She was questioning everything in her life already, and they still had the majority of the slog to go.
Running wasn't so bad, but this running uphill nonsense was a bit of a problem that was only compounded by the load of rocks she'd tucked neatly into her backpack. It was, to her credit, evenly balanced and distributed, so she wasn't off balance. Remarkable how much heavier the rocks seemed to get with each klick of distance they ran.
Irri slowed slightly and did her best to moderate her breathing a bit better, trying to treat it as a marathon swim. She could swim for kilometers at a time and barely be winded, but her hybrid physiology was adapted for the water and that manner of exertion. This was different in many ways, but similar in others, so it was just a matter of figuring out how to get her body to cooperate if possible.
Caden, however, caught up to her effortlessly and she was hard-pressed to form a charitable thought for several seconds. But he was, for the moment, being nice, though she didn't expect it to last very long. Equal parts admiration and standard Corellian annoyance lit her features, and it took her a few moments to form a reply, never mind finding the spare oxygen to verbalize the words.
Holding up one of her hands, palm facing upwards, ocean blue fingertips glowing briefly as an orb of swirling water formed, floating serenely even as she kept up the pace.
"Turns out...this trick isn't just from my weird water genetics. It's a Force ability. So...I came here. And it...feels weirdly right? Like, almost the way it does when I'm in the water back home. It's just...right. I know, not much of an explanation, but it's what I've got. Still mental about you?" she said brightly, taking a bit of pride in the fact that she didn't sound as winded as she was beginning to feel.
Just like a long swim, Irri repeated at the back of her mind, using it as a mantra to try and calm herself the way she did when she was in the water.
It helped, but not as much as she'd hoped.
Force damn her thrice-cursed Corellian stubbornness.
She knew what Caden was doing, and she was hard-pressed to find the energy to spare to argue over it. Not that she would, of course. Her own stupidity got her into this contest, and she'd be damned before she gave up or admitted failure early. He started pushing the pace and she did her level best to keep up both in pace and in conversation. Flicking the orb she still held off into the trees on the side of the path they were on, Irri concentrated on not stumbling as they encountered a steeper portion of the path.
By the time the end was within sight, Caden had pulled ahead of, even running backwards at one point just to mock her as he neared the top. Utterly lacking in any decorum or finesse by that point, Irri reached out with one hand and formed a large water orb that she launched straight at his back. With luck, it would soak him in ice cold water. Eventually, she too reached the top and dropped the rucksack before collapsing to the ground, grinning like an idiot.
"My mouth...has got to stop...writing body...can't bloody cash...worst...idea ever..." she squeaked out between ragged breaths, mirth at her own misfortune lighting her features as she stared up at the sky.