Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dinner for Two Thousand or So

[member="Rayl Wilded"] [member="Domino"] [member="Seanna Vel"] [member="Flora Burn"] [member="Marek Starchaser"] [member="Salem Norongachi"] [member="Ariella"]

Wendy looked at her master and gave a nod of her head to that. It wouldn't be smart to attack their one allie at least not now. One never knew what could happen in the future and Wendy had seen things change and happen. The Republic were not going to be it but she wondered what could come of it as they were moving. "Understood master." She looked at the men who Miss Domino were talking with for a moment not lingering on them while she took in the rest of the room to focus and concentrate. She saw other members of the Suns at least so she wasn't going to be surrounded and nervous.
Feeling her own clue to unwrap her arm from Raly taking not of all the key players in the group. Smooth out her red dress that let some of her own assets come peeking out but only in classic. Giving herself off as one to take note of in her body languages. After which she let her Hapas come out to play. Giving a wave as if very common folk.

Her own time was coming as it seem smile. "Charming, to meet each one of you."

About to speak more only to have her attention be that on the one bring more fine wine around. Taking one as she took another drink, "If my fellow Sun member haven't said this yet, the drink and food is excellent, Mr.Norongachi , Mr. Starchaser.", Even those they might be of good looks this wasn't anything on her mind it was all business would do what need for the Black sun if that was to play nice she would for now.

Rayl Wilded Domino Seanna Vel Flora Burn Marek Starchaser Salem Norongachi Ariella [member="Wendy La Fey"]

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Smiling at [member="Domino"], Marek nodded. "Thats the way its supposed to be!" He nodded, removing his arms from the two women near him. Domino was a much more interesting target, after all. Leader of the Black Suns, and businesswomen. She was going to, of course, grab his attention. "Anything major being done? And how is business with relation to the Suns?"

With the Technate, a lot of companies were nationalized for the Systems Authority, becoming a think tank, he was wondering the Suns' approaches to businesses that are based in the nation. Y'know, for fun, really. And then he had to get this thing all situated.

Move the Suns and the Systems Auth into some form of a deal. Wasn't that why he was here?
Well she had wanted people to be open, no reasn she couldn't take the lead. Besides, business was something she could talk about all day. "I was actually thinking of a complete re-branding, get away from the old name and expectations. The space market is so crowded that it's becoming near-impossible to stand out anymore, the moment you find a niche there's somebody else there taking your ideas to the extreme and outdoing you. Not that business isn't going well. During my break as Vigo Koensayr did become the sole supplier of ships to the Black Suns, but then we were one of the few companies willing to work with them and trustworthy enough to do so." Mostly because she had been the ex-Vigo and of course had the nation's best interests at heart after so many years of stamping out fires and building it up. She wouldn't willingly jeopardize it.

[member="Marek Starchaser"]

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
It wasnt like Marek was going after her company. He was all automated weapons of war and casinos. And mostly the latter as of late. It was clean, everyone had fun and no one died. Not that he didn't mind working with Haor Chall and Santhe. They were great companies with a lot to offder.

"I can respect that. I've made a few business moves in the recent months. Going from droid fighters and mining equipment to the entertainment and media business. If you need help, the Technate wouldn't mind lending a hand."

For an unspoken fee, after all. Or just the company lending it's scientists and engineers to some new projects.

A nod was given to his man with the cheque book and the other who addressed him. One drink became two, then three, as [member="Marek Starchaser"] and [member="Domino"] spoke about possible business ventures that might come from today. Finally, as he felt the knot in his stomach begin to lessen he actually joined in.

"After today, our doors are open for trade and commerce. Mr Starchaser will sort you out with that when the time comes. He's been itching to expand the Technate further into the galaxy." He smirked at the Overseer. "We just have to make sure it sticks, friends are in short supply these days." What could he say, he wasn't known for his abundance of trust.
[member="Salem Norongachi"] [member="Marek Starchaser"] [member="Domino"] [member="Ariella"] [member="Wendy La Fey"] [member="Xyra Rahn "][member="Seanna Vel"] [member="Flora Burn"]

"We'd all be happy for trade and commerce to flow once more Mr. Norongachi. We've no need of the sanctions we held against the Confederacy to continue so long as we keep away from each others throats". Rayl held his glass up to hope for a better tomorrow. Then downing what remained to quench the old fire. Only dying embers and memories would remain. And in their place the room to grow once more. Rayl checked his time keeper. "Aren't you supposed to make a speech or something soon Norongachi? The big announcement".
She smiled at the idea that sanctions would be over, as it mean she could go further a field for richer pickings. The omega protectorate, would be rich pickings, then again she could also take some the republic ship by surprise. She then looked at the others, and asked I take it if we are to be friends, you no objection to us crossing your space would you? They object, but she wanted to know as by nightfall tomorrow she be hunting targets. She had heard of quite few, different trade routes that could be attacked. She tilted her glass of wine, and took a sip and wished it was rum.

[member="Rayl Wilded"][member="Salem Norongachi"][member="Marek Starchaser"] [member="Domino"] [member="Ariella"] [member="Wendy La Fey"]
Casually placing the back of a hand to Flora's arm, she tried to subtly signal the woman not to be too eager. All things had their time. "I'll look forward to that Mr. Starchaser, but yes, I think it is time to make the announcement before people start sneaking off to side rooms or go exploring this underwater marvel." Turning to [member="Salem Norongachi"] she nodded and asked if he was ready.

[member="Flora Burn"] [member="Rayl Wilded"] [member="Marek Starchaser"]
Listening and waiting for her own turn to spend some time with Domino as she now knew her name. They had things to talk about and deals of her own to be made. This wasn't for the group but for her own self will not really for herself but for the many farmers and ranchers she now had counting on her. After what better way then to get some of their goods that was so costly to begin with and in short supplies to even go higher on the black market.

"Yes wouldn't want that happen would we Marek,", with a [member="Marek Starchaser"] a wink he would give him couldn't mind doing some exporing with him after all this talk was over with.

[member="Rayl Wilded"] [member="Domino"] @Salem Norongachi [member="Domino"]
Elgyn's gaze beamed down on his chosen victim. A single action of vanity crossed his mind as he bore his weapon; with righteous fury and obvious hunger, the wet of saliva on his tongue, he knew it was time. It was then that he thrusted, his strike true and the blow clean: the toothpick plunged into of the soft cheese-like cube. "Honestly," the Shi'ido said with with a smile on his chosen face "...I have no idea where I am or why I am here... "

He shoved a second one into his mouth.

"But this stuff..."

A third.

" not allowed to be called cheese." He wasn't talking to anyone in particular. Just to anyone who would listen.

It intrigued him as to how the Black Sun managed to survive the centuries. The galaxy had changed so greatly, yet some things had remained so much the same. As he had watched the wars and sickness from his stone prison he had learned that history does not repeat itself, but it does, sometimes, rhyme.

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