire experience had narrowed to this one duel, cyborg against cyborg, veteran against veteran. Shai claimed she wasn't there on Barran's account, fighting instead for her own reasons, despite the gift of the sword... and perhaps that was so. Perhaps The Mongrel's legend had grown until his rivalry with the old general was only one of the many rivalries and hatreds he had provoked. Perhaps he had become a symbol of the Maw itself, of the utter ruin they wrought.

A symbol that many would seek to tear down.

They charged at almost the same time, ready to meet again in a clash of blades and shields... until The Mongrel dropped, and his night thrust struck home. The warlord felt his blade sinking deep into Shai's artificial guts, deflected into that vulnerable region by the heavy cuirass she wore higher up on her body. It sank in to the hilt, until he could feel her broken flesh on his mechanical hand, until lubricant from her ruptured cybernetics dripped down his arm. On any ordinary person, with an organic gut, it would have been a killing blow...

... albeit the kind that wrought a long, messy death.

"You should have listened to him better," The Mongrel chided her; Barran had no doubt heard of his attempt to employ this trick against Gowrie, and could have warned Shai. The sword dropped from her hand, and for a moment the warlord thought it was over. But the cyborg Mandalorian was far from finished; impalement wasn't enough to bring someone like either of them down. She proved it by lashing out with her hand, wrapping it around the metal of his neck. Choking him would be useless, of course. He had no lungs or trachea.

But that was not her intent. She had inbuilt weapons too.

A wave of energy rippled out of her glove, a stun blast delivered into the metal of his chassis. It had far less effect that it would have on an organic body, but the brainwave-scrambling energy did not entirely dissipate, and The Mongrel felt his thoughts scatter for a moment as it channeled into the remnants of his nervous system. It distracted him just long enough to enable her second strike: a beskar knife straight to the literal dome. The razor-sharp Mandalorian blade raced down toward the transparisteel covering over his brain...

And cracked it with a sound like a glass bell shattering.

The Kal skittered down from the spiderweb crack it had made, following one of the grooves and deepening it. Nutrient fluid bubbled up from the breaches, becoming a slick, mucus-like coating over the brain dome before freezing in the frigid air. Alarms wailed across The Mongrel's senses, a warning that the dome's structural integrity was critical; another impact would shatter it, and pulp his brain like rotten fruit. That would be the end of him; there would be nothing left to salvage, nothing left to place in some new metal vessel.

He almost welcomed it. He was so far past ready to die, fully prepared for his disembodied suffering to end. But he knew in his heart that he could not; if he did not fight with every last bit of his strength until the bitter end, he would never be allowed through the gates of paradise, and everything he had suffered and done would be for nothing. So instead The Mongrel scrambled back, his "face" bubbling over with nutrient gunk and refreezing into a sheet of ice over and over, refracting the dim orange light of his brain jar in bizarre patterns.

The warlord let go of his blade, leaving it impaled neatly through Shai; let her keep the souvenir, if she survived. He would need to cover his movement back, or she would follow up and finish him... so he lashed out with his left hand. A panel slid open in his mechanical arm, and a flame projector popped out of his forearm. He triggered it, and burning fuel spilled out at almost point-blank. Though Shai was armored, it might at least make her flinch back, buying him time to and space to reevaluate his fighting approach... or escape.

Then it occurred to him that there might be an even better way to employ the fire. The Mongrel directed the flaming stream downward, toward the wound the warblade had left. If the lubricant inside her cybernetics was much like his own, it might well be flammable... and if he could ignite the trail of it, the results would be devastating. She would burn from within, cooked alive by the flames pumping through her internal systems. It was a long shot, but even the fear of it might hold her at bay... and he needed the time.

Because one more good hit would be the end of him.


Post #7



NIO: Jon Kovacs Enzo Demici Enzo Demici Delilah Jones Volgin Alto
Julian Qar Julian Qar Bex Tarring Bex Tarring Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla


BOTM: The Mongrel The Mongrel Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha SCAR SCAR Electra-12 Electra-12 Lurtz Null Lurtz Null

Basket-Hilted Vibrosword Claymore

Fragarach Model Heavy Disruptor-Pistol
Sentimental-Value Fairbairn Vibroknife
Beskar Knuckledusters
Erskine's New arm


Mawites and 2nd Battalion engage.
Ground is gained in initial hostilities, but more are correctly assumed to be on the way.
Marić orders Massoud to flank left and continue on to the pilots alone.


500 metres to Hill 121....

<"Massoud to Sabretooth Two. Watch the right, sir. Nothing remotely normal about the silence beyond this point.">

<"Easy, we have wary eyes covering on that front as well. What we really need is for you to start clicking receivers on the pilots' comm-links for now, as we're almost exactly where we need to be. Sabretooth Two out.">

*'Basara.... Biti Spremnan. I Zapamtite – nesahranjene, neprijavljene, nezapamćene. Ovo je naša sudbina ako ne uspemo.'
**"Basara.... Be ready. And remember - unburied, unreported, unremembered. This is our fate if we fail."

None present were willing to surrender in the face of such barbarity, none would ever dare let the Maw twist and stretch the Sabretooth-troopers' minds into the compliant Hell of thralldom to the will of their Three Avatars, such defeatism had been drilled out of their minds long before that, as fear of being called out was the least of their worries. Just one sign of surrender was expected to incur the wrath and cruelty of their comrades, and in ways that would surprise more than a fair share of Mawsworn warriors in turn, but none of this behaviour would be seen in a single one of the surviving troopers of 2nd Battalion, each to their own ready to lay down their lives at a moment's notice.

400 metres to Hill 121....


Reacting instantly, the first shots in reply were fired, hitting their mark quite effectively, though the disruptors had rendered the brave voice in the dark a screaming mess of agony as a result, giving all the nearest Mawsworn units all the justification to return-fire. A small storm of hostilities followed, with grenades and tomahawks following the initial bursts of pressure to give way for attempts to storm their static-line on all sides; some would perish to bites, slashes, stabbings and point-blank killshots, but others would prove their worth as Sabretooth-troopers under fire, striking out at their adversaries from underneath the raiders and undead soldiers holding them down. With the good fight burning in the depths of their souls, the others blasting away at the frozen wilderness around them would take heart from the wily, scrappy efforts of their comrades to survive, and to prevail over these up-close and personal vainglories of the Maw to ensure the survival of the others in turn.

Click, click-click, click, click-click-click


Click-click, click-click, click, click-click

'You heard him, fethers! Lets get BUSY!!!!', a Sergeant by the name of Lewis roared out from among the mass of muzzle-flashes, playing his part well as the highest-ranking Goidel of 2nd Battalion, holding his own as was expected of a man of his tribal heritage. The others gravitated well to him, but Staff-Sergeant Lewis was ever the one to spurn an entourage or inner-circle of any sort, often even going so far as to say that 2nd Battalion was all the inner-circle of friends he could ever need, a very revealing detail in his contrasting levels of trust and distrust alike in his superiors, comrades and subordinates. However, in these long spells of time spent on his own, much and more of the Woad's willpower and aggression was channelled into something effective before even landing on Nirauan and Csaus alike, which was something many of the new faces would come to appreciate before long, seeing for themselves how calm and collected Sergeant Lewis was under fire.

300 metres to Hill 121....

Fire-and-manoeuvre tactics would aid them in closing the distance, but whatever happened at close range would be left entirely to the mettle, the rage, and the enduring spirit of the 313th by then; but the Sabtretooth-troopers were amped up by that point of the fight, feeling the blood pumping in their veins as they roared and hurled obscenities at the Mawites to the front and to the right of their positions. It wasn't until the distance had been closed when the 313th and the Mawites there began to understand how evenly-matched they were in this engagement, swinging for the fences in the absence of a melee weapon, hacking, slashing and stabbing in the absence of a firearm - it mattered not to anyone on either side. This was where they all belonged, this was the only place in the entire universe where they all mattered, and none of the opposing elements would have had it any other way.

'Massoud, you're up! Take Diab Platoon around our left flank and find those pilots! I'll leave the action to call in the rescue-dropships entirely to you - don't let me down, Kandaran!'

The fight for the Mawite right flank changes, getting faster and more violent by the second.
Shazzeke starts a fight with a supremely-tall Mawite.
Wins, stops to watch the violence unfold with the Mawite for a while.
Hears the Mawite's last words and grants his request.

'YOU!!! TRY ME!!! YES, ME!!!!'

The 501st were in need of help by the time 1st Battalion had punched into the opposing right flank, though not direly, not by any means; this had initially bemused Captain Shazzeke, understanding that their Imperial comrades would've been outnumbered at least 4-1, but then remembering in the end that the 501st only ever fielded the best of the Galaxy's best. Everything around them was beyond the rather loose confines of mayhem itself as Sabretooth Legion made their way into the riot of rage and horror, but 1st Battalion would take their places in the line regardless, along with the brave company of Galidranni riflemen, trying their utmost to hold their own with the elite trooper class with reckless (though admirable) abandon. charging on and fighting their way through the frozen Hellscape of Citadel Valley until the wall of cannibal-troopers finally reached them, creating a perfect counterweight to the renewed onslaught of the Imperial ground-forces on the Mawite right flank.

'WHO'S NEXT?!?!'

As McAinsh was in the process of smashing a cannibal-trooper's face in with their own helmet, Shazzeke continued on, covered in the blood of multiple foes and intending to cover his armour-array in even more. Encountering a rather tall opponent who was more than willing to oblige the Mirialan, the shorter, slimmer Mirialan chuckled a raspy, hoarse mirth in the face of his would-be victim, growling,'Perfection!', as his arms spread out wide, offering a taunt with an air of impunity to goad the tall Mawite even further. The tall Mawite would run at the Imperial of average height with all his ferocity, charging at the Mirialan with a fervour his shorter opponent thought was quite admirable for his chaotic ilk, though ill-advised; the bloodthirsty Mawite couldn't have known what sort of Imperial he would be facing that night, nor could he have known the fighting calibre of the 313th's trooper elite would be so aggressively strong in application either, not that it would ever stop a warrior of the Maw from trying his luck.


For if a Mawite ever saw an opportunity to leave a mark on his enemy, then it would become a lasting insult in his final moments - a lasting imprint on the mind of their so-called nemesis.


Feigning for a stabbing attack on approach, Shazzeke would see that his opponent was hoping to catch him with before having to brace for an attack from the inside of the reach-pocket, somewhat larger than expected but the Mirialan would still make good use of it regardless. From there, the Captain would utilise his running momentum and jump into a low-aiming dropkick, putting all his weight into a heavy-leaning, double-footed stomp on the Mawite's knee; and with this action, the 6'8" giant's ACL was torn with a violent pop, still somehow unheard by either - mostly due to the cacophony of violence still erupting on all sides around them. In the process of backing away to pick another spot to strike, Shazzeke would have to duck under a backhanded side-swiping attempt to hurl his machete at the exposed inner-forearm, contacting flesh and bone to completely disarm and debilitate his hulking opponent; seeing the Mawite's axe dropping to the ground, the Mirialan's gaze then shifted to the other fights erupting around them, witnessing the shifting momentum for himself before turning to gaze on the immobilised raider once more.

'Not bad, Imperial! Not bad! Now finish this! "War, Death, Rebirth!", you know how this goes.... MY SOUL IS READY!!!!'

As all madness was breaking loose around them, soldiers and raiders alike fighting and dying without stopping to bear witness, completely unlike Barran's self-amputation moment on Nirauan, none would take the chance to stop and gaze on the wonder this time, none had time to stop and take in the sheer magnitude of it. All there would ever be, in such moments, was the fight itself, along with the ebb and flow of the battle as the Imperium pushed ever more intensely against the Maw's defenders of Citadel Caelitus; a true struggle for the truest of warriors, but the Mirialan and his opponent would stop momentarily to look around them, visually processing the scale of the conflict for themselves before resuming the stares between them. Not quite as intense and hate-filled as before, a short, curt nod of affirmation would be shared before Shazzeke stepped forth to place the machete at the base of the giant's neck, asking,'Any last words, Mawite?', as he drew it back to poise for the finishing strike.

'I fought the good fight for the Avatar of War, now I must die well for the Avatar of Death.... Honestly, I've wanted to embrace the Avatar of Rebirth for so damned long now, it's actually sickening to consider it. My only meaning is in this moment.'

A moment of unexpected wisdom, one of complete, unfiltered honesty that initially took the Captain aback, and in ways that perhaps only the Goidels could've understood. The philosophy was always something Lord Erskine's ilk would find being exposed to them, for in the crucible, it seemed the Maw's most profound moments would occur as a result of questions posed by the warrior-poets of Galidraan III; and in that moment, the Mirialan could feel it like the shivers that were running up his spine, coming to an entirely new understanding of the Lord-General as a result. However, in that instant, a whole new understanding of the Maw had formed as a result, seeing for himself that the powers of Exegol were also in the business of forging true-warriors, true counterweights to the Imperium's strength in battle. Head bowing, Shazzeke would inhale meditative calm into himself, feeling the heartfelt emotion within the reverence rising to his throat before being interrupted by the bleeding Mawite kneeling before him.

'Please, brother. Send me on my way - I have seen everything I need to see, and then some.... I'm ready.'

Erskine continues his approach to the field hospital.
Encounters Salazar Cruz and is given assurance on the work to keep the wounded alive.
Erskine makes for the field Hospital after parting ways with Cruz.

<"Damnit, Qar! You better be alive, I fething swear it! ANSWER YOUR BLOODY COMM-LINK, MAN!!!!!">

More medical-speeders streaming out across his field of vision, heading out to the battlefront with haste and every desire to save at least some lives in that mess, this would momentarily break Lord Erskine out of his worries, giving the Stormchaser every reason to think on coordinating the medical efforts while the good doctor's comm-link remained silent. A dilemma that would iron itself out by the arrival of a young Tetan medic by the name of Salazar Cruz, stopping his medevac-speeder and opening his slide door to the Lord-General in full-armoured combat medics' attire and jumping out to proudly stand to attention, ready for whatever command awaited him. Lord Erskine already had something of a reputation for being snappy with his time, and thus Cruz remained silent as the Woad studied the vehicle, the rank-chevrons and the overall quality of the EMTs crewing the vehicle behind him.

'Coordinate with the Mandalorians, the 8th Airborne and the Galidraani in the north. We have quite a lot o' wounded to transport tonight, and with a comm-silent field hospital to worry about, I hope you know what you'll need to do.'

'I already have something in mind, sir.', the young Tetan medic shot back, hoping his quickness to answer and assure his new acquaintance sat well with the Woad, but giving himself no time to gauge the Lord-General's reactions, not whilst Cruz was in the process of continuing in his attempt to sate Barran's need for pertinent information. Politely clearing his throat, Salazar smiled endearingly as he pointed Lord Erskine's attention to the distant medical speeders who'd only just passed the Lord-General mere seconds before, continuing,'First one? Filled to the brim with empty HASCO-bags and Rotary-cannons. The one behind it? Chalk full of folded stretchers, medical supplies and everything else we might need. Our vehicle? Carries the comm-unit we'll use to call in our evac-dropships.', pointing out everything relevant to the amble as he explained.

'My platoon are going to build a second field hospital, and we aim to hold it for as long as we can. I understand it's make-or-break time now, and we all know it's getting close to the endgame for this siege-assault from here.... but first, watch this.'

<"All 501st, all Sabretooths, all Free-State, all Enclave in the north - this is Sergeant Cruz of the Medical Division! Order all your wounded to move south to the back of the ruins - we're setting up another field hospital there, and we also want to provide you with fortified-support assurances as we go. EMT One out!">

Smirking appreciatively, Lord Erskine extended his right hand in solidarity, considering Salazar a comrade and brother-in-arms on the spot, especially when the offer for a handshake was accepted without so much as a second thought. They were there to work, and both knew it, but a little appreciation for the sudden nature of their jumping to action was certainly still on the cards before they parted ways, unsure of whether they would see each other again or not.

'Now you must get moving also, we'd be lost without Qar and we both know it.... Good luck back there, sir.'

Aye, an' for some reason I think I'll be needin' it this time.

Then, without a single issue left uncovered, Cruz would stand to attention once more, avoiding the salute in the field as according to his training; the Woad and the Tetan would shake hands once more, nodding their last affirmations with sincerity, knowing what they were supposed to do. The slide door would slam shut behind the medic, letting Erskine continue in his path towards the command-centre's field hospital as the engines roared the speeder into life and northward motion - and from that moment onwards, Lord Erskine would be alone with his thoughts and his worries again. Yet this time, these formerly-detrimental factors were becoming fuel-like for the state of fighting flow he was trying to call on in that moment, bringing his heart to a meditative pace to plan his attacks, such that required success without relying on the sword that was being wielded by Shai Krayt at the time.

'Alright, Ollis. Looks like the Fragarach's back in business.', the Stormchaser muttered as the wind blew snowdust across his marching stride, pulling the high-powered disruptor pistol from it's holster and walking a little faster after seeing the good doctor's caduceus-emblem glowing on the side of the billets he had been trying to get to. Eerily quiet but for the sounds of battle far off behind him, Barran knew what was happening almost instantly, but still resolved to hope that his friend and his subordinates were still struggling for survival, praying that they were still locked in melee-combat by the time he reached them. From there, Barran would break into a sprint, bearing down on the nearest door with the intent to give it a cybernetic shoulder-shunt, which was swiftly applied when the moment of contact-velocity occurred. Surrounded by emptiness, all but the distant sounds of clashing blades and grunts of desperate exertion further in, the Lord-General understood that he'd be in for the fight of a lifetime; yet even with the blood of the wounded still freshly frozen on the floor around his feet, and the taste of iron in the air, Erskine wouldn't need these ill-fated omens to tell him what he knew already.

Time was running out, time the Lord-General would not waste.

<"Julian, Guards - this is Barran! Stay in the fight! Whatever it takes to prevail, attempt it now! REACH INSIDE YOUR SOULS AN' DRAG OUT YOUR INNER-SAVAGES!!!!">

Not for his subordinates, and certainly not for his friend.

<"MAW - DELENDA - EST!!!!">
Last edited:


Surgeon Dr. H. T'hess
Main AssistSpecialist V. Kovačić
On site staff300
Supplies100% Stocked
Universal Plasma1000ml - 60 units
Bacta Spray 16 crates - malfunction [pending]
Bacta Patches 10 crates
Rescue Teams4 [3 per]



Protected Document: █ █ █ X-2292701 █ █ █

Obj II
- - -
Field Hospital | Triage Ready
Medical Narrative


Good Homies: DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran Jon Kovacs Enzo Demici Enzo Demici Delilah Jones Volgin Alto Bex Tarring Bex Tarring Faison Kelborn
Bad homies: The Mongrel The Mongrel SCAR SCAR
Engaging this dude: Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha


✚ A M N E S I A ✚

His first assault, the tricky one that slithered through the organic fibers drenched in metal came to him as a glitch. Pieces of his mind have been manicured to fit within his reconstructed frame. Even the way he thought, the way he acted had been tailored somehow. Down to memorizing the subtle flutters of a failing heart. He had trained himself to recognize the beats to its pathetic demise or the hiccup that came from a pair of lungs trying to regulate their breathing. Had the master manipulator attempted this attack through the doctor's brain before. Before when he was medicating his broken heart…he would have crept in, with ease. Tu'teggacha could have made him believe the ground he walked on had been pulled from under him, sending him falling to his death.

But right now, that mind that had been pulled through the seven stages of hell. The same one that had been devoured by a metal inlay and wires. Was almost iron tight. It had just barely stopped the knobby fingers in their tracks, sending that small attack like a digitized burst of images. Not working but just so. Out of habit he pulled a hand to his head and pressed into the fleshy tissue of his skull, trying to control the failing sight somehow.

"Just a routine security sweep, sir,"

"Huh…oh…right. Right…" He'd shake his head, feeling his pupils dilate slightly from the unwanted infiltration. Their movements hadn't taken him off guard, his own entourage kept their sights on the storm of fire before them until the sound of steady footprints that had crept around them in the snow and something -

"Just a routine security sweep sir."

He replayed those words as if nothing was amiss and yet…something about that didn't make sense…because he….he was….the routine sweep…..


The strike crashed into the base of his phrik covered skull like an iron blow against the belly of a ship. It sent the doctor doubling forward as the pain receptors in his brain shot off from the attack. The blade had cut the soft tissue that covered the metal junction and cervical shield that kept his spinal cord protected. Julian acted as quickly as his reflexes allowed, like a child shielding their hand from the heat of a fire. He would have pivoted over to the left to catch his assailant's face. Why would - there was no time for processing the why's. He flipped the weapon slung around his shoulder, looking to push the butt end of it against the troopers chest plate to send him backward with its non-lethal blow - but before he could even do that. There was a tight stream of dual viscous fluid that forced his hands to cover the back of his neck and head, leaving his midsection open.

It seemed Tu'teggacha's mind-warping mini attack mixed with the Shi'ido' blade dance stole the words from the doctor's mouth. Was it…? As he looked at them, all he could think of were those moments back on Wistril, when he tucked himself away from the faces that had recognized him. The faces that had heard the rumors of his address the night of the Sovereign Imperator's assassination. He remembered all the black eyes and unwanted fights…remembered a time when he thought he could have done something more and yet. This war…this very moment came washed upon him like some act of penance for something he should have stopped. He didn't even think of them as anything else but soldiers angry for his special treatment. Why else would imperial troopers act on him? To him, these were Carlaci men seeking revenge. Tu'teggacha didn't have to try again to manipulate Julian's memories…he didn't have to make him believe his arms had grown feathers allowing him to fly, no…that blade that struck the base of his skull destroyed that makeshift iron fortress. It had just opened up the fractured mind of a man riddled with fear that sooner or later an attack against him from the imperials was something he had coming for him…

for his failure.

<"Damnit, Qar! You better be alive, I fething swear it! ANSWER YOUR BLOODY COMM-LINK, MAN!!!!!">

Fifteen bellowing words slapped into the fizzled out comlink in his mind, quickly snapping him out of his self-inflicted trance. The doctor dropped those cupped hands to take hold of his rifle and patch in with what little time he had.

<"Erskine! I'm alright! I just got hit by one of our fucken own! Over!">

█ █ █

Ziare Dyarron | Keilara Kala'myr (Mercy)
COMPNOR (ISB) Junior Agent, Nite agent | Marauder and Agent of the Maw
Location: The Necropolis, Citadel Caelitus, Csaus
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Omega Phase Assault Rifle | 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | Light Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Allies: Michael Barran Michael Barran | Nuruodo'kal'brast Nuruodo'kal'brast "Dokal" | Colton Colton Renfro | Rika Hiro Rika Hiro | Annor E-059 | Colton Colton Renfro | Amadeus Blackwood Amadeus Blackwood | Djorn Bline Djorn Bline | Open (Allies to Ziare, enemies to Mercy)
Enemies: Open
[ Planet Hell ]
"Galactic Basic" | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

The hands and fingers were cold; I looked into a pair of golden eyes as her fingers pressed into my throat. It was getting harder and harder to breathe. I tried to fight, but she was much stronger than me. Everything got slower and fainter. The farther away, the stars began to disappear, the lights disappeared and the blackness remained. Would it be like if someone died? It was possible, and it was still a pretty peaceful thing. My limbs were lead-weighted, my hands slipped off her hands, finally resting and darkness.

Again in the meadow, coughing, I regained my consciousness, the flowers were still there. No and no! I will not be trapped again in this place! It was enough once, before the Taskmaster rescued me from this place and I was born. Not only was I here, but she was too. Ziare. No one but us. She was still unconscious. Ever since I was free, I’ve never been as close to her as I am now. She had always locked herself in so far here, I had no chance to get close to her and kill her. Now it was the time.

I got up from the ground with great difficulty and went to her. In the past, a few minutes(?) earlier, whoever I was trying to strangle seemed to be an effective method. So I tried to do the same with her. However, it still had the same effect as last time. I felt her pain as if it were my own. That other one didn't have that. Even so, I tried, squeezing her neck harder and harder, which made me less and less breathable. I was hoping I would be stronger. But eventually her eyes opened, and I found myself outside again, outside her inner defence area, in the darkness. She ruled me out again and I have even lost consciousness.

The next moment, I gasped for air, a doctor standing above me, holding a defibrillator over my chest. But at least my memories were already in place and I was sure I was Mercy. But I think this head injury was much more severe than I thought. Ziare was alive too, I still couldn't kill her without destroying myself. In any case, this injury shed light on something. I really need to talk to him about what the injury caused.

~ Taskmaster, if the combat is over, we need to talk… ~ I sent Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha a simple telepathic message.

Last post (I think).​

Location: Csaus, NIO Field Hospital
Allies: Three Shi'ido Fleshtakers
Foes: Julian Qar Julian Qar | DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran

  • The Fleshtakers deploy dioxis grenades to fill the hospital with toxic gas
  • The Mawites then flee the scene, trying to escape before they're pinned down


This one's mind was strong. A consciousness was a hard thing to visualize - you had to feel it, not see it, to understand it - but Tu'teggacha pictured this one like the battered hull of his own Fatalis. It had been patched in countless places, a rough job, the welding and metal stapling obvious where they joined together the pieces that had been broken long ago... but the armor was no less strong for it. Indeed, it was actually stronger than it had been, for the weakest parts had been destroyed in the past and then patched over with reinforced plating. The Doctor, too, had been through so much that parts of him had broken, but the patch job was strong.

It took everything the Taskmaster had just to slow his reaction a little.

It shouldn't have mattered in the end, because the Fleshtaker's strike ought to have been a killing blow. The blade of a monomolecular stiletto is, as the name would indicate, a single molecule in thickness. It can pierce armor and hide, flesh and bone, and when it sinks into a spine it can cut through that vital column of bone and nervous tissue in less than a second. Against any ordinary man, a molecular stiletto to the back of the head would have been a quick and relatively painless death, like a nerf put down with an overcharged bolt gun. But the Doctor, as he was proving for the second time in less than a minute, was no ordinary man.

The stiletto sank through his flesh, then struck his phrik skull... and snapped.

As a result of their minuscule thickness, the stilettos were extremely fragile; the wrong impact or twist would easily break them, meaning that they were really only suited for ambush attacks like this. Trying to duel with one would have broken it almost instantly. This one was finished... but it'd made a mess of Doctor Qar's skin, leaving him flailing in pain as vital fluids spilled out. The man went for his rifle, then hesitated, trying to stem the flow... and that was enough for Tu'teggacha. They were made, and their initial plan was a bust. It was time to get out of here before they were pinned down and cut apart by the inevitable NIO response.

But not before they left the field hospital a parting gift.

Monomolecular stilettos were the primary killing tools of the Fleshtakers, but not the only ones they wielded. At the Taskmaster's telepathic command, the trio of infiltrators produced their secondary weapons: dioxis grenades. They primed the little cylinders and quickly dropped them amid the various machines, cots, and operating tables of the field hospital as they withdrew, each of them tossing a pair before fleeing through the tent flap. The thick, opaque gas began pumping out of them, a choking toxin. It took a while to actually kill, but that wasn't really the goal. Area denial was devastating when the area denied was the enemy hospital.

As Dr. Qar managed to grab his rifle and put in his distress call, the four Mawites fled into the snow. They had to make their escape now, or they were surely finished. But as he turned away, the Ebruchi caught a glimpse of Qar's thoughts, an insight into his guilt. His facial tentacles twisted into the vile, repulsive configuration his people called a smile as he realized there might be a way to throw off their pursuers... and throw the good doctor deeper into the spiral this chain of events had set off. So again he telepathically commanded one of the Fleshtakers, who paused at the tent flap, still in his NIO trooper disguise.

"That's for Carlac," the "trooper" said. A bluff, a lie, a twist of the knife.

Then they were gone, fleeing into the swirling white beyond.

501st LEGION | 16th COMPANY
ALLIES: New Imperial Order | DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran | Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla | Bex Tarring Bex Tarring | Volgin Alto
ENEMIES: Maw | Lurtz Null Lurtz Null | SCAR SCAR | Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr | Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze
ENGAGING: The Mongrel The Mongrel
GEAR: In bio | Standard loadout | shield

  • Shai doesn’t like sudden flame attack
  • Backs off to make space and avoid spontaneous internal combustion
  • Goes in for another round of punishment


The attack struck home, and the damage was significant. His dome cracked, one more hit and he was done. She could taste the victory, just one more good hit. But she wasn’t quick enough. As her hand drew back for a second strike, he stumbled back and raised his left arm at her. There was no mistaking what he was going to do with that nozzle.

With a sharp breath she deployed and raised her shield as she stumbled back as well, using her grappling line to retrieve the General’s sword… she wasn’t going to lose this fight and his prized weapon.

The danger of the fire wasn’t lost on her, one spark against her gut and she would be done for, and the flames dripping from her shield were already a bit too close for comfort. Her HUD blinked with the dispensing of the stim and bacta into what remained of her organic body. With a snarl she sheathed the General’s sword and yanked the Mongrel’s blade from her gut, flicking it downward to get rid of the blood and fluid that coated the blade before she raised it at him. ”Lookin’ a little drained there.” She chuckled with a maniacal darkness. The only thing keeping the pain at bay was the stims in her system as they tried to patch her body together.

They were both a hit or two away from being done for. And even without a weapon, she had the idea that the Mongrel just became a bit more dangerous. With her Kal still gripped in her left hand and her shield between them, she started to slowly creep closer to him. ”Ya know, I actually expected more from someone with your rep. ‘Jedi killer’ and all that. But so far all I’ve seen is one lucky hit.” She spoke up with a condescending tone as she gave his sword a twirl and mounted it on her back. She was gonna keep it, that was for sure.

Time for the next dance.

”Let’s get on with it…” She grumbled. Her jetpack came to life as she raced towards him, her shield between them as she aimed to crash into him. Simultaneously she readied her right vambrace again for her next attack.





Issue #4 w/ Delilah Jones Enzo Demici Enzo Demici DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran The Mongrel The Mongrel Lurtz Null Lurtz Null



Dagger-5, Bravo Flight Lead
181st Fighter Wing

<Jon, we need to do something about your lucky charm. It sucks.>

He silently looked down at the charm hanging from his neck, half-buried by Del's snowball, and sighed, "You telling me?"

"Let's dig in and see what… we… got… pardon my language, but what the kriff is that?"

Jon's binoculars followed in Enzo's direction, spotting the black waves surging from the Citadel in a ravenous charge towards the Hill. He nearly choked trying to swallow the lump forming in his throat. The living dead. The stories from Carlac had been in no way exaggerated. This dark magic, this Force... the Imperialism classes led by COMPNOR officials at the Academy made more and more sense with every battle the Daggers were thrown in. The Force was an evil only the Imperial Knights could subdue and keep at bay from the common citizen.

"That's bad news." he replied, "Yeah, let's dig in. Fast." they had one retractable shovel among the three. Take turns, conserve energy.

"Keep tabs on your ammo and make every shot count." as a long-recon, ninety percent of the job was being resourceful. Sent miles away from friendlies, deep into enemy territory, you only had so much gear to work with. The difference between that and their current predicament was that a recon wasn't supposed to be made out and fend off a shock troopers' assault on your center and an undead army on your flank.

Maric's advice was heard but not heeded. Yeah, it was the most rational option and the one Jon would've opted for - using their small number of three to flee from the larger and slower crowd going after them. But they were half-living as they were, barely walking, let alone running. They couldn't keep moving. Their sole game plan was this one. Take a strategic position and... pray.

Lightning! Lightning, of all things, cracked and scorched the surface as the Warbands advanced under the standard fire and maneuver approach. Hot plasma turned the snow into black water as it blasted the white hilltop. Every little peek he took over the trench, Jon glanced at the approaching Sabertooth in the distance.

"HOLD! HOLD!! Let them get closer!!" he cried out from his position. The three had split up with Enzo and Jon covering the front from where the warbands approached, while Del stood watch over the flank from which the undead were bound to start their voracious climb. It took a lion's strength of will to keep a finger of the trigger when a horde was coming to rip you limb by limb, but with what little they had, the Daggers had to no room for mistakes. No room for anything but cool heads.

"NOW!!" his voice cracked through the raining plasma fire as he popped out from cover to fire at the Warbands just as Sabertooth came in to intercept the marauder's fast-paced approach. The officer's pistol, in comparison to the Warbands and Sabertooth's firepower, was like a baby in a cowboy's shootout. "You got any 'nades on you, Seven?"

"SIX! How's the flank looking??"




6th post







NEW IMPERIAL ORDER: Kolson Vrask Kolson Vrask Amadeus Blackwood Amadeus Blackwood Djorn Bline Djorn Bline
Nuruodo'kal'brast Nuruodo'kal'brast Atsá Vyshraal Atsá Vyshraal Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt Lyra 'Sybila' Voikryt


BROTHERHOOD OF THE MAW: Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze



2 miles outside Citadel Caelitus....


Almost like a shot in the dark, the words had left his lips without even so much as a second thought, almost convinced by the red glow of his opponent's lightsabre by then; and yet, even as the insult was in the process of parting from lips to the air between, Barran knew something about it was incorrect. Even whilst believing for a moment that his opponent was really a Sith, there was something else besides the small inkling that was driving his second-guessing to such a degree, and it was in the stranger's reaction to Lord Michael's assumed affiliation in particular. The rising left eyebrow, disdainful sneer and the straightening of his opponent's posture was all the Wanderer needed to know he was incorrect; this individual, though he wielded dark powers that were more Force-aligned than Lord Michael's own, had in no way sworn or even claimed allegiance to any one of the Galaxy's Sith factions over the years.

This was an Imperial.

'If I'm a Sith, then you're a fethin' monkey lizard!'
Now wait just a second.... Was that a-?

This was a Galidraani.

For the first time since their duel began, the guard in Lord Michael's fighting-poise began to drop without intent, revealing the sheer surprise in his eyes as the Wanderer queried,'You're Galidraani, am I right? Free-State, aye?', letting the accent, slang and colloquialisms of his own people slip out, though a fair deal more obviously in the process. The highly-proficient opponent's guard would then follow suit in dropping unwittingly, and in what was becoming a mutually intense surprise for both duellists involved, Lord Michael would bear witness as Amadeus' mind processed the implications of having just clashed kyber with a Woad-born Imperial Knight. Both lightsabres would be switched off moments later, with both warriors relaxing their stances to kneel opposite each other in the snow, sitting almost five metres apart as the winds blew frozen torture all around them, only giving in to laughter when they made eye-contact once more.

A healthy, hearty mirth it was to share between them, albeit littered with the occasional head-shaking expressions of self-disapproval throughout, but one of which that was sorely needed by both Barran and Blackwood alike. The recognition of the Woad accent right after the reply certainly helped in this regard, especially with the tone having calmed down greatly on the venomous sting in his words afterwards, made all the calmer when Lord Michael continued,'What were the chances, man? Madness! A Blue Lion, facing off against his Blood-Red counterpart - both wielding lightsabres like we were born to them.... An' toppin' it all off, we're both Imperial.', still taking a resting-knee like Blackwood was in that moment. It was almost like they were meditating together, and with the snow and the wind serving as their ceremonial candles and incense for the encounter, both Amadeus and Michael would dwell silently on this most-auspicious coincidence, choosing then to sit on the snowy ground beneath their knees properly as the IFV rumbled along to stop next to them.

'Like the myths of old, wouldn't you say? No-no, jus' hold that thought. We'll have much to discuss on the matter if we survive this place, this I can guarantee - an' besides.... Plenty time to discuss our pasts in the time it takes to travel from here to Serenno, an' that isn't up for discussion either. There is much an' more you need to see and know when we get there.'
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Delilah Jones




ALLIES: Jon Kovacs | Enzo Demici Enzo Demici | DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran | Volgin Alto | Bex Tarring Bex Tarring | Shai Maji Shai Maji | Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla | Julian Qar Julian Qar | NIO | Enclave
ENEMIES: The Mongrel The Mongrel | SCAR SCAR | Lurtz Null Lurtz Null | Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr | Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze | Chimera | Electra-12 Electra-12 | BOTM | NSO
ENGAGING: The Mongrel The Mongrel 's forces
GEAR: Armour | Pistol | 2x Vibroknives | Flairgun | Wrench



Things were dire.

They were dug in and were trying to cover all angles. To hold out until Sabretooth reached them. The dead moving towards them from the back didn't help psychologically.

Del's heart was thrumming in her throat alongside the blood build-up as she covered the very flank that would give her nightmares for the rest of her life, however short it might be cut tonight. Fear coursed through her for the first time in a long time - true fear.

Would they see the sunrise?

War thundered through the nightsky and reverberated into her bones. She could hardly hear Jon calling to hold their fire for the last minute.
"Yeah, no shit." she grumbled, but her breath hitched in her throat as the dead split into squads and converged on the hill from different angles.

It took all her self control not to fire blindly at the servants of chaos. Instead, she kept her head low and only peeked every few minutes to check the progress as much as she could. Until some were finally were in range.

Her potshots were selective, conserving ammo, and that would cost her sooner rather than later.
"SIX! How's the flank looking??"
Another shot fired as stray bolts zinged around her as well.
"We're screwed! They've split up!" she hollered back through the helmet while keeping her eyes forward.

Despite the cacophony of war all around, the Clicking through the comms in her ears could be heard.
"Thank the divines." Del breathed as she fired a few more shots into some converging dead. It wasn't the easiest, making every shot count in the dark, despite the HUD compensating.

But her peripheral was compromised.

One of the Perished had been able to crest the hill from the side with more on the way and was almost on top of her before she caught the movement.

But she didn't have enough time to react. The dead man tackled her before she could get a shot off. The pistol was knocked from her grip as they grappled through the snow, Del trying everything in her weakened power not to be torn apart by a violent puppet.

Unable to keep the dead soldier at bay without two hands, she wasn't able to reach for any of her knives. Gritting her teeth against both pain and physical strain against a stronger being, Del moved her legs, wedging them between her and her attacker as much as she could. With as much of a thrust as she could muster, she threw him from her, if only slightly, pain shooting through her knee as she did so.

Using the small reprieve, she whipped out the flairgun and discharged it point-blank into the face of the dead man as he lunged at her again. At that moment, she was exceptionally glad for the filters in her helmet, as the burning flesh, however dead it may be, would have been a horrendous smell.

Crawling around until she found her pistol, she struggled to her feet, knee complaining all the way, as she fired once more at the few more Perished that had finally crested during the struggle.

"We need a new plan! Unless you two want to wrestle undead too?!"



Post #8



NIO: Jon Kovacs Enzo Demici Enzo Demici Delilah Jones Volgin Alto
Julian Qar Julian Qar Bex Tarring Bex Tarring Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla


BOTM: The Mongrel The Mongrel Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha SCAR SCAR Electra-12 Electra-12 Lurtz Null Lurtz Null

Basket-Hilted Vibrosword Claymore

Fragarach Model Heavy Disruptor-Pistol
Sentimental-Value Fairbairn Vibroknife
Beskar Knuckledusters
Erskine's New arm


Massoud closes the gap between Diab Platoon and Dagger Squadron's pilots.
IED takes out his scouts, surprise attack ensues.
Massoud foresees his own glorious end. Prays.
The real fight begins.


'We'll be linking up with the pilots very soon, Dennu. Better get back to making clicks on the comm-link again, I want this as quick and streamlined as possible.... Go for it.'

Click, click, click-click, click, click....

Click-click, click-click-click, click....


Click-click, click, click-click-click....

Click, click-click, click, click-click....

Barely a hundred metres out from the triangulated positions of the grounded pilots, and tensions were higher than ever among the ranks of Diab Platoon, but to make matters worse were the matters of the impending Mawite response and the issues with their platoon's already-depleted predicament, inducing under-breath cussing and audible growls of pre-fight anxiety in abundance all around Sergeant-Major Massoud. A deathly silence it was, something of a quiet of horrors to experience in that moment, punctuated only by the distant cacophonies of the battle for the Mawite main line, and by the wind that swirled and whistled in what seemed like every conceivable direction, a situation so taut and volatile it was nearly fraying away the Kandaran's last nerve.

<"Branagh from Fireteam One, to Sabretooth Four. Pilots spotted, moving in to secure a perimeter. I seriously hope this dropship gets here in time, otherwise we're all as good as dead.... Stating the obvious - I know, but it's an important reminder to make regardless.">

<"Massoud to Diab Four. I understand, Corporal.... But I refuse to be remembered for drawing back to the main battle, not when eternal glory awaits all of us. This is why Captain Shazzeke chose me, not that he would ever be caught admitting it - I'm the one you send to lead a last stand, a forlorn hope, an ill-fated endeavour. Sacrifice, martyrdom and giving up your soul for a higher power, these are but a few of the many traits that define the culture that birthed me. Do you understand now, Branagh?">

<"I must say, I'm beyond glad that you've actually got the balls to admit it, sir.... And for that, I'll see to my orders without question - and for having enough backbone to stand and fight with us as well. Good luck, s-">


Before the scouting-party leader could properly finish his reply, an explosion would generate enough force (and light) that it knocked the rest of the depleted platoon off their feet, with some incurring shrapnel wounds and debris-contusions in the process; but there had been no doubt in the Sabretooth-troopers' minds, and even before they could shake off the shock and rise to their feet - Diab Platoon's advance-party had been wiped out, and their operational-secrecy had just been compromised to an irreversible extreme. As far as misfortunes went for most on the field that day, the plight of Diab Platoon would rival the worst of them, though none quite knew until the disruptor trails started flying, along with the undead soldiers of the Perished and cannibal-troopers seeking to get up-close and personal; the existential crucible that Lord Erskine talked much and more about, in all it's terrifying glory, was finally upon them, and all they could do was turn to meet the challenge in the only way they knew how - like warriors.

'Forgive me, for I must fight like a rabid old dog now.... Please judge me fairly when my time comes, for I think only of my comrades and their bravery in this moment. Forgive me.'

In his short prayer, the Sergeant-Major's rifle had been clipped back onto it's shoulder-sling for a moment, keeping it close by for usage within moments as he held his hands up with palms facing inwards, presenting quite an eerie sight for Mawite and Imperial alike as his head raised up to the sky; advancing slowly towards Hill 121 with violent blaster-trails flying by his head, it looked as though luck was on his side - and yet, by some other sort of miraculous circumstances it also worked as a means to keep the others moving forward. Looking around him briefly, Massoud quickly surmised the total numbers left to him equated to almost half as many troops as he had before they made their northward advance, a brutal wake-up call that almost broke the Kandaran there and then, but that wild, irreverently-spirited flame burning within him was utterly incapable of permitting it. Not on that fateful night of nights, not whilst that fire in his soul continued to spit embers, crackle and brim with supreme intensity from the very moment it all started looking too grim for Massoud to bear.

'Are we-? Oh, shit! He actually could be giving it a try, seriously! Fix bayonets, reload and cover just in case! MOVE-MOVE-MOVE!!!!'

Whether his Paradise wished him to die that night or not, and whether his god, his ancestors and the departed souls of his friends would forgive the Sergeant-Major's worst barbarities in life and on that night in particular, all his will would be left entirely to the final word of the eternal. This battle was no longer one of set-pieces for Diab Platoon, not as far as Massoud saw it, as in the Kandaran's mind this struggle had very quickly become one of spiritual nature, in stark contrast to the sort of fight Massoud was complacently assuming to endeavour until the realisation had physically knocked him down with the strength of a Mawsworn IED. The Sergeant-Major almost lost hope of thinking his god was watching, despite embodying the savage he was needed to be for the others, but then the clouds above steadily began to part above the valley, revealing a pale blue crescent moon as Massoud tearfully bore witness to what he considered the rarest of good omens.


To the Sergeant-Major, it was almost unbearably-obvious that his martyrdom would be rewarded, a self-sacrifice that ensured the survival of pilots with so much more to live for, as that (as according to his existentialist blue-moon affirmation) would be a worthy reason to hold on and fight to the bitter end, even if fighting against the inevitable was looked on unfavourably by some from his homeworld. This was the place where Massoud would die, and as he felt the snow-dust rattling against his armour like sand, the Kandaran Sergeant-Major was readier than he would ever be under different circumstances, embracing the rare moment for all it was worth - and with a giddy, excited anticipatory beat of his heart to solidify his fighting resolve with a lasting sense of finality.


Shazzeke remains in his state of shock.
McAinsh eventually snaps him out of it.
Shazzeke plans to push the enemy line back to save 2nd Battalion.
Shazzeke jumps back into the fight.


A brief pause would precede a loud (though ragged) succession of intimidating warcies, indicating with notably loud ferocity that the order for the next phase of the attack had been heard, passed down the line and prompted to begin. Shazzeke had remained glued to the spot for a dangerously lengthy span of time, gazing on the decapitated head of his opponent as Sergeant-Major McAinsh continued to raise the morale and aggressiveness of the Imperials fighting on either side of their position, completely dumbfounded by the last words of the towering raider he had only just defeated. If Nazke had been more aware of the developing situation, he would've been able to see 2nd Battalion battling it out beyond the left flank, though remaining completely unaware of what was unfolding at Hill 121 at the time, and would remain as such until the battle had concluded properly.


But the fate of the Mantellian's unfortunate battalion would not be sealed so easily. Not while Shazzeke still had the ability to turn the tide once more.


The Woad made sure to turn around and check on his battalion-commander, but in seeing what he surmised on the spot to be a catatonic stupor, McAinsh had no choice but to break legion-protocol by leaving his spot in the lines to try shaking the Mirialan out of his dumbfounded state of disbelief, even going so far as rain down on the Captain's helmet with armoured twelve-to-six elbows in the hopes that would snap him out of the stupor all the quicker. 'Nazke, for feth's sake! You're needed out here, man! HELLOOOOO!!!!! WAKEY-WAAAKEEEEEYYY!!!! ROOSTER'S OOT, YA FETHING DAFTY!!!!', McAinsh growled, exclaimed and eventually worked up enough of a fury that it devolved to the recognisable pink-faced, frothy-mouthed screaming of fearful desperation.

<"All units, this is Cruz! The Fortified Field-Hospital is operational! If any wounded out there are still able to move, make for the southern ruins, our medics will work with the walking-wounded to protect you and get you off-planet! DO NOT ABANDON HOPE!!!! LIFELINES REMAIN!!!! THE IMPERIUM REMAINS!!!! EMT One out!">


Then out of nowhere, the horror-struck Captain's helmet began to show signs of lucidity beneath, moving with the head that was shaking the last of the stupor out of his head, a relief that would wash over Shazzeke's subordinates for a moment as they put all the darker thoughts from their minds. Turning around to face the worried non-coms, the Mirialan started,'Alright! This might be the final phase!', showing clear intent to make this last charge for victory their hardest-hitting endeavour yet, and pausing for effect and to word the laconic conclusion of his decision-making process. The Captain then turned to the mayhem around them, but the plight of 2nd Battalion eventually caught Shazzeke's attention, gritting his teeth before growling,'Now or never, push the static-line north - one last time!', then running off to hurl himself into the throng of opposing forces with reckless abandon, back in the full swing of his momentum.

Erskine finds people alive, medical staffers open door for him.
Erskine sees the dropships in the sky outside.
Julian is found safe from harm.
Julian is informed of how close he might have gotten to his own assassination.

Faces began to show from among the storage containers and from behind bed-curtains, innocents, medics and non-combatants alike showing relief at hearing Lord Erskine's accent in shouted form, and soon after, the faces of Vlad and Hazel could be seen near the area of concern. Nodding recognition and solidarity, the duo who were left in charge of the field-hospital would open the door behind them and step back from it as Lord-General Barran raised his pistol in anticipation. One last look through the window to the skies outside seemed to take precedence for a short moment, just a brief glance was all the Woad needed before returning his focus to the task at hand, seeing everything he needed to see in that moment, but Julian's safety was still yet to be ascertained despite the Stormchaser's calmly demeanour.

'He'll be fine, folks. It's Julian fething Qar we're talkin' about here.... It very well could be that our Comm-Link tech is absolute shite, but don't be thinking that kinda caper applies to the best cyberneticist in the fething Galaxy.'

The rescue-dropships were getting close, breaking through the atmosphere as the survivors below continued to writhe, strike and struggle the battle's final phase away - though for some, the storm had finally passed over.

<"Erskine! I'm alright! I just got hit by one of our fucken own! Over!">
Dr. Qar would be safe and sound for a while yet, and Csaus would not be the operation that killed him, not while the sinister elements were still being reserved with them by then, seemingly opting to proverbially play with their food instead. Whatever had transpired at the command-centre's field hospital, it seemed like the brutal deaths they expected had been called off for some reason or other, but knowing what the Maw's machinations usually amounted to, there had to be another, more-ominous reason for the assassins' sudden withdrawal. Lord Erskine would lead the way into the makeshift surgical operating-theatre, with Hazel and Vlad backing him up with sidearms of their own on either side, shocked to find Julian and his own bodyguards alive - though the bodyguards seemed to look a whole lot more fearful than the cyborg when the Stormchaser studied the body-language of all who were facing clear and present dangers in his absence.

'Dr. Qar, please.... Grab a pew, there's something I think you should know.'

The good doctor raised a questioning eyebrow initially, but the Stormchaser put his placating hands up and maintained the amiable smirk the Woad was known for as he sat on one of the beds opposite, dropping hands to reach into his pocket for the hipflask Lord Erskine always took everywhere with him. Lord Carwood, shaken though he was, would follow suit and drink to the survival of the medics and wounded alike, and by the time Lord Erskine was done drinking, both Woads would end up offering their hipflasks to Dr. Qar. 'If it's any help to the confusion, both have drams from the same cask in them. Enjoy.', Lord Erskine started, further-alleviating any possible tensions in his preamble for the sake of being able to give Julian as much peace-of-mind as possible, a necessity at that stage - especially if Lord Erskine wished to be taken seriously right off the bat.

'Something happened right under our very noses in the Maw's invasion of Nirauan - a Shi'iDo Fleshtaker infiltrated and murdered two of my staffers in cold blood, one of whom was an exemplar with infinite potential.... It wasn't one of our own who hit you, Julian. You came closer to death today than we ever did on Ziost, and whatever the reason might be, they were either called off or wish to toy with us for a little longer in the grand scheme of the war.'
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Location: Csaus, Citadel Caelitus Outskirts
Tags: DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran | Shai Maji Shai Maji | Jon Kovacs | Delilah Jones | Enzo Demici Enzo Demici

  • The Mawites retreat to the crumbling wall and detonate their trenches to prevent their capture
    • Thanks for the lesson from Csilla, NIO boys!
  • The Mongrel is struck by Shai's charge, but unleashes his repulse-hand at point blank
  • Massoud and Diab Platoon's last stand is overwhelmed, but not before buying time for the evacuation

All along the main defensive line, boots scrabbled for purchase on a frozen shoreline rapidly melting under the heat of concentrated laserfire. The boots pushing northward, with the mud and slush of the lakeside sucking at their heels, were polished ceramite, a uniform white stained with the greys and browns of the battlefield. The boots pushing southward, slipping and sliding on the newly-wet stones of the ruined Chiss noble compound, varied wildly. They were leatheris and chitin, hobnailed and spiked, worn and new, often mismatched.

At first, that chaotic cluster of nonstandard boots did most of the backsliding. First Battalion slammed into the Mawite defensive line with the inexorable force of a rockslide, moving up in a steady, disciplined advance that the Brotherhood warriors lacked the momentum to counter. But the marauders had learned a thing or two from their many encounters with NIO forces. Though they reeled back at first, losing the jumble of earthenworks and trenches they'd thrown together as their first line of defense, they had a good fallback at the wall.

And despite the impression they gave, this was planned.

As Mawite champions scrapped with NIO elites at the base of the wall, the survivors of the overwhelmed trenches fell back through the gaps in the crumbling stone, their retreat covered by the E-WEB heavy repeaters mounted at intervals atop the ruins. As the likes of Shazzeke cut down their foes, hacking up the towering Brotherhood warriors, the line of battle shifted. The trenches that had sheltered the Mawites could now provide the NIO soldiers with cover instead, offering them a respite from the E-WEB barrage. Or so it seemed.

It had been years by then since the Battle of Csilla, but The Mongrel had never forgotten what he'd learned there. In command of the main Mawite attack against the triple layer of NIO trenches, he had watched as his marauders had overcome the lead trench, an event that he'd been sure - as a younger and more naive man - would spell the beginning of the end for his foes. With his legions of Moon Children deployed, the NIO could not possibly have held back the overwhelming close combat onslaught of the shock troops inside the trenches.

But they'd taught him a lesson he was now putting to use.

Just as planned, his loyal sub-chiefs oversaw the retreat, Scar Hounds falling into position. And as the NIO forces moved up to occupy the trenches... BOOM. The line of earthenworks collapsed, blown inward in a hail of dirt and permafrost, filling themselves in as explosives buried in their walls detonated. It would not kill many of the foe; even some of those who'd leapt in at the forefront would merely be temporarily buried rather than ripped apart. But it would do to the NIO exactly what they'd once done to The Mongrel's Mawites.

It would deny them cover. It would force them to charge across open ground under enemy fire a second time. It would mean that far more of the enemy would fall to those blazing E-WEB emplacements, and all the mismatched weapons of the marauders who'd retreated to cluster around them. It would crush the hope of men who had believed they'd earned a respite. But the thing it would do most of all was to show the NIO conclusively that they no longer fought a mere savage horde. Even without the Final Dawn's legions, the Maw was evolving.

It was learning from its enemies, and learning well.

Sluggish, half-frozen nutrient fluid oozed from his cracked brain case, rolling down the transparisteel in thick, slimy droplets before finally succumbing to the call of ice. The Mongrel imagined he could feel the cold seeping into his vat, frigid fingers dancing across naked brain tissue, but he knew that it was only his imagination; the organ, skulless and exposed in a way nature had never meant it to be, lacked the proper receptors to experience such a sensation. Was it the chill of death, then? Of his soul leaving his ruined body?

Or merely the folly of a man stretched too far?

Shai leapt back as his flames lashed out, warding them off with her shield so that they didn't catch and immolate her exposed innards. For a moment they had some distance between them again. She used it to pull the blade from her gut - as a trophy, evidently. The Mongrel found himself amused, and oddly nostalgic. He'd collected trophies once, when he'd been a younger warrior: a necklace of fingers, a Wookiee's ryyyk blade, a Gundanbard helmet. He'd always lusted after a lightsaber. But none of those things seemed to matter anymore.

He was too tired for greed, or for pride.

The warlord could plainly see that his situation was dire. He was weaponless and damaged, while his foe - between Erskine's blade, her beskar knife, and his own purloined sword - had quite a surplus of pointy things to stab and slash at him with. And he could plainly see though his variety of sensors that Shai's cybernetics were kicking in to stabilize her, distributing stims through her veins and systems to keep her in the fight. He'd used a similar system when there had been more organic bits left of him; it would've been of no use to him now.

She taunted him, flourished his blade, and came right at him, her jetpack putting speed and momentum on her side. But if there was one thing that his many duels with the NIO's finest had taught him, it was that the savage onslaught of a marauder was not always the most powerful move. There were maneuvers that could not only hold back such relentless fury, but turn it against an opponent. The night thrust, if employed defensively, was one example. Technology was about to enable the cyborg warlord to unleash another on his foe.

Gowrie would've been proud of his development.

The Mongrel did not flinch as the heavily-armored Mandalorian Shistavanen cyborg (a combination of words that ought to send any sensible person running for the hills) bore down on him. There was no sense in delaying the inevitable, no sense in dragging out a battle when both of them were at the brink. Instead he simply raised one arm... not the flamethrower arm, but the other, fingers spread. He most resembled some mystical old Teras Kasi master from a martial arts holovid, ready to stop a charging reek with an open palm and inner peace.

But there was nothing serene about him.

As Shai closed in, her shield slamming into him with force that would crack organic ribs, his repulse-hand activated. The weapon was not unlike the repulsor that the Mandalorian had used against him just moments earlier, only far more brutal. It wasn't designed to merely shove or crack a target with a strong kinetic push; its multitude of repulsor generators were designed to shred its target, tearing flesh and shattering bone as waves of pressure shot out to strike the same area from many different angles. And with Shai's unstoppable momentum...

... well, the effect would only be multiplied.

If it landed, anyway. The Mongrel had been granted only scant seconds (if that) to aim and fire the brutal cyber-weapon before Shai crashed into him, her shield denting his chassis in so deeply that part of his chestplate nearly touched his backplate. Servos were battered into oblivion, and warnings shrieked across the warlord's brain as wires were severed and connections interrupted. He hit the ground hard, a puff-splash-scrape sounding as he struck the half-melted snow and slid along the rockcrete of the compound.

Sparks flew. He fought to rise.

If she still stood, stood over him, he was finished.

Second Battalion was in for the fight of their lives.

On Hill 121, the brave pilots of Dagger Squadron held the line, even as the snow around them blackened and evaporated under the withering barrage. The blasters of dead NIO troopers, now turned to the dark purposes of the Lord of the Perished, joined the plasma guns and lightning cannons in besieging their position. Though the downed flyboys - and flygirl - fought hard, the numbers arrayed against them made their efforts look like nothing more than a dark joke, as if they were trying to hold off a raging inferno by fiercely blowing on it.

Until the Sabertooths began to draw Mawite fire.

Now Second Battalion was in against that same inferno, but they at least had a little firefighting gear... enough to earn a fighting chance to pluck their comrades from the flames. The Sabertooths were behind enemy lines, terrifyingly close to encirclement, only a hair's breadth from becoming just as entrapped as the pilots they'd come to save, but they showed neither fear nor hesitation. There would be sacrifices this day. There would be losses. But in the end, no one would be abandoned to the brutal and sadistic "mercies" of the Brotherhood.

The NIO would not leave any soldier behind.

For Massoud, the ultimate sacrifice was near at hand. The Sergeant-Major would have made an excellent Mawite in another life. Dauntless, fierce, eager for the eternal glory of a death in service to a higher cause, he led Diab Platoon into the mouth of madness without a flinch or a tear. With half his men dead in the snow around him, he refused to break. The clouds parted above him, bathing the site of his last stand in a pale blue light, an azure halo painting the slush of the melting hill. His shout of "AVE RUUURIIIIIK!!!!" echoed down the valley.

Without Second Battalion, without Massoud, all the pilots' bravery would have been for nothing. No one would have ever heard the story of their courage, how they brought down the deathless soldiers of the Perished and the scavenger-cannibals of the Scar Hounds with little more than their sidearms and a hefty helping of inner grit. But while Massoud stood there, under the light of the moon, the Sergeant-Major's Edict was clear and present: NONE SHALL PASS. All those who tried would meet their end by his gun or his blade. All of them.

And there were many who tried.

Such valiance can only emerge from the darkest of moments... and the valiant hero himself rarely does. A shot to the shoulder, a graze to the hip. The Sergeant-Major slowed, bloodied and winded. But he refused to fall, and sheer will kept him standing. The gutshot that burned through his small intestine did not put him down, nor did the blade through his thigh, nicking his femoral artery and rapidly soaking his leg with far, far too much blood. In spite of it all, he stood. When no one would have faulted him for falling, he stood tall before his god.

Who was this warrior-saint, the Scar Hounds wondered? This man whose faith was equal to their own, even unto death, so unlike the weak and shrinking spawn of 'civilization' they were used to facing? Here was a man whose glory was bought in blood and grit, a man worthy of a righteous ending and passage to paradise. Perhaps, for one who fought as he did, the Avatars could make an exception. Perhaps they could open their gates for an infidel, just this once. He was flagging now, bleeding, broken. They would send him on his way.

They would light his funeral pyre.

The three fanatics charged up the hill toward the wounded Sergeant-Major, detonators clasped in their hands, howling praises to their dark gods. He got the first one with a clean shot through the head, dropping him to the melting slope. The second one took five shots before she went down, five steaming holes through her torso before she stopped crying out to the Avatars, dragging herself forward. But the third one got him. In a flash of flame and shrapnel, the marauder zealot exploded, blown apart in an instant - and taking Massoud with him.

In the wake of the warrior-saint's death, an eerie cry went up from the Mawite lines - not the Perished, still eerily silent, still clawing their way toward the pilots, but the Scar Hound scavengers who'd first pursued the downed starfighters. It was a keening wail, conveying some impossible combination of triumph and respect and strange grief for a kindred spirit. Then it was over, and the Tarar started up the hillside again, stepping over the broken forms of Diab Platoon. But not before they stopped to scavenge the remains, of course.

The fragmented bones of Massoud, scattered over the hillside by the explosion that had claimed him, were plucked from the melting snow. Cleaned and polished, they would be laid in little reliquaries built of crude durasteel and looted aurodium, to be worn around the necks of those marauders lucky enough to have seen the sight of the warrior-saint's martyrdom - or strong enough to take them from someone who had. Wearing the Sergeant-Major's bones, they believed, would grant them his courage, endurance, and unyielding faith.

They were precious talismans indeed.
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Objective 1: Chase and Pursue!
Location: Citadel Caelitus
Weather Snowing heavily
Tags: Marus Saretti | open

So, that's the one he's been tracing in this building the marble dust continued to fall like snow from the outside bombardments. He'll be sure to get this place cleared up once everything calms down. Which won't be for quite a while yet. Superious narrowed his eyes as his quarry took off the opposite way. So, it's a chase then? Good, can't make this too easy because 1. it will be too easy and 2. where is the fun of not chasing anyone down?

That said the Sith took a mere second to pursue down the corridor, zipping past rubble and dead bodies. It was a shame that those on his side fell so soon. But in war, he couldn't mourn, at least not while in an active warzone. Still, he hated seeing fellow Sith perish. Snapping out of the momentary reflection to keep track of his opponent, this guy knew what he was doing and it was not easy to keep visual on him. More masonry fell, crashing into ornaments with earth rattling rumble. He caught a gold-coloured vase with the force, it looked important so he moved it to a small cubby hole and away from the mess.

At least something remained standing in the mess at least.

The pursuit took him down a narrow corridor, the 16th one thus far and he was gaining on the target, long legs have their uses other than starting arguments over seating in Speeders. No one was happy in the end, Superious was squashed in the back regardless of protesting that he won't fit. His legs went numb and pins and needles added to his foul mood.

Then came the pandemonium of a force pushed plinth, a very large plinth crashing down and the secondary crash signalled a sculpture was smashed up as well. If he didn't stop when he did he would be squashed under it. The corridor was thick with a pea-souper like a cloud of dust and bits of stone. He could not see his adversary through it, none of his helmet's sensors picked up on anything, so the Force took over, reaching outwards, grasping for any presence that can locate his tricky adversary.

Ah, there he is, with that Superious got over the rubble to resume his chase. This has been one of the more exciting parts of this fight thus far. Finally to have someone worthy of his attention.

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