Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dinner Date with Justice

[member="Alicia Drey"]

James swallowed and dabbed his mouth carefully before speaking. Fine dining had been all but out of his repitore before a weeks ago, he wanted to make as good of an impression as he could.

"I make scandals for the tabloids and they pay me royalties," James said with a laugh. "Honestly, though, Justice Shipping does everything were accused of and more; smuggling, piracy privateering, and we build armies for the right price." he took a sip from his Alderaan wine. "I be interested in what ye Chandrillia Group do."
| [member="James Justice"] |

Alicia took another bite of the waffle, swallowed and placed it back down on the plate. Chewing and swallowing quickly to answer, she explain what Chandrila Group was. "It's my second start up company. I sold my first, called Chandrila DataTech, for a small fortune to an associate and used the money to start Chandrila Group. The business model was to sell food. Not enough corporations do it today. It's been slow, but it is progressing."
"Ye are as smart and business-savy as ye are pretty," he said with a wink.

He waved a waiter over, "get the contacts ready for tomorrow morning that we can send with her in her data pad when she leaves me quarters."

The Muun nodded, "As you say, sir."

James turned his attention back to his date, "Unless ye have any objections, darling?"

[member="Alicia Drey"]
| [member="James Justice"] |

"No objections," Alicia replied, smiling. She was happy inside too. She had made a good impression on her date, and so she believed that she was 'in'.

As the Muun returned with James's contact details, she said, "I'll log them on my Raxor and you can contact me via that. As for my Lenoi, you can have it. Keep it was a gift. You'll like what you find inside."

When James's activated the Lenoi, he would see the contribution Alicia had made towards the bounty he had made on Cloudburner. If that didn't seal the deal and make them friends, then she would be confounded onto what to do next.

Taking James's details on her Raxor, Alicia looked back up after it was done. It seemed like their date was about to end.
James smiled and nodded, more than pleased. After taking it in for a moment he looked up at her with devilish eyes. One didn't have to be a mindreader to see what he had in mind.

"You know," he said in his low, gravely voice, "I tend to try and," his hand reached across the table and ran along her hand and forearm gently, sensually. Her skin was soft and supple, very soothing to his touch, "be good to those who are good to me."

He laid down a second layer of his pheramones and through the Force reached through, massaging and easing her inhibitions. The alcohol so far had strengthened his connection to the Force, as it always did. It was a little no fact for why he drank as much as he did.

[member="Alicia Drey"]
| [member="James Justice"] |

Alicia shuddered and looked down at the hand. Some words were profound, given the moment, and she was sure that this particular scoundrel would be happy to die, at that given moment, if they were the last words he ever heard. "Is this where we have desert, in bed?"
James moved to kiss her, leaning over the table. He honestly had her lipstick playing in the back of his mind all night. Now he was about to have so much more, and he was ok with that. He let his lips brush against hers for a tantalizing moment before whispering, "I think--"

Suddenly the door burst open, a series of armored me marched in, "Sir--"

James pivoted in his chair, his arm knocking the glasses to the ground where they shattered, "Who the bloody hells let ye in is as dead as ye are about to be," the spacer's fingers curled around the dinner table knife as his well-known temper began to take over.

"Sir, we are under attack," the man at the leadership cut in. "The Prosecutor has opened up a door to door extermination work on the factory worker levels. Numbers are rising to the thousands, a bio bomb--"

James raised his hand angrily, "I will meet ye in the situation room, quarantine the area, send in the Cardinal Company I will take care of it in a second."

"Yes, sir," the man hurried off.

James rose and gave Alicia an apologetic look like a hurt dog, "Ye need to get out of the city, off the planet, and as far from me as ye can get. I will give ye a full fighter escort to orbit, I need ye to leave, and ye need to do it now," He wrapped his arm around her waist, there was a distant boom and a building on the skyline fell to ashes. James' free hand caressed her face, "I'm sorry, miss, I really am."

[member="Alicia Drey"]
| [member="James Justice"] |

Alicia kissed him back, with a passion that warranted the occasion. She observed him with a mixture of admiration and exhilaration, ready for it, when people sprung into the room. Her eyes widen when she saw the face of James Justice on each one. Before she could ask her question, the man she had just kissed begun to talk.

"Be safe," was all that she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. Leaving the room, Alicia Drey was off Soceras half an hour later, thoughts only on James and their date, with some unanswered questions that she would have answered the next time they met.


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