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Do you prefer to play Force Users or Non Force users

Do you Prefer to play NFUs or FUs?

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I tend to roleplay Force Users, but not for the reason most do, I think. I don't often indulge in flashy Force Powers and special moves and the likes. If you know me you're also aware I'm not a big fan of PvP battles, where everywhere you look people are pulling off feats of strength and agility left and right. Not saying that's wrong or anything; this is Star Wars, after all. Just saying it's not for me.

I like roleplaying Force Users because of their lifestyles: the Jedi lifestyle vs. the Sith lifestyle. Not necessarily the stereotypical ones, since those tend to get pretty boring after a while, but rather have them be actual people who just happens to be Force Users. Neither of my (two) characters would be any different personality-wise had they been Non-Force Users.
[member="Mrrew"] But how many NFUs could take down a Jedi or Sith one on one? Neither Fett could manage it.

Despite saying this, it's not about the power, it's about what I fell in love with in Star Wars. Friends loved Han Solo or Bobba Fett - and would always want to play them.

Me? It had to be Darth Vader or Obi-Wan every time.
[member="Corvus Raaf"] - It's very easy for a FS to take out a NFS. You have to be very clever, and very inventive, to be a NFS that can take out force users without being godmod. That's a fun challenge, in my mind.
[member="Mrrew"] - I totally agree and I'm working on a NFU character now (inspired by Star Wars Rebels if I'm honest). A poster girl for the ISB - one that gets in the faces of Jedi rather than direct troopers from the safety of a ship in orbit.

And it'll be her cunning and guile that stop her being Jedi-fodder, not her firepower. Perhaps I'll enjoy this more than Corvus? Perhaps, but a Jedi is an itch that I just have to scratch.


Morality Policeman :)
NFUs FTW. There is nothing like the challenge of having to think rationally. ;)

Seriously though, I think people forget that the magic of Star Wars isn't necessarily about the magic--though the Force is certainly what makes everything so unique and phenomenal. But being a Jedi can actually be decently restrictive, despite the fact that at first glance, they would seem more creative. And many Forcies get stuck in a rut, having to train just to one-up that other ridiculous Forcie guy.

Playing an NFU makes creativity essential. You can't beat a Forcie with an NFU if you're not inventive. Or maybe you don't even want to deal with Forcies. While Wars is in the name, combat isn't everything. Imagination is what counts. I'm not saying FUs don't promote imagination, but you'll find your imagination is able to expand a lot more to surpass the NFU boundaries that FUs don't have. Forcies... can be lazy.

And personally, there's just something dreamy about being a spacer! I've always wanted to be a pilot, and an astronaut at that. Think of all the exploration! The galaxy has so much potential with NFUs. :)


News They Don't Want Heard
I've always preferred Force Users. Can't say why, really, just always have. I do play NFU's as well, though, and have had a lot of fun with some of them. I plan to do so with Nc'thor because his race is unique and scary.

Doctor Yan Korab

Midvinter Ranger and Medic (Neutral Good)
Honestly my main is a droid and I love it, RPing as him really suits me, I do not feel as underpowered when it comes with dealing with Force Users and all of his abilities basically come from skills and making sure he has edge against his enemy via hidden weaponry or advanced/higher quality technology like shatterguns or body made from lightsaber resistant metals.

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