"No, classic tux for me. I'm going to go out on a limb and say she will probably be the girl in the white dress." Makai couldn't help but laugh a little, continuing.
"Big wedding? No,that's not us. We are much more private people, but of course there will be food and cake, any excuse to eat a slice is perfect in my opinion."
He couldn't see getting married in front of hundreds of people. Not that he would be nervous, to him it just lost the meaning. Granted, due to their status in the corporate world, they should have a huge blowout wedding inviting every business contact possible. Which just sounded exhausting and more of a show than two people joining their lives together.
"Yeah, you don't have to put much thought into that yet, you're fourteen. These things are good to think about, but at the end of the day, even if you try to view this person as your future spouse, there's a lot of living between now and adulthood. Both of you will grow and change. Take it easy and figure out what you like and don't like without hurting the other person, long as its not serious you don't have to know what you like. You're correct, don't commit to something unless you feel its special."
Makai could only give so much advice in this realm. He fell in love with his childhood best friend, things were a little different on his end.
was thinking far beyond what he did at fourteen. Did he even have his first kiss yet? No. Let alone thinking about continuing his bloodline and the family name. He had other concerns at that point, not something that far into the future.
"You're going to be confused, its called being a teenage boy."
Another small laugh, as smart as the kid was, one couldn't escape the trials and tribulations of growing up.
"Dark trauma, everyone has trauma Braze. You don't fall in love with someone because they're good people. You fall in love with someone whose darkness you recognize. Love is found in the darkness, a candle in the night." He was paraphrasing one of his favorite quotes, trying to draw a point.
"Its easy to love someone when the times are easy. Anyone can do that. If you can look into the dark and still love them, still be that light, then maybe you have something special after all."
Nuanced, it wouldn't make sense to Braze now. It would take some time. A little chewing on. A little growing.