"Bah...Its just a flesh wound! Although, won't lie, not happy about the hole in this's a collector's item, after all....It's vintage!"
In reality though, the blaster shot had done a bit more than just create a flesh wound. It hurt like hell, to be honest, and would most certainly take most function away from his left arm, should this bout continue. He would, however, not give up. This was a fight, and Adi would NOT yield, sparring match or not.
Besides, it was just a shoulder wound. A burned, cracked, and useless shoulder was the result, but Adi had fought one-armed PLENTY of times. He pulled the other man's sword to him, and looked at it for but half a moment. It was gorgeous, to be sure....finely constructed, and well-balanced. Using to to slowly bring himself up to where he could stand up, he closed his eyes for a moment, and gritted his teeth. Against his better judgment, he brought himself to just where he could see over the crates...and saw Dom on one knee. Very, very, very cautiously, he brought his line of sight over the crates a bit further. He didn't want to risk getting shot again.
"We could always just call it, and let it go at where we are. If we go any harder at each other, I don't think it will end well....not really fair to call it a sparring match then, eh? I know -I- don't want to end up on the wrong side of the dirt bout you? Not saying I want to quit...don't get me wrong...but with your ribs, and my shoulder, one of us is bound to get pissed and try to kill the other.
Let's just let the rustbucket have it, and we can go have that beer."
There was still that would be stupid not to be on guard. He hoped that this guy would agree...he was someone that Adi would have to take along to the next festival, and introduce him to Aya....
....They'd get along smashingly. It'd be a shame to actually make him an enemy at this point....