Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Diving in! Also, a couple of technical questions.

Hello everyone! :)

I've been lurking for a couple of days now, trying to acquaint myself with all aspects of the site and I must say, I am invested. I'm totally in (especially after reading the entire timeline - I love the particular lore you guys have)! I'd like to create my first character, but I also have a couple of questions.

I already have an outline of what my character's backstory will be, but some specifics I cannot find an answer to on my own, probably because I still have a lot to learn about the world of Chaos.

1.) Is cortosis a thing in SW Chaos? Of course with sufficient build-up throughout my biography, is my character allowed to have, for example, a pair of armguards made of cortosis?

2.) I have roamed around the galaxy map a bit; is there an in-forum list of the planets? I wanted to search for Apatros and Ragna III, but did not find them based on Wookiepedia's description of their locations (Ragna III - Mid Rim, yeah, thanks Obama!)

3.) I'm planning on starting out without a Faction. To be honest, I'm kind of self-inserting in the sense that my character is going to be a loner who has spent most of his life in extremely remote locations, so as to try to avoid inconsistencies with the established lore; for example, other than the Call of the Void event, where - as I understand - billions have vanished in an instant, my character will not be aware of most of the wars and major events going on in the galaxy. In fact, this kind of ties back to the second question; Ragna III will preferably be the planet where my character grew up, and I was hoping that it's an insignificant enough planet for it to be reasonable that my character was lucky enough to avoid major confrontations with the forces of the great factions (perhaps apart from him seeing a couple of small token outposts here and there, as Ragna III is quite similar to Kashyyyk in the sense that it's a difficult-to-exploit, overgrown jungle world where one can hide easily).

4.) My plan is that my character won't know how to fly a ship. Am I allowed to "have" a companion NPC (after I established it of course) that is able to fly a ship for me?

Thank you guys in advance, I'm planning on posting my bio soon! Lovely community!
1.) Is cortosis a thing in SW Chaos? Of course with sufficient build-up throughout my biography, is my character allowed to have, for example, a pair of armguards made of cortosis?
Yes and yes, without the caveat of needing anything built up or anything. Feel free to just make use of cortosis.
2.) I have roamed around the galaxy map a bit; is there an in-forum list of the planets? I wanted to search for Apatros and Ragna III, but did not find them based on Wookiepedia's description of their locations (Ragna III - Mid Rim, yeah, thanks Obama!)
If you look towards our forum's version of the map there's a search function to search for any planets that are pictured on it. That being said, any canon planet (or approved codex planet submission for that matter), exist in SWRP Chaos and can be used as a setting for RP. The only restriction regarding RP for planets not on the map is that they can't be the subject of dominions, invasions, annihilations, and other faction-centered threads where they would be added or removed from a faction's influence cloud (as they aren't on the map so it can't be represented on it).

4.) My plan is that my character won't know how to fly a ship. Am I allowed to "have" a companion NPC (after I established it of course) that is able to fly a ship for me?
Yep. Feel free to just start writing posts with the NPC in any threads they'd be in with your character if you want, also. We're pretty lax on whether or not approval or stuff is needed for things used in RP. You can check out what does need approval in the codex and factory rules (particularly the restricted items & materials list, but the general rules for each can help you gauge whether or not you might want to submit something or how necessary it might be to do so).
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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Gorthalon Gorthalon welcome to Chaos! I hope you'll enjoy your stay! :)

About the third point, the galaxy is big, you can create own planet, or you can say a random planet name, what is not in the Legends/Canon, and no one ever heard of it, becuse too small, and insignificant, and your character was born there.
Thank you Braith and Ingrid! These answers indeed helped me a lot.

With all this info in my pocket, I'll focus on completing my bio and enter the galaxy as soon as I am able! :)


Gorthalon Gorthalon , welcome to Star Wars Chaos - it looks like the others have pretty much squared you away on things, but seeing that you mentioned using an NPC to fly a ship, I thought I might add that you can use any canon existing starship model that you can find on Wookieepedia, or if you'd prefer, any open-market ship here on Chaos - I actually have a company that specifically makes ships for non faction affiliated people - feel free to grab any of the ships here if you want one.
Be careful what you wish for.
Again, Welxome!

What's important is that you have fun. Don't mind the hole in the ceiling. I have yet to fix that from when I fell in here.

Oh, and ignore that guy who plays a Jedi that looks like "The Rock", he's nuts.


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