Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Work In Progress Doing These DIV Thingies


O B J E C T I V E: Figure out how to use these div things

Tag: @​

TAG: @

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: 'Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil', alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: 'Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil', alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: 'Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil', alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

Ne jugez pas afin de ne pas être jugés, car on vous jugera de la même manière que vous aurez jugé et on utilisera pour vous la mesure dont vous vous serez servis. Pourquoi vois-tu la paille qui est dans l'œil de ton frère et ne remarques-tu pas la poutre qui est dans ton œil? Ou comment peux-tu dire à ton frère: 'Laisse-moi enlever la paille de ton œil', alors que toi, tu as une poutre dans le tien? Hypocrite, enlève d'abord la poutre de ton œil, et alors tu verras clair pour retirer la paille de l'œil de ton frère.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam posuere urna leo, eu sagittis quam posuere non. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Phasellus eleifend bibendum est, dignissim finibus elit dictum quis. Suspendisse blandit nibh a lorem vulputate facilisis. Ut non dui eu risus gravida tincidunt. Proin pulvinar dictum lacinia. Mauris lacinia massa a eleifend viverra. Nulla in lacus at nunc sodales laoreet. Vestibulum mollis vestibulum tempor. Vivamus risus metus, rhoncus sed mollis et, elementum at magna. Etiam tincidunt cursus elementum.

Aenean et cursus augue, nec laoreet ligula. Vivamus efficitur nisi commodo dui commodo, eu cursus urna molestie. Proin non metus metus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Proin in arcu ac nibh aliquam iaculis. Proin at faucibus diam. Aenean eget dolor quis leo convallis viverra. In sollicitudin nisl non orci rhoncus maximus. Cras pellentesque, tellus commodo maximus vestibulum, enim dolor interdum diam, sit amet condimentum orci elit ac lorem.

Vivamus felis nunc, hendrerit non consectetur sed, tempus pulvinar ex. Nulla consectetur enim elit, ac dapibus lacus imperdiet at. Nullam ultrices quis mi id ultricies. Proin nec ex vitae eros sagittis faucibus eu sit amet orci. Nullam scelerisque, velit sed semper lacinia, ipsum nisi efficitur orci, non pulvinar dolor sem eu lacus. Duis varius non justo at dignissim. Pellentesque viverra aliquam ipsum a scelerisque. Donec augue lacus, mattis quis turpis quis, hendrerit gravida arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis ac lobortis erat. Suspendisse id est dapibus mauris sollicitudin consectetur et vel est. Duis malesuada dui eu diam pulvinar tempus. Etiam vitae neque ipsum. Mauris eget maximus ipsum. Maecenas a enim ultrices, finibus sapien nec, varius libero. Fusce id augue lectus.
Celt Saxon Celt Saxon

[div=max-width:750px; margin:auto; margin-top:15px; margin-bottom:20px; padding-top:70px; padding-bottom:70px; background-position:center; background-image:url(; background-attachment:fixed; background-repeat: repeat; background-position: 57%; border-radius:75px; border-top:2px #000000 solid; border-bottom:2px #000000 solid; box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #000000;][div=margin-auto; max-width:750px; padding-right: 25px; padding-left: 25px; padding-top: 25px; padding-bottom: 25px; border-top: 2px #000 solid; border-bottom: 2px #000 solid; background-color:#000000; font-family: Georgia; font-size: 105%;]

[IMG alt="enclavediv3.png"][/IMG]

[IMG width="300px" alt="20230630_1727_The_Relic2.jpg"][/IMG]

[*][B]Intent: [/B]To make a beskar'gam for Mevia Krayt.
[*][B]Image Source:[/B] [URL='']Here[/URL]; [URL='']Here[/URL].
[*][B]Canon Link:[/B] N/A.
[*][B]Permissions: [/B][URL='']Here[/URL]; [URL='']Here[/URL]; [URL='']Here[/URL].
[*][B]Primary Source:[/B] [URL='']Gwyneira Krayt's Beskar'gam[/URL]; [URL='']Gwyneira Krayt's Beskar'gam 2.0[/URL]; [URL='']Mandalorian Armor[/URL]; [URL='']Mandalorian Vambrace[/URL].

[*][B]Manufacturer[/B]: [URL='']Gwyneira Krayt[/URL].
[*][B]Affiliation[/B]: [USER=32800][IMG alt="Mevia Krayt"][/IMG][/USER] [USER=32800]Mevia Krayt[/USER] .
[*][B]Market Status[/B]: Closed-Market.
[*][B]Model:[/B] N/A.
[*][B]Modularity:[/B] Yes.
[*][B]Production:[/B] Unique.
[*][B]Material:[/B] [URL='']Beskar[/URL] plates, [URL='']reflec[/URL] coating, [URL='']armorweave cloths[/URL], electrical components, kinetic impact gel.

[*][B]Classification: [/B]Multipurpose.
[*][B]Weight:[/B] [COLOR=rgb(247, 218, 100)]Heavy.[/COLOR]
[*][B]Energy: [/B][COLOR=rgb(251, 160, 38)]High.[/COLOR]
[*][B]Kinetic:[/B] [COLOR=rgb(251, 160, 38)]High.[/COLOR]
[*][B]Lightsabers:[/B] [COLOR=rgb(251, 160, 38)]High.[/COLOR]
[*][B]EMP/ Ion: [/B][COLOR=rgb(251, 160, 38)]High.[/COLOR]
[*][B]Electricity:[/B] [COLOR=rgb(251, 160, 38)]High.[/COLOR]
[*][B]Vacuum: [/B][COLOR=rgb(97, 189, 109)]None.[/COLOR]
[*][B]Temperature Extremes: [/B][COLOR=rgb(251, 160, 38)]High.[/COLOR]
[*][B]Disruptor:[/B] [COLOR=rgb(251, 160, 38)]High.[/COLOR]
[*][B]Sonic:[/B] [COLOR=rgb(251, 160, 38)]High.[/COLOR]

[B][COLOR=rgb(250, 197, 28)]SPECIAL FEATURES[/COLOR][/B]
[*]Black, mid-length kama with the Mandalorian Enclave and Chiss symbols on them.
[*][URL='']Armorweave Bodysuit[/URL].
[*]Universal [URL='']Heads Up Display[/URL].
[*]Backup [URL='']Macrobinocular viewplate[/URL].
[*]Left Shoulder:
[*][URL='']Shoulder Plate Rocket Dart Launcher[/URL].
[*]Left Vambrace:
[*][URL='']Personal Deflector Shield[/URL].
[*][URL='']Charric[/URL] [URL='']Wrist Blaster[/URL].
[*][URL='']Mirshir'jika Mandalorian Vibro-Shock Whip[/URL].
[*][URL='']Whistling Birds[/URL].
[*][URL='']Small shield generator[/URL]. [[URL='']Protects small scale area surrounding the armor[/URL].]
[*]Right Vambrace:
[*][URL='']Wrist Rockets[/URL].
[*][URL='']Personal Deflector Shield[/URL].
[*][URL='']Wrist Blade[/URL] with activatable [URL='']Plasma Cutter[/URL].
[*][URL='']Retractable Wrist Blades[/URL] with [URL='']Plasma Cutter[/URL].
[*]Right Glove:
[*][URL='']Unarmed Accuracy[/URL][URL=''] Crushgaunts[/URL] with [URL='']Shockmitt Functionality[/URL].
[*]Left Glove:
[*][URL='']Resa'geriuvr Crushgaunt[/URL].
[*][URL='']Biorestorative Underlay[/URL].
[*][URL='']Combat De-Ionizer[/URL].
[*][URL='']Energy Sink[/URL].
[*]Backplate mounted, Rechargeable Power Cells (Concealed and Retractable Solar Ionization Panels.) [Rechargeable Power Cells are the primary power source of the armor. After a standard charge the cells can last for 400 Galactic Standard Hours despite sustained use.].
[*]Magnetic jetpack or backpack mount.
[*][URL='']Anti-Disruption System[/URL].
[*][URL='']Temperature Regulator[/URL] (concealed.)
[*]Utility Belt:
[*]Two pistol holsters.
[*][URL='']Med pack[/URL].
[*]Rations pouch.
[*]Magazine pouches.
[*]Left Leg:
[*][URL='']Tracyn'senaar Whistling Birds[/URL].
[*]Pistol holster.
[*]Right Leg:
[*][URL='']Kneepad Rocket Dart Launcher[/URL].
[*]Pistol holster.
[*][URL='']Magno-boot soles[/URL].
[*][URL='']Boot blades[/URL].
[*]Whistling Birds.

[B][COLOR=rgb(97, 189, 109)]STRENGTHS[/COLOR][/B]
[*][COLOR=rgb(97, 189, 109)]Ultimate Tank:[/COLOR] This armor was crafted with the goal of endurance and durability in combat. Though at the cost of a lack of space faring equipment, this armor has been created to be legendary in taking nearly every type of damage out there.
[*][COLOR=rgb(97, 189, 109)]Mandalorian Legacy:[/COLOR] Forged from Beskar, this beskar'gam is a traditional Mandalorian suit of armor with beautiful defensive and desctructive properties.
[*][COLOR=rgb(97, 189, 109)]Armed To The Teeth:[/COLOR] From head to toe, this beskar'gam has an arsenal of weapons and equipment to increase combat and killing efficiency.
[*][COLOR=rgb(97, 189, 109)]Grace:[/COLOR] Despite the heaviness and durability of this beskar'gam, this design still allows for ease of movement and agility for the user.
[B][COLOR=rgb(214, 48, 49)]WEAKNESSES[/COLOR][/B]
[*][COLOR=rgb(214, 48, 49)]Cold Space:[/COLOR] Despite the brilliant defenses of this armor, there are some things lacking in this suit. Promarily, the wearer would sufficate, freeze, and die if cast into the vacuum of space. This beskar'gam simply was not built for outer space.
[*][COLOR=rgb(214, 48, 49)]Heavy:[/COLOR] The hefty weight of the armor makes for a suit of armor ill suited for a weaker body.
[*][COLOR=rgb(214, 48, 49)]Armorweave:[/COLOR] While armorweave is protective in its own rights, it still does not perform as well as beskar in combat. This leaves some weak spots where beskar does not cover the beskar'gam.
[*][COLOR=rgb(214, 48, 49)]BOOM!:[/COLOR] Far from a light and quiet armor set, this beskar'gam stands a poor chance in stealth situations. Loud and heavy, the armor itself makes a lot of noise as well. Furthermore, this armor has zero stealth technology.
[*][COLOR=rgb(214, 48, 49)]Manual Reloud:[/COLOR] All whistling birds and rockets must be manually reloaded after each use.

[B][COLOR=rgb(250, 197, 28)]DESCRIPTION[/COLOR][/B]
An absolute unit, a tank of durability. The beskar'gam of Mevia Krayt was built as an unadulterated war machine. All around powerful defenses, and numerous weapons and equipment to boot; this is the proud Mandalorian armor of a warrior culture. Of course, this armor still has its downsides. Completely dedicated to terrestrial combat, this armor is useless as a suit in space. The heavier weight also requires proper training and the right build to use. Furthermore, this armor is too much for stealth, and equipped with zero stealth equipment. No chances of sneaking, only attack. Always attack. Forever defending and fighting on the front lines until battle is concluded.



ArmorLight Imperial Knight Armor.
WeaponsImperial Knight Lightsaber.
Hazukashi, Naginata Pole-Arm.
Fukaikira, wakizashi short sword.
Seijo-Ki, tanto dagger.
Fragarach-model Heavy Disruptor Pistol.

Primary Objective: Protect ICANNOTSPELLPLANETNAME from unknown invaders.
Secondary Objective: Keep Michael Barran and as many good soldiers alive as possible, even if it costs her own life.
Location [Start of Post]: Hand Of Thrawn.
Location [End of Post]: Hand Of Thrawn.
Allies: tba.
Engaging: tba.
Misc. Tags: tba.

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~ I S - T H I S - T H E - E N D ~

The successful click wave barrage, and the countless swings of their blades, felled the droids surrounding them. But it was in the air, more was coming. Mira could sense it.

In the piles of rubble, debris, and droid parts, Mira stood next to Michael as the harsh winds blew across the landscape which was no longer protected by standing buildings. Mira sensed her soldiers falling a distance away, and she grimaced as she looked to Michael. Her father had gone from speaking in coms to narrowing his eyes, silent but focused on something. Aoki-Barran narrowed her eyes as he spoke to her at last

"Mira... it's time... meditate."

Mira put her weapons away, panting. She spoke, voice hoarse from all the fighting as she retorted, "You should do the same. The more you let yourself be distracted by your brother, the more likely you are to fall."

Aoki-Barran Mira knew Michael well enough. He was in telepathic communication with his brother. A toxic family whispering into his mind's ear, twisting him. Mira frowned, but she reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"You need to recenter yourself more than I do. Do not worry, father. Against him, I remain by your side, regardless of how this all ends."

With that, she lowered herself to the ground and entered a meditative stance found commonly in Atrisian culture. She closed her eyes, steadying her breathing as she focused herself from the chaos and loss of the battlefield. The final attack, most ruthless of all, was closing in. She had to be prepared. For Michael Barran's sake. If Thomas Barran wished to kill him, he would have to go through her first. That was an absolute. Levelheaded and focused, Mira strangely felt no fear. As she meditated, she only felt a grim determination... and a strange sense of hope. All her doubts and misgivings were gone, only replaced with a soothing clarity that strengthened her spirit. Whatever came, even when Thomas Barran himself stood before them, Mira knew what she was going to do.

The Imperial Samurai opened her eyes.

She remained seated, next to Michael Barran as she sensed the doom incoming. Calm, breathing steadily, she spoke. "They are coming."

Through the smoke and debris clouds, she saw the silhouettes. Two lone figures marching through the ruins they created. A massive, looming cyborg clanked loudly as he marched. But the greatest Force Signature came from the cloaked figure in the lead. His Force Signature was strangely similar, and she knew exactly why. Blood relation to another Force Signature she knew well. This was it.

Aoki-Barran Mira stood up, still not taking hold of any of her weapons. She took a couple steps forward, standing between the Bloodhound, his minion, and the Wanderer. She narrowed her eyes, cool and unflinching in the face of the skeleton mask and his puppet.

"Konnichiwa, Bloodhound. I have heard a lot about you."

Her eyes darted coldly to the cyborg. He was here for a purpose, but what? She was determined to keep an eye on him, as she looked back to Thomas. The Shadow, it seemed, became more pronounced in the light. A stark contrast to its shade, and it stood out more than anything else in this ruin.

She still did not touch a single weapon on her person, "I apologize for delaying your big plans, but the Wanderer is under my protection."

She reached to her hips, placing elegant yet sturdy hands on the hilts of her two blades. "You still have a long ways to go, before finally facing him."

She pulled her weapons from their sheaths, combat ready. The blades glistened as the Shadow stood, stoic and ready. This was it. The final hour. And she would give everything she had to determine the best possible outcome for her soldiers, her civilians, and her father. She had no fear of death, or whatever the Bloodhound could do to her. Dauntless, she would face this giant unshaken.


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Melee WeaponsDavaab'beskad, personal Chiss "Execution" beskad.
Kada'yr, Mandalorian Kal.
RiflesKSTR-24 Dvalin Cyro Blaster Rifle.
ENCL-45 Tyatr'geriuvr Plasmag Rifle.
PistolsKYR-54 Skathe Hand Cannon + Regular, Pyro, and Cyro Rounds.
M.I. Model 6.

Primary Objective: Take control of Kiffu for the Mandalorian Enclave!
Secondary Objective: Fight a beloved family member.
Allies: Yael Kandar Yael Kandar .
Engaging: Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira .
Misc. Tags: Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla Yuri Maji Yuri Maji Vren Rook Vren Rook .

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Rage and betrayal flooded her veins. Energy coursed through her, like the barrage of lightning between the Vizsla's. Mevia was empowered by a sense of... justification. Justification, and a sick freedom. She had laid all her misgivings, jealousy, and self pity out on the floor. It was all in the open, and she no longer had to work so hard to hide it. Furthermore, she could act on it. She was free to lash out, free to rage, and free to fight. She was strangely numb to the implications and consequences. She was not focused on the future, or what was ahead. She was free to tear it all apart, here and now. Here and now, she was locked in the present with boundless opportunity to be all the things most would fear.

The lightning died down momentarily. Mevia bolted forth with her jetpack. She rammed into Elise's midsection. Her crushgaunts sunk into the soft armorweave beskar did not cover. The sound of glass shattered around them, and the lightning grew dark, as they flew through the building and came out the other side. Elise's own jetpack activated by fluke, and the two were suddenly sky bound. Elise struggled to turn her jetpack off, and Mevia struggled to control them both. Hurdling through the air, Mevia could feel the lightning bolts narrowly missing them. Mevia gritted her teeth, and as Elise finally shut off her jetpack. With the aid of her boot's repulser, Mevia kicked Elise downwards. Elise's frame crashed through another window, but sustained minor injuries according to Mevia's HUD.

Force Augmentation. Kark it all!

Another lightning strike flashed just to the right as Mevia flew in after her. She slid into the building, an office building, and shattered a desk as she thudded heartily onto the floor. Her natural Chiss infrared vision, and her HUD, picked up on Elise's warmt bodyheat across the room, struggling to stand up.

The lightning once again started a barrage outside. The flickers of light were enough to light up the room, but not enough to see in more than mere shadows. With a growl, Mevia charged for the other Mandalorian. She screamed, shoving office chairs and desks aside. Computers shattered and papers flew through the air as she reached her target. She unleashed a furious barrage of punches and kicks... and her opponent took every one.

Mevia rasped, <"Traitor! You traitor! You betrayed us! Betrayed Buir! Betrayed dad's memory! Auntie's memory! You betrayed me! Then again, when did you not!">

She pulled out her Skathe pistol, loaded and locked, and fired. The slug round bounced off her armor, sending her back, though it did not pierce. Unsatisfied by the sound, she threw the hand canon at Elise's frame before rushing her again.

<"You left me! You went off to train with those shamans when you were twelve, and you left me at home! So soon after dad died! You lived in another world I could never reach! And you left me here! Alone!">

She yanked her beskad from its sheath, activating the Chiss plasma cutter. The sword slammed into the Force Augmented Mandalorian, slashing with brutal, cutting precision. The plasma cutter sliced through the armorweave with intent to cut with painful, but not deadly, punishment. She quickly became unsatisfied with that as well, as the object of her wrath still stumbled backwards. Still in the game. Mevia tossed the blade aside and lifted her leg. Her repulser activated again as she kicked her opponent into the wall. She fell, crumpled, as her helmet hissed loose.

The buy'ce fell to the floor. Outside, the lightning only intensified. So much lightning was striking the streets now, it replaced any need for a sun. The room was illuminated in a yellow glow as Mevia retracted her vambrace's wrist blade. Her opponent was looking down to the floor. Her hair covered her face. Mevia's enemy was finished. Time to finish her!


Her boots smashed a fallen datapad. Tunnel vision engulfed her as she stampeded towards her enemy.

Then, the Mandalorian lifted her head.

Mevia tripped, her ruthless charge halted in an instance.

Mevia skidded, her body slamming into the office wall her wrist blade embedded it. She panted, looking down as she paused.

Her face. Her opponent's karking face

Blood gushed from her nose, and a black and blue bruise was rapidly forming on her cheek. Shaking from the cuts inflicted, the girl looked up to her as tears flooded from those red eyes. Mevia's own eyes widened beneath her buy'ce. But for her, the barrier was gone. This was an enemy, a traitor, and a threat. And yet... she was still her sister.

Mevia... could not go through with the deed.

She panted, leaning against the wall as she looked down at her weeping, bruised, bloodied sister. Jac'Eli'Serum, Elise Vizsla.

They remained there. Still and hushed. Was it a moment? Was it an age? Mevia did not know. But the love she felt, and the heartbreak of being on opposing sides, penetrated so deeply that she too began to shed silent tears.

No words were spoken. They simply remained, frozen. Neither seemed to have the strength to move.

<"Mevia Vizsla, this is ###### of ## War Dogs. We are evacuating Kiffu in ##### minutes. Yael Kandar got ###, but we ########-your location if you are joining. Over.">

Mevia gritted her teeth, yanking her wrist blade from the wall. She staggered back, eyes locked on Elise Vizsla. With her voice hoarse and cracked, she responded.

<"This... Is Mevia Vizsla. Here's my coordinates. I'll be waiting by the win-window... Over.">

She turned around, rage and energy exhausted. There was only vacant sorrow as she silently trudged towards her beskad, embedded into a chair. She pulled it out, sheathed it, and stumbled towards where her Skathe hand cannon had been dropped. She paused before the pistol, half buried under papers, and bent down to pick it up. She heard a rustling noise and bolted upwards with the pistol.

Elise had fled the scene.

The grim happening made Mevia frown bitterly.

After today, things would never be the same again.

She shoved her pistol into its sheath and limped towards the window. The lightning died down again, bathing Mevia in an eerie darkness...


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Melee WeaponsDavaab'beskad, personal Chiss "Execution" beskad.
Kada'yr, Mandalorian Kal.
RiflesKSTR-24 Dvalin Cyro Blaster Rifle.
ENCL-45 Tyatr'geriuvr Plasmag Rifle.
PistolsKYR-54 Skathe Hand Cannon + Regular, Pyro, and Cyro Rounds.

Primary Objective: SomethingMandalore!
Secondary Objective: Beatupsister.
Allies: tba.
Engaging: Elise Ahana-Gwyneira Elise Ahana-Gwyneira .
Misc. Tags: tba.

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It's Just Another War
Just Another Family Torn
It's Just Another Kill

The Countdown Begins To Destroy Ourselves...




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Melee WeaponsTar'Nau, Bes'manda Beskad.
Copad'kal, "Ambition", personal Mandalorian Kal.
Kada'yr, Mandalorian Kal.
Breshig War Forge Consolidated K-02M Kal.
The Royal Dragon, lightsaber.
Entrenching Tool.
PistolsDXN-57 Breachlight blaster pistol.
KSTR-20 Borealis Heavy Blaster Pistol.
ENCL-21 Ra'ntisr Heavy Blaster Pistol.
Mandalorian Ripper Pistol MK.II.
Mother's Root seeds [In secured bottle stored in belt.]
Ground Mother's Root toxin [In secured bottle stored in belt.]

Squadron Text Colors:
- Elise Vizsla: Red.
- Olivia Vizsla: Crimson.
- Ori'ramikad Rodarch: Lime.
- Choruk Ordo: Light Blue.
- Vhekad Rook: Brown.
- Dinui Krayt: Orange.
- Azalea Rodarch: Pink.

Darion Kithero

Cyan colored text indicates an illusion.



Elise was forced to dart. She leapt out of the way as flame erupted out. Her opponent had figured out that an attack was coming, and he acted well in response. Elise's red kama flowed as she de-cloaked, her Mandalorian dagger still in hand. Beneath her buy'ce, she grimaced. Of course things could never be too easy.

Meanwhile, the undead crawled up the sides of the buildings, clamoring to find the snipers in their perches. Dinui opted to put her rifle away, instead favoring a light repeating blaster and unleashing hell upon the zombies climbing below her. As she mowed down the hoard coming for her, Choruk activated his jetpack and flew to a higher spot to continue sniping from there. The rest of the squad was holding their own, Ori was calm as always, firing his Mandalorian Ripper rifle with skill and accuracy. Vhekad was eager, switching between his vibrohammer and his light repeating rifle to get the job done. Azalea was struggling more, as she frequently had to weave out of range as she fired her Mandalorian Ripper pistols. Dinui took out the monkey bar swinging zombies after her. She reloaded her rifle before leaping down to join the others, covering Azalea where she struggled. Meanwhile, Olivia remained stealthed as she watched Elise's battle, more concerned for the true nature of her mission than her squad mates...

"A bold move. Though boldness does not equate to shrewdness."

Elise put her knife away, reaching for the pistols on her hip. <"I don't know what you're thinking, sending this hoard towards the refugee camp. It's a vile and cowardly move. I'll give you one chance-">

She drew her Borealis cyro-ban pistol, pointing it at the commander, <"Call it off.">


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Primary Objective: Anger management.
Secondary Objective: Steal information from HQ of the Yag'Dhul shipyards for the Mandalorian Enclave.
Allies: Mandalorians.
Engaging: To be discovered...
Misc. Tags: KRANAK, SHAI, VAL, AVE...

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War. What is it good for?

"You may have given up on keeping a Light shining in a dark Galaxy. But I won't."

Back turned, floating in the air, Gwyneira frowned. This girl sounded so much like her own daughter, Elise Vizsla. So optimistic about saving the Galaxy and solving its problems. It was a shame. A real shame... But even as the Force flared through her Force Sense, and the Padawan chanted to "Ashla," Gwyn remained turned away from the girl. She merely activated her magnetic soles so she could stay on the dome. She did not want to fight this child, but it was increasingly obvious that she was not backing off.

So stubborn... Gwyn sadly smiled beneath her buy'ce, Was I that obstinate at that age?

The Force hit her. Gwyn let it. Her cybernetic sight was reduced to nothing. Induced blindness. There was no panic at the attack, however. Only a chill calm. She loosened her magnetic soles' grips on the dome so she could move her feet. She could sense exactly where the Padawan was - and even sensed the crystals in her twin lightsabers. The mere signatures, lights in the dark, allowed Gwyneira to react accordingly. Knowing exactly where the blades were striking, she lifted her combat vambrace. The plasma shield was activated, blocking one saber. With another hand, she blocked with her Kal. As the two blades locked, Gwyneira closed her eyes and extended her senses using the Force. The Padawan's attacks kept coming, and Gwyneira continued to use her Force Sense alone to block and evade as Force Sight blossomed. She now could see, as if her eyes still worked, using the Force.

Purely defensive, Gwyneira blocked another duel blade attack. Judging by the posture of the girl she was fighting, Gwyneira realized what style she was using instantaneously.

<"Form Seven, Vaapad. You're a bit young to be utilizing that style, don't you think?">

Her she spoke in a tone that was soft, teasing. Motherly. She dryly laughed, <"There's a grave danger to using it, as it draws on emotion. Emotion and the Force can be a deadly combination. You're... unstable. Are you sure about using it right now?">

She finally pushed back, shoving the padawan back with her physical might. She activated her jetpack and deactivated her magnetics. She flew quite a ways back, sensing something in the void above them. Life forms. By the sounds of it, Cabur'tomad was engaged in combat, but not with energy soldiers. They were animals, by the way Gwyneira sensed them. Mynocks, perhaps? She spoke to Cab through her comlink, <<"Keep them off us, Cab! Good boy!">>

Gwyneira landed on the dome again, several feet from where the Padawan stood. Gwyneira deactivated her plasma shield and sheathed her Kal. Then, she reached for her cybernetic leg. A slot opened in it, and she pulled two cylinders from it. She pulled them in front of her, a combat stance made.

<"There's a reason I never used Vaapad myself."> She activated the objects in her hand. Lightsabers. One was a small, amber lightsaber blade shoto. The other was a standard blade, though purple in color. Both hilts were made of beskar. This Mandalorian not only had two lightsabers, but knew how to craft and use them herself. <"My own emotions are a mess. But I could teach you a thing or two, I've seen enough...">

She activated her jump boots, floating just inches over the dome.

<"... to know how the Galaxy works.">

Her jetpack activated once again. She flew towards the padawan with Form Five as her obvious choice. She flew towards the child, offering a swift flurry of strikes. It was not meant to kill, however. If anything, if any hits struck they would be minor injuries. This was not a real fight, in Gwyneira's mind. No, this was a lesson.

If this padawan was going to insist in taking duty on, she needed to know what she was getting into.


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Melee WeaponsDavaab'beskad, personal Chiss "Execution" beskad.
Kada'yr, Mandalorian Kal.
PistolsKYR-54 Skathe Hand Cannon + Regular, Pyro, and Cyro Rounds.
M.I. Model 6.
HG-88 'Big Iron' Hand Cannon.
OtherKSTR-22 Igradi Light Repeating Blaster.


With her buy'ce firmly pulled over her face, Mevia Vizsla scowled in contempt. She despised the Galactic Alliance more every day. How could they pretend to be more holy, when they were doing everything they could to smite Mandalore and its people from the Galaxy? At least the Mawites that had enslaved her long ago had the decency to reveal their wretchedness outright. The Galactic Alliance, and those abominable Jedi, were easily monsters in the young vod's eyes. Growing up, her mother had taught her that the Jedi were weak and soft on crime. Growing up, Mevia saw something different. They were hypocrites, more than anything else, for daring to cross the Enclave for expanding - when in the name of "peace" and "freedom" they crushed anyone in their way. It was horrid and vile, that even her sister joined those feinds. That traitor made Mevia's heart contort inside her. And now, the Jedi had the audacity to capture a vod and strip her of her beskar'gam.

Mevia would spill blood tonight in revenge. The Galactic Alliance needed to pay... for everything.

Standing at the ready, in full gear and carrying brutal equipment, Mevia clenched her fists as waited for the signal. As much as she found JENN to be a weak minded fool, her dedication to saving her kin was admirable. At least Kryze was not as far gone as her sister. Mevia already was aquanted with DIMA and CELT, and found them to be admirable warriors of Mandalorian valor - even if Dima proved to be rather... eccentric... at times. Mevia did not recognize RANNA, however. But the best way to get to know a vode was through fighting side by side with them!

Mevia looked over to her friend and leader, YAEL. They were quite close at this point, and Mevia trusted her with her life. For this reason, Mevia was able to mutter, "I will paint this prison red with their blood, mark my words! I can't stress enough how much they have this coming..."

And yet, a faint fear tugged at her heart. A reluctance.

"I just... hope Elise won't be here..."

Then, Jenn Kryze shook her attention back to the group as she addressed them. Mevia's face hardened in determined vengeance.

"Let us at them, Kryze."

Today, the Beskar Baddies would free REGGIE from the shackles of the Jedi and their mind games. And Mevia was ready to plow through carnage to make it so.


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Class(es)Civilian/ Criminal (Nar Nutta); Sith Acolyte (The Sith Order).
BirthplaceNar Hutta.
Age24 galactic years old.
Personality Traitstba
MBTI Typetba
Big Five Typetba
Rank(s)Sith Acolyte.
Faction(s)The Sith Order.
LanguagesGalactic Basic, Huttese, Twi'lik.
Force SensitiveForce Sensitive
Character AlignmentChaotic Neutral-Evil
Weight106 lbs

  • YOxJvgI.png

    Born on Nal Hutta, within lower class conditions, Lya Saleté had two parents and a younger brother she grew up with. As a poor family, everyone worked, including Lya. Lya started out performing odd jobs, maintenance, and menial labor. Her brother was sickly, and thus proved unable to provide for the family. Lya worked for the both of them, doing everything she could to keep him healthy. At age nine. Lya's family was slaughtered by some local thugs, leaving her to be the primary provider for her and her brother.

    Growing into her teen years, Lya started work in customer service. A cashier, a waitress, a desk receptionist, and more. She jumped from job to job, in multiple jobs, as she struggled to make funds for her brother's health. At age sixteen, however, she struck gold. A high end, quality restaurant was looking for a waitress. The moment she walked in, the owner smirked.

    "A female twi'lik! A waitress like this will bring in customers for sure!"

    Even if the pay was meager, the job proved to be far more stable. And yet, she found that the job was taxing and horrendous. Customers were rude and demanding, her bosses all took advantage of her work ethic and need for money, and she found herself being frequently yelled at, humiliated, and even struck. Hot foods were chucked at her, leaving permanent burns on her skin. Her bosses stole her own tips, and she was frequently berated for not doing a good enough job, despite playing the role of the hard working, cute waitress. She worked days and night, seldom getting enough sleep. But, it helped to keep her brother healthy and fed. So, she put up with the abuse.

    But one day, when she was twenty four, everything changed.

    Her brother fell victim to a serious disease, and was rushed to the hospital. Lya begged her boss to let her see her brother in the hospital but was threatened with being fired. Knowing that the hospital bills would require her to work harder than ever, she reluctantly stayed at her job... only to find out when she clocked out that her brother, her only family, everything she fought for... had passed away.

    The night in her apartment was spent in utter despair, weeping and screaming in her lonely bedroom. She had just lost her only reason for living, her family, and it demolished her. Her wailing proceeded through the whole night, until the first rays of sunshine peaked through her drafty window. Despite her soul's drained and weary state, she habitually did what she always did... and prepared for her next shift.

    She walked into the restauraunt. Circles under her teary eyes, exhausted. and grief stricken. Only to be met with the berating voice of her boss.

    "Headtail! You are two minutes late for work! This will be coming out of your check; you can expect to be working your first hour off the clock-"

    Something inside her snapped.

    All the rage, all the anguish, from years of being mistreated and merely smiling in response caught up with her. The decorative candle fires flickered violently, as Lya realized that with nothing else to live for... she was free to do what she always had wanted to do.

    She reached out, using a power within her to grip the manager.

    He began to violently contort, bones cracking and muscles tearing. Lya smiled once more, but with a far more sinister glint in her eyes. Watching in terror, the customers cried out and overlooked in horror. But Lya, she never felt so liberated in her life as she lifted him into the air.

    "You know... boss... You always had your hand around my neck, using my brother to keep me under your boot. But he's gone now, and I am free."

    "L-let me go! Headtail! I'll call the police, and they-"

    "My name is Lyra. And I have no reason to live anymore. I can die after this for all I care. But I will see you suffer first... for all these years you've treated me like dirt!"

    He was slowly twisted into shapes a body never should have been in, as the fires of the candles glowed so bright that they began to catch the entire building on fire. Using the strange power within her, Lya called the flames over, to him. She smirked, as he burned. And the entire restaurant burned down with him.

    The entire time, one customer watched with interest, realizing that they had found something far better than a tasty bantha burger in this restaurant.

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  • unknown.png

  • Sith-corruption.png

    Current Conditions:
    • N/A.

    Past Conditions:
    • Childhood Malnutrition.

    Cybernetics/ Implants:
    • N/A.

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    • tba

    • tba

    • tba

    • tba

    • tba

    • TBA.

    • tba

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