Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Do you feel like the Factory/Codex are necessary?

We're not doing away with the Factory/Codex, this is purely hypothetical.

56,040 = Total Factory Replies, including OOC and Archives.
13,905 = Total Codex Replies, including OOC and Archives.
388,311 = Roleplay Archives, Public Roleplay forum replies, Private Roleplay forum replies - does not count OOC.

Just some numbers I ran this morning in a debate about how important the Factory/Codex is to SWRP. Some people place more emphasis on it than others, I think, and we were riffing on it.

On 4/6/16, at 9:37 AM, Tefka wrote:
> If I cut the Factory and the Codex completely out of SWRP, we don’t even go below a million posts.

What do you think?

Again, I like the Factory/Codex, we are not doing away with them, this is purely hypothetical.
I don't do subs much. But a lot of people on the boards do, and it forms a large part of their RP experience. Whether they love writing the submissions, or do them to make something in RP more official or concrete is something I have noticed.

I think it should stay for this alone. :)
Well-Known Member
It's an integral part of the culture of Chaos, even if it isn't statistically dominant in post count.

The Factory and Codex are here to stay so long as I'm concerned.

Connor Harrison

It allows people to release their creativity, which is very important to a successful RP board I think to let them invest more in what they are here to do; create engrossing fiction.

If people don't want to do it, they don't need to. If they do, the resources are there and that's what matters.
Writers on Chaos will always want to make their own tech, species, planets, etc. I feel like, with the Codex and the Factory, we have an element of control and fairness in what is created. Our technology and artefacts become more balanced through the review, and in the bigger picture, I believe that makes Chaos a more fair place to bash skulls.
I think the factory and codex are very important. It is a fantastic way to flesh out new ideas and actually be heard by others, which is a rarity in society whether it be over or outside the internet. It gives a nice visual and descriptive source for character belongings, etc. Adding a new level of immersion as well. (The factory). The codex is another thing entirely, allowing for people to create their own species and flesh out the places around chaos even to the point of literally making character sheets for our nps characters. There is so many topics on the forums that are much easier to reply on as well, like the hundreds of games that are always be updated. Additionally rp and discussion threads. Whereas the factory/codex take time and careful inspection to write, generally speaking of course. I believe they are being used just as much as the other topics and I know many people care about them. Just, making subs takes time and I'm sure it takes as much time and consideration to be a judge. I know they aren't going anywhere, I just like them very much and wanted to voice my opinions. Also I like the new avatar Tefka, sir. It looks very good.

Briar Thorn

Life is a game, so why not enjoy yourself?
I have not subbed anything on any of my accounts to the factory, but I have spent time in the codex. I found the experience to be constructive for several reasons while I was there that more than legitimize the need for it in my opinion. The feedback on what you are working on allows for much of a workshop like writing experience in that the work gets hammered out to become more refined and better. Issues can be addressed before it spills over into the wider community and it provides a place for people to watch the creative process take place. It is positive for writers because of this.

On another note is that the subs from the factory, and to an extent the codex as well, offer a richer experience for the auctions and business side of RP as well. People can link their items they have obtained and/or created. This allows for some fun trying to outbid others or for trying to pick who has the winning bid. It also provides depth to the business store fronts as well with them able to link to their items that only they offer. It really does a lot of good for that side of things.

The last point I have is that it promotes some fun RP threads that otherwise might not show up. Development threads for weapons and armor tests can be very fun and offer up unique experiences. It also can promote others seeking aid from new people and helps to expand the connections of writers. It helps with the flow of ideas as well because others might see it and decide to copy it or get their own ideas from it.

So basically what I am saying is that I feel it has been a very positive force on the site for RP both OOCly and ICly.

I like the factory, as an idea however, I dislike the fact that it's necesarry. Some of us (Me in particular) Aren't very good at phrasing things or have much of a technical knowhow, which can often lead to trouble during subs and our reasoning behind the items we want. There needs to be for the less technical minded of us here


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
Institutions like the Factory and Codex will always be a double edged sword.

On the one hand, they allow for creative expression within the community while reigning in the excesses that so often dominate a competitive environment. It is inevitable that some sort of arms race will occur. Various factions are jockeying for position and power, and any advantage that can be gained will be. Without a governing influence, this tends to get out of hand fast. Fleets start to inflate their numbers. Ship designs become increasingly more powerful with little regard for balance or fairness. Personal weapons and armor reach the point where a main battle tank couldn't stand long against the lowliest of padawans. I've seen that happen before and, while it was amusing, it made truly collaborative RP difficult. When you empower a body of people to objectively examine new technology, that sort of malarkey tends to fall by the wayside. People will still inevitably chase more powerful ships, weapons, armor, and puppy dogs, and they'll inevitably try to push against the boundaries as much as possible, but the scope of the problem changes drastically.

On the other hand, they're only as good as the people running them. If you put an inflexible arsehole in charge who doesn't tolerate any deviation from canon, people tend to ignore the institution and do their own thing. If you put someone with too flexible a mind and not enough backbone in charge, you're basically left with an unchecked arms race where the only bottleneck is the approval of new designs. I've seen judges (not here) reject designs, only to resubmit them as their own a month later and pass them. I've seen judges wave through their friends' stuff, while rejecting out of hand stuff from people they didn't like. Fortunately, Chaos seems to have dodged most of those problems, so I'd say the Factory and Codex are worth hanging on to for now.
[member="Nalfein Rhain'Allure"]

The factory / codex are not necessary. They are optional the only time that they become necessary is if something you're using that's custom gets reported for abuse. Then it does have to go through factory/codex. As a note, Factory staff is always open and willing to help anyone with wording/phrasing. We want your items approved, so we do work with you. Its not a scary place and no one there is scary so if you need help just ask.
The factory/codex are a necessary addon as it allows us to provide references to our creations, supply in-depth information that would otherwise not be available if we just made our stuff without the factory/codex
Do you feel people should be able to use their toys without putting in the effort required to actually acquire them and get them approved?
That's personally how I'm reading this question and the answer is a resounding no for obvious reasons. The Factory and Codex themselves promote new content creation through their sheer existence, simply because people will be more invested in creating something great and memorable to use / explore / interact with if they actually have to work for it first instead of simply poofing it into existence.
I haven't really used in the Factory or the Codex in a long while, but I think it's a) really good for referencing ideas and concepts, making something of your own and making it easy to read and b) I know a lot of people who are addicted to either one of 'em and get a lot of fun playing around with it.

So I agree with Jorus, it's not strictly necessary, because at the end of the day the board's activity is more about roleplaying than factorizing, but it's still a neat thing to have.

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