Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominik Borra Vs. Adi

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The hangar bay of an ImpStar Deuce (Imperial-II class Star Destroyer) is vast, and grey, devoid of the activity that would normally be found on a warship.

The hangar is roughly 100 meters deep, 50 meters across and 50 meters high with solid metal decking. There are 4 cargo crates sitting on a tug platform off to the left side of the room if the combatants are facing the aperture to space.

There are 2 TIE/LN parked in the back of the hangar, one on each side, and 2 more hanging from the ceiling in their storage mounts.

There is a hanging gangway over the hangar floor that allows pilots access to the stored TIE/LN from the glass ATC station located on the very back wall of the hangar.

The room is well lit, there is no wind and no personnel. The force field is active and fighters are in no danger of being sucked out into space.

The fighters will enter from opposite sides. The fight will go on until either one or both fighters is dead or incapacitated, a fighter surrenders either verbally or by leaving the bay, or time runs out.

May the Force be with you.

[member="Dominik Borra"]

"Well now, what kind of mess did you get yourself into this time, Matango?"

These were the thoughts that careened through Adi's mind as he found himself in the hangar of an Imp Star. Killer Bunny had LOVED these things, and had an entire wing of her fleet comprised primarily of the formidable ships. He was familiar with the layout of the hangars of the craft, but Adieumus had never seen one so sparsely stocked. If this would have been one of Grand Admiral Nova's fleet, it would be packed to the gills with fighters, fuel, troops, and landing craft...

Not this one, however. This one was so sparsely stocked that Adi had no trouble finding the fighters near him when he entered from the rear of the hangar. They would be his ticket out of here. He walked over to the one on the left of the entrance, and tried the hatch...but to no avail. He then moved over , to the one on the right, and with a little finagling, he was able to open the cockpit, and climb inside. Flicking a few switches, he saw that the fighter had not been used for some time, and would take at least ten minutes to warm up. Damn...and he was hoping for a quick getaway before the owning faction of the ship discovered him here. He was pretty sure they didn't want a rogue former Jedi wandering their combat ships, especially considering the fact that Adi served no team. He was on his own in this galaxy...and he was quite happy to be so.

Checking that the TIE had enough fuel to reach the nearest planet with a decent population, and his location, Adi climbed out of the cockpit, leaving the fighter to its warmup sequence. He wished that the weapons systems weren't one of the last to come online, though...should someone unexpected show up, they would prove handy. He suddenly had a feeling like he wasn't alone, even though he couldn't see anyone in the large hangar. Instinctively, his hand moved to the black hilt on his hip, just to ensure it was there. He didn't unhook it yet, but it was comforting to know that it was there. He regretted not bringing any armor along, it was, he was in a pair of black cargo pants, a black t-shirt reading 'Tough Mudder:Dagobah', and his always-present gray on white Air Force Ones. He felt himself slipping deeper into the vast ocean of the force, feeling around him. There was an uneasy silence to this large room so very dedicated to war, and it didn't sit well with the Arkanian. He was out in the open here...he needed cover, just in case problems arose.

He made his way over to the floating tug with the crates, and hopped up on it. Sitting on one, he looked around, up and down in the hangar bay, searching for anyone that might be there. Figuring there was time, Adi pulled a smoke out of his pack, and lit it, taking a deep inhale of the sweet tabac.

...It was, after all, about life's simple little pleasures.

[member="Dominik Borra"]

This ship had been abandoned out in the middle of space for quite some time now. Why? No idea. How? Well, probably with all the ships that were missing from the hangar. Dominik had traveled to this war ship to, one: Figure out what happened. And two: maybe steal any information or equipment he could grab that was left behind. He was currently in the hangar bay, his ship parked in the hangar opposite this one he was in. That one had no ships left whatsoever, so he made a B line for this one. It was more equipped that the one he arrived in, but was still scarce. He was on the gangway at the back of the chamber, checking out one of the fighters to see if it was damaged at all, when his HUD flashed a warning of a sudden heat signature. He turned his head and using his eye, zoomed in. A fighter just started up, and a man just jumped out of the cockpit. He didn't seem official in anyway. Dominik would take him for a scavenger, but he was wearing normal clothes. No bags, guns, or- ...That was a lightsaber. He wouldn't mistake one anywhere. Well, looks like someone who's been here for a while. Probably Sith.

He carefully got on one knee as the man across the bay sat on a pile of boxes and lit a smoke. He moved his rifle from around his shoulder and aimed down the scope, holding down the trigger. It started to charge up the particle beam as he took careful aim, putting the middle of the crosshairs for the man's chest. It's near-quiet humming reached a climax of pitch, signaling it was ready to fire, slowly... he squeezed the trigger.

A bright blue particle beam would launch from the rifle's barrel, heading straight for the man with a smoke in his mouth. Whatever it hit would explode with the heat of a small thermal detonator. With no armor on, this was an easy cleanup. If only the Sith didn't feel his presence with the force. Then this could get a little messy.

Adi saw something shiny on the ground, and cocked his head as he took another drag from his smoke. Hey, was that a credchip from the Old Republic era? It was the right color, shape, and size...they were worth something!! He bent down from his sitting position, doubling himself over as he reached for it. As his fingers closed around it, he realized that it -wasn't- an Old Republic was just a small piece of discarded silver metal of some kind....

...He also realized that a bright blue beam of energy sailed through the space that he was just occupying, and impacting the wall that was about thirty feet behind him, sending a wave of heat and pressure back toward Matango. Adi hadn't even heard a shot fired. Jaw agape in amazement at his luck, Adieumus hopped off the crate. Yeah, there was most -certainly- someone else here, and they brought guns. Adi hated guns. They were so impersonal, there was no honor or skill in their use. You line up a shot in some kind of electronic targeting device *which, to be honest, does all the work for you*, and you squeeze a trigger. Anyone who was anyone could do that.

The Arkanian's eyes fell upon the man kneeling out in the open with a rifle in his hands. That rifle had to go. He quickly brought up his left arm, first opening his hand, then closing it. With this move, he reached out with the force, attempting to grip the rifle by the end of the barrel. If the grip was successful, Adi would then fling said left arm out to his left side, Trying to rend the weapon from the man's hands...or at the very least get the aim away from him. Either way, he had to keep that beast of a gun from firing again. He called out to the unknown individual, trying to de-escalate the situation.

"Uh, HI!! I'm Adieumus. Please, don't shoot!! I'm not here to fight, I assure you, friend."

Adi was no fool, however. His eyes stayed locked on the armored person, just in case they weren't going to stop attacking. He knew damn well that some people just wanted to fight, and there was nothing you could do about it. At least the guy didnt appear to be force-sensitive, though. That was a big plus. A force user with guns was just about too much to take.

[member="Dominik Borra"]
The moment he squeezed the trigger and the beam erupted from the barrel, the man had bent over to look at something on the floor. Man, Dominik was unlucky. With this particular rifle, it would take 5 seconds for it to fire again as it vented huge amounts of heat. But that didn't deter the man as he reached out with the force and moved Dominik's gun to the side. The only reason it didn't clatter against the walkway far from him was the strap that got caught on his armor.

As a reaction, he had pulled a pistol out of it's holster from his left hip, pointing it at the man. Apparently he wasn't here to fight. "Well I'm here, and I don't want any wo-.." He stopped himself. He had gone back to his old Sith Agent ways. No. He was turning to a different man. He sighed, and holstered his gun before wrapping his rifle across his back once more before calling out, "Then why are you here?"

"Dude, with the amount of greenery I smoked with that damn droid last round, I have NO idea. I was just trying to get the kriff OUT of here. Hence me warming up the TIE."

Adi chuckled. After that fight *and a quick dip in a very nice bacta tank*, Aya and Adi had indeed gone to the festival...but that is an entirely different story altogether. Suffice to say that they smoked enough to suffocate a banthaa ten times over. Ending up here in this ImpStar was the first coherent moment he had since Aya had taken her leave.

"Although, since we are here, I -could- use a bit of sparring. Whaddaya say? I hear that the rustbucket running this shindig likes to see action....Let's give him a show.

Afterward, we can grab a beer somewhere and laugh about the bruises."

At least this guy had some sense. Some people would have still been shooting, and that would probably have been bad for them.

[member="Dominik Borra"]
Dominik tilted his head. Last round? Someone seeing the shindig? Something at the back of his head told him he was telling the truth, and a flash of a pit of sand and a kid begging not to be killed came across his mind, then left as soon as it had came. He shook his head, clearing it out.

At the invitation to a spar, Dominik stepped over the railing and jumped to a nearby ship, landing unto the cockpit before sliding the rest of the way to the ground. "I won't cast a fight to the wayside, and wouldn't mind going to a bar, but you're having the beer on your own. I don't like what alcohol does to me."

He walked within 10 meters of the man, sizing him up and analyzing him with his robotic eye. It had become a habit of late to analyze everybody.

6' 2", approximately 205 lbs.. Early forties or late 30's.

It was hard to tell the exact age with how many humanoid species there were in the galaxy. Adieumus was of a thick build. Definitely fit and ready for a fight. The last thing he wanted to do was get in close quarters with him. The only reason he was this close in the beginning was because of a sense of honor when starting a duel. Too far back and Dominik would have the advantage, and too close Adieumus would have the advantage. he may still be too close, but he wasn't planning on getting any closer.

He took out both pistols, and set them both to stun. He wouldn't shoot this man to death if it was a friendly spar, but he wouldn't judge shots either. This was the most fair he could get. "Let's get this party started then, yeah?"

Adi simply nodded, and gave his semi-famous lopsided grin. The ten meters between them would have to be closed, and those pistols would have to go somewhere other than in this guy's hands. That rifle, though....It had a sturdy sling...

That observation gave Adi an idea to close the gap quickly.

Another lift of his left arm, and a closing of his right hand, and the former prince of Arkania yanked backward...hard. He was attempting to grip and rip the man toward him, using one of his own weapons...or rather, the sling. It would be as if Adi himself grabbed hold of it, and yanked, only amplified by the force threefold. His right hand hung near his lightsaber, in case the pistols came out and Adi had to react to their shots. Anticipation was key, and seeing the man make a presentation of setting them to stun earlier on was enough to tell Matango that he was planning on using them. It'd be rather daft to think he wouldn't try to use them in this situation.

If it went as planned, this move would draw the armored man to within ten feet of Adieumus, and try to land him off balance, giving an opening for a strike of some kind, and eliminating the possibility of accurate aim from the firearms.
When he reached up with one arm only, Dominik knew that the force was being used. The sling for his rifle shot forward, tugging him towards Adi. Dominik leaned back, grinding his heavy boots into the hangar floor. A few sparks flew as the friction increased as Adi pulled with the force. Dominik's first instinct was to draw his guns, but Adi had his hand at his saber. Stun bolts wouldn't do anything. He struggled, inching forward as the force willied him forward. Then a light went off in his head.

He pivoted the best he could to his left, letting his rifle and the sling pass through his arm and fly at Adi. With the amount of energy pulling at the gun, it should reach him before he could react to quickly. He wouldn't be able to use it at close range anyway. As he spun, now free of the tug of the force, he drew the sword from his back and charged at Adi, running past him as he slashed horizontally towards Adi's side.
Charging. Why did the ones that had the armor -always- charge? Did those plates on their chest make them feel stronger, or that helmet on their head cause them not to see that a ready opponent who has the inside circle of a fight has the advantage if you charge?

The particle beam rifle's mid barrel was caught in Adi's right hand, and he brought his left back up to catch the stock. He spun it in his hands to put the metal barrel out against the incoming sword, no sooner doing so than the blow came in. Adi intercepted it with the chamber area of the particle beam rifle, and winced as bright yellow sparks began to fly from the weapon. He twisted his body, deflecting the incoming blow to his right, and turning into the incoming enemy. He could almost feel the man's back roll behind him as Matango let his opponent's momentum carry him right past. He took a few steps away, keeping his focus on Dominik until he heard a high-pitched whine coming from the rifle.

Crapbaskets. That was the 'Im going to explode now...have a nice day' kind of whine. Without a thought as to the safety of the other man, he tossed it back to its owner.

"Uh, I don't want this can have it back....."

Adi hopped backward to open the gap between himself and the armored man who had just tried to stick a very sharp object through the Arkanian's very un-armored right side. Fair was fair, and a rifle that was going to explode any second was as fair as ANY pointy object, wasn't it?
Dominik charged forward with his sword in his right hand, taking one good slash at his opponents mid-section. Adi held up the rifle that he had caught and used it to block the attack, then twisted past Dominik. Dominik took three more steps before turning around, right when the rifle started wiring to life.

It was clever to block Dominik's attack with his own rifle, but after sparks started flying, he knew what was about to happen before it started whining. And then Adi tossed it back at Dominik. That thing was going to hurt. Quickly holding up his left arm with an open palm at the rifle, he activated the tiny tractor beam inside, catching the rifle mid-air. "Nu-huh, yours now." He replied as he pushed it back towards [member="Adi"] . To him, it would seem like he had the force, albeit untrained and weak. There wasn't any more time before the rifle would have it's reaction. It would explode now, and Dominik didn't want to be the victim of seeing how it explodes.
He saw the weapon stop, and come back toward him...and for a moment, just a moment, Adi thought that maybe he =was= fighting a force user...

...But why no aura? Was the man hiding it? Or....was this something else? Tech could possibly create the same effect....maybe this guy was a gearhead, and had some sort of repulsor, or that sort of thing in his gauntlet like Adi used in his own CLoWDS armor. Regardless of the 'how', though, the rifle was coming back, and some distance needed to be gained.

With a semi-deep downward dip, Adi launched himself hard to the left. He still faced his opponent, but the movement carried him nearly ten feet. Another push off the ground as soon as he touched, Matango leapt back toward his foe, determined to stay within at least ten feet of the man.

But he was, however, interrupted mid-stride by the rifle's damaged power charge exploding, and sending out a shockwave. Unfortunately for Adi, he was still midair in his second leap, and was caught. He was sent sprawling across the hard floor rather unceremoniously, bouncing and rolling three or four times before he was able to recover himself, and get back to his feet. The explosion had sent him twenty feet in the wrong direction. Now, there was at -least- thirty five feet between them. He had to close this gap.

He again started the slow, methodical movement forward, keeping his guard against this obviously well-armed fighter. Who knows what toys the man would produce? It was best to just not expect anything, and react as the situation developed.
This man was a nimble little thing, but the explosion of the rifle caught them both. To his opponent, it threw him across the hangar. For Dominik, it almost made him lose his balance as he danced on his feet, the force of the detonation of all the particle rounds went off still pushing Dominik back. Eventually it ended and they were within 35 feet of each other. "Well, you can move faster than I thought." Dominik complimented him, still shaking off the effect of the shock wave moments before.

If he could do things like that, than dual pistols set on stun wasn't going to cut it. He would probably just dodge and dodge until he was close enough to land melee hits or take one of his guns. He had yet to draw his saber.. Maybe if he could get him to rely on that, Dominik would have the upper hand with his armor and Ebony.

He gave Ebony to his left hand and drew one pistol with his right hand, keeping his thumb on the switch to turn it from stun to kill. "If you're that nimble, try these." He then shot two stun bolts at [member="Adi"], tracking him if he dodged. On the third and fourth shot, he flipped it to shoot normal blasts of energy. Hopefully the surprise of it would force him to pull out his lightsaber and deflect, then move in. His left hand was ready to rely on Ebony once more in case he did so.
Adi nodded his thanks for the compliment, but he did not stop his forward walk. It wasn't rapid, but it was most certainly meant to close the gap. When he hit about twenty five feet away, he saw the sword switch over to the left hand, and the pistol was drawn in one more step. As Dominik's hand was coming up, Adi rotated his own right hand, and attempted to move the weapon's aim off him with the force. It wasn't much, but whatever was going to come out of the end of that pistol was going to be unfriendly to Adi's health.

Twenty feet, and the aim tracked back on him. He caught the slight gap in the shots, and saw a bit of adjustment on the pistol. Two blaster shots were fired, prompting the former Arkanian prince to showcase another ability. This one, developed in response to the penchant of Adi's enemies using blaster weapons in a fight, required a lot of precision, and timing.

As the first shot was fired, Adieumus' right hand came up into its path. He whipped the hand up to block the first shot, then down to reflect away the second. There was no aiming of the blaster bolts in their reflection, but a well-timed use of force deflection saved Adi the painful wounds they would serve up.

He still needed to get closer. And closer he would get. If nothing interrupted the forward momentum, Adi would be within fifteen feet of his enemy by the time all was said and done at this point....

The closer...the better. He had plans for his canned adversary. It wasn't -all- about agility, after all.....
Dominik bit the inside of his cheek in frustration. Of course they could do that! He had been spending too much time away from the Sith.. He needed to refresh himself. But to do that, he wasn't going to keep near this guy. He kept walking closer and closer. Dominik felt that if he got within striking range, he would be done. Adi seemed way too confident about his abilities. No time to be cocky.

In response to Adi moving forward, Dominik started taking steps back. He didn't stop firing his gun, but this time it wasn't to try to catch him off guard. Shot after shot after shot, aimed at different parts of his body over and over again.

Analyzing deflective pattern

He was trying to find a weak spot in his reflexes. Did he react to the sound of the gun? Or the sight of the blast and then react? How fast could he move to deflect? Was it getting weaker and weaker? He needed to know this. Badly.
Always with the SHOOTING.....gah...didn't anyone know how to fight with their hands anymore? Any fool could pick up a gun and pull the trigger. To look a foe in the eyes, and not from behind some visor, it seemed a lost piece of history.

So uncivilized....time to take it out of play.

The key to trying to survive against someone with a gun wasn't reacting to the shot, or the was watching the weapon, and tracking =its= aim. Anticipation was everything...and the hard lessons of using deflection to bat away blaster bolts still bore their scars on the former Jedi. He had learned how to deal without using a lightsaber in dozens of fights when he was ill-prepared to fight. This one was no different. Alternatively, forcing the aim away from shooting at you was always the best option.

From the fifteen foot mark, it would appear that Adieumus had begun shadowboxing. He first threw out his left hand, as if he was cupping a wrist, and drove it upward. Immediately, it was followed by a driving palm strike with Adi's right hand. It only appeared to be shadowboxing, though....In reality, each one of the moves was fueling a projected attack on Dominik. The left hand was cupped, as if around the right wrist of Dom, driving upward, trying to push the aim of the gun up and away from Adi. The second was an attack on the hopefully now-exposed right side with a heavy palm thrust to further slow the gunslinger down.

Projected fighting...learned from years of sparring and fighting with Dace Concordia, AKA Lord Iniquitious. The memory of his loss to Ashrah Intalbo was still freshly ingrained in Adi's mind, and the very saber he carried belonged to his fellow Arkanian. If it had not been for 'Uncle Inky', Matango wouldn't be HALF of the fighter he was today. It wasn't easy to keep up with the old man, after all....and it appeared that a lot of the lessons learned in those fights were being put to good use here against the unknown man in the helmet now shooting at Adi.

"My friend....You might want to drop the's only gonna serve to piss me off, and get you hurt."

Still holding on to the grip that would take the aim off him with his left hand *if it takes/is still in effect*, Matango took another step forward, trying to force his opponent back on his heels as he advanced.
The first few shots got deflected, giving him a little bit of data before Adi snapped his left hand forward, then up. And Dominik's hand holding his gun went up, pointing to the cieling. Then Adi punch with his right arm, hitting air. But Dominik could still feel a solid blow hit him in his exposed side. Luckily the undersuit's thermal gel helped displace the punch, but he could still feel the power behind the blow.

Adi held Dominik's hand in the air solidly as he walked forward. His hand started to move back behind Dominik relative to Adi moving forward. Dominik stumbled a little, but stepped back with his own feet to keep from tipping over. They stayed the same distance apart because of this.

He had to think a way out of this. And.. he would assume that that blow to his side was a force push, but it was solid and not a push like normal. There was something he was doing to the force to project his blows across the distance. And with his force constantly moving his guns around... It didn't seem like they were too much of an option. Unless he could surprise him... he did have his small pistol from the MIrrorverse stashed away inside of his armor. If he could get close, then pull that on him... He may be able to get a solid shot in.

He thought of a plan that could work, but this grip on his hand... He needed both of his hands. If he could distract Adi enough for the force to fail, then he would be able to act. But if it failed, Adi wouldn't be distracted henceforth. So what to do? There was a few ships hanging on the ceiling that he could see... And one right above Adi. If Dominik could drop that onto Adi, that should be sufficient distraction. But it would take a few shots to destroy the cable holding it. More steps would only lead them farther away from the overhanging ship. Time to do it now..

Calculating angle.. Applying height of arm.. Calculating trajectory..

He knew that the grips were usually durasteel mesh coiled with other industrial metals. His pistols could normally tear through armor. Hopefully this would work.

Twisting his hand according to what he could get from his eye and his expert marksmanship training, he fired at the grip holding this ship. The first barely missed. He grit his teeth, waiting only a moment-

Applying velocity of movement...

-before firing three more times, hitting the cable each time. The hold was destroyed, and with a great grating of metal that filled the room with a noise not unlike nails on chalk, the ship started to slip.

And fall.

Four shots into the air....which at first Adi thought were out of desperation, drew a very distinct 'clank'...and that's when a very devious idea popped into the former Prince's head.

Reaching out now with his right hand, he mirrored the gripping motion of his left., telekinetically trying to add to the grip he already had. He then took a step forward, and twisted his body 180 degrees. His arms remained over his head, and a little behind him. Just when he was about to lose line of sight on the man, he whipped his arms forward over his body. When he felt he had the proper trajectory for his target, he opened his hands, releasing the grip simultaneously. The ultimate objective? To launch Dominik into the air, and straight into...possibly through.... the canopy of the falling TIE/LN via the grip he already had, with the added possible bonus of the extra grip if it hit. Sure, it was a longshot...but if it landed right, the armored man would be launched into the cockpit of the falling ship...which would, in about two or three seconds, become a very -crashed- ship. The impact damage alone from the drop should be enough to smash the wings, and cause the cockpit to hit the deck of the ImpStar with quite a bit of force.

Regardless if the move was successful or not, Adi would continue to rapidly move out of the impact site of the ship. About five quick backward steps would carry him clear...well, clear enough at least. Hopefully it wouldn't explode and kill them both....that would really kill the whole 'sparring' then 'beer' vibe thing they had agreed upon initially....Besides...he could already feel the sweat beading on his forehead, and his breathing was growing more rapid. He needed to either end this quickly, or slow down a little on his exertions in the force.
Well. Letting that ship drop did get Adi to release his grip on the force. Only, after Dominik was already in the air. His eye still gathering data as events went on, Dominik noticed Adi's line of sight was not broken, and all his movements while using the force was directly accurate to what Adi was physically doing. He didn't have much time to think about that as he was lifted off of the ground, and flung head over heels at the now falling ship. The restraint on his arm was released, and Dominik still had his sword in his left hand. He could tell from the moment his feet left the ground, he was going to impact with the cockpit. Those were made to last through space and tiny bits of invisible debris while out in that dark vacuum. It was going to take a strong impact to break through that. Sure, Dominik in this armor was heavy and hella durable, but it might not be enough..

He didn't have time. He let go of his sword, letting it fall where it may. He activated his left hand's tractor beam once more, and set it against the ship. It was a big enough object that it was easy to hit. And he pulled himself to it. He was aware of the physics of these beams. Normally he was heavy and could lift people and objects after grounding himself, but this ship was WAY heavy than he was. So how it played out was less of the ship moving to him, and more of him accelerating faster towards the ship.

With this extra speed, he twisted at the last second, plunging through the canopy covering the cockpit with his back, smashing and ruining the seat and back wall on the inside. From the amount of force exerted on the ship in free fall, it tipped a little backwards, crashing with a sickening and ear pounding sound of metal on metal, instantly fusing together and snapping apart in various places between the ship and the hangar floor.

Dominik's armor along with the under-suit made of Kevlar and thermal gel would thankfully took most of the impact damage, but-.. His train of thought ended there was he blacked out.

A moment or two later in real time passed, but when Dominik opened his eyes, he swore he was out for a good minute.

His vision was black. At first he started to panic, then noticed the feint outline of the helmet from the inside as his eyes adjusted. With a weary right arm, he reached up and pressed a button on the inside, mechanically letting light through the front his helmet. The electronics didn't work anymore, but he could still see through it. At least there was that. What he saw was the ceiling of the hangar, and the ruined grips that used to hold the ship. He let out a long groan of pain as his whole body generally ached, along with a plausible broken rib. He looked around and found his pistol lying on his left, and he picked it up with his right hand. He had to get out. Dominik was lucky that it didn't explode on impact, but fuel was probably leaking, and a dozen small fires and exposed electrical wires was possibly near them.

Slowly, he reached up with his robotic left arm and grasped the ruined rim of the cockpit, heaving himself up with it's strength. He slung his right arm over the edge, and pulled himself up to his waist. Adi was looking sweaty, but that was it. Adi would see Dominik's armor to be scratched, dented, and his helmet to have one large crack through it. Not enough to see through, but enough to damage any electronics on the inside.

Damn force users... He swung one foot over the edge... then the other, groaning again as the rib moved. He slid down the now semi-round capsule, and staggered a few steps with the momentum before holding his stance. He was breathing heavy, staring daggers at Adi. This guy... how could he beat him? He was very attuned to the force and-..

That was it. That was why he was sweating after not putting much physical strain on his body. His use of the force. Maybe if he could keep pushing him to use it..

Dominik put his left arm to his hurting rib, pointing the gun at Adi once more and taking three more shots. He was careful and was observing Adi's movements. If he did what he thought might come next, he would be ready for it.


Debris flew all around the crashed TIE fighter, and Adi did his best to avoid it...but still was peppered with shattered glass from the solar array panels on the wings. He did not, however, stop trying to get himself clear of the wreck. He turned and ran toward the only thing that he felt would give him the protection he needed for a few catch his breath, and try to regain a bit of his focus back. On his way to try to find cover behind the very crates that he had originally started this little scrap from, he saw..and grabbed in his right hand...Dominik's dropped sword. It was, after all, prudent to ensure the weapon found its way back to its owner. At this rate, both of them were going to need to find the hopefully still-operational medical bay on this ship. Both Adi and his foe were throwing some pretty heavy stuff at one another...and this was quickly heating up to far more than a friendly sparring match.

The pace had to be slowed a bit....Adi really didn't want EITHER of them to wind up on the bad side of dead.

As he was within a few feet of the crates, he could faintly hear a groan. Looking over his shoulder, he saw a hand grip the outside of the cockpit. Good...he was still alive. This guy was rather tenacious. Grinning as he dove behind the crates, Adi rolled, and landed with his back to the crates. He decided it was a good idea to stand up and check on the other man....

...It wasn't, by far, a good idea.

As he stood up and turned toward Dominik, he saw the other man staring his way...well, Adi assumed he was...he couldn't see past that damn black visor....but he could almost FEEL the daggers in the man's stare. He didn't however, see the gun pointed his way. Before he could even drop behind his cover, three shots were peeled off. Two struck the crates in front of Adi...but one found its mark in the Arkanian's left shoulder, spinning him around and dropping him to a knee. Dom's sword clattered to the deck as Adi's right hand clasped the wound. It wasn't fatal by any means, but it would definitely hamper his ability to fight in top form.

The wound was cauterized, so his right hand on the wound was about as useful as a gungan in a desert. Reaching out, he grabbed the sword again, and dragged himself backward on his rear to put his back against the crates again. He called out to his foe, trying to buy a few moments to catch his breath.

"Uh, yea....About the whole throwing you into a falling ship thing? Yea, um....I kinda got a bit excited....Sorry bout that.

You ok?"
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