Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion of Malachor V

Connor Harrison

[member="Rasu Gan"] I just saw, and am hoping to use it for my advantage and try a new tactic of breaking people up from the inside if I can spread a little confusion and mis-trust...ohh the evil ways.


Connor Harrison

[member="Rasu Gan"]

Oh, no if you want the Taung gone now I can do that easily in a confrontation there and then if you wish?

I can make this go on as long as you/the SJ need it to.


Connor Harrison

I'll be happy to continues as long as I am needed to really. It's good fun, and nice to see new sides to other characters in the mix.

Aika Kawakami

Can one find true light when shadowed in darkness?
[member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Rasu Gan"]

Drawing me back in...damn you guys are good. Oh, and if you keep the spirit in you Connor, then Aika has plans for you. >:)

And Rasu... About time! The differences between Aika and Rasu is such a fun story to play. I missed you, my forever unrequited love~

Connor Harrison

[member="Aika Kawakami"]

Well that's sold me - if Connor will be part of your "plans", I'll keep him going.

Hi Guys,

Sorry me and my Alts will not be about tonight, feeling very ill. So yeah .. carry on :p

[member="Rasu Gan"] great to see you back! Take over for Iella with Connor she was about to kick him one too. :p Love you Connor! tough love and all that... :D

Connor Harrison

[member="Coci Sinopi"]

Aw no - rest well and feel better soon. *hugs*

And tough love is good love, it'll just make the thread far more interesting! :)


Came in like a wrecking maul
Coci Sinopi said:
@Saki Love the new Avatar! Not in that way ... but you know.

Aika Kawakami said:
And I will do my best to avoid the inevitable confrontation with Saki... By hiding behind my latest apprentice, @Jeela Tillian.
[member="Jeela Tillian "] is just a human shield for everything isn't she?

Saki and Aika..... I see this either going very good or very bad in a record it and determine later if it needs an adult rating or not. They'll either beat each other into the ground or find a mud pit and make an awkward situation.... more so.

Jeela Tillian

I am the human shield for everything now. Good grief. I never realized she would be protecting people from awkward situations.

Jeela Tillian

[member="Lorna Halcyon"] [member="Aika Kawakami"]

Hooray. I didn't realize that was what I was signing up for. :p

Connor Harrison



You down there!

Can anyone get me down from being suspended up here? I have trouble to cause...!!


Came in like a wrecking maul
[member="Connor Harrison"] I will come and help you by pinning [member="Aika Kawakami"] to the ground. Totally won't be in the mud or somehow warp us to an oil pit

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