Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dom santiago VS Isaac Clarke

WARNING: probably will contain spoilers to gears of war and dead space

ok so me and my brother have different opinions on video games and yesterday we had the argument on who was more badass, dom Santiago (gears of war) or Isaac Clarke (dead space). I put my bet on Isaac Clarke, he had gone through hell and back on more than a few occasions and still trudged forward, when dom didn't go through half of his experience, and couldn't handle it. well, now I will let the argument commence, what do my fellow rp'ers think.
Issac. Because his situation was FAR more realistic than gears of war. They are big and buff for absolutly no reason. Clarke had some real sht to deal with if you know what i mean.
Plus in dead space not only did he have to fight his way through some si fi BS. He was also locked in a straight jacket for like...two years. Suffered insanity, and ect ect. All the peeps in Gears of War were just total brutes and did nothing but saw monsters in half with chainsaws >_>
Issac Clarke. I'm a huge Dead Space fan and the dude wins hands down. The guy had to craft weapons out of common tools and then go around in creepy places and possibly be attacked by necromorphs? No thanks. Then there are the entire issues with the Marker and his dementia.

I liked Gears of War but eh....didn't go through as much as poor Issac.
Thraishe Krine said:
Dom definitely. He had to fight Locust. 10x worse than the Necromorphs
........Big mutant humans are worse than alien infected humans? Plus he is a soldier and had weapons provided for him to fight. Issac had to survive ON HIS OWN. Dom had help from everyone else who also were super juiced up and super soldiers.
that's not a good reason, since when was a giant bug holding a gun worse than a human bent in an inhuman manner, that lurks in the dark with no goals but the ambition to kill, whatever the cost?
lets get ths straight, im not going to dis gow because I actually really enjoy the series, im just saying, dom put one bullet in his wifes head, Isaac put several

Reyven Samoth

Grand Lord of the Tribe
Dom spent the entirety of Gears 3 crying about his dead wife(Which was just a ploy to get us to actually think there was emotion n' crap in that franchise which was a horrible idea), and then died.
I shed many for Isaac, Isaac couldn't save his friends, he had to let go of everything he held on to until all he had left was Nicole. Nicole was the one thing that kept him human and in the end it nearly killed him. Ellie was his last hope, the only thing he cared about any more. I believe that Isaac didn't give his life for the galaxy, but for her.

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