I liked The Force Awakens, even if it was basically scene-for-scene a near identical copy of A New Hope. The potential plot hooks and story prompts were interesting and I enjoyed thinking about some, though I didn't go overboard like others with theories or expectations.
The Last Jedi was... terrible. The schism between directors was clear and obvious, with Rian just outright throwing J.J's prompts out the window (or over the shoulder), and a lot of the visuals and scene setup was almost directly copied from other sources. Not to say all of the other movies have been completely original in direction choices, etc, but Rian's was fairly blatant - such as the throne room fight mirroring the Wizard of Oz, and the color palettes/moves for the fighting and combat mimicking Ella Enchanted (I'm not kidding, check it out). Also time inconsistencies, such as Finn/Rose having the eighteen hour time frame, but Rey also being on Luke's planet for several days, ship fuel, Luke's characterization, Rey (in general), Luke not giving Rey a third lesson, etc, etc.
But yeah, it wasn't great. It had moments, visually it was impressive, but there weren't as many for me as TFA.