Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Do It For Her

Alicio nodded slowly at Iris' vow, a storm brewing behind his eyes. He knew the lengths that corrupt politicians would go to stay in power. Senator Kobitana 's disappearance, her father's assassination...

He just worried for her, was all. It kept him from worrying about himself.

"I have absolutely no idea. You definitely know more about Denon's structure than I do. But I'll do some research, see if I can help with the investigation on my end." Perhaps he could schedule a meeting with the Corporate Authorities themselves.

Or their enemies.

"If I'm being honest, Iris, when I asked you for training, I didn't expect to hatch a plan to shine light on corporate corruption, but... I'm glad it turned out that way." Learning how to fight was all well and good, but supporting people was his life's mission. And Denon needed support.

- Iris Arani Iris Arani -


"Only barely. It was just a couple months in the slums, so.. I only know there." Humility? Maybe. But there was a lot of the planet she didn't know about. A lot she needed to learn more of. Still, this was good. This was a direction, a plan. She nodded, letting the smile stay on her lips.

"It's a good plan. And one that should've been handled forever ago. Better late than never though, right?"

Alicio Organa Alicio Organa

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