Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
So as many of you now know the OotBR (previously know as the CotBR) is taking a new step forward as a neutral fraction not a darksiders anymore. While we was still a dark side fraction I had reached out to teali about a treaty of an enemy of my enemy where the light and dark would come together to eliminate a bigger threat. But now we are a neutral this could seem more icly plausible alliance/team up. Especially now that the os is on the verge of wiping out the GR and I don't ever want to see it collapse. So I'm wanting to find out what does the Galactic republic think of teaming up with the new black rose that is a neutral fraction that dose not condone pointless killing but only in defence of the people and ourselfs.

Yes I admit ooc we have done some unforgivable acts. But redemption is not impossible and that is the story we are now putting into motion. You may have also seen we are also trying to achieve diplomacy with the GA. So this icly proves we are wanting to reach out with a lightside presents due to sharing the more common values.

If you have questions please tag and ask and I will try to answer any and all.
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

As a member.
I do not see any issues with an alliance between the rose and the GR.
Sure, some jedi, like Mantic here might raise an eyebrow but the GR is still huge. The populace spread over vadt species and cultures. Different allies are the norm.

I guess, if there were crimes made on GR territory (lets say you have raided GR worlds?) it could be a problem perhaps..?

Otherwise, it should be done IC :)

Your ic leaders should meet with GR ministers/senators to reach an agreement - thats what makes the rp-clock tick :)

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy

Right now I think we need to let that planet go, focus on our two we have going on currently. We shouldn't ruffle feathers OOCly with the sanctum despite their lack of assistance in combating the Sith. Best to let that ship sail


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

Bakura is a neutral planet that I use quite a bit. It could happen there. I can't post on threads at the moment, but I will do so soon. It's a busy day for me today.
Is there any IC justifications as to why these negotiations would be taking place? As right now, I do not see the Republic wanting to ally with a faction that has a public persona of being dark siders, regardless of claims of being more neutral now.

Until we see IC actions that show this, and this would include turning over traitors to the Republic and Jedi for judgment and curing those that have been turned into Sithspawn at the direct order of several Black Rose leaders, this will not be a thing.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Taeli Raaf"] well doesn't the Jedi believe that redemption is always possible?

There is no no cure to the croa virus just like the rackghoul virus. Thats what makes the croa so infections. My char is one as soon as the submission is done but my char is also proof that we are not all evil. Also there can't be ic justification without actually doing anything ic and this is what me and lady Kay will be doing in the thread she put up for me. Diplomacy is only the first step and a contract has to be an offer then accept. If the of for isn't agreeable a new offer is made and so fourth.
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

The fact that the Black Rose has introduced the obscene Croa to any world is enough to doom any chance of diplomacy whatsoever. Not only is that a form of biological warfare, it trespasses several moral and legal boundaries in the act alone.

On top of that, you have already spoken with at least two of the GR's FAs about an alliance and were immediately and absolutely denied.

Ashler de Dedhart

There have been a many times the Republic, and the SITH have joined together to stop the greater evil.


Shadow of Revan
The Eternal Empire

Then there are the many times, the Republic has allied with the Imperial Remnant, not to mention the Mandalorians to defeat the greater evil.


Against the One Sith
Against the Yuuzhan Vong

An alliance does not mean you have to like one another, just means you need to work together long enough to meet the common goal.

It would be foolish to not take up at most a temporary alliance.

Ashler de Dedhart

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

Could I purpose a temporary alliance, make a goal for both groups to meet, when this goal has been met, the alliance is broken off.

Whatever this goal is, should of course, benefit both groups.

Let each groups' admins get together, let them discuss OOC what it is that the Order can do for the Republic within reason, and what is it the Republic can do for the Order within reason.

Once those things have been met, let this truce be broken off, and the two become if not enemies, ignorant of each other once more.

Sure, the Order of Rose has done something nasty, but at this time of need, think not of what the group has done, but think about your own group OOCly, and the needs of the people ICly.

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