Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Dock 4

High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Stepping off the ship into Dock 4, you're immediately struck by the sheer scale of the area. The dock is a sprawling expanse, bustling with activity as civilian and commercial vessels of all sizes are being loaded and unloaded. The hum of machinery, the clatter of cargo being moved, and the distant conversations of dockworkers create a lively atmosphere. Overhead, a vast ceiling arcs high above, dotted with lighting panels and interspersed with hanging signs directing passengers to various parts of the station.

To your left, a line of sleek civilian transports and freighters are docked, their hulls gleaming under the bright overhead lights. Automated loaders and maintenance drones zip around these ships, performing their tasks with precision. To your right, larger commercial vessels are moored, with cranes lifting heavy containers and supplies off their decks. The air is filled with the scents of fuel, fresh produce, and the unmistakable tang of metal and machinery.

Ahead, you see a series of checkpoints manned by station security. These checkpoints are the gateway to the deeper sections of the station, where military operations are in full swing. Uniformed personnel are stationed at each checkpoint, meticulously checking identification and cargo manifests. Beyond these points, the atmosphere shifts from the bustling civilian dock to the orderly and disciplined environment of a military base.

The dock itself is equipped with numerous amenities for travelers—lounges, small shops, and information kiosks line the main concourse. Digital displays and holographic signs provide real-time updates on ship arrivals and departures, along with directions to various facilities within the station. The entire area is designed for efficiency and safety, with clear pathways and barriers guiding passengers and cargo to their respective destinations.

A particularly vibrant section of the dock catches your eye: a bustling marketplace where merchants have set up small stands to sell their goods. Colorful canopies and banners create a patchwork of vibrant hues, drawing in travelers and station personnel alike. Here, you find a diverse array of items on offer. Exotic fruits and vegetables from distant planets, intricately crafted jewelry, unique clothing, and artisanal crafts fill the stalls. The air is filled with the enticing aromas of freshly cooked food from various cuisines, with vendors calling out to passersby to sample their offerings.

The marketplace adds a lively, almost festive atmosphere to Dock 4, contrasting with the regimented order of the military checkpoints nearby. It serves as a reminder of the station's role as a nexus of culture and commerce, where people from all walks of life come together, bringing with them the rich diversity of their worlds. The blend of civilian and military presence is palpable, creating a unique environment where the lively activity of commercial exchange meets the strict order of military protocol.

Aurora Station | Dock 4
Tags: Aether of the Iron Order Aether of the Iron Order , Laphisto Laphisto


Epo-1, R5-T399, The Freebird, Lightsaber

"Captain Spinner, Admiral, we're docking with the station now."

Shem stood on the bridge of the Freebird, twirling the hilt of his lightsaber in his hand as he pondered idly for a moment. He let out an exhale, returning the weapon to his hilt and turning to his crew.

"Perfect. Have the deck crew prepared for visitors. A last sweep of the delegation chamber to make sure it's spotless if you would."

The Rishi tucked his hat on tighter, beginning to walk towards the entrance of the vessel. He was well aware of the significance of this encounter. It would be the first official alliance for the TAC with forces beyond their territory. Regardless of such a fact, the draconic leader of the Lilaste Order was a man of reason. The agreement to lay down his arms at Lothal and leave in peace no doubt saved countless lives. Shem turned to Aether, gesturing for the shard in the large mechanical body to follow along.

"I must congradulate you on your display over Mon Cala, by the way," Shem stated, giving the shard a playful slap on the back. "A Super Star Destroyer is no small target. Given the widely televized funeral and all I'd say that's a crippling blow to Imperial moralle. We might have a chance yet, no?"

As they stepped up to the airlock Shem began to fix himself up a little more, making sure his hat was tilted just right. Presentation was important after all. After a moment he turned to the nearby crewmen of the Freebird.

"Right. Open the doors, would you?"


AX-01 Vanguard Mark I
Jedi Securitron Model Parts
[Aether's Build]

Weapons : 1 Training lightsaber | 2 Corsage [Foil +Gun] | 3 Calypso [ Broad Saber] | 4 Resurgence [Crossguard] |5 Whirlwind [Chain Kama] | 6 Hot 'n' Heavy Compensator | 7 War Maul

| Fang- Gun | G.O.O. Gun | Phantom Gun |

Aether had accompanied Shem on this diplomatic mission, as requested. He was content to do so, understanding the importance of the task at hand.

"I'm sure anyone in my position would have acted similarly," Aether replied, his tone humble yet firm. "My success wouldn't have been possible without the technological assets our allies provided. ( Strill Securities Strill Securities ) Their contributions have been an immense boon."

His blue photoreceptors focused on Shem's hands, watching intently as the Rishi adjusted his saber. Aether fell into step behind Shem, moving with purpose.

"Indeed," Aether continued, his voice tinged with a hint of calculation. "The death of Velran Kilran Velran Kilran seems to have struck a chord among their ranks. It's only a matter of time before their leadership falls prey to petty squabbles over who will take command next. But we must remain vigilant," he added, his tone shifting to a more measured and thoughtful cadence. "The Empire has always thrived on internal power struggles. While Kilran's death might fracture them, it could just as easily fuel their desperation, driving them to rally under a more dangerous leader. We must be prepared for either outcome, adapting our tactics as the situation evolves."

He paused for a moment, considering the significance of the alliance they were about to forge. "This alliance we're forming today may be the key to tipping the balance. The Empire's strength lies in its cohesion, but our strength lies in the diversity of our allies. If we play our cards right, they won't stand a chance against a united front."

Aether's gaze turned to Shem, a hint of admiration in his voice. "You've navigated this mission with the precision of a seasoned tactician, Shem. It's no small feat to talk mercenaries down from continuing their fight, especially on the side of the Empire of the Lost. It's leaders like you that give me hope—not just for this alliance, but for our future victories as well. We have much to learn from each other."

High Commander of the Lilaste Order
as Shem Spinner Shem Spinner and Aether of the Iron Order Aether of the Iron Order stepped off thier ship they would be met with a different scene than most. while others were privy to a a simple dock worker who would take down names and charge a station fee the two diplomats were met with a large Draconic figure his arms crossed behind his back with what seemed to be five soldiers in a V pattern behind him. The soldiers bore the dragon's crest etched onto the center of their chest plate, with armor markings that ranged from simple stripes to dragon - themed patterns.

"master jedi, admiral " laphistos eyes flicked between the two, glowing a teal blue as usual as he looked into them through the force. a small frown forming on his lips as he glanced at the admiral. While he could see the shard, he couldn't see much else of the man's body other than the faint blurred outline. once the glow fadded he gave a visable wince a hand coming up to grab at the bridges of his nose and rubbing between his eyes for a moment before continueing " I must say it's nice on the neck to not have to look down to greet someone for once" laphisto gave a small chuckle while he spoke to the admiral.

"I was told by Shem that I would be expecting a visit from the Tingle arm coalition, never thought the killer of the emperor would be on my door steps though. your reputation proceeds you, the force told me to avoid man cala and I can now see why." laphisto brought a closed fist to his chest and gave a small bow towards Aether. A sign of respect among the order " now on to business then shall we?" as Laphisto stepped forwards, the five soldiers moved to follow but he simply put a hand up.

The lead man, who had his armor modified to fit his zabrak biology, gave a small nod and turned to the others, who by their body language seemed to be communicating with one another before taking up positions on the outside of the loading ram. Waiting patiently until the High commander returned.

It's leaders like you that give me hope—not just for this alliance, but for our future victories as well. We have much to learn from each other.

"Aw shucks, you flatter me," Shem laughed, scratching the back of his head. "I'm just doin' what I can to help."

And using the skills his father modeled for him. As the son of a Rishii chieftain, Shem had seen diplomacy and leadership first hand, even before he would make the journey to Coruscant to join the Jedi. He didn't necessarily conduct himself in a princely manner, not that the flock of Sellia I was a very formal nation, but he had seen the best of the best in regards to making lasting impressions.

There was still much ahead of him.

Before long the high commander would be amongst them, flanked by his own guard. When he offered a bow, Shem returned a dip of his head.

"I was told by Shem that I would be expecting a visit from the Tingle arm coalition, never thought the killer of the emperor would be on my door steps though. your reputation proceeds you, the force told me to avoid Mon Cala and I can now see why."

"Hey, look at you big guy," the avian Jedi chirped, nudging the Shard with his elbow. "A man of reputation, eh?"

Shem turned, ushering for his guests to follow. The halls of the Freebird were well kept, but clearly modified to a great deal. Banners and streamers hung from the ceiling, resembling flags strung across the streets of a market. Cultural flair littered the vessel, with painted walls and decorative panels that gave it the appearance of an alleyway during a festival. Before long they would arrive in the delegation chamber, a room far more organized. It had a war table, surrounded by various mismatched chairs.

"First and foremost, the Commander in Chief of the Tingel Arm Coalition sends his regards," the Rishii stated. "Solarus Fynch Fynch is grateful for your willingness to lay down your arms on Lothal. They are his people after all. Their blood spilling weighs heavy on his heart, so such actions have earned you a great deal of respect."

He sat down, gesturing for the others to join him.

"As for our intentions, they are as they've always been," Shem continued. "The Tingel Arm Coalition seeks a free and autonomous Outer Rim. Prop up planetary governments, supply local militias to ensure security, strengthen the bonds between worlds for times of crisis, and to push the blight of slavery, criminal organizations, and Imperial occupation out of our homes. So, before we go about the establishment of mercenary contracts, I'm curious... what is it that you seek, High Commander?"


AX-01 Vanguard Mark I
Jedi Securitron Model Parts
[Aether's Build]

Weapons : 1 Training lightsaber | 2 Corsage [Foil +Gun] | 3 Calypso [ Broad Saber] | 4 Resurgence [Crossguard] |5 Whirlwind [Chain Kama] | 6 Hot 'n' Heavy Compensator | 7 War Maul

| Fang- Gun | G.O.O. Gun | Phantom Gun |

"It is seldom that praise is given where it is truly deserved," Aether replied with composed respect. "Earnestness should always accompany such recognition." As he moved forward, his blue photoreceptors adjusted to the scene, noting the High Commander's imposing figure and the soldiers at his side.

Aether's head tilted slightly, focusing on the High Commander. For a moment, as Laphisto looked at him through the Force, the true weight of Aether's presence became apparent. Deep within the machine's core, the shard pulsed with a calm yet formidable energy—an ancient presence that spanned several millennia. It was as if time itself had been folded within him, a being shaped by countless experiences, knowledge, and a profound connection to the Force. The depth of his existence was unsettling, almost terrifying, like staring into an endless void that carried the weight of ages.

"Your reputation precedes you as well, High Commander," Aether continued, his voice steady and deliberate. "Avoiding conflict when the Force warns of danger is no small feat. Your decision on Mon Cala spared countless lives, and for that, you have earned our respect."

He paused, allowing the gravity of his words to resonate. "Thank you for hosting us and for your willingness to engage in dialogue. The future of the Outer Rim may well hinge on the alliances we forge here today."

Aether's voice, though modulated to resemble human speech, carried a subtle, mechanical resonance. "I am eager to learn what you seek, High Commander. Together, we can create a future where our people thrive, free from the shadows that have plagued this galaxy for far too long."

High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Laphisto stepped forwards onto the ship and followed the pair, while he peered at Aether Aether through the force, he could see the long history resembling within the strange shard in the core of the mechanical frame before him. While he was from a time millennia ago he wondered what time frame this other ancient being was from. Stepping further into the ship, Laphistos eyes danced over the strange ensemble of colors that decorated the ships' interior. While he couldn't make anything out other than vague shapes and patterns, he had a good idea of what they were. As aether began to speak laphisto listened, the tinge of mechanical nuances hanging on their words reminded him that they were a droid. Or at least in a droid body.but the ever lasting feeling of stairing into the void made him chuckle. Considering what his people had begun to call him.
"It is seldom that praise is given where it is truly deserved," Aether replied with composed respect. "Earnestness should always accompany such recognition."

"We are a warrior people to an extent. Great feats of accomplishment, be them from our opposition or allies, are bound to be respected and sung loud and wide. In fact, my people have given you the name Voidbringer. For the void you have caused in the Empire of the lost might just be enough to suck them all up into oblivion"

laphisto gave a small chuckle at his words, shaking his head gently as they finally arrived to the delegation room. He noted this place was much cleaner, and more tidy. This ship was most likely the home of one of these two before him. Though he leaned more towards it being the residence of the Rishi, the admiral seemed to have an aura of calculation, and pristine ness about them. taking his seat laphisto grunted lightly, sitting as comfortable as his unique biology allowed him to.
I'm curious... what is it that you seek, High Commander?

his eyes immediately went to Shem Spinner Shem Spinner with a raised brow. His hands clasping together before him as he leaned forwards on the table, his eyes darting between the two. Now that was a good question. In truth, what he wanted for himself and what he wanted for his people were two different things. Laphisto wanted to see the galaxy rid of the conflict. He, to a degree, blamed himself for creating he wanted to fix his wrongs and more importantly, to prove himself right to his old masters.

Sensing himself begin to fall into his thoughts laphisto shook his head before leaning back in his seat somewhat, " the Lilaste order is set on righting the wrongs of the galaxy. To help establish a front of balance. To restore order where there is chaos, and to bring justice where there is none. That is our eventual goal. To bridge the gaps between cultures, races and ideologies to give the galaxy an everlasting peace. that is our long term goal."

laphisto flicked his eyes between the two before giving another small chuckle, "but short term. the Lilaste order is focused on training, gathering combat experience and man power to help achieve our eventual goal."
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" the Lilaste order is set on righting the wrongs of the galaxy. To help establish a front of balance. To restore order where there is chaos, and to bring justice where there is none. That is our eventual goal. To bridge the gaps between cultures, races and ideologies to give the galaxy an everlasting peace. that is our long term goal."

laphisto flicked his eyes between the two before giving another small chuckle, "but short term. the Lilaste order is focused on training, gathering combat experience and man power to help achieve our eventual goal."

"Ah, intergalactic peace," Shem nodded. "A noble goal. Not one I'm unfamiliar with. I like the cut of your jib."

To aspire for the impossible was what made the greatest leaders, Jedi, whatever. Intergalactic peace was, ultimately, impossible. Most understood that to be true, yet time and time again the greatest men and women across the galaxy strives for such. It wasn't because it was foolish, but rather a natural state of being. Ultimately all organic beings would be drawn towards such.

It was only a matter of time.

"Well, the Outer Rim will be full of combat experience," the Rishii stated. "There's a wealth of planets that sit under the boot of tyrannical systems. The Empire can't seem to stop creating social turmoil for starters. The Mon Calamari and the Quarren had been at peace since they united to war off the Fel Empire, but nearly a thousand years later and they removed the equality they had finally established. Then there's the Sith Order. Their leadership postures themselves as deities, lording over their planets as gods. Both stand as threats to the freedom of all regular folk. For the wider battle to oppose these things, we will need the extra fire power."

Shem leaned in, crossing his arms.

"So, I'm open to hear your terms for payment. I can assure you I'm open to be flexible for the needs of your people."


AX-01 Vanguard Mark I
Jedi Securitron Model Parts
[Aether's Build]

Weapons : 1 Training lightsaber | 2 Corsage [Foil +Gun] | 3 Calypso [ Broad Saber] | 4 Resurgence [Crossguard] |5 Whirlwind [Chain Kama] | 6 Hot 'n' Heavy Compensator | 7 War Maul

| Fang- Gun | G.O.O. Gun | Phantom Gun |

Aether's comment had been primarily for Shem, but he didn't seem to mind Laphisto's take on it. Aether truly believed there needed to be more genuine praise given out, particularly toward the younger generation, and recognition when they did good. While Aether didn't seek praise for himself, it was still a welcome sentiment. He was pleasantly surprised to learn that he had somehow earned a title from the man's people.

Taking a seat, Aether did so not out of necessity—his mechanical frame did not tire—but to maintain an air of normalcy and presence. He understood that his towering form could be imposing, and it was polite to join the others in sitting down.

He listened attentively as Laphisto spoke of his desires for the galaxy.

"That is a noble cause and an admirable goal," Aether stated. "And taking action toward that goal shows you're certainly no slacker."

He fell silent as Shem spoke, his words underscoring the gravity of their shared challenges.

"Yes, our obstacles are many and great, and our goals do have some overlap with your own. The Tingle Arm Coalition was born from the hearts and minds of those who have been oppressed and taken advantage of. Our collective fights for the freedom and dignity of those who have suffered under tyranny.

The Tingle Arm Coalition is an organization that actively resists the forces that threaten the livelihood and peace of life in our regions. We are committed to being the extra eyes and ears for our people, watching out for each other, and building strong, resilient bonds across our communities.

We recognize and embrace the diversity of our coalition, working as partners with those who share our values and respect the freedom of all beings. Accountability is at the core of our efforts, and integrity is essential to our cause. We depend on the trust, confidence, and support of those we protect, and we commit to making every action we take, to become ones that strengthens those relationships."

Aether paused for a moment, his blue photoreceptors focusing on Laphisto, before Echoing Shem's querry about payment. "I believe it would be beneficial if we could work together moving forward. Our goals align in many ways, and by combining our strengths, we can achieve more than we could alone."

High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Laphisto listened closely to the men, noting their objectives, which seemed to align with the Lilaste Order’s, to an extent anyways. After a moment’s reflection, he spoke, ensuring his words were measured and clear. Looking to Shem Spinner Shem Spinner laphisto spoke.

"First, regarding an alliance between our peoples: the Lilaste Order would require a trade agreement for rare metals such as Seigurium and Fyrirdögun—materials essential to our operations. While we have some production capability, demand far exceeds supply. Establishing a reliable trade route for these resources would be a crucial part of any alliance."

He paused, adjusting himself in his seat before continuing.

Additionally, if the Tingel Arm’s influence reaches this sector, we would insist that the systems under Lilaste Order control remain sovereign. Even if they technically fall within your jurisdiction, the Lilaste Order would still act as the primary governing body in this part of space. These two points—trade and sovereignty—are the terms for a formal alliance.”

Turning toward Aether of the Iron Order Aether of the Iron Order , Laphisto offered a respectful nod. “On the other hand, if you're seeking our legions and fleet for hire, that would fall under mercenary work. Our soldiers operate autonomously and follow their own protocols to accomplish their objectives while respecting your laws. This agreement would include a self-preservation clause for our forces. Payment for such services is straightforward: half up front, and the rest upon successful completion of the mission.”

Pausing briefly, Laphisto allowed his words to settle before adding, "Lastly, the Lilaste Order is also willing to sell surplus equipment—starfighters, tanks, weapons, and armor—if your people have need of them. These items are available from our stockpiles."

With his proposal now laid out clearly, Laphisto leaned back, awaiting their response with quiet patience.

Additionally, if the Tingel Arm’s influence reaches this sector, we would insist that the systems under Lilaste Order control remain sovereign. Even if they technically fall within your jurisdiction, the Lilaste Order would still act as the primary governing body in this part of space. These two points—trade and sovereignty—are the terms for a formal alliance.”

"Well, you're in luck," Shem responded. "The Tingel Arm Coalition is an alliance of sovereign worlds, not a fully centralized body. While the Commander in Chief leads the alliance proper, planets and systems maintain their autonomy. You'll find no such encroaches on your planets. As for trade, the TAC has resources to offer. You aren't the first mercenary group to ask for such. Alongside that partners gain rights to salvage. Damaged starships, military equipment, and imperial coffers in liberated territory is free to those who assist in battle."

Shem leaned back in his seat.

"Oh, and autonomy in your military structure is to be expected," he added. "We're unified military units, not a conglomerated force. While there is a de-facto chain of command for ease of collaboration, TAC doesn't meddle in the management of troops. I'd say it's been fairly effective. Our friends at Strill Securities Strill Securities have certainly proven such methods to be effective."

The Rishii glanced towards Aether, giving a slight grin.

"Say, you're the strategist here, big boss. What do you think of buying some equipment while we're at it?"


AX-01 Vanguard Mark I
Jedi Securitron Model Parts
[Aether's Build]

Weapons : 1 Training lightsaber | 2 Corsage [Foil +Gun] | 3 Calypso [ Broad Saber] | 4 Resurgence [Crossguard] |5 Whirlwind [Chain Kama] | 6 Hot 'n' Heavy Compensator | 7 War Maul

| Fang- Gun | G.O.O. Gun | Phantom Gun |

Aether's gaze stayed firm on Laphisto, his tone confident. "Your decision to step aside says a lot about the Empire of the Lost's crumbling state. They may hold Mon Cala and Lothal, but their grip is slipping. Convincing a commander like you to stop fighting shows how weak their position truly is. It's not just a victory of strategy, but of insight, revealing the cracks in their foundation."

He paused briefly before continuing. "With you out of play on Lothal, their forces are splintering. The strength of their occupation is just a facade. They lack the unity to hold it. This gives us time to regroup and strike decisively. Lothal and Mon Cala aren't lost—they're waiting to be reclaimed. The blow we've dealt them is already being felt."

Aether leaned in slightly. "As for their leaders, they're nothing more than lapdogs—sniveling, obedient, and clinging to power they don't deserve. They won't be hard to deal with when the time comes. And that time is coming soon."

He straightened, his tone firm and uplifting. "The Tingle Arm Coalition has a clear goal: to free the galaxy from tyranny. Together, we can make that future real. I know you share that vision, High Commander. With our combined strength, we can end the reign of those who oppress and cower. I won't rest until the Empire's leaders are brought to justice, and with your help, we'll make sure that day comes sooner than they expect."

He then shifted his focus to Shem. "Equipment is always a smart investment. The right tools make all the difference, and buying from Laphisto's people strengthens both our position and our alliance. Every resource we secure gets us closer to dismantling the Empire."

Turning back to Laphisto, Aether added, "High Commander, perhaps you'd benefit from better access to the materials your forces rely on. If we establish trade routes or agreements for more streamlined supplies, we both stand to gain—strengthening our efforts. Together, we'll ensure every credit and every piece of equipment goes toward crushing the Empire's forces."

High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Laphisto darted his eyes between the two men for a few moments, a hand reaching up to grip his chin. He wasn't entirely on board with how they chose to run their government, but it wasn't his place to judge. After all, there were those who could easily critique his own rule and how he governed the Lilaste Order. From a certain point of view, one might even consider him a dictator, given the absolute authority he held within the Order. The lower ranks didn't have much say in decision-making, and while he valued their service, the ultimate responsibility rested with him.

However, his High General Silas Vizsla and High Admiral Ali Kare Ali Kare held considerable power and influence. He trusted their advice and insight, and their counsel helped guide him through difficult decisions. His leadership wasn't perfect, but it worked. Stability was crucial, and he had learned from hard experience the cost of disunity.
Glad to hear that the Tingel Arm Coalition had no plans to interfere in Lilaste Order space, Laphisto still harbored concerns about their lack of an official military structure. His eyes drifted over the table before them as he pondered the implications. After a brief silence, he addressed Aether of the Iron Order Aether of the Iron Order , his tone measured, But calm

"The Empire's foundations are crumbling, that much is clear. But be wary of underestimating an enemy on the verge of collapse. Desperation can breed chaos, and chaos is a weapon as deadly as any fleet. In our pursuit to free the galaxy from tyranny, let us not be blinded by the promise of victory—ensure that our strength, and more importantly, our resolve, remain constant. For every fracture in their ranks, we must reinforce ours. Together, we can bring about the end of this tyranny, but only if we remain vigilant."

He nodded firmly and turned his attention to Shem Spinner Shem Spinner . "The autonomy your alliance offers is a strength, but also a potential weakness. As long as your systems remain united in purpose, you will thrive. However, disunity can spread quietly, especially in the absence of strong central leadership. I've seen empires rise and fall because they failed to foresee the fractures within their ranks." Laphisto paused briefly, a soft frown etching crossed his lips as he looked the man in the eyes. - or as best he could, anyway-his mind flashed back to the Great sith war. A war which was ultimately ended due to the Sith infighting after Exar kuns death, in truth, now that he thought about it, it was the Republic's saving grace. Shaking the memory from his head, he cleared his throat before speaking again.

"An alliance like yours needs not just a shared goal, but a shared structure to ensure that goal is achieved. Without a foundation of unity in leadership and military strategy, the cracks will appear, and when they do, your enemy will exploit them. I speak from centuries of experience: balance in governance, like in the Force, is essential to survival." his words were not meant to be disrespectful nor crude, but cautionary. he believed in the purpose these two stood for, and would hate to see it fall. There was such hope, and inspiration within his people. he saw it while facing off against Sayno Clawe Sayno Clawe , a valiant commander he some day hoped to meet on better terms.

His expression hardened as he shifted to the military concerns. "As for your military structure—or lack thereof—autonomous forces can be effective, but in the heat of battle, coordination and unified command are paramount. The Lilaste Order thrives because of its discipline and the cohesion of its forces. Without a clear chain of command or a central force to coordinate your movements, you risk chaos on the battlefield. In my time, I have seen even the most capable warriors falter when they lack direction." He paused, his voice taking on a sharper edge. Though not one of malice, but of concern and warning.

"A unified military ensures that when the enemy strikes, your response is swift and organized. Decentralized militias, while valuable in their autonomy, may struggle to react with the speed and precision needed in war. " Laphisto paused for a moment, almost as if thinking about something, before then continuing his train of thought, "In the Mandalorian Wars, I learned much from my adversaries. The Mandalorians, though outnumbered, fought with unmatched coordination and discipline. Their unity of purpose and military strategy allowed them to dominate the battlefield time and again, even against the larger forces of the Republic. That cohesion was their greatest strength—one we would be wise to mirror in our own efforts."

Leaning back once more, Laphisto's words carried both wisdom and a warning, drawn from his centuries of battle and leadership. He knew the consequences of fractured command, and he hoped his allies would take his caution to heart, while he wasn't saying no to an alliance. in fact, he was more than willing to help these people by any means. He had his concerns. With the fall of the Mandalorian protectors and how without a central command, they ultimately dissolved into warring clans once again. The consequences of the coalitions falling would be far more drastic. For the Empire of the lost would burn them all.
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"A unified military ensures that when the enemy strikes, your response is swift and organized. Decentralized militias, while valuable in their autonomy, may struggle to react with the speed and precision needed in war. "

"Worry not," Shem assured. "While more decentralized, in nature, we have a rigid chain of command. We're many united as one, just autonomous when apart. Our League of Planets gives us structure, and as Commander in Chief Solarus Fynch Fynch holds us together. I say he's been highly effective thus far."

Even if they hadn't managed to maintain Lothal and Mon Cala for long. They still made gains. It was proof they were moving in the right direction.

"High Commander, perhaps you'd benefit from better access to the materials your forces rely on. If we establish trade routes or agreements for more streamlined supplies, we both stand to gain—strengthening our efforts. Together, we'll ensure every credit and every piece of equipment goes toward crushing the Empire's forces."

"I concur," Shem nodded. "We'll be having a Hypergate soon. I would suggest you seek out Locke and Key Mechanics. Regardless of any trade agreement between the TAC and the Lilaste I would expect such an asset to be of great significance for one such as yourself.


AX-01 Vanguard Mark I
Jedi Securitron Model Parts
[Aether's Build]

Weapons : 1 Training lightsaber | 2 Corsage [Foil +Gun] | 3 Calypso [ Broad Saber] | 4 Resurgence [Crossguard] |5 Whirlwind [Chain Kama] | 6 Hot 'n' Heavy Compensator | 7 War Maul

| Fang- Gun | G.O.O. Gun | Phantom Gun |

Before Aether could address such concerns, Shem had already provided an eloquent explanation, handling the matter deftly. Aether simply offered a curt nod in acknowledgment, his photoreceptors flickering slightly as he processed the information.

With a thoughtful, measured tone, Aether spoke, "Perhaps, once the Hypergate is operational, we can collaborate on a broader logistics network. Streamlining supply chains and ensuring rapid reinforcement of critical sectors will allow both of our forces to respond faster than the Empire could ever anticipate. This will be a war of attrition, and our ability to outlast them in resources and coordination will be just as vital as any victory we secure on the battlefield."

High Commander of the Lilaste Order
a small chuckle rolled from laphistos lips and he nodded gently once more " thats reliving to hear at the very least. while i cant say i know what a hyper gate is it sounds like a fantastic piece of technology. I might just need to get in contact with this locke and key industries."

giving a small grunt Laphisto stood up extending a hand out towards both of them. " well then to new alliances then?" laphistos eyes flashed that teal blue only briefly, his gaze haven been pointed a bit to far to the less, though now his eyes locked with the two. his arms crossing over his chest.

"ill make sure our channels are open for TAC frequencies. if your armies feel like they need better training my men are always willing to throw some heads together" Laphisto gave a small chuckle shaking his head gently at his own joke.

giving a small grunt Laphisto stood up extending a hand out towards both of them. " well then to new alliances then?"

"To new alliances indeed."

Shem gave Laphisto a firm handshake and a dip of his head.

"I'll have to see if Sayno Clawe Sayno Clawe would be willing to link up," he noted. "I'm sure proper war games in a controlled environment would be valuable training for the both of us. In the meantime, I believe a tour of your facility may be in order, no? Seems rude to not allow you to show us the place you've invited us to. I wouldn't want to be poor guests."

The Rishii glanced back towards Aether.

"Unless the Emperor-Slayer had meetings he needed to attend?"


AX-01 Vanguard Mark I
Jedi Securitron Model Parts
[Aether's Build]

Weapons : 1 Training lightsaber | 2 Corsage [Foil +Gun] | 3 Calypso [ Broad Saber] | 4 Resurgence [Crossguard] |5 Whirlwind [Chain Kama] | 6 Hot 'n' Heavy Compensator | 7 War Maul

| Fang- Gun | G.O.O. Gun | Phantom Gun |

Aether's photoreceptors flickered briefly, and he turned to Shem with a steady gaze. His voice carried its usual mechanical resonance as he responded, "The 'Emperor-Slayer' has no immediate commitments at this time. A tour would be most appreciated."

He shifted slightly, his large frame adjusting in its seat. "It's always beneficial to understand the environments where future collaborations will take place. I'd be honored to see firsthand how the Lilaste Order operates and what we can learn from your methods."

Aether gave a small nod toward Laphisto, his tone respectful but focused. "Lead the way, High Commander. I'm eager to see the strength of your people."

High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Lead the way, High Commander. I'm eager to see the strength of your people."

" Splinded I'm sure some of my men would enjoy seeing the void bringer in person."Laphisto gave a small smirk at the words followed by a light grunt as he rose from his seat, dusting himself off slightly before turning for the exit of the room and subsequently the ship his hands moving outwards towards the bustling busy pathways that were the merchant quarters of Dock 4 the five guards that were waiting outside flanked the group as the left, two in either side and one in the rear

" What you see before you is dock four. It was the Initial landing ground of the expedition force that found Aurora station. We have since then turned it into a commercial hub, with recruitment offices bounty boards, a few cantinas and many independent merchants who come here in hope of selling their produce. Which the order takes a 25% tariff of all goods being moved on the station"

As the party moved down the gangway of the hanger Bay he paused at the military checkpoint. The two guards stationed moving aside almost immediately, fists smacking into their chest as they dipped into a small bow. Laphisto turned to look towards the group gesturing to Thier right " to the right we have the engineering and launch bays. To the left the barracks armory, medbay and training grounds and directly forwards is the turbo lift to the station CIC and the high command offices. So what would you like to see first?"

Shem Spinner Shem Spinner Aether of the Iron Order Aether of the Iron Order

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