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Approved Tech Disruptor-class EMP Torpedo

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  • Intent: To create a large, ion warhead in Lucerne Labs product line up
  • Image Source: here modified by yours truly
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Classification: EMP device
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Explosive Type: EMP-X1 field array
  • Delivery Method: self-propelled
Intermittent PulseSustained Pulse
Effective Range:Long RangeLong Range
Area of Effect:LargeAverage
Damage Output:AverageHigh

  • Variable Fire Modes: The Disruptor contains an EMP field generator which can use an alternate pair of mechanical fuses to the disposable power cell to get different effects. In intermittent pulse mode, the Disruptor occasionally produces a large radius electromagnetic pulse that encompasses several kilometers around the torpedo as it hurtles down space - this is typically used to disrupt enemy starfighter formations, disable large warhead salvoes, or clear minefields. In sustained pulse, the Disruptor impacts the target and crumples up to protect the EMP field array. The field array than produces a continual, high-intensity EMP pulse over a several hundred meter radius that can last for several minutes before the power cell is entirely drained.
  • Armored Assault: Disruptor is designed to withstand at least several hits to the front from point-defense weapons. Its nosecone is solid ferrocarbon, which can usually absorb a several laser cannon hits and brush aside many flechette-based defenses. A high-powered energy envelope projector shrouds the Disruptor in flight with a dark blue sheathe of energy that can take absorb several more hits.
  • Collapsible Construction: The Disruptor is designed to intentionally collapse upon impact, using tekonite the absorb the brunt of the force of impact. A thermal gel cocoon then absorbs any remaining impact and buffers the EMP field array and its power supply, allowing them to operate after impact. Instant adhesive pouches found throughout the inner fuselage of the warhead help contain the torpedo's components and more importantly, binds the EMP field array and its power supply to the target. Instant adhesive also binds these to the shattered remains of the tekonite fuselage and ferrocarbon nose cone, which form a weak, physical barrier to protect the EMP field array from errant space debris and maybe a laser cannon bolt or two.
  • Composite Gravity/EPR tracking: Disruptor uses combined gravity and infrared photoreceptors signatures, like GAM missiles, to track targets. These sensor signatures are typically harder to spoof and/or jam, especially as joint criteria for targeting, which makes Disruptor not as easily fooled by conventional sensor jamming.
  • Chemical Drive: Disruptor uses a solid fuel slug, much like the Vulture Drone, to propel the warhead. Using a chemical reaction for propulsion means that it cannot be shut off by electronic countermeasures.
  • Backwards Compatible: Disruptors are the same general size and shape as many heavier concussion missiles, meaning that it can easily be fitted into existing warhead launchers, including most heavier concussion missile launchers or Lucerne Lab's own Harpoon-class General Purpose Warhead Launcher.
  • Defended Strike: Disruptors have both armor and shielding which protects them against most point defense weapons. Additionally, the nature of the chemical-based drive means that it is resistant to missile transmitter deactivators while their sensor package is designed to not easily be fooled.
  • Long Range (Impact Mode): The Disruptor has a longer fuel slug than most of its contemporaries, allowing it to quickly transverse the battlefield to hit targets at long ranges..
  • Bulky: The Disruptor is bulky weapon that doesn't fit into smaller or even average warhead launchers. Typically a larger general purpose or specialized launcher is needed to fire these weapons.

There are times when it is better to disable or disrupt an enemy starship or installation rather than to outright destroy it, whether it is recapturing a stolen starship, attempting to rescue prisoners, or seeking to capture an important target. While ion cannons have long been the go-to weapon in such circumstances, they do need direct line of sight, which can be difficult to obtain against fast, small opponents or those adept at using the environment to their advantage. To that end, Lucerne Labs devised an alternate weapon based on little used EMP field array technology. By using a warhead, the weapon can maneuver around obstacles and is fast and maneuverable to track otherwise hard to hit targets with sufficient firepower. The Disruptor is somewhat unique in that it typically is designed to crash into the target and then sustain deleterious effects for several minutes on its target. In doing so, the Disruptor might not only cause systems malfunctions by fusing circuits together and wiping data and programs from computer systems in range, but it can also deny the same area to repair crews and droids coming to fix the area, as mechanic's tools, diagnostic datapads and droid processors also run the risk of being disabled or having their memory wiped by the constant electromagnetic pulses . Less commonly, Disruptors are sometimes fired into large formations of small craft or warheads, where the sudden appearance of a large radius EMP pulse can wreck mass havoc on lightly shielded subsystems and memory units.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Gir Quee Gir Quee

Very nicely made, however in this case I feel the special features and the strengths far outweigh the one weakness. Please add at least one PvP relevant weakness to your sub.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Gir Quee Gir Quee

As far as I know it was always the rule, it cannot be overbalanced even in the description.

My biggest concern is, you write in the special features it has several physical defences and even you cannot disable it with EMP/Ion attack. And I feel it sounds like some kind of superweapon where you are not able to disable the rocket before it reaches its target. And this is why I asked you to write something in the Weaknesses about this. Because in this many defences I feel the "bulky" is not really enough and others can interpret this like, no matter what happens it has no real weakness and they can use it freely and it is always able to reach and hit the target. I know you write the defences only able to protect the rocket from one or two hits. But to be honest, if you are able to hit a rocket twice before reaching its target, that rocket is not really good.

I hope you can see my concerns and this was why I ask or recommended to add to the list something which reflects yes, this rocket is destroyable and not a superweapon.
MANIAC MANIAC as best as I can tell, this is what I think you might be referring to:
Balance Guideline
For technical ratings, start with all values at Average for a Mass-Produced piece of technology. For every increase you should either:
  • Reduce the Production value.
  • Reduce another rating (e.g. increase Damage Output while decreasing Rate of Fire).
  • Provide balance with genuine and significant weaknesses.

As best as I can tell (and it has been a little bit since I've been on factory staff, so this might have changed), this only applies to actual technical ratings, not descriptions. If you're thinking of something else or know of a different reference, please correct me and show me where I can find it in writing (so I don't keep on being obnoxious about it in the future).

I have a very strong dislike of people using the imperative case (like giving an order or a command) when there isn't an actual rule behind it. It comes across as usurpation of power to me. I am always open to optional suggestions though that might make it better for the community's interactions with it overall.

As a matter of principle, as I understand it, a factory judge cannot deny a submission if it is not breaking any rules.

As a matter of principle, I am inclined to not edit this submission without a clear, explicit reference to which rule this submission is breaking.

While I sympathize with your intent of keeping the gameplay world balanced, it could lead to a bunch more subjective nitpicking of future submissions, which the Factory made a very conscious attempt to do away with. There is a reason this occurred, as much as I myself (when I was factory staff member) had mixed feelings on seeing what I considered to be overpowered submissions pass through the approval process unaltered.

So with that said, I don't see this missile as being particularly invincible while in flight. Yes, it does have some defenses to give it a fighting chance of getting close to an enemy ship (most warships these days have some sort of point defense system and many have ECM systems too). The torpedo still can be intercepted by flak bursts from any number of larger guns or carefully intercepted by starfighters (not any more difficult than any other missile to do when its in sustained pulse mode). Ultimately, however this submission is written, the writer who is being hit with this warhead gets to determine what damage, if any, is taken at all.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Gir Quee Gir Quee

First, I asked you politely, and not commanded... and I don't want to, and I didn't want to deny the submission. I felt that it is not balanced, and a bit difficult to see how anyone can shut down or disable it, because it has physical defences and the EMP/Ion does not affect it. But you were extremely passive aggressive (again) with your answer instead of try to ask why I feel this, or prevent the question, because as a former Factory admin I think you suspected what was my problem, you would have been able to explain why you are not feel it is right or why it isn't necessary, because it is an average rocket, instead of the this. I am a human, and I just try to do my job to the best of my knowledge and in that way, how I learned from the other judges and John.

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