Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Do You Wanna Build A Starship? (open OOC workshop, join at any point, no experience necessary)


Active Member
@[member="Jorus Merrill"] , Ok i'll have to submit a vanilla one after, made up purely of Durasteel and Transparisteel.

Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Day One

@[member="Jorus Merrill"]

Image Credit:
Intent: To provide a special fighter to aces within the Omega Protectorate and for the pilots of Noah's flagship,the Solomon
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Silk Holdings (Hull) Hekler'Kok Defense Industries (Weapons)
Model: H-Wing Class Fighter
Affiliation: Omega Protectorate/Noah Corek
Day Two
Modularity: No
Production: Unique

Material: Alusteel hull, Plexalloy viewports, Micronized mmpervium armor*
Description: Wait for it.....

*Yes, there is an IC reason I'm getting all the expensive stuff. Check out my bio - especially Gregor's "rank".
@[member="Ahra Marcon"] - I see what you're going for, and I like it. It's a bit of a gray area, especially when justifying factory subs, so good luck! One thing that would smoothe the way is to say 'micronized Impervium coating' - that's what most canon impervium armor is, just a thin coating over the hull, but you don't want the judges thinking your armor is solid impervium
@[member="CHANI"] @[member="Marek Starchaser"] @[member="Jared Ovmar"] @[member="Jaxton Ravos"] @[member="Darth Malificete"] @[member="Strask Ak'lya"] @[member="Ahra Marcon"] @[member="Arthur David Hardrada"]​
Day Three

Power Core Generator/Reactor:
Hyperdrive Rating:
Minimum Crew:
Optimal Crew:

Classification. Unless you're making something really special, choose one of the following. For everything from Corvette on down, also included (Balanced), (Assault), or (Support), as per the Guide. Choose ONE of these.
  • Starfighter
  • Interceptor
  • Bomber
  • Light Freighter
  • Bulk Freighter/Transport
  • Yacht
  • Gunship
  • Dropship
  • Heavy Dropship
  • Corvette
  • Frigate
  • Cruiser
  • Heavy Cruiser
  • Light Star Destroyer
  • Star Destroyer
  • Command Ship
Role. This gives a bit more detail to Classification. Classification is what the ship's hull is, what its engines and weapons are like, but Role is what it does. Choose one or more of these. Some examples of things to put for Role:
  • Personal transport
  • Blockade runner
  • Interdiction
  • Long-term exploration
  • Escorting larger capital ships
Side note: Interceptors are for killing bombers, bombers are for killing capital ships, and fighters are for killing interceptors. What's for killing fighters? Well, ideally, the anti-fighter weapons on capital ships, or the enemy's fighters. Interceptors, think A-Wing. Fighters, think X-Wing. Bombers, think Y-Wing or B-Wing.

Height. Width. Length. Base this one two things -- what kind of ship you're making, and what your image shows. The vast majority of ships are longer than they are tall or wide. Length is the most important one, and the one to do first. Consult the Guide's rules on length for capital ships. Pay attention to proportion here, and guess at height or width. Unless it's somehow wider or taller than it is long, those numbers don't matter much.
Most starfighters and bombers are 10-25m. Most light freighters are 25-50m.

Power core generator/reactor. When in doubt, put 'Solar ionization reactor.' They get used on everything from starfighters to battlemoons. Hypermatter and antimatter reactors are more powerful but more dangerous to have. Some small ships can get by with the lower power outputs of standard fuel cells, or have a 'cryogenic reactor.' Most of the time, though, what you want is a solar ionization reactor.

Hyperdrive rating. If it's military or special, put Class 1. If it's civilian, put Class 2 or 3. If you have a backup hyperdrive, make it Class 10-15. Class 0.5 and 0.75 are for heavily modified experimental things with a LOT of money behind them. If you put Class 0.5 or 0.75, be prepared to justify it to the judge.

Optimal and minimum crew. This is one place where it's EASY to trip up. A few ballpark numbers:
Fighters, interceptors - 1
Bombers - 1-2
Light freighters - 1-2 minimum, 2-5 optimum
Bulk freighters - An Action VI, length 125m, has a minimum crew of 6 and an optimal crew of 20
Corvettes - A Corellian Corvette has a minimum crew of 7 and an optimal crew of anywhere between 30 and 165. It's a safe bet that a corvette with a crew of 165 would require a higher minimum crew than 7.
Frigates - A Nebulon-B frigate has a minimum crew of 307 and an optimum crew of 910.
Cruisers and heavy cruisers - There's a lot of variation here. A Majestic-class heavy cruiser, 700m, had a minimum crew of 1350 and an optimum crew of 4182. On the other hand, a Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser, 600m, had a minimum crew of 9000 and an optimum crew of 16000.
Light Star Destroyers - A Venator-class Star Destroyer, about 1100m, had a crew of 7400. An MC80 Mon Cal star cruiser, 1200m, had a crew of 5400.
Star Destroyers - An Imperial II-class Star Destroyer had a crew of 37000.

Obviously there's a lot of wiggle room going on. I'd strongly suggest doing more research on Wookieepedia for ships in your size category -- and in approved factory submissions! You need to know approximately what the judges expect for your size class.
Classification: Starfighter
Role: Blockade runner
Height: 5 m
Width: 7 m
Length: 15 m
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Solar Ionization Reactor
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 1
Minimum Crew: 1
Optimal Crew:1
Day Three

Classification: Light Freighter
Role: Personal Transport
Height: 10 m*
Width: 20 m*
Length: 25 m*
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Solar Ionization Reactor
Hyperdrive Rating: 1 (unless you think I could get away with a .75), backup 10
Minimum Crew: 1 (mostly automated)
Optimal Crew: 3

*Subject to change once I find an image I like


Active Member
changed majority to fit custom built Yt variant @[member="Jorus Merrill"]
Day One

Image Credit: by 0-hr
Intent: Private contracting; transport, escort, precious cargo, patrols,

bounties, smuggling.
Development Thread: n/a
Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation, Subsidiary
Model: YT-NX 2000 light freighter
Affiliation: Personal/Independent

Day Two

Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Durasteel majority
Quadanium stress points
Condensed-matter composite engine
Plexalloy cockpit, Transparisteel ports


Day Three

Classification: Light Freighter Bomber
Role: Transport, Interdiction,
Height: 8
Width: 22
Length: 44
Power Core: Quadex power core
Hyperdrive Rating: 0.75
backup hyperdrive: 8
Minimum Crew: 2
Optimal Crew: 6

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
Classification: Starfighter
Role: Space Superiority
Height: 1 meter
Width: 0.75 meter body, 2 meter wing-tip
Length: 2.5 meter
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Fuel Cells
Hyperdrive Rating: None
Minimum Crew: Zero/Droid Brain
Optimal Crew: Zero/Droid Brain
The Admiralty
Classification: Support Frigate
Role: Mobile Command Center
Height: 198m
Width: 311m
Length: 400m
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Hypermatter reactor
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 0.75 (Backup Class 15)
Minimum Crew: 408
Optimal Crew: 1090

@[member="Jorus Merrill"]
@[member="CHANI"] @[member="Marek Starchaser"] @[member="Jared Ovmar"] @[member="Jaxton Ravos"] @[member="Darth Malificete"] @[member="Strask Ak'lya"] @[member="Ahra Marcon"] @[member="Arthur David Hardrada"]​
Day Four



I cannot emphasize this enough: Read. The. Guide. Get to know the limits for ships of your size. Get to know the different weapons and combinations of weapons. Read the entire Armaments section in the Guide - ideally, you've been reading your way through the Guide this whole time for each line of your ship sub. But this section is probably the most important.

A couple of things to add.

Random one-liner weapons off Wookieepedia, like hell projectors or bioenergy shieldsuckers or shieldbreaker crystals or whatever, are NOT accepted in Factory.

Turbolasers are better than just about anything. That's why they've been the mainstay weapon of the galaxy for five thousand years. There are alternatives -- hypervelocity guns/mass drivers, for example -- but those are generally considered primitive. They pack a wallop, sure, but most ships have standard deflector shields, which include particle shields. (There are two kinds of shields, ray and particle. Ray shields stop lasers and other energy weapons, particle shields stop asteroids, mass drivers, missiles, etc.) If you do use something that's not a turbolaser or ion cannon, give an equivalency. For example, say you've got a corvette with one big mass driver and a couple of turbolasers. You could write 'Axial mass driver (10 turbolaser equivalency).' (I don't recommend putting all your eggs in one basket like this, for a lot of reasons, but that's a topic for another time.)
For capital ships:
Capital Gun Options:
  • Turbolasers (and heavy turbolasers, long-range turbolasers, etc., etc.)
  • Ion cannons (do about the same damage to shields as turbolasers do -- once the shields are down, ion cannons disable electronics)
  • Mass drivers
Anti-Fighter Weapon Options:
  • Flak gun (great at medium and long range, a bit better against missiles than most)
  • Quad laser (manned and flexible)
  • Point-defense emplacement (great at short range)
Large Warhead Options:
  • Assault Concussion Missiles (your default - super powerful)
  • Proton Rockets (about the same thing, a bit weaker and faster)
  • Intruder Missiles (great against shields, crap against everything else)
  • Heavy Energy Torpedos (long range, very fast, very slow fire rate)
Small Warhead Options:
  • Concussion Missiles (light and fast)
  • Proton Torpedos (a bit slower and more powerful, still quick enough to be good against most starfighters)
  • Cluster Missiles (about what it sounds like -- best against groups of small targets)
  • Light Energy Torpedos (long range, very fast, very slow fire rate)
  • Mag Pulse Warheads (like ion cannons, but as missiles)

For starfighters and light transports:
  • Laser cannons
  • Ion cannons
  • Light warheads from that list
  • Heavy warhead choices: A couple of big slow proton bombs, maybe a couple of proton rockets or whatever. This is very case-by-case, and you won't be able to carry much of this if any. Expect to make serious tradeoffs.


Active Member
omg + 10 points for the Princess bride gif. @[member="Jorus Merrill"]

Day Four

X2 Quad Turbo Lasers,
One top and bottom.

X3 Proton torpedoes
X3 Proton Bombs
Inigo Montoya for the win.

2 forward-facing laser cannons (fire-linked)
1 laser turret (fire arc: all)(generally automated, but may be controlled manually)
1 forward-facing ion cannon (may be fire-linked with the lasers)
1 rear-facing ion cannon
2 forward-facing Concussion Missile launchers (3 missiles each)

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