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Does What I Want Already Exist?

Peyton Steele

[member="Ayden Cater"]
Something along the lines of an open market Skipray?
But Factory created. I enjoy the immersion of the factory stuff


Professor of Alchemy
[member="Peyton Steele"]

Are you wanting more of an armed personal freighter or more of a combat specialized ship?

[member="Ayumi Pallopides"]

Not that I am aware of(unless you count the TAG-LAW, but that's not really portable).
Does anyone make some kind of weapon that shoots electrified nets?

Also, if anyone has a tranquilizer-based weapon.

Ty in advance if anyone's made these.

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Mrrew said:
Does anyone make some kind of weapon that shoots electrified nets?

Also, if anyone has a tranquilizer-based weapon.

Ty in advance if anyone's made these.
Look up the Gorgon Web Rifle, it's exactly what you're looking for. As for Tranqs there's a heavy blaster that shoots darts underneath it's blaster bolt, but it's not really easily accessible, nor silent. If you want a tranq I'd recommend making your own, though I might put one together now that you mention it.

I looked up the Gorgon rifles, it looks perfect. Tyvm. :D
As far the tranq weapon, I don't need it to be silent, just powerful enough to take out very big things... But i'll keep an eye out for yours.
Ty for the help. :) [member="Jaxton Ravos"]

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim

I put up a tranq rifle today. It's called the Chiru and you can buy it from PharmaTech in the Marketplace. If that's not to your liking I can try to help you build one.
I saw it, and searched for the pharmatech marketplace thread to purchase one, couldn't find it. Looks fantastic tho' xD
Where can I buy one? (once I get ic credits, that is)
[member="Jaxton Ravos"]
Anybody have a nice model for a really long-handled lightsaber? Bond's gonna create his own, but I need a picture or something, cause the only models I could find are Darth Chratis' and Darth Nil's...


Professor of Alchemy


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