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Discussion on Going Major

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The Conqueror of Koboth
[member="John Ash"]'s idea of having a peaceful rebellion is actually pretty brilliant. That would draw a ton of attention to Commenor and it would give us a good reason to go major.

Bradshaw Ku

Crown Prince of Commenor
ooooookay, finished catching up. Going major definitely has its appeal. Not being able to be steamrolled is one benefit, though I also agree with [member="Ardgal Raxis"] that we could alsways rebel. Even so, a rebellion could take a while and could potentially be a headache depending on who we were dealing with.

I do like the thread/ story options that gaining a hex worth of planets (plus the options for minor factions etc.) would open up. We don't have to outright control them, or at least, them all. Commemor could be the head of a loose federation of planets. The other planets could have seats in parliament, which could open up interesting thread options.

We definitely should notify the Trade Federation fellow before we went Major. I would suggest offering him a seat in parliament (or something like it, he could be a minor faction) and telling him that he would still be more or less autonomous while also gaining protection and an economic boost.

I think if we did go Major, we wouldn't have a lot of reason to try and expand outside our hex. Not only would that increase our vulnerability and workload, but we also should have more than enough options with just one hex. Additionally, we could work as Commenor has always worked, to make earnest friends and allies with other worlds, and other major factions, especially the ones closest to us.

My bigest concern with going Major is time and workload. However, we do have some extraordinarily prolific writers and I would of course do my best to prioritise any sort of Dom etc thread over others.

So, in conclusion, I am for going Major, but I am also completely fine with staying minor, if that's what we did.

(Edit: [member="John Ash"]'s idea is a really interesting one. It could be a good option, depending on exactly what we want out of being Major.)

[member="Lady Kay"] [member="Thraxis"] [member="Macoda Haberon"] [member="Lauri Törni"] [member="Veiere Arenais"] [member="Kendall Ginn"] [member="Darben Skirae"] [member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="John Rakugan"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
I'm not really interested in having to rebel against Faith and Draco in order to go major. Most especially as Draco and I don't get along very well and I'm not a fan of his style of rp. Faith already asked me a couple of months ago if we wanted to join them and I declined, but said that business ties were fine. She said she'd pass that along.

That being said, there are a couple of ideas that were touched on as to how we can cater to the Trade Federation fellow. I've already threaded with him before and know how best to 'bribe' his character ;) His biggest fear is the Mandos...And he loves Commenor's expensive fabrics.

Thanks for chiming in on your vacation [member="Bradshaw Ku"] :)

John Ash

Only by Fire do we become Ash.
[member="Lady Kay"]

I haven't see Draco around much and there is not a good reason why he would want to mess with things. His whole focus is on Alderaan and there has been 0 conflict between Alderaan and Commenor. You also have no interest in their assets as they have none in yours, so it is more of a win win for them to have a possible ally and a buffer to the south. The main thing would be convincing Faith and some of the other active members of the faction to go along with it really.

I will also like to add that if you need help with the plan I do not mind acting as a neutral party to the whole affair. I have no real dog in this fight after all and get along fine with both parties.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="John Ash"]

We don't need to rebel against someone to go major though, especially as they aren't in our hex. As you said, they have no interest in us or our stuff and vice versa. So there's no need to create a 'conflict', try to convince their faction to go along with it, in order to turn them away and make their efforts wasted from the start.

It'd probably be easier, faster and less stressful if we go about it on our own. Less chance of saltiness coming through.

John Ash

Only by Fire do we become Ash.
[member="Lady Kay"]

Depends on how you want to start out. If you want to start with the whole hex under your control then it is easier to do the rebellion than it is to do it the old fashion way. If you are fine with just slowly progressing from initially 3 planets then the traditional route of putting it to admin vote is the easiest. It is really a question of how much you want at the start because regardless you will have to do a thread that needs to hit at least 150 posts to control your home hex.
[member="Lady Kay"] | [member="John Ash"]

I don't personally know the Free Worlds Coalition or anyone caught up within that faction but I think I would prefer to go about this ourselves, for a couple of reasons. To be honest, the idea I do like, it's quite an intelligent one John though I just don't know them well enough to trust them not to change their minds last minute and suddenly take the Hex.

Part of the reason of this discussion has been about avoiding that sort of trouble before we're ready to deal with it. I think there's a lot of story potential in us allying with these neighboring worlds and building up good solid IC reasons that these places may want to fall under our banner of support. There's also the matter of this Fed Kay mentioned earlier of whom has a planet in this hex and we seem set on contacting him and getting him involved if he so wishes it, jumping straight to a hex Dom could be too much too soon when we're still in talks around whether to take this leap or not.

John Ash

Only by Fire do we become Ash.
[member="Veiere Arenais"] [member="Lady Kay"]

Herr is a teenager and still in school so it is hard to say when he might reply. I don't know how active he has been lately around the site either, but I would honestly bet he is up for joining. He seems up for most things. It is still the right move though to contact him, but I wouldn't delay going major too long if you decide to do that on waiting for him to reply. And by too long I mean more than a week or two.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
We already have a trade pact with him, [member="John Ash"] , so yes, he'd probably hop on board. But there's no real rush in going for Major in such a short time, unless there are whispers of people aiming for our hex already?
We seem to have two groups at the moment [member="Lady Kay"].

Those who wanna go major and those who either don't care or just want us to be cautious about it. We certainly have enough writers to do it, so on the hope that it'd only really be done for that slight buffer and story potential/purposes I see little downsides we can't handle. The closest faction is the Coalition to the north and they don't seem interested as we discussed before.

Would need to do some rebranding though.

John Ash

Only by Fire do we become Ash.
[member="Lady Kay"]

Not that I am aware of, but you already meet all of the requirements for Major as it stands right now. You got the current writer numbers, you have plenty of threads, and you have been around for over 30 days. You are also active already and have been over time. The only change to you going major is a spot on the map and a change in faction status, which is all more aesthetic than anything. So you are ready to post the request whenever you want to.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Darlyn Excron"] [member="Macoda Haberon"]

I follow you now ;) Removing 'Planet Faction' will be something for the staff to do.

Do you think that we can put it in our application [member="Veiere Arenais"] ?
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