Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Dive



TAGS: Sofiel Sofiel
Sofiel saw cleanly through her bullchit. Not that it was all that hard to.

Nonetheless the girl tensed at the inevitability. Back turned to the demon as her head canted slightly over her shoulder, eyes flickering back to the dark. Come on come on come on. Her urgings went unspoken, but her desperation was hardly inconspicuous.

"What did you say your name was again?"

Wolfish eyes narrowed from the dark. Thin slits of predatory instinct.

"I didn't."

Dropping like a dead body to the ground, she caught her weight with one hand, allowing the Sith-spawn to clear the air above her in a single bound. Teeth bared and claws unsheathed as it honed in on the far brighter essence in the force.



Ah. So this was what Temerant had been trying to warn her about. People who lied.

Back home, people simply couldn't in her realm. How obnoxious. She raised a hand, letting Vorthruz on her shoulder slide down to rest atop it. Their white mask split, all to reveal the void of nothing within. The absence of something, anything. Then a red glow, deep within. Sparks.

Then surprise. Sofiel blinked as Capris dodged out of the way, and the lurking creature behind it surged forward.


The split mask moved, and the crack of a crimson lightning bolt ripped out of the void. It cleaved through the head of the beast, utterly obliterating it, part of the building behind it. But it did little to stop the now corpse from slamming into her. She winced as she was slammed to the ground, now pinned under the creature's weight. Not for long, though. A pull of her hand sent the corpse flying before she went to push herself to her feet.

And stumbled. Too much energy used? Her yellow eyes narrowed on the ground as a frown took over her expression.


Vorthruz, who'd started to hover overhead, unfurled once more. Everything within them spilled out. Everything from the vault, everything from anywhere else, crashed onto the ground. None of the items, save for the one Temerant asked her to retrieve, mattered. But the lighter weight should be enough for the spinning in her head to stop.

"That was a mistake. Now, I have to kill you."

Capris Halcyon Capris Halcyon



TAGS: Sofiel Sofiel
The downpour forced her arms to cross. Ducking even lower as she shielded her head. There simply was no expletive strong enough to pack the blend of frustration and panic which shot through her body. Not that she knew of at least. Yet.

Pushing up to her feet as Sofiel did the same, her lightsaber all but snapped into an open palm, stark plasma coating every reflective surface in a fog of green. Somewhere along the way it had begun to rain, droplets incinerating against the blade with a poignant hiss.

"You're right, not my best work." the girl conceded, chest heaving as she fought to regain her breath. With a near exasperated sigh, her shoulders rolled back. "And of course you do." It was a threat she'd heard a thousand times before. Though right now it felt so much more believable.

Her eyes flickered up the circling familiar a moment. Some sort of conduit for Sofiel's power? Right, she'd have to deal with him first. Now how to go about that-

It was then she rushed the Sith. Her blows landed heavy, and suspiciously low. Plasma tearing the ground in clean almost premeditated lines. Almost as if she wasn't exactly trying to hit Sofiel but rather encircle her. Or maybe just keep the familiar in a tight circle overhead.



"Of course."

She repeated just as Vorthruz once more landed on her shoulder. Then a swirl of red and blue erupted from her shadow. Briefly taking the shape of a bird before it started to swirl around. Act as her shield. It met her blade as she brought her hand around, like a shield. Slow, though. Too slow. Sofiel's eyes narrowed as she found herself pushed back step by step. Her vessel wasn't able to keep up with all this expenditure. It was frustrating.

Sofiel didn't like being frustrated.

That anger was it's own source of power, though. She brought her other hand around, lightning crackling around her knuckles. Blue sparks danced as she unleashed it for the Padawan. It'd do little more than jolt her system, but enough of a jolt would be the breathing room Sofiel needed.

Capris Halcyon Capris Halcyon



TAGS: Sofiel Sofiel
The shadow, no bird, no apparition kept her blows passive. Kept Sofiel untouched. But the exhaustion now biting every move from her was cause for hope. Or at the very least grim satisfaction.

The bolt of electricity was quick to mend any such thoughts.

Staggering back, reflex kept her saber locked tight behind white-knuckles all while her system convulsed. That sucked. Majorly. And also proved way more effective than it had any right to, Capris forced to cede ground in a vain attempt not to get zapped to death.

“Oh you motherfether.”

It didn’t matter. She’d done what she needed to. Within a matter of seconds the carved earth began to smolder bright blue, Capris feeding its intensity off her own unflinching anger. Freeze.

If all went according to plan, Sofiel would find herself well frozen. Perhaps even in a literal sense.



Sofiel's own expression soured. Not because she'd realized the trap, but because her own power wasn't up to snuff. Perhaps Temerant had more of a point than she thought in her own weakness. That, too, annoyed her.

Not that she had long to think about it. She blinked once, then a chill. Cold. Freezing, at that. Ice shot up around her, freezing her utterly in place with that same frown on her face. Annoyed, frustrated at the weakness of her vessel. Her pair of Familiars shifted. Vorthruz, who'd been on her shoulder, seemed wholly unaffected by the ice, as if they weren't really there. The other, though, started battering away at the ice. Sofiel's unblinking eyes turned, staring at Capris. She couldn't move any part of her body, but her eyes never left the Padawan.

She would get out. And get revenge.

Capris Halcyon Capris Halcyon



TAGS: Sofiel Sofiel
As unnerving as it was to see Sofiel so unphased, the padawan stared back a moment. Bitterly. Knowing full well the barrier that separated them was only a temporary reprieve.

Best to get out while she had the chance.

Quick to turn, she briefly parsed through Vorthuz's essential vomit before calling the artifact in question to her hand.

"You. Stay put."

Growling an empty warning to Sofiel, Capris then booked it to the speeder and tossed the artifact in the passenger's seat. A quick kick of the ignition and she was off. Hopeful to put as much distance as possible between herself and the scary demon lady.


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