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Approved NPC Director Arkoh Grevane

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  • Intent: To flesh out an important npc as well as the leader of the new detention force.
  • ​Image Credit: Here - MCU, Edits made by [member="Tirdarius"]
  • Role: Director of the Imperial Detention Force
  • Links:
  • Age: ​62
  • Force Sensitivity: ​No
  • Species: Arkanian Pureblood
  • Appearance: ​Arkoh is a man who takes great pride in his appearance always representing the Empire in everything he wears, especially the black tunic, black overcoat and trousers along with a pair of high black boots. He wears a blaster pistol holster on his right hip and on his left breast he wears medals. But by all appearances he isn't a very impressive man standing at six feet two inches tall with a slender form, he is clean shaven with well kept short white hair and a pair of white eyes.
  • Name: ​Dr. Arkoh Grevane, Doctor Death
  • Loyalties: House Zambrano | Sith Empire
  • Wealth: ​High
  • Notable Possessions: ​Over the years Arkoh has amassed a good deal of trinkets during his service but his greatest prize collection is a set of lightsabers taken from captured Jedi tortured to death at his hand.
  • Skills: The primary skillset of Grevane revolves around pain. As a man with several phd's one of them in the medical field he is has become an absolute master of torture and the inflicting of pain on others turning it into an art form. Rumors have circulated that just give Doctor Death a prisoner and a workshop to use and he could have anyone, from any backround, and any species talking in a few hours. Time spent in the intelligence field turned him into a capable interrogator. But his skills extend far beyond these simple fields.

    He has several doctorates among them in the science, engineering and medical fields an intellectual prodigy even among his species that he has put to good use in areas ranging from developing the harsh conditioning regimen of the Blackblades, the alteration and creation of new races of Sithspawn species alongside his masters, and the research and development of new weapons and technology,

    Grevane's wide spectrum of skill has made him an invaluable asset to House Zambrano and it is a particular set of skills that he brings as Director of the Imperial Detention Force. As the chief architect of the agency from its creation he has proven to be a highly capable administrator and leader of such a massive agency with an impressive ability to multitask and retain information.
  • Personality: ​Grevane is a highly articulate, extremely intelligent, ruthless man so cold he's often seen as devoid of compassion. Arkoh is no exception to the arrogance his species is known for, and takes pride in his appearance as well carrying himself with an aura of superiority. He is a sadist to the core who loves nothing more than to cause pain to others simply because it sated his hunger for it, and fulfilled the needs of his experiments. Grevane was gifted with an eidetic memory since he was young allowing him to retain information in ways others couldn't possibly hope to. He's proven to be an incredibly multitasker and a capable administrator handling many roles and activities at once.

    Grevane believes completely in the imperial vision that democracy and the ways of republics and the Jedi are archaic and weak and should be swept away. Above all he's borderline zealous in his loyalty to House Zambrano and has stuck by the family for decades, meeting them when they had close to nothing and remaining by their side through thick and thin. He can be extremely stubborn and relentless once he puts his mind toward something, often not stopping until he is successful be it an experiment or a task he's coordinating within the IDF.

[*]Combat Function: Despite some basic training from his days in intelligence it's been decades since Arkoh has even come close to actual combat. He is simply not meant for it nor has he kept up on his skills that have gotten very rusty. Arkoh isn't meant to be in combat situations or on battlefields. But he is proficient in the use of his blaster pistol should the situation come up. Ultimately he is far too important to ever be put in a position where he could be in danger.

​Arkoh Grevane was born on the homeworld of Arkania the son of Lord Hyrim and Lady Shenna from the industrial dynasty known as the House of Grevane. None would've suspected the heir of the Grevane Dynasty would grow up to become such a cold hearted monster. For the most part his upbringing was very normal given the very best a member of the upper class had to offer. The future looked bright for the heir as proved himself an intellectual prodigy even to Arkanian standards. He became a charismatic young man who graduated with multiple PhDs in the medical and science fields as well as engineering and entered the work force leading the research and development wing of his family's company.

But the man they knew was a lie.

Arkoh was an excellent liar who could put up the front to show everyone what they wanted to see. But in reality he was a cold, utterly ruthless, and sadistic individual who took great enjoyment from inflicting pain from others. While he worked for his family's company using his brilliant mind to help them prosper he ran a private experiment on his own. One in pain. Arkoh began researching what he called the 'Humanoid Canvas' or sometimes called just the 'Human Canvas'.

​It was a dark fascination with the body and the different body types of the galaxies races. Arkoh hired mercenaries to kidnap and bring him subjects from all manner of races especially offshoots of the Arkanian race and purebloods. It was in his dark labs that he experimented with inflicting pain and learning everything he could about this new field using his knowledge to torture his subjects to death in countless different ways testing the different species responses, how long they lasted, what methods worked the best and recording his findings.

It was the first step down the dark path he began to take. Arkoh then began to experiment on the species he brought in using his innate knowledge of the human body and findings to alter the subjects that came in, each in different ways including through genetic experimentation. One such development came in altering a group of wookies by inducing enough pain and activating an angry response as part of a procedure that turned them into feral, rabid monsters unaffected by pain.

But the dark experiments would eventually be discovered and dragged out of the shadows. Authorities backed by several industrial corporations including the Grevane's worked to uncover the truth behind the continued disappearances of purebloods, as well as several employees from multiple corporations. The investigation ultimately led to the hidden labs ran by Arkoh. But ever the mastermind and one step ahead all they would find is his rabid experiments and cleaned out lab, all that remained of all the horrific experiments that went on here.

Arkoh found himself in the heartland of the First Sith Empire in their early days. It was a fitting home to set up shop amidst the Sith with their infamous reputation. It wasn't long before he was approached by several recruiters to bring the doctor in due to his talents. But it was the Intelligence Ministry that he ultimately decided to call home. After passing through their training program he was assigned to a specialized team run by Special Agent in Charge Kaine Zambrano, alongside Special Agent Braxus Zambrano who led the commando team attached to their unit.

While it wasn't the wealthiest of jobs or the safest it didn't matter to Arkoh. The hunger for inflicting pain and death grew within and he was able to do just that as their Chief Interrogator. After a few operations with Dr. Grevane it became evident to both Zambranos that the man was far more than he appeared to be. A monster lurked beneath the well kept suit and an artist who could make anyone talk, no matter who or what they were.

As two men who were monsters in their own rights they embraced Grevane with open arms. The trio got along well and as they worked one assignment after the next the doctor opened his full repertoire of skills to them becoming a huge asset to their team. Through all of this he began to teach Kaine and Braxus as the first two disciples in what he called the 'Art of the Canvas', a vile field revolving around torture and the inflicting of pain on others.

​As the bond between them grew Grevane remained their closest asset, mentor, and friend alike. Even when they rose in station after Kaine was appointed Minister of Intelligence Arkoh rose alongside them earning an appointment as Deputy Minister of Science and Technology. When Kaine produced the idea for a highly advanced fighting force it was Grevane that helped design the harsh training and conditioning regimen for the soldiers that would become the 'Blackblade Guard', specifically the pushing of their pain threshold and the conditioning that turned men into cold hearted butchers. The reputation of the doctor grew until he became known as the elusive Doctor Death.

When Kaine ascended to Sith Emperor Grevane was made his Chief Scientist and given his own department and unlimited resources where he was free to work directly for the Zambranos. This was a brutal time where mass experiments took place and he made new developments in experimentation and genetic manipulation. Due to his position he was gifted with the ability to learn from Sith Alchemists to understand the dark arts of Sith Alchemy. While he could never use it himself it allowed him to blend the dark side into his experiments for deadly results.

​It was then that he went home to get revenge. The world held no meaning to the Doctor and neither did his family business. So he brought his entire family together including the extended cousins and had them killed one by one until his parents signed over complete control over the family business to him. Then when the deal was done he had the rest of them taken as test subjects and he liquidated the entire industrial dynasty before leaving forever.

But everything came crashing down.

The Empire that had stood for so long came crashing down around them and Emperor Zambrano abdicated from the throne alongside his First Apprentice. While there were many who chose to follow the Emperor into the shadows there were very few House Zambrano stopped to take with them. Arkoh was one of these people who was taken care of by his masters, spared from the ruin that befell the former Sith territories while House Zambrano relocated to the homeworld of Panatha. Arkoh made his home on this new world and re-established House Grevane among this new people, remaining Chief Scientist and continuing his work in the state of the art labs within Vain Hollow Citadel.

It was here that he remained faithfully serving House Zambrano in every capacity. Over the years he had a personal hand in many projects worked on by the family including the Guzijeij and Hyal'Hâsk. It wasn't until recent history that things changed for Grevane when House Zambrano ascended to become the ruling force over a new Sith Empire. Arkoh was brought with them to the Imperial Capital of Bastion where he is appointed Director of the Imperial Detention Force, and given full command where he develops a massive corrections security agency to man the growing facilities, labor camps, death camps, and jails.

​He continues his faithful service to his masters in the pivotal role of managing the empire's expansive correctional system.
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