Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ashler de Dedhart

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

Cool beans!!!

[member="Lady Kay"]

If you dont mind, I would love to accompany you with a meeting with them if you attend?
[member="Ashler"], [member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

The Republic has repealed its alliance with the Mandalorians and the Imperial Remnant has never committed biological atrocities to our knowledge.

You seem to believe that the Black Rose has influence in the Republic's region of the galaxy and that we need this treaty. Despite our differences, the Republic is more likely to support the Galactic Alliance than a Sith spinoff faction that willfully spreads plagues. And that's what this is all about, isn't it? You are neither in danger from nor a threat to the One Sith in regards to invasion. Only the GA.

Quite frankly, the Black Rose has no political leverage and the Republic government wants nothing to do with the faction.

Ashler de Dedhart

[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

I just believe that fighting Fire with Fire is sometimes a good tactic.

Geneviève Lasedri said:
And that's what this is all about, isn't it? You are neither in danger from nor a threat to the One Sith in regards to invasion. Only the GA.

If you are inquiring I am with the Order of Rose, you will find that I am not at all within that group in any shape or form.

I see opportunity.

Alas, are we not in league with the Silver Sanctum who, though keep a close on eye, make use of Dark Jedi?

At a time like this, banding together, fighting back that which threatens us all seems the best course of action.

I also do not THINK that the Roses have any form of influence within the Republic. I would also HOPE they do not.

Ashler de Dedhart

Also, this is one of my very new characters, and Im a friend of [member="Lady Kay"]'s

I like alliances, alliances are good. Thats merely all my motives are behind supporting such a thing.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Keep in mind that I'm not a high level Senator and can only propose treaties, bills and laws. I can't implement them in any way.
MIGHT be a bit late here, but if you would all give me a moment ill give you my reasoning for my quick answer to this.

I am a member of both factions, i support both factions in their own way and in different levels that are either IC or OOC. And my answer as a member of both factions is simple [member="Sanya Val Lerium"]. There is no Grounds for an alliance and there has not been any reason for such as well as any reason to believe the covenant are any different from the OS ICly. Let me further explain why i do not believe an alliance is realistic.

You recently ran into trouble with the GA for a very very similar reason that i am giving right now. Darkside faction or not, you are allied with a actual darkside faction, you are in a precarious position at it is and (While not canon yet) a good majority of your people will become Croa due to your whole Rakghoul esque infection methods. From an IC standing, Solan is very weary of the Black Rose as it is, OOC... you know how i feel on certain elements of your leadership.

Right so. Now lets say thsi alliance goes through, here is the chain of results.

  1. Jedi question the leadership of the Republic, Possible permanent schism.
  2. OS targets with renewed reason (You and I both know how they like the BR)
  3. Republic further decline in land and influence, possible relations with SSC threatened.
  4. GA loses reason to deal with the Republic due to declining relations with you.
  5. Faction stalls under loss of membership that already plagues us.

Now those are a mix of OOC and IC results i could come up with at the top of my head. I love both factions, i love the members in both faction, but there is no grounds IC or OOC reason for this alliance to happen other than creating a bigger hole for the republic and Rose both.

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