Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Disguise Number 573 (Velok, Open)

Tahira Solo

I've got my ticket for the long way round
[SIZE=10pt]Not that I've ever had a taste for humanoids. I hear it's a sweetish, marbled meat…[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Eww. Gross.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Battle-weary gaze swept across the band of Selkath, calculating their odds while the calm exterior remained on her soft features. The only tell was the tiniest curl of her lips in the corners as Velok spoke. That quickly disappeared as another Selkath spoke up, this one with vibrant pink skin.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“This way,” he motioned with his three-pronged hand. “You understand if we have to take certain precautions.” The healer stepped forward first and offered a nod of consent, quickly being encircled by the group. She and Velok were lead down a twist of corridors and motioned inside what looked like a small conference room. Once they were inside, the door was slammed closed.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]“Well, this is quaint…,” voice trailed off as she exchanged a curious look with her sith traveling companion. Abruptly, the door opened again and something that looked like a small thermal detonator was rolled into the room.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Click. Click. Clank.[/SIZE]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Tahira Solo"]

IC/ Another Sith Lord might have upended the conference table and used it as a shield. In times gone by, Velok had been that strong in all his skills. But now, weakened by age and Ashin, the only area of his skillset in which he could sustain the requisite power was, in point of fact, his specialty: Energy manipulation.

The detonator roared, and Velok roared too, his hands outstretched. The combustion shockwave emanated out from the grenade very, very slowly, a roiling sphere of pure white baradium fire. It ate away the end of the table, and he stopped it dead just before it reached them. He was sweating through his fur.

The explosion dissipated, and his bubble of willpower relaxed. The air turned stiflingly hot. He eyed the closed door, and the melted spot on the floor, with equal dislike. Drawing his huge, clunky lightsabre, he activated it. A crimson bar of plasma appeared.

"Can I kill them and devour their souls and flesh? Is this feasible? Be aware that I'm at least half joking. Probably."

Tahira Solo

I've got my ticket for the long way round
[SIZE=10pt]OOC/Look who the bad person is now! :/ @[member="Velok"][/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]IC/ The air gave the illusion of shimmer for a moment as she dropped the invisible force shield that acted as an extra buffer between the pair and the explosion. The glow of the Whiphid’s crimson blade reflected in myrtle ellipses as she faced the sith. “I…”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]A hidden panel in the floor opened and she tensed for a moment, hand dropping to the blaster at her side as a stout Selkath peeked in. This one was dressed differently than the others and it motioned toward them with a frantic gesture. “Good, you’re both still alive. I tried to get here before…just hurry up and follow me! They’ll be back any second now.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]A chestnut brow rose as she glanced to the old Whiphid, “looks like snack time will have to wait.” Curiosity leading the way, she followed after what appeared to be a Selkath rebel. Or perhaps the others who had greeted them were the rebels? Velok's anger was rolling off his furry form and she just hoped he could contain himself so they could get some answers.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]The Selkath turned to them once more. "Trust me. If you don't help us, you won't get out of here alive. We're the last remaining..." the conference room doors slid open and their greeting party entered, a well-aimed red kill bolt burrying itself into the shoulder of their so-called rescuer, followed by a peppering spray aimed at the entire escaping party.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]"Go, go, go!" She yelled, throwing up the force shield once again but not before a bolt nicked her shoulder, burning through the thin jacket and scrubs she wore and sizzling through her flesh.[/SIZE]

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