Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Diplomatic Mission 1 ( Alex and the Grey)

Location: Yavin

The Old Transport ship touched down close to where the Grey Order had been building their temple. They have made some progress since the last time Strider had visited them. He got a good view of the grounds before touching down in a open field that has been a makeshift landing zone.

The old warrior was the sole occupant of the vessel, he did not want a repeat of what happen last time where Mandalorian pride and prejudice got in the way of diplomacy. His helmet was clipped off the side of his belt as he made his way to back of the shuttle, pressing a button on the side to descend the loading ramp. He knew the Alex and her Grey Jedi would know he was there. He sent them advance notice that he was to arrive, not that the Field marshal was expecting a royal treatment its just he didn't' want no surprises on both sides.

Strider would march down the ramp, his worn golden shoulder cape flapping in the wind along with his jet black hair that was held back with a tattered red cloth headband that looked as if it had seen decades of war, just as it's wearer had. Held gently in his right was a wrapped gift that he had brought from Mandalore for this meeting.

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]
@[member="Strider Garon"] @[member="Krest"] @[member="Hakora Cinthra"] @[member="Amee"] @[member="Veino Garn"] @[member="Minna"] @Anyone else in the Order of the Grey

Eve smiled as she walked over to Strider Garon, bowing to the mandalorian before speaking as the AI within a human body smiled a bit wider. "Strider Garon no? or uh, was the Title Field Marshall? Either way, Alexandra is waiting in the garden at the top of the temple, hope you do not mind the walk. She didn't come down herself for reasons of the fact that it would have been a bit tiring for her even with the force helping her keep up her strength." The AI shook her head as she suddenly looked like she had screwed up. "Oh right, and my name is Eve, i am a AI created by Alexandra to help maintain her business, home, and the order's temple."
Strider knew of the woman's condition. In the mandalorian culture family was everything and a pregnant woman was the essence of beauty. Also..... Strider has had put such a condition on a galaxy full of women. Not a feat he has been proud of but in turn it has been coming back to haunt him. It seems that every other week there has been a new bastard of his at the doorstep with their own agenda. He accepted all that wanted to be accepted. He was a great warrior but a family man he had only just recently been working on. Better late then never.

Strider would nod at the Droid " Strider would do just fine" He would inform. He cared not for formalities though he did wear the field marshal golden cape but that was just more a trophy then a symbol of office. "Lead me to your master Eve!" The Mandalorian would gently command the non human.

@[member="Strider Garon"]

"Shes not my master Strider, and stop acting so formal, its quite unneeded in this place as it is something that no one is normally doing so except in the extreme conditions." She reached up and stretched as she walked, hands behind her head as she looked over her shoulder. "With that said, it is nice to meet you Strider." She started towards the doors of the temple, keying them open before heading for the stairwell that had been built for easier access to the rooftop light side nexus garden.
"You are pretty snippy for a robot!" The old man chuckled as they crossed through the doors "Guess technology now a days is all about replicating real life". He wasn't against AI or droids. He found use for them. but he hated the fact that they are almost close or at this point in time the real thing. But who was Strider to really comment? He was just a soldier.

"How has the Order been holding up?" he would inquire and quickly changing the subject not to insult the artificial being any further than he has already.

"Quite well, actually." The voice came up from behind, and a possibly familiar Zabrak would move his way up to join both @[member="Strider Garon"] and @Eve. With both hands clasped behind his back, Krest would offer a slight bow of his head to the Mandalorian. "Hello again. It is good to see that you are the one to visit." The Iridonian was dressed in a plain white shirt and some grey slacks. There was a blade ties to his waist, but other than the hilt of a saber, it was the only thing he was wearing.

It had been a while sense Krest had.. Returned. And with it, he still harbored a slight disdain to Mandalorians. And Echani for that matter, yet he was more then willing to put it behind. With a smile he would pat the Mandos shoulder. "We've set up both a light side and a dark side nexus. The one above would be the light, as I'm sure you're about to see."
The Field Marshal looked at Kest, he talked and treated the older mando as if they have met before even with a friendly clap on the shoulder. And here the old man was stumbling in his mind to try and recognize who he was. The Zabrak knew who he was and Strider had no Idea on the being before him. Now the question was does one save face and just go with the flow or does one be blunt and ask out right. The dilemma, though either way would not bare to much on the meeting at hand, just on pride if the old man had lapsed in memory.

"Yes, nice to meet you again as well" In the mando's mind he was figmantly raising his hands in confusion but rolled with it like a boss. "And i like what you folks have done with the place so far"

Am I seriously getting that old? Is my memory finally deciding to give? he thought to himself.

@[member="Krest"] @[member="Eve"]
@[member="Strider Garon"] @[member="Krest"]

Eve looked behind her and at the Zabrak and Strider for a moment before laughing. "Krest, stop messing with our Guest, Lady Alexandra was inviting him to the nexus and you are quite the obstacle." She grinned and waved her hand at him before changing her eyes to Strider as she tilted her head. "Only my brain is a machine, the rest is organic and natural so to speak, Remember that before you call me Robot if you might please do so. After all, while in these bodies i do have to eat like you or i die so to speak."
Veino looked up from where he was tending the garden on the roof, and brushed some dirt from his hands onto the legs of his pants. They were mudstained, stitched all over the place, and a tad on the small side. So be it. They were his old travelling pants, now gardening pants, and each line had a story written in its threads. The person he didn't recognize must be their guest from the Mandalorians. The Zabrak... was Krest. In a way, and also not. Last Veino had seem him had been just before knighting when Krest had attempted to destroy the temple and kill everyone inside.

That would makes things interesting now.
Hakora stood near the temple training. In both his hands were flames that he was working to create stronger pyrokenesis to try and create a flaming dragon, but he wasn't sure if it was possible. He lit a ball of fire and shot it around him like a comet struggling to keep it circling around him until he lost control and it shot at the near by wall. Hakora stretched a bit and began breathing heavily from the strain working on an advanced power once he saw the Field Marshall coming he stopped and walked towards him. Hakora found it hard to get apart of Mandalorians and his attempts so far were unsuccessful.

[member="Strider Garon"]
He was amused with the AI and his imagination ran wild and even of course it ran into the perverse area's of his imagination. The old man was always up to an adventure and the things that an AI could do in a attractive woman's body seemed to have endless possiblities to the hound of keldabe. 'Snap off it'. his mission orientated side warned the perverted side to get back on track. "Noted!" He would reply to the AI.

It seemed his presence was catching the attention of many, then again that was no surprise. Mandalorians in full beskar had a way to do just that. One never knew if they were there to just be friendly and make party or to wreck havoc for a single Mandalorian could be and were one man armies encased in beskar.

He would continue to follow the entourage into the temple under construction. The main goal was to eventually get to [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]

[member="Hakora Cinthra"] [member="Veino Garn"] [member="Eve"] [member="Krest"]
[member="Eve"] would get a dismissive wave from the Zabrak. "Now you're starting to sound like Alex herself. No surprise really." He winked at the AI, sporting his own grin before turning his gaze back to [member="Strider Garon"] . "As for you. Thank you, for what you did with the New Order. You saved a lot of lives, you and all your brothers and sisters there that day." Krest, otherwise known as Daichi once upon a time, had been there in the flesh so to speak when the rebellion against the Sith was helped by the Mandos. It was a debt he couldn't forget, at least to those who had come.

But for now he would slink back, letting the two lead on to Alex. He would follow, of course, but for now he would be silent.
[member="Krest"] [member="Veino Garn"] [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Hakora Cinthra"]

"Were almost there Krest, make sure your smile is bright and what not for Alex, after all she still hasn't kicked your ass for almost killing her twice." She smiled at the Zabrak as she started up the last part of the stairway towards the roof, having talked and walked for most of the time with the exception of when they had stopped to greet eachother. In less than another fifteen minutes they came out and started towards the middle of the garden where the pregnant, silver hair woman, sat and smiled as she watched Eve and whoever came with Strider appear.

(Dont post till i get alex posted on

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Krest"] [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Veino Garn"] [member="Hakora Cinthra"]

Alexandra yawned as she looked at everyone that appeared and smiled after the yawn in the same normal way that she always did. "Field Marshall, or if you so desire, Strider. It is a pleasure to have you at our home once more and i am more than glad to talk over what it is you are concerned with... Hakora, Veino." She paused and looked at the Zabrak with a wider smile. "Krest. Please take a seat as well, i think Strider here has important information that we all should hear... it is a shame Minna isn't here to hear this..."
Strider would nod in respect to the Grey Master before handing a present to the woman. If she did open it up there and then ti was a box of diapers and a stuffed bear for the would be new born. But Strider would not wait for her acceptance of the gift or not he would get straight to business. He was a very blunt man and To Old to beat around the bush.

" I have started a campaign against the One Sith" Strider was knew that the OS was one of the Grey Order's main enemies " And I am here to ask for what ever support your Order would be able to supply" There could of been a fancy speech involved but he really wanted to get to the point and one with the task at hand. He was a Field Marshal playing war with one of the greatest forces in the galaxy seconded to only the mandos themselves.

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] [member="Eve"] [member="Krest"]
Krest stepped forward at the mention of Sith. With a slight nod to Alex, he would turn to [member="Strider Garon"] . "We are not a military group. We do not have soldiers, weapons, ships. We are few in number, and there is little we have to offer." He cast a glance to his fellow grey. [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] , [member="Hakora Cinthra"] , and [member="Veino Garn"] . His blue gaze would linger for a moment before it turned back to the Mandalorian. "But.. I think I speak for all of us when I say it would be nice to go home. They have our original temple, and nothing more would please me than to kick them out."
Hakora shrugged to the desire to gain their help, but found it put him in a bind. As far as he knew only three people knew Hakora's identity was the Phantom, but here in the Order of the Grey it was unknown. The Phantom had already plans to be involved in bringing down the Sith and bringing and army of his own, but Hakora could not be both. He stretched a little as he sat silently without response and just contently listening.

@Krest @Strider Garon [member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"] [member="Veino Garn"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
[member="Strider Garon"] [member="Hakora Cinthra"] [member="Krest"] [member="Veino Garn"]

"Now now Krest, no need to be so hasty as to completely deny Strider the aid of those living in mandalorian space... but as he said we as a whole are neutral and i especially can provide no aid... But in times past during the Sith and Republic war i let those at the Order choose their side if they so wished to fight, and do so when they were given the chance to do so, you see. I preach neutrality but not the passive neutrality that makes one wonder if they should be involved."

"The order lets its people fight, but it also lets them choose what side they stand on, with that said i will ensure personally any of those that fight for the Sith will be watched and monitored so not to leak information to the Sith about your people or about the others from the order who fight for your people Strider... one final thing, my neutrality is simple, i would love to help you strider myself. But as of recently i run Krayt Industries after removing Darth Banshee from her high chair... i would ask you exempt me from this call to war as to not sour my business deals between the Sith."
Well that was petty much the answer he thought he was going to get from the Order of the Grey. "Enjoy your gift, Alexandra Feoanor, Master of the Grey!" Strider would reply, still stoic in his expression as he turned to exit and began to walk away. He had an inkling that people of such faith would be hard pressed to fight a war, even though it was a war against an enemy that had ousted them from their original home. The Field Marshal wasn't here to get into a political debate of what was right or wrong or even try and press those that Hide behind the Mandalorian might to service. He was there for a face to face answer with their leader. And the answer was neither no nor was it a yes. Frakking politicians can never commit to anything, let that be personal agendas or religious beliefs.

He unclipped his helmet as he continued to march "Pray to the force or what ever all seeing god that you people worship that the Mando'ade and their Allies keep you safe!"

He did get one piece of information that was useful. The Order of the Grey would keep their doors open to either side. He could of trampled on such and cited many nasties upon the order if they held One Sith Operatives or their sympathizers. Or , like he did, kept his mouth shut and marched away, keeping note that this Order shall be watched more closely from now on out.

[member="Alexandra Lianne Feanor"]
[member="Strider Garon"]

Hakora stood and stretched, silent he remained which was not normal for him. He began walking back to the Temple, but sent a message through the force to the Field Marshall, but even without his voice changer of suit on, he was able to create the voice of the Phantom, "Strider, I am the Phantom and though I must keep my identity hidden, I will aid you in your war. Let the Order of the Grey know where anyone who is interested in fighting meet and I will come. I only request one thing, but I will fight careless. I am in need of armor and would like to use Mandalorian Iron so if you will provide me with that I will be very grateful." Hakora was now stretching in the training grounds showing no signs of him using the force to speak to Strider. It was unknown really why Hakora was hiding under the name and armor known as Phantom, but to Hakora it was clear. Many people found it hard to believe in the power of one man, but the Phantom was more of an idea than a person because of the secreticy and an idea cannot be destroyed and the idea was life, freedom and unity.

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