@[member="CHANI"] @[member="Marek Starchaser"] @[member="Jared Ovmar"] @[member="Jaxton Ravos"] @[member="Darth Malificete"] @[member="Strask Ak'lya"] @[member="Ahra Marcon"] @[member="Arthur David Hardrada"]
Day Three
Power Core Generator/Reactor:
Hyperdrive Rating:
Minimum Crew:
Optimal Crew:
Classification. Unless you're making something really special, choose one of the following. For everything from Corvette on down, also included (Balanced), (Assault), or (Support), as per the Guide. Choose ONE of these.
- Starfighter
- Interceptor
- Bomber
- Light Freighter
- Bulk Freighter/Transport
- Yacht
- Gunship
- Dropship
- Heavy Dropship
- Corvette
- Frigate
- Cruiser
- Heavy Cruiser
- Light Star Destroyer
- Star Destroyer
- Command Ship
Role. This gives a bit more detail to Classification. Classification is what the ship's hull is, what its engines and weapons are like, but Role is what it does. Choose one or more of these. Some examples of things to put for Role:
- Personal transport
- Blockade runner
- Interdiction
- Long-term exploration
- Escorting larger capital ships
Side note: Interceptors are for killing bombers, bombers are for killing capital ships, and fighters are for killing interceptors. What's for killing fighters? Well, ideally, the anti-fighter weapons on capital ships, or the enemy's fighters. Interceptors, think A-Wing. Fighters, think X-Wing. Bombers, think Y-Wing or B-Wing.
Height. Width. Length. Base this one two things -- what kind of ship you're making, and what your image shows. The vast majority of ships are longer than they are tall or wide. Length is the most important one, and the one to do first. Consult the Guide's rules on length for capital ships. Pay attention to proportion here, and guess at height or width. Unless it's somehow wider or taller than it is long, those numbers don't matter much.
Most starfighters and bombers are 10-25m. Most light freighters are 25-50m.
Power core generator/reactor. When in doubt, put 'Solar ionization reactor.' They get used on everything from starfighters to battlemoons. Hypermatter and antimatter reactors are more powerful but more dangerous to have. Some small ships can get by with the lower power outputs of standard fuel cells, or have a 'cryogenic reactor.' Most of the time, though, what you want is a solar ionization reactor.
Hyperdrive rating. If it's military or special, put Class 1. If it's civilian, put Class 2 or 3. If you have a backup hyperdrive, make it Class 10-15. Class 0.5 and 0.75 are for heavily modified experimental things with a LOT of money behind them. If you put Class 0.5 or 0.75, be prepared to justify it to the judge.
Optimal and minimum crew. This is one place where it's EASY to trip up. A few ballpark numbers:
Fighters, interceptors - 1
Bombers - 1-2
Light freighters - 1-2 minimum, 2-5 optimum
Bulk freighters - An Action VI, length 125m, has a minimum crew of 6 and an optimal crew of 20
Corvettes - A Corellian Corvette has a minimum crew of 7 and an optimal crew of anywhere between 30 and 165. It's a safe bet that a corvette with a crew of 165 would require a higher minimum crew than 7.
Frigates - A Nebulon-B frigate has a minimum crew of 307 and an optimum crew of 910.
Cruisers and heavy cruisers - There's a lot of variation here. A Majestic-class heavy cruiser, 700m, had a minimum crew of 1350 and an optimum crew of 4182. On the other hand, a Dreadnought-class heavy cruiser, 600m, had a minimum crew of 9000 and an optimum crew of 16000.
Light Star Destroyers - A Venator-class Star Destroyer, about 1100m, had a crew of 7400. An MC80 Mon Cal star cruiser, 1200m, had a crew of 5400.
Star Destroyers - An Imperial II-class Star Destroyer had a crew of 37000.
Obviously there's a lot of wiggle room going on. I'd strongly suggest doing more research on Wookieepedia for ships in your size category -- and in approved factory submissions! You need to know approximately what the judges expect for your size class.