Failure Is Not Fatal
[member="Aela Talith"]
If there was a ship then they didn't have to send a group out across the empty terrain to retrieve their own. He looked up at Aela. Despite everything they had faced together she managed to make him feel small with that stare. His focus was coming back but his mental capacity only went so far and he kept his mind on his internal injuries. Right now he wasn't sure how he felt about Aela stepping up. Time would tell. You couldn't always plan everything out.
As she approached his fingers picked t the broken shard of rock he had pushed back through the bandages. Slick with his own blood his fingers slipped off before he got a grip and sent it skipping away along the floor. The lacerations up his side were going to scar badly. In a way, that he was thinking about the scars was a good sign.
Eyes widened as the thought struck him: Aela could not fly a ship full of children. Not with her luck.
If there was a ship then they didn't have to send a group out across the empty terrain to retrieve their own. He looked up at Aela. Despite everything they had faced together she managed to make him feel small with that stare. His focus was coming back but his mental capacity only went so far and he kept his mind on his internal injuries. Right now he wasn't sure how he felt about Aela stepping up. Time would tell. You couldn't always plan everything out.
As she approached his fingers picked t the broken shard of rock he had pushed back through the bandages. Slick with his own blood his fingers slipped off before he got a grip and sent it skipping away along the floor. The lacerations up his side were going to scar badly. In a way, that he was thinking about the scars was a good sign.
Eyes widened as the thought struck him: Aela could not fly a ship full of children. Not with her luck.