*Gean barely notices the ship starting up, but garners a surprise in the back of his mind about the ship even running at all, considering its age and condition. He surmises that Nefertari is here to raid the ruins, and never actually lived here like she said, judging by the untouched decrepitude of the place. Gean knew of races that could almost indefinitely age, but Nefertari is clearly a human and couldn't be older than 30 or so, he thought. Gean unseals the cockpit with a strained push and takes a peek inside. The seats are seemingly untouched, but mold festers in the corners and seams of the seat, rendering a foul stench. Gean recoils a bit and tries to hold his nose while rummaging through the various compartments. Within one such nook, coursing a bright green, is a junior pilot's license with Nefertari's information on it. Gean pockets it and keeps looking.*