Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mission DIRE HOUR [NJO Rescue at The Empire Held Dorin]


Tags: Amiggie Lutih Amiggie Lutih , Dominik Borra Dominik Borra , Alex StormWolf Alex StormWolf , Aridius 'TK-1575' Aridius 'TK-1575'

The trooper pulled back her rifle, allowing Jasper to slice through it. As he reoriented himself, she went for her blaster, quickly pulling it on him.

"See ya,"

Jasper's instincts kicked in, his connection to the force taking the roll of his reflexes. As she fired, the padawan sidestepped, though was ultimately unable to keep the bolt from grazing the side of his leg. Recomposing himself, and ignoring his burning skin, the duelist managed a grin. How could she be so cocky? If he wanted to, Jasper could easily end this battle. She was only alive because he had no intentions of killing her. He could still end it, but a far less violent way came to mind.

"Yeah," he nodded, "See ya."

Mustering all of his strength, Jasper unleashed a powerful force push, intended to send the storm trooper flying. With the communication tower down, they would no doubt be moving in to retrieve Nida Perl Nida Perl soon. They would need to evacuate their forces. The last thing Jasper wanted to do was get held up by some trooper. As he sent the woman flying, his guard was ready, just in case she tried to fire on him desperately. Should he succeed, he would regroup with the SIA agent and get out of dodge.


Location: Blacksite Barbarous
Objective: Create a distraction
Tag: Varos Ignacious Korvan Varos Ignacious Korvan / Nida Perl Nida Perl


"Nida is one of us, I will not believe what lies you try and poison my mind with" he shot back to the man, the grasp on his saber getting tighter as the seconds went by. What was the inquisitor trying to indicate here? was there something he didn't know about the woman that would affect his judgment? that was something he'd need to figure out after she was saved "You don't see it already, but this is more than finished"

Narrowing his eyes a wave of energy knocked him backwards towards the wall, just about stopping himself from colliding with the hard structure when he dug is boots into the ground. With a frightening burst of speed, the man came before him within a blink of an eye to strike down on his arm. Silas grunted and matched his speed, using his lightsaber to meet his in a sword lock. He looked into the man's eyes with determination and felt himself getting pushed back into the wall. Instinctively, he leaned back and used it as leverage to raise his legs up to push him back.

Rolling his shoulders, his eyes showed a fiery spirit that Mastery Valery always showed in her battles. Silas was going to stop at nothing to get her out to safety.
"Anybody have eyes on Nida?"
The voice of Yula boomed into his earpiece demanding if anyone had eyes on her sister "I'm by your sister, but I have a Sith problem to deal with first" he said with a cold tone as he circled him. If the others were close by, he needed to be what they tasked him to be, a thorn.

Changing his style, it was his turn to rush the sith with a flurry of swift and agile strikes towards his body. The padawan was working on pushing him close to the door with every swing, then with all the power he could muster hit his lightsaber upwards to force push him back into the corridor. He needed to lore him as far away as possible...

<<"Hold tight Nida...">>
Varos Ignacious Korvan Varos Ignacious Korvan Silas Westgard Silas Westgard Kyra Perl Kyra Perl

There was a pause in his ministrations, Nida could tell. Something had stiffened in the Inquisitor as she unearthed some of his most foul, disruptive memories.

Then came the anger. He'd been largely indifferent towards Nida until this point, treating their interaction like how one would treat an unpleasant task at their job. With their minds tethered, she could feel unfiltered rage churning inside him like a storm, boiling over into a sucker-punch that slammed her psyche. It was meant to overwhelm her, and it did. A sharp gasp sounded as the air left her lungs, and Nida's form slumped over into unconsciousness. She was listless but not entirely gone; the crackle and hiss of lightsabers in action touched her mind as if she were dreaming.

What she'd done to Varos, an enemy as he was, had been unforgivable to a Jedi. Even if the Dark side was not at play, worming her way into his mind with the intention to hurt was inexcusable. Not only as a Jedi, but on a personal standard that Nida clearly struggled to hold herself to. Thirdas, Kyra, Yula…how could she face her loved ones who'd risked their lives to come to her rescue? Even partially unconscious, their presences, individual and twined, danced in her mind as a sort of comfort theater. A comfort she did not deserve.

Nida would have to find the answer to her moral impasse sooner rather than later. As the Inquisitor and Silas crossed blades, the door to her cell would be ripped from its hinges. The sound was enough to rouse a groggy Nida, who blinked at the familiar figure in the foot way. Unimpressed as ever stood Kyra, the little sister she'd one been so close to and then so far from. The younger Zeltron had kept a curt distance between the two since Nida's return, and here she was—striking at the heart of a dangerous operation for her.

Gasping, Nida stumbled from her chair and into Kyra's arms, narrowly slipping past the engagement.

"I'm sorry…!" She sobbed to the younger sister who'd grown taller than her, the one who resembled their mother the most. "I'm so sorry!"

Nida wasn't sure what she was apologizing for, exactly, but felt that it needed to be done.
Kyra sighed and hefted Nida up, a sharp glare tossed to the back of the imperial in the cell with her.

"You coulda hit him back."

And she could stay to help the lone jedi holding him off. Kyra did neither, she simply grabbed her sister by the arm pit and hauled her out. "Yula is down the hall, holding off a few units, though we... shouldn't go that way," she reported, her matter of fact nature broken down by the conundrum of two many bodies.

They had done all but lit this place on fire to grab her. Hope the intel they gleamed was worth the insurance cost.

"Course Thirdas will be ripping their heads off in t minus..." She flicked on mic. "Got her."

Yula Perl Yula Perl Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield
Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield Kyra Perl Kyra Perl Aien Mueller Silas Westgard Silas Westgard Rys Harand FN-999 Varos Ignacious Korvan Varos Ignacious Korvan

"Don't you—nngh, die!"

Yula found herself standing over the kneeling form of Thirdas, deflecting the incoming bullets with her lightsaber. They were fast, relentless, and where her blade failed, the remaining mechanical arm shielded the Valkyri warrior.

"She'll be so sad if you—krrrrrt!" Yula stumbled back, hissing in pain as a bullet dug it's way into her shoulder. "-die!"

All of the precognition and fast reflexes in the world couldn't wouldn't allow her to absorb every single shot, not with how fast they were coming, and not with how much her head was buzzing. The last mechanical limb had ceased operating, worn to its core from the hail of blaster fire. Pain blossomed from her wounded shoulder, limp at her side, along the length of her arm and even spreading to her neck and jaw. Much of Yula's strength had been spent on drawing the data she'd needed out of the wires of the prison, and then on engaging the stormtroopers. If this assault kept up the way it did, they wouldn't last for much longer

"So you can't…fething…DIE! You bastard!"

Just as she'd summoned the last vestiges of her strength, Thirdas stirred behind her, hurdling the massive Valkyri axe towards their assailant between her saber swings. The Baron went soaring backwards, but Yula hadn't seen that he'd caught the airborne axe between both hands in a feat of both precision and strength—the fire had stopped, and that was all that had registered.

The reinforcements Thirdas had called for streamed into the room, returning fire and setting charges. A few of the swarmed over Thirdas, prepared to aid the wounded man. Exhaustion hitting her, Yula dropped to her knees and struggled between breaths.

"Daddy's boy? Really?" She regard their allies, a group of unfamiliar faces and presences with a grateful look regardless.

"I'm by your sister, but I have a Sith problem to deal with first"

SIilas' voice crackled in her ear, and Yula tensed. It was good that someone had made it to Nida, but there was also a…Sith?! Ashla almighty. Shortly after, Kyra's ping came through

"Got her."

she had Nida.

Yula exhaled so hard she thought her lungs would collapse.
"They've got her-" She said to Thirdas, vigorously shaking his tree trunk of an arm. "They've got her!"

"Kyra, bring her back our way, and quick!"

Tapping in to the universal comm frequency that the task for had been using to communicate, she sent out a high alert. Getting in had been one thing, getting out with their quarry would be another undertaking entirely. The Jedi and their allies had managed to besiege the facility well enough, but they'd be dead (or worse) if Empire reinforcements showed up.

"Target is in the process of being extracted. Prepare to evacuate and don't get yourselves killed."

In other words:

"Get the feck out now!"

[OOC Note | The evacuation is taking place for those who have finished their duels/obligations and wish to exit the thread. If you’re still going, feel free to continue your duels and interactions! A lot is happening at once so use a pinch of handwavium for continuity.]

Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo Ichika Masudo Ichika Masudo Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Valery Noble Valery Noble Aldric Laurent Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Dominik Borra Dominik Borra Alex StormWolf Alex StormWolf Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin Jax Thio Jax Thio Iris Arani Iris Arani Tulan Kor Tulan Kor Jand Talo Jand Talo Rakaan Horne Veino Garn Veino Garn

Objective: Stop the Jedi Jailbreak
Allies: Aschwin Vethres
Enemies: Jax Thio Jax Thio Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin

The Tusken Imp Knight normally seemed very passive. He didn’t want to fight anyone at first, but the scars of the past run deep into his wounds. When the flashes of the Clone Wars come into his mind his first instinct is to fight. In those days it was fight or die, always living hand to mouth never knowing what the next day would bring. This encounter was no different than what the Jedi Purge brought to him. In a way him lashing out at this woman was the only way he could cope, and how he could maintain his oath.

The Tusken would let out another guttural cry from his throat. He tried to strike heavy, and hard with the combination of saber and stick. His style was a combination of Jar’Kai and Djem So. Showing that while the man was a pacifist it was only to hold back the savage beast from within. “Murderers! Traitors the lot of you!” He shouted imagining the that the woman before him was the Inquisitor who hunted him down. Reality was completely lost on him. There was only one path, and either they would die or injure one another where fighting was an impossibility.

He growled towards the old man of a Knight who used electric judgement. “The kill is mine!” He said his voice guttural savage, all the while he had to stop his offensive. Watching the woman attempt to strike back with a flurry of blows that would send Jakkor on the defensive. When he heard the voice of Jax taunt him, he turned his face towards him and through the eyeholes of the mask Jakkor would see an angry beast.

Jax’s taunts would be one of the last things he did. Soon he saw the Tusken change targets. “You’re a dead man!!” He yelled and with a Tusken battle cry he tried to leap onto the man. He hoped he would tackle the man to the ground. Letting out another guttural yell, if it worked he would attempt to beat the man’s smiling face in with the hardened metal of the gaffi stick. “Smiling when you killed my friends!! I’ll make you pay!” He said inbetween blows of his stick against the man’s face. The anger was just dripping in his tone. Jakkor was a different kind of beast entirely as Jax would find out. A beast born of scars and strife.

Aien Mueller


You know those types you don't want to meet in a dark alley?


GOLD TEAM: Azrael (Assault/Team leader), Castiel (Assault/Pathfinder), Chamuel (Infiltrator/Slicer)
BLUE TEAM: Sauriel (Sniper 1), Michael (Sniper 2)
RED TEAM: Gabriel (Demo/EOD), Bartleby (Tech/Team Second), Samael (Heavy Weapons)
Seraphim (Deployable Drones)
PEGASUS 1- Jeremiel(Pilot), Ariel(Weapons), Uriel (Jumpmaster/Cover fire)
REEK 1- Uriel(Driver), Ariel(Gunner),
Annunaki Captain/Teams Overwatch - Jehova
Azrael, Bartleby, Gabriel, Sauriel, Samael, Castiel, Michael, Chamuel,
Jeremiel, Ariel, Uriel, Seraphim

[Any text in brackets signifies comm-link usage and not face to face conversation]
ORDERS: Ensure evac and exfil.


Azrael, Bartleby, Gabriel, Sauriel, Samael, Castiel, Michael, Chamuel, Jeremiel, Ariel, Uriel, Seraphim

[Any text in brackets signifies comm-link usage and not face to face conversation]
ORDERS: Land on the planet and set up operations without opposition.

Team Rescue |
Yula Perl |Thirdas Heavenshield | Kyra Perl | Aaran Tafo

GA + Allies | Jasper Kai'el | Valery Noble | Silas Westgard | Aldric Laurent | Iris Arani | Alex StormWolf | Jax Thio | Aveline Cuiléin | Veino Garn | Miri Nimdok | Yenna | Amani Serys | | Rakaan Horne | Goto | Sōla Taan | Aien Mueller

The Empire | Melvain Braxis | Varos Ignacious Korvan | Aridius 'TK-1575' | Amiggie Lutih | Jakkor Kess | FN-999 | Tulan Kor | Sars Sarad | Sahar | Aschwin Vethres | Leandra Brax

You heard the woman! Move!

Slowly, Azrael himself pulled Heavenshield’s left arm over his shoulder and handed over his rifle for the Ranger’s Colonel to use. Mueller had his own sidearm. Samael was in the process of burning through “Bertha”’s ammunition to not only pin down those Imperials that he could in the holding area, but wrecking all tech he could see. Meanwhile Bartleby and Castiel were leading the way down the corridor while on his comm-link.

[Hawk-Bat this is Wamprat.]

[This is Hawk-Bat.]

[What’s the Bus schedule?]

[Right on time.]

[We’ll be there.]

The heavy Corvette was screaming down through the atmosphere, TIEs were giving chase. They were good too, but this little ship has a lot more firepower than it should.

[Slow your approach boys… need a second.]

[Okay, we’re good! Get here now!]

"The Annunaki" did not land, but hovered, guns were blazing, as the team set a perimeter and the snipers (and cover) were firing on targets with impunity, Aien helped Thirdas get into the ship through one of the hatches but not before taking his rifle back. Looking at everyone else he pointed.

There's room for everyone. Get on, We'll cover your exit.

He said nothing, none of the squad did, but they had their own way out.

... yeah, we scare them.

Location: Cellblock
Objective: Don't Die
Friendlies: Yula Perl Yula Perl Kyra Perl Kyra Perl Iris Arani Iris Arani Tulan Kor Tulan Kor Aien Mueller Silas Westgard Silas Westgard | GA
Hostiles: FN-999 Varos Ignacious Korvan Varos Ignacious Korvan Rys Harand | Empire

Watching Yula having to fend off the remainder of the platoon single-handedly from where he lay was worse than agonising. Three times he'd tried to get up and get back into the fray, do what damage he can to help out, but each time he merely slumped back to the floor, too weakened from his numerous wounds. Only a scant few shots were fired as he could no longer aim straight or even grasp his rifle adequately. He'd lost too much blood.

His mind wandered.

Had they finally reached the end of their rope, here of all places? Was this to be their final resting place? If so, then why did the Golden Gate elude him still? Had he not earned his way to Beornskald? Would he not get to spend eternity with his loved ones? Did the All-Father judge him unworthy?

"Don't you—nngh, die!"

Yula's voice was at first akin to a dull, almost ethereal noise coming from some deep, dark void as he slipped in and out of consciousness. He'd barely registered the arrival of Captain Mueller and his team.

"She'll be so sad if you—krrrrrt!"

In his delirium, Thirdas witnessed the purple blur defending him stagger from a blaster bolt. It looked like festival fireworks.

In a moment of lucidity, he was able to narrow his focus down to the person standing over him. It was Yula. "D... Die?" His gaze fell to his blood-soaked hand, noticing the holes in his breastplate.

"So you can't…fething…DIE! You bastard!"

"Can't... die," he repeated her words, his mind clearing with each syllable uttered. One last look around. The Golden Gate was still nowhere to be found. This was not his time, he concluded. From where he lay, now reinforced by the Special Forces team under Aien Mueller's leadership, he turned his head to spot the same Imperial officer from before. A fire sparked alive in his veins once more.

"They've got her- They've got her!"

"You... cannot... kill me," he recalled, then turned to Yula shaking his arm in excitement. Without another word, Thirdas glanced down his own body to assess his current status. With renewed strength, he proceeded to rip off the chest plate that had kept him alive thus far. The tunic underneath was torn and soaked red with blood, but shedding his battered armour allowed for direct access to the fleshy holes in his chest from countless rounds.

Displeased with what he found, the Colonel reached into the pack on his belt to produce a cylindrical object. A painful grunt escaped the man as he pushed himself to keep his hand steady long enough to administer the bacta spray to his wounds. Fine motor skills were not his forte at this moment in time. The bacta set into his shredded flesh to begin the limited restoration process. It provided nowhere near a complete recovery but was successful in staunching the bleeding.

The Valkyri would next hold out his hand and feel the serenity of the Force fill his being once more, as in an act of sheer defiance he would summon the axe back into his possession, snatching it out of the Baron's hands.

Though the bacta had yet to complete its limited healing process, the Young Lion would painstakingly use both axe and the assistance of Azrael to rise once more.


Before being escorted to safety, he would face his foe and close his hand into a fist, this time only mustering a light bump on his chest. One might even interpret the brazen act as him saluting the Baron from across the room for having presented a worthy challenge. Above all, he wanted them all to see:

They could not kill him.

Upon being handed the Captain's rifle, he would fire from the hip to provide what cover fire he could while being pulled back from the front lines. In the midst of being evacuated, he spotted a wounded Tulan Kor Tulan Kor being tended to by a Jedi.

"Tulan," he broke free from Aien's helping hand and stumbled his way over to his former commander. "Come with me," he pleaded, extending his hand. "Rangers don't leave their own behind; just as you once taught me, Gunny."


Sahar|Imperial Knights|Dorin
Tags:// Rakaan Horne

"Now you realise."

She rolled her eyes as hard as she could, tutting dismissively as she threw her hands up in feigned disbelief.

"I thought you were smart; I guess not."

If his responses proved this contrived and cliche, she'd roll her eyes back so hard they wouldn't come back. Sahar stared him down directly after what seemed like a fleeting encounter earlier, lightsaber in a relaxed, almost dismissive posture as if she didn't view him to be a real threat beyond a slight annoyance.

"Now there's the altruism."

Her smile curved into a smirk, twisting her grip on the saber tight as she moved to deflect his increasingly angry and vicious blows and strikes as they locked once more into a violent duel. She pushed against his attack, repeatedly throwing vicious strikes to move him back before pushing his saber to the side and gripping him hard by the collar.

"You can't even overcome yourself."

Sahar pulled him in, whispering it in his ear before throwing him against the wall.
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Speed was the bane of blasters.

It also helped that Jand was a Nagai, a species that had reflexes and dexterity beyond capabilities of others, and was trained to use his natural attributes to the fullest. So, as the Padawan approached the purge troopers at full tilt, his careful footfalls landing between corpses and ichor and weapons, he recalled something that his Master had told him - one that was part of their agreement, as mentor and student.

"I extend the option to flee this fight," Jand called across the rapidly closing distance. "My master said I had to."

Yet, one of the purge troopers began to charge, electrostaff in hand. The intent to engage was clear, the decision made.

"Very well. I tried."

Jand skidded to a slow, as his boots tore up debris before they found purchase, and he jumped through the air. His blue lightsaber came around in a blinding arc, prepared for an overhead chop onto the electrostaff-wielding purge trooper, the Jedi weapon a visual representation of danger that most combatants were fool to ignore--

* Slice *

--but the real danger had been the deadly Tehk'la blade that appeared in Jand's other hand, which slipped up under the trooper's helmet seam and stabbed like a knife through butter. The Padawan continued past the - likely already dead - electrostaff opponent, before he landed in a crouch and closed distance with the four-armed trooper that had been directly behind.

As he killed, the Padawan's face was passive, his gray eyes held no emotion.

The four-armed opponent was more skilled, armed with as many batons, which made the engagement more considerate. Jand kept his position in front of the opponent, to keep the other purge troopers from gaining firing angles, as he extended the lightsaber and stabbed. When it came to confrontation with an enemy that wielded more methods of attack, it became about reach - and Jand adapted to use the full extension of his arm and lightsaber blade, as he tried to out reach the other.

"I am unfamiliar with your species," Jand said between strikes, as he gave several rapid thrusts of the blue blade. "What are you?"

Across the way, Master Vanagor shouted - as Jand heard the word Padawan - and unleashed a powerful Force repulse, which sent a wave through the area. Jand crouched low, as he stabbed the dagger into the ground, and used it to leverage against the kinetic wave... and once the Force-assisted attack was through, he pulled his Tehk'la blade free and reached back, to throw it beyond the four-armed opponent, aimed toward one of the other nearby purge troopers.

Hopefully it would catch the target unaware, lethally so.

Jand pushed forward, re-engaged with the baton-wielding opponent...


Allies: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | NJO + GA
Enemies: Zorah Fel Zorah Fel
Engaging: Purge Troopers​





Objective: Secure the prisoner
Allies: Empire | Rys Harand
Enemies: GA | Open
Other: Tulan Kor Tulan Kor

In an instant, it all went to hell.
One moment, FN-999 was on his knees, regaining his strength and preparing to rally the last of his elite shocktroopers to bring down the monstrous Heavenshield once and for all. The next, a squad of Alliance commandos had charged in, guns blazing, effectively ending any chance for a last stand. It was all the Baron could do with his still-weakened limbs to swing Thirdas' axe in front of himself, the blade absorbing stray blaster bolts from the fight between the commandos and shock troopers. Eventually, the sounds of Imperial-issue blasters ceased, and the Baron was left alone in the hall.

Even for FN-999, taking on two Jedi and a squad of commandos in an open hallway would be suicidal. Twenty-five years of well-honed battle instinct told him to withdraw, inform nearby allies of the battle's outcome, and regroup for a counterattack.

Fortunately for the Baron, the commandos had been distracted by the shocktroopers and now fussed over Thirdas, perhaps overlooking the presence of a single stormtrooper. Using Thirdas' axe as a crutch, the Baron lifted himself up to his feet, his entire body aching with the aftershock of the axe's final velocity. Once he was confident his feet could support him, he tossed the axe aside, in case it were to cast some sort of curse on him at its master's bidding.

FN-999 was standing upright once more when he caught Thirdas staring directly at him, his wounds now being more properly healed with basic meds. In an instant, the Baron's heart rate picked up, the adrenaline the axe had smashed out of him returning to every muscle of his body. Would he order the commandos to open fire? Or would Thirdas himself recall his weapon to strike the Baron down? FN-999 found himself searching for weapons around him, finding the closest one to be a pistol on a trooper's corpse about two meters in front of him. Could he make it in time?

Before being escorted to safety, he would face his foe and close his hand into a fist, this time only mustering a light bump on his chest. One might even interpret the brazen act as him saluting the Baron from across the room for having presented a worthy challenge. Above all, he wanted them all to see:

They could not kill him.

At the Jedi's harmless, almost respectful gesture, all of the Baron's previous thoughts left his head. Apparently, Thirdas had somehow gotten it within his brain that FN-999 was a worthy foe, one even worth respecting. He could not bring himself to return the gesture. Not when the monster of a man in front of him, scion of one of the most influential Jedi families in the galaxy, a supposed moral leader and defender of peace and pacifism, had just slaughtered an entire platoon of the Baron's finest while laughing all the way.

Instead, FN-999 simply returned Thirdas' stare until he broke eye contact, moving to address the still-nearby Commander Kor.

"Tulan," he broke free from Aien's helping hand and stumbled his way over to his former commander. "Come with me," he pleaded, extending his hand. "Rangers don't leave their own behind; just as you once taught me, Gunny."

The Baron would not let the Jedi have the last laugh. He knew better than to directly coerce Commander Kor to retain his loyalty, especially when it was as tenuous as it currently appeared to be. FN-999 was no ISB agent, and his wordplay was nowhere near the famous quality of the Bureau's. Instead, the Baron considered ambiguity, offering Commander Kor a choice that did not lead directly to defection.

"Commander Kor!" yelled the Baron, pausing to wheeze as his starved lungs gasped for air. "There is much to consider! Choose wisely."

With nothing left to say and his defense no longer sustainable, FN-999 turned tail and bolted away, leaving Thirdas' axe on the ground nearby.

The Baron was headed straight for the prisoner's cell, off to warn the Inquisitor of the approaching enemy. With numbers clearly on the Alliance's side, there was little the pair could do but retreat, possibly taking the prisoner as ransom.

Before FN-999 could even begin elaborating on his thoughts, he saw the ruined cell door and came to a realization that nearly overwhelmed him.

The Inquisitor had been defeated, and the prisoner had been freed.


FN-999 bolted through the main hallway, a rocket launcher in his hands.

It was his failure to intercept the third Jedi that had cost the Empire a valuable prisoner, and now the Baron was willing to bring down the rescue ship himself if it meant salvation. Just as thoughts of guilt turned to anger and vengeance, a familiar voice came in through the helmet-mounted StormCom.

[Nines, this is Bigfoot. We've arrived.]


908th Legion - "The Reborn"
Engaging: Any foe in sight

A horde of steel descended from the sky, barreling straight towards the Blacksite.

One hundred gunships rained down into the valley housing the classified facility, landing near the perimeter on all sides. Out of the ships emerged over two thousand stormtroopers, an entire quarter of the 908th Legion being deployed to encircle Blacksite Barbarous. At their head was Lieutenant Colonel Bigfoot, a longtime friend of the Baron's.

[Bigfoot, they've got the prisoner and are en route to escape.] stated FN-999 over their local StormCom frequency.

[They won't get past us.] responded Bigfoot confidently. [Give us ten minutes, and the entire facility will be cordoned. And just in case, we brought along the 1st Space.]

The 1st Spacetrooper Company was among the most elite units the 908th could deploy, as well as the only trained Zero-G troopers in the entire Empire. Fitted in suits of heavy, airtight armor equipped with laser cannons, drill lasers, and a jetpacks, the 1st Space excelled at bringing down small to medium sized capital ships and wreaking havoc on large ships.

Hopefully, their presence would provide a key failsafe should the rescue team link up with their ship.

[I'm headed to your location now.] concluded the Baron. [Nines, out.]

The vice grip of the Empire was closing on Blacksite Barbarous, and the opening for escape was growing ever smaller.

OOC: A metric ton of stormtroopers have arrived to reinforce the prison's garrison and any Imperial character on the outskirts of the facility should be receiving a flood of NPC support. There are also big boy Zero-G troopers at the ready to breach and board the rescue ship should it be held up on the ground for too long.
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Rakaan Horne



DORIN - Sahar Sahar


His eye twitched in retaliation with a furthered scowl, some bitter contempt flew across his sullen features. The Jedi thrust his palm outwards with the Force, a telekinetic push aimed to throw the Imperial backwards towards the wall to her rear. It was a familiar emotion that tore into him, the twisted sense of self revealed itself for all of a hateful moment. Or maybe it was a determined focus, more so than an angered sneer.

Rakaan opted to remain wordless, still intent to hold onto the push. As if to suspend Sahar in the air, maybe burrow her into the duracrete wall with the sustained push that lacked much in the way of remorse. His blade wielding hand waved over either side of the walkways, the fizzle of the rayshields announced their sudden disappearance; the commotion was akin to that of a frenzied panic, a mad dash of prisoners ran rampant with their yells of both joy and fear.

The same features persisted even as he let go of whatever grip was there, and then elected to move alongside the freed prisoners.



Dorin - Blacksite Barbarous
Honor the Fel legacy
TAGS: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Jand Talo Jand Talo

Alpha Team: Sergeant Kinnard, Sixer, Lars, Dolf, Razer, Zorah

Punching Vanagor felt like punching durasteel, Zorah thought, hiding a wince. She drew her saber back, set her feet, and attacked again, and again, and again, battering at his saber as if she could break it with her own, the crackling clashes of their blades like tiny magnetic explosions. His defense was impregnable, she slowly realized as she cut and swiped and carved. She drew from every bit of training and instinct that she could muster, but it was all to no avail. She might as well have been trying to cut through a mountain with a kitchen knife.

Lars came in close with his electrostaff but was buffeted at every turn-- as were Dolf and Razer when they joined the fray, both of them favoring opposite legs, most likely bruised from their brief entanglement.

<"Dolf, Razer, back off!> Sixer barked.<"Can't get a shot!">

<"Don't risk it, Six'. You might hit Lady Zorah. Remember our first priority here-- don't get greedy.">
They weren't here to hunt Jedi. They were here protect Zorah. His orders on that were clear as crystal.

Sixer answered him with a growl-- she aimed her rifle at the distant GA forces and fired off a couple of cheap-shots in frustration. Kinnard suppressed a sigh. He was long used to her antics by now-- she'd been on his squad for a while. Sixer was more professional and less sadistic than her sister Seven, but she still had her problems.

Wasted breath would have only happened if I had not said anything. BE READY, PADAWAN!

He saw Zorah brace herself behind her power-shield and took cover.

"Scatter," the Fel heir yelled.

Sixer ducked back behind cover, but Lars and Razer were both mid-attack when Zorah shouted her warning, and couldn't do anything but take the hit.

A wave of power erupted from Vanagor that sent the troopers sprawling, throwing up bodies and debris like confettie. Zorah weathered the wave behind her shield, pushed back several feet from the sheer power, but Lars and Razer weren't so lucky. As far as Kinnard could tell, they were still alive, but they wouldn't be doing much fighting. Casualties but not fatalities. Seemed like the Jedi was inclined to mercy.

An update on the overall situation came through his coms and he cursed. Of course. This was all a waste.

<"We should make ourselves scarce, ma'am,"> he told Zorah. <"The Jedi they're here for has been extracted. These two are just a distraction, and there's a legion inbound as we speak.">

Zorah stared the Jedi down, offering her Sergeant naught but silence. The sniper bolt the Jedi had stopped hovered above her, casting a soft golden glow across her dark hair, almost like a halo. The part of her that was brittle iron wanted to continue the fight-- her pride all but demanded it. Retreating felt too much like surrender. But the part of her that had been tempered with steel thought that perhaps a retreat was in order. She could not defeat Vanagor as she was now. Her conviction was too weak-- her heart just wasn't in it. To continue to try would be futile.

She hadn't agreed with the attack on Ilum in the first place.

<"Retreat,"> she said finally. Regretfully, because this was still a blow to the Empire's image, and because good soldiers had died here for nothing. Even one of her own. <"Let the Legion deal with them."> And to the Jedi: "It seems your mission was a success." Her face, already, hard and flat, twisted into a scowl. "Congratulations."

His due would come, she thought. Not today...but it would come.

<"Gather Dolf and Razer. He won't attack if you don't Not if he's a true Jedi.">

Beta Team: Seven, Trickshot, Mako, Dom

Dom's head rolled to a stop by Seven's foot. She stared at it for a moment, as if surprised, and then the laughter started. <"Ha! He didn't even make it to four!">

Seven's cackling was going to drive Trickshot to murder. The maniac actually thought it was funny that Dom was dead. He tuned her out, focusing on the Padawan in front of him. The kid was fast. It was like fighting Seven but somehow worse. It was the humiliation, he realized. He could deal with Seven and Sixer kicking his ass-- they'd doubled down on reflex augs and he was a better shot than the both of them, but not even being able to land a blow on the kid was getting to him.

"I am unfamiliar with your species," Jand said between strikes, as he gave several rapid thrusts of the blue blade. "What are you?"

"Codru-Ji," was Trickshot's terse reply, hands flashing to fend off the glaringly blue lightsaber, chancing a strike when he could.

<"Trick's gonna be next,"> Seven said when she'd finally stopped laughing.

He was going to shoot her. His mind was already made up. The moment the fight was over, he was going to pick up his rifle and shoot her in her stupid, smug face.

<"That's enough, Sev',"> said Mako. <"Dom was canon-fodder, but Tricky's been with us since--

A wave of force knocked the troopers off balance-- Seven caught herself, and Mako lost his footing, but Trickshot was knocked to the ground completely, almost losing his grip on his batons. The Padawan was already darting towards him. The Codru-Ji scrambled hurriedly to his feet, raising his batons in defense, but the blade was coming in too fast--

The sharp snapping report of a sniper blaster rung out and the killing stroke was aborted as the young Jedi twisted away. Trickshot released a shuddering breath and backed away warily. He wasn't afraid to die, but he certainly didn't want to die to a Padawan. Seven would never let him live it down. Or die it down?

<"Fall back, Trick,"> said Tez from up on the roof. <"The Lady's ordered a retreat. We got reinforcements inbound. Don't want to get caught in the crossfire.">

<"He killed Dom,">
Trickshot replied.

<"Chopped his head right off,"> added Seven.

<"You're on Chit detail, Seven,"> the Sergeant barked. Kinnard had heard everything, and he wasn't amused. He couldn't really blame her-- when you pumped a sociopath full of illegal neural stimulants, certain personality traits were bound to get exacerbated. <"And you're recruiting his replacement. Now fall back.">

Seven didn't say anything. She snapped her rifle up and started shooting as Trickshot backed away. Mako added his suppressive fire to her own, trying to keep the Padawan at bay to give Trickshot the clearance he needed.

"This ain't over, kid. Not by a long shot."

<"It ain't over by a long shot, but it's over for Trickshot!">

Seven again. When they were back on base, he was going to let her have it.

Sniper: Tez

Fething Jedi. He'd taken another shot at the Jedi after his little magical display but had no better luck than with the first. A second sniper bolt now hovered stagnant in mid air, turned from a deadly streaking laser of death into a wireless street light.

He clambered down from his rat's nest to reconvene with the squad.

Harrsk Hall, Bastion

The update was rattled off with imperial professionalism. Facts, figures and captured images. Analysis of enemy motivation and escape plans. They had already identified a number of jedi involved in the rescue and were sending back tactical analysis.

"Stop," Cain said simply. The man giving the report stopped talking, but Cain repeated himself.


People turned in their chairs away from their monitors and buttons to look at him. He turned his hawkish gaze to each analyst in turn.

"This cell will now be devoting all resources to one single task. Put the possible results of this rescue behind you. One single truth will be established: how did they find out about this black site. How did they find out that the jedi was being held there. This is a precise, targeted strike. Clearly blind to the precise nature of defences but aware of the exact location of one single jedi.

"We will establish this, with sensible parameters about the probability of any assumptions and then the real work will begin.

"If there is a traitor in our midst with access to this level of information then they will be found and they will be processed. Agent Silltan, I leave the details of the reorganisation of your people to this task up to you. Any additional resources you require - if I assess the requirement to be valid - will be provided."

Cain remained where he stood, even as the senior analysts gathered around a glass screen and started to plan out their activities. It was clear he was not going anywhere until the task was underway.

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Time: Approximately fifteen minutes prior to assault
Tags: Nida Perl Nida Perl | Yula Perl Yula Perl | FN-999 | Thirdas Heavenshield Thirdas Heavenshield | Kyra Perl Kyra Perl | Tulan Kor Tulan Kor | Iris Arani Iris Arani | Silas Westgard Silas Westgard

‘Cute.’ Varos thought to himself as the young Jedi fought back. His footwork was impressive, but predictable. Varos shifted into the Makashi style as his left hand rested behind his back, redirecting the Jedi’s blows with a deftness and precision indicative of a life mastering swordplay. That said, Silas was not without some skill, as his attack had resulted in a subtle shift in position wherein Varos’ back was now facing the corridor leading into the cell.

Silas’ strike would briefly cause Varos’ blade to redirect his guard, causing the Knight to spin about with a counter blow directed at the Jedi’s midsection. But the blow would never land, as the force push followed shortly before, causing the Knight to lurch backward. But Varos was quick to recover, and just as Kyra and Nida rushed past him and off to the exit, Varos surged back to Silas, allowing their blades to lock again - but this time, the gloves were coming off.

The blow was a feint, and Varos would pull back with a suddenness meant to cause Silas to fall slightly forward. Immediately after, the Knight would launch a knee aimed into the Jedi’s midsection, then strike out with the butt-end of his saber hilt. The force of the blow would be enough to throw Silas into the cell they had only just emerged from, and Varos would waste little time latching the relay and causing the security door to snap shut. Another flick of his fingers would cause the blast door to seal over it, and he drew his fingers tightly into a fist as he caused the circuits within the panel to burst with a violent flash.

His head would abruptly turn to the fleeing pair, and he would dash forward - willing himself forward to catch them off guard before it was too late...

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Armor Handcannon Death Stick Powder Stun Gas Grenade Scramble Key Computer Spikes PSG-8487 View Masker Lightsaber Durasteel Ball Bearings
Akash Guul Akash Guul Brackard Cain Brackard Cain FN-999


The View Masker was still doing its job, between the distractions and the chaos outside, the attention of everyone in the control room was away from him. There was a Moff of some sort overseeing the debacle, but even his attention seemed to be elsewhere.

Veino considered for several moments, watching the control center teams before sliding the dataspike out of its sleeve on his shoulder and moving slowly along the wall, one step at a time, placing the ball of each foot down before slowly lowering his weight.

Patience was crucial to stealth. It ensured his feet made no sound on the floor and he could see anyone before they bumped into him. But their attention seemed to be glued to their displays, as was their training, he suspected. He instilled that same dedication in his own technical operators.

He stopped beside a wall-mounted computer console and slid the dataspike into the socket. It spun for a moment, creating a small sound that made Veino catch his breath, before sliding into the computer. The protocols inside activated, hammering at the cyberdefenses to break through.

In the meantime, Veino unclipped two of the sleeping gas grenades, double-checked the seals on his mask and pulled the pins. The gas was non-lethal and had no long-term side-effects. Headaches, initially, perhaps, but nothing beyond that once they eventually woke up.

There was a small hiss as the gas began to emit from the containers and knelt down, gently rolling them across the floor towards the center of the command center, before taking the third one from his belt, pulling the pin, and rolling it to the door.

“I live my life my way. I try to do the right thing, but I know there are going to be people who aren't happy with what I do or say no matter what, so I'm not going to worry about it.” - BJ Penn

He hated using “Repulse”, it was harsh but necessary though as while only one of them appeared to be connected to the Force, they all fought like they were. Not your average Stormtroopers, not even specialized Stormtroopers, these must have been the type that Aien Mueller and Omega Squad were before they left and defected. Caltin only used the skill that is “Repulse” to get some room to breathe for a second.

These Purge Troopers were just that good.

It seemed though as they got up as he was receiving the Comm message about the Perl sister “Nida” being rescued. This was confirmed when one of them turned to him and facetiously “congratulated” him. Lightsaber down to his side, Caltin knew that they would not be gathering their things if more were not coming. It did not matter as they were about to go as well. The Jedi had to get to the extraction point.

Padawan, they're leaving. No honor going after them so let them go. Our fight was never with them.

No sense chasing them, it would only delay their extraction.

Let them leave, gather Jand and “Getto thuh CHOPPUH!”


Team Rescue | Yula Perl |Thirdas Heavenshield | Kyra Perl | Aaran Tafo

GA + Allies | Jasper Kai'el | Valery Noble | Silas Westgard | Aldric Laurent | Iris Arani | Alex StormWolf | Jax Thio | Aveline Cuiléin | Veino Garn | Miri Nimdok | Yenna | Amani Serys | | Rakaan Horne | Goto | Sōla Taan | Aien Mueller

Padawan | Jand Talo

Engaging | Zorah Fel | Jorus Fel |


"Vanguard" (Secondary - Long Handle)

"CONSERVATOR" (Primary - Long Handle)
HK-88 Robes, Battle Armor,Toraynor-Henkan(mind crystal added) Advanced Jedi Utility Belt
Starship: Spectre, (NC-1000 X-wing (Jedi Variant) in the hangar, Dilorian, and Bike both in the cargo bay, the late Karki Eusith's Armor, Shield, Temple Guard Lightsaber mounted on the wall)
Sanctuary Island




Defend the Comms Tower SURVIVE
INTERACTION: Dominik Borra Dominik Borra Alex StormWolf Alex StormWolf Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Amiggie Lutih Amiggie Lutih

"I fight because that is what I was made to do and the Empire is the instrument through which I realize my purpose. The Empire is war made manifest. That is why it is perfect.."
Darth Malgus


Crimson was able to block the incoming strike with the Lightsaber, but his lack of experience showed. Despite having seen so many utilize such a weapon, Aridius felt the weight of the weapon tenfold. It was as if the weapon wasn't made for him. But the lingering thought of what was happening was the primary focus. For, in the middle of their battle, Crimson found a Jedi descending upon him. Despite what was upon him, the Witch's outstretched hands toying with the Stormtrooper's soul like a puppet, the innate thought of survival kicked in. Ripping away the Dathomiran's manipulations of the dark side, and pulling his mind back into the present. Quickly, he rolled back to avoid the strike; quickly tossing the Lightsaber straight toward the Jedi. The toss was like he was throwing a grenade- but, it was so clearly a distraction.

To those most skilled in the Force, the presence upon Crimson's soul was highlighted as if made of blank ink itself; flowing from the Stormtrooper's essence- with intention of corruption and plague itself. This Stormtrooper would have to answer for his sins, and the past quite literally haunted him day and night. Back to the present;

As he tossed the Lightsaber to Alex StormWolf Alex StormWolf , the Stormtrooper would be able to pick up a blaster; not caring what blaster, not caring who's blaster, only that he can pull the trigger. Like an expert, he let forth a hail of blaster bolts as he pulled back. "REGROUP! SET DOWN A BASE OF FIRE, AND PUSH THEM OUT!" The Stormtrooper finally did the right thing, asserting command and control over the nearby Squadrons to move forward- and, let loose hell upon those attempting the breakout.

The Stormtroopers that accompanied Crimson and Amiggie Lutih Amiggie Lutih would move up, and alongside Crimson and fire down the tunnel. Their intention? Push them out, which indirectly assisted them- for, everyone else was leaving; their objective has been secured.

OOC = Sorry, IRL caught up to me. That's also why this post has so little aesthetic difference!


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The four-armed Codru-Ji was capable, a good fighter, utilizing the advantage of more batons. Jand felt the sting of one against his thigh, which threatened to disable his leg entirely, were it not for the use of Tutaminis - a skill Master Vanagor had started to teach the Nagai, which Jand seemed particularly capable with. Yet, the shock wasn't completely absorbed, and the limb felt numb and heavy.

Still, that didn't deter the Padawan.

A parry, a twist, and with his faster-than-normal reflexes, Jand found an opening. He lunged forward, lightsaber blade pointed for center mass... and would have impaled the opponent, were it not for sudden impact of a slug against Jand's shoulder, followed by the crack of a sniper rifle a distance away. The Padawan felt his left upper extremity fill with pain, as he twisted into a spin backward to gain some room temporarily from the melee, and to prepare for--


--but the troopers began to retreat, as even the Codru-Ji fell back, and another purge trooper began to fire at Jand. He understood the significance of particle bolts, he knew how deadly they were against lightsabers, and didn't waste his time ineffectively deflecting. Instead, Jand began to weave and sidestep, before he started run between the downed bodies once again - as he had when first approaching - and started to circle around.

He would get close, again, within striking range.

Yet, the purge troopers continued to bound into a withdraw, and soon the shots stopped coming, which left Jand an opening... however, the call - and nearby presence - of Jedi Master Vanagor caught Jand's attention, which brought the Padawan to a stop reluctantly. He watched the purge troopers leave, gray eyes glaring, but followed the instruction and allowed them to exfil.

"Very well," Jand muttered, as he looked across the immediate area. "I believe killing those troopers now would benefit us. It would stop them being a future threat. But I respect your decision as mentor, even if I do not agree."

Jand caught sight of what he searched for, his Tehk'la blade that had been thrown earlier, and used the Force to call it back to his waiting hand. Once the weapon was grasped, Jand slipped it back beneath his robes, though realized too late that he had used his left arm for the task.

"I sustained injury, from a sniper slug. I apologize."

With a sigh, Jand looked to his bloodied left shoulder, where the brown robe had seeped with blood. The injury hurt, certainly, but the Nagai had been raised to overcome that distraction, to continue fighting through whatever threatened to disrupt combat effectiveness, and it was only now - that his adrenaline started to lower, out of the fight - that the wound was recognized and truly felt.

"Do we remain on the battlefield, or do we make for the extraction vessels, Master Vanagor?"

Jand's wound continued to bleed, but he remained focused on the task and purpose of their presence in the mission...


Allies: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | NJO + GA
Enemies: Zorah Fel Zorah Fel
Engaging: N/A​


He looked up at Thirdas, bleeding and against the wall.

And a hand outstretched.

Tulan reached up, grabbing the mighty hand of that big lion.

He stood tall, breathing ragged. He reached up to the shoulder straps of his plate carrier, letting it fall to the floor, the Imperial seal dead center, shot perfectly dead-on. A direct hit from a good Stormtrooper. He stared at Nines for a moment, before Nines made his retreat.

"It's Commander. But let's go."

He wasn't one for speeches or big thank yous. Just was what it was.


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