[member="Captain Larraq"] Hmm... I wouldn't lump in all Vong tech as overpowered. A lot of it comes with its own serious drawbacks and is not necessarily difficult to counter, while only serving the purpose of providing an interesting alternative to standard items. Dovin Basals, for example, just require a readjustment of your weapons' firing pattern, a second salvo fired immediately after the first and curbed around the microsingularity that is gobbling up the first salvo. Most Vong tech is nowhere nearly as devastating and powerful as it seems to have a reputation for and merely requires more unorthodox methods to counter, which by this point, should be fairly well known in the galaxy, given that they were developed during the Vong war hundreds of years ago. The Wookiepedia pages for Vong items contain such information and there is also nothing stopping board members from coming up with their own creative ways to get around/counter it.
On the topic of lightsaber resistance, you are wrong, however. Both Vonduun Crab armor and Amphistaffs are lightsaber resistant and I remember it posing a challenge to the Jedi characters in the books. So these should probably be added to the RM lists, if lightsaber resistant materials are restricted in general.
Other than that, given the fact that Vong biots were, essentially, farmed, it makes no IC sense why it could not be mass-produced, especially since in the books, their cultivation seemed easy enough that the Vong used slaves for the task, who had no previous experience with such biots. Given enough time, a faction could mass-produce such tech. Plus a blanket restriction could impede a Yuuzhan Vong faction from being created and I do not see this as a good thing.
As for Ysalamiri, they probably should be added to the RM lists, simply to prevent situations such as plastering an entire army with them (for example, having each and every single NPC soldier have one). Use of Ysalamiri should be restricted to player characters only and unique/semi-unique NPC submissions.