Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Rule Idea


Well-Known Member
So during my time with the Sith I was pleased to see how easily they could reach the 100 (at that time) post requirement, but I have to recognize that had to do with it's size. For other factions with less members, it is a bit more of a stretch for some to continuously make it back to do another post.

My idea is this, alongside the original post count rule, why not implement a word count as well? For some it would clearly be easier (see the Lord's of the Fringe dominion over Taloraan that's in the works at the moment), the first page (20 posts) had well into 3-4,000 words already, I believe it has approximately 7-10,000 now. And unless I'm wrong, by now the average dominion has about half that. It would clearly have it's upsides...

So SWRP what say you?

Qae Shena

Super Shaper Puppy!
In my time roleplaying, I've loathed counting words for the sake of counting words. It's not a fun proposition and, while it is no different than counting posts, post counts prevent one potential situation under the wording of the rules: five total posts by 5 different people, all splitting the word count minimum and just writing a short novel. To count words would permit that as a loophole, and I'm sure you can agree that's not fun. The only way to stop that situation is to add a post count rule - making a word count rule redundant when the minimum post count still exists.


Well-Known Member
Acknowledged. But, seeing as I doubt the likely hood of that very often (though I do see the probability/possibility), is it even truly a problem? From what I've gathered through my interactions with the few RPJs and Admins, the more in depth you get the better off you are. Plus it also shows your dedication to the site!.

However, if this a problem truly, then we add an addendum. In the same ways 5 players must be active in Dominions currently, we up that (only if they wish to word count it.), making it more difficult to find willing compliants. Honestly, as long as the work gets done is it truly a problem?
Your proposal begs the question: "Why punish the factions that are doing well?"

Is it fair to those who have stuck around, put in tremendous time, and just as much effort to suddenly be singled out to do more because their faction is doing well? Furthermore, while I see where you're going with this...I've yet to see any of the larger factions blaze through a dominion recently (save for dominion races), any faster than the smaller ones. In brief, I feel as though your proposed amendment to the dominion rules single out and punish larger factions who, realistically, haven't been doing dominions any quicker than the rest of the factions.

Besides, size comes from effort, time, and interest; so by your logic any of the smaller factions that don't die off will ultimately be punished for growing larger. Furthermore, what would be the standard for measuring when a faction has gotten big enough to be slapped with this rule? Just my opinion, but, no bueno amigo.

Qae Shena

Super Shaper Puppy!
A start-up new Major Faction only requires 7 members. If two of them go LOA, every single member would have to be present for a Dominion at present. If you up that number, that would force a brand new Major Faction to have every single member post in it, and that's not always possible.

I will use your logic, right now, as a counter-argument - if the work gets done, what's the problem? What is truly so difficult about the current system that a word count should be added? Should we mandate how long a post be in a roleplay? No, that's silly.

Don't get me wrong, it's a viable system, but it's fraught with loopholes and problems whose solution is, at least in my mind, the current ruleset. Understand that I approach rules from the viewpoint of loopholes, because it's inevitable that someone will abuse rules. You'll have to forgive the terseness, but you guys all know that I go for iron-clad rules. See: Factory.


Disney's Princess
IMO, it's not necessary. Dominions don't exist solely to create short novels of the highest possible quality. As much as I enjoy good writing, I don't RP so that I can call myself a Professor.

Cool idea. But not for everybody. Maybe some other time. Thanks Z-man. :D
Lets try this from a different angle instead of the tried and true "loop-holes and rule breaking violations."

  • If you only require 5-10k words to acquire a planet, the map is pretty much filled within two weeks.
If that happened, well then it's either invasion city or you have destroyed a great wealth of stories that can be had in the conquest, annexation, or however your faction acquires new territory.

  • 5-10k words is a lot of words anyways.
I know a few people who can do that in one go, and if you require 5 people to post at least in the dominion it still has hampered a good potential thread for the faction. It's not just planetary conquest, you can bring in villains or make a cohesive villain just for your faction and have objectives for you to accomplish. I know for a time the Sith Empire had competitions within their own dominions of who could compete what objective first. The fringe rewards players with items, and when I ran the Republic we had a good narrative between a few groups of players. The Omega Pyre themselves used the Bando Gora as a central story line for just their faction.

  • 125 posts is a lot!
Not really if you get your faction involved and have thoroughly planned it out. Dominions can be what you make them, just like the same saying can be said for development threads.

  • Loopholes and complaints!
Most complaints with dominions have to do with two factions speed dominioning against each other, and the set count helps with seeing who "beat" who. Under the new rules, there's a thirty minute rule that allows for the world to be contested and an automatic invasion to start. I see where you are coming from in trying to simply what can be seen as a cumbersome thread at times. Just try better planning, or come to staff for brainstorming and we will gladly help. Ask me nice enough and I'll drop some characters in for dominion resistance. Your intent was good, but from a story perspective, 5 people spouting off a two thousand word post a piece just isn't very good for factions to RP amongst themselves.


Well-Known Member
@[member="Dar'jetii"] Lol I specifically said only to add onto the base rules. Not change them lol.

@[member="Qae Shena"] yeah I know first hand about your tense views, and no offense received. I get what you all are saying, this is in no way me arguing lol.

@[member="Jacen Cavill"]
Now that it's been pretty much shot down, don't feel this is arguing, more me explaining seeing as everyone was confused by what I meant. Lol what I meant was keep the exact set of rules but add on underneath that instead of post count that requires x amount of people, you could choose to do word count which needs x for words and x for amount of players. Honestly I'd figured that if we went by word count as well wed make it one that would still be difficult, like 35 k or something big like that. In the end, both rule sets would work, the faction choosing as a unanimous decision which to strive for. And honestly, 125 is a small amount! I proposed the word count simply for those times that say, someone vital has a LOA, well they could still move on and even complete the thread if they take to long to return.

All in all this was just an idea I had brought up among the LotF cause of my infant/business level recently has been keeping me away way more then I'd like
<~ RP Addict


Well-Known Member
@[member="Jay Scott Clark"] I think your the only one who got what I meant. Solid answer, short and to the point. I commend you good sir!
Zaiden James-Greyson said:
Now that it's been pretty much shot down, don't feel this is arguing, more me explaining seeing as everyone was confused by what I meant. Lol what I meant was keep the exact set of rules but add on underneath that instead of post count that requires x amount of people, you could choose to do word count which needs x for words and x for amount of players. Honestly I'd figured that if we went by word count as well wed make it one that would still be difficult, like 35 k or something big like that. In the end, both rule sets would work, the faction choosing as a unanimous decision which to strive for. And honestly, 125 is a small amount! I proposed the word count simply for those times that say, someone vital has a LOA, well they could still move on and even complete the thread if they take to long to return.
Nothing has been shot down, please discuss to your hearts content. You're a community member and it's member feedback that shapes rules, we as staff aren't overlords that are always correct.

Though I would say, another set of rules, like you are mentioning would only cause confusion. Many people don't read the sites rules as it is, and many folks make mistakes along the way. Cluttering it up with more rules just makes it harder to Role-PLAY. This needs to be fun, so the simpler the better for all parties involved.

As to you saying "what if someone goes LOA?" I simply will say this.

"Don't have a dominion hinge on one person and the story can carry on regardless." :)


Well-Known Member
the simpler the better for all parties involved.
I couldn't agree more! That was why I had the idea in the first place. Not to clutter the rules etc, for the simplicity of having the second option. To those few, like myself, that were born predetermined to have issues with authority, to see something along the lines of this is the only way I'll allow it...well it makes them less likely to want to continue reading to begin with, let alone encourage them to play. Multiple choice always puts people at ease.

I imagine if I could find the proper wording that it would go off better, but of course like every other time my being articulate is redundant, as again I can't seem to find the way to say what I see in my head.

All in all this was just an idea, I don't feel the rules need any actual real changes. If ain't broke, don't fix it.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
I don't believe 3/4 of this thread has much to do with whether it would be a decent idea to allow a, I don't know, 25,000-word standard as an option alongside a 125-post standard. I'd endorse an option like that, and I can't think of any counterpoints that hold water.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
I'd like to propose something, preferably a modification to the rules since the slowed down activity has drastically decreased the speed at which factions are finishing dominions.

Current system is that you go 125 posts per dominion, then add 50 posts per extra square away from the most controlled square. I'm thinking we should combine the original dominion rules of 100 posts with the update of 50 more posts per extra square. HOWEVER, I also think another rule should be added: for a dominion of a planet in the SAME square as a planet occupied by a major faction, the posts required should be REDUCED to 50 or 75(most likely the latter). It only seems logical to do so, and it'll help our factions get to work on finally filling out the map and turning acquisition of territory into a faction-vs-faction battle, which is only inevitable now.
Given our... placement, 125 would certainly be considered a short dominion for AE. But, I've always been a believer of survival of the fittest. If a faction cannot get the dominions done, then it will eventually collapse and leave room few new potentially stronger factions in its wake. I have a lot of really good people in AE, and while we might not all be able to post every day our first post wipe dominion is steadily getting to its 225 post goal.

I think word count would end up discluding a lot of people that write good, but shorter, posts from really mattering to dominions. It would just amount to the novel writers among us to carry the thread.


Well-Known Member
@[member="Ashin Varanin"] finally someone who sees it as I do! It's not like I'm wishing to change nuthin, just make what's good better.

@[member="Pandeima"] I had not even thought about that. Makes sense.
I like the idea of the word count. it will help get rid of some of the posts that are only a few sentences long. I mean, who wants to read line after line like

"Morna walked inside, he grabbed his saber. he ran. he screwed everyone up inside. He smiled when he was done."

or to read something that's about a good 2-4 paragraphs of Text describing how the person feels about what they are doing, how they are doing it, and the actual movements. I push my self to at least to write 2 paragraphs in my Rping now. I mean. I have gotten more likes on my RP posts as I have longer more descriptive posts. than when I first started. If we were to have this minimum word count as an option, Factions could say, "Hey if we get 2,000 words over the minimum word count then everybody gets a small prize." ,or " hey whoever had the highest and most descriptive word count gets prize A while the runner up gets prize B." It will push everyone to make a better post than the next person. But I am only saying this as an option not mandatory.

but if this is implemented we don't need people posting a mini-story in threads.


Well-Known Member
@[member="Morna Imura"] I figure along with the word count it should be implemented that only a certain number of words of that final total are allowed to come from individual posts. Like if the 25 k is acceptable, then each post no matter if it's 3 k or 2 only counts as 1 to the final total. BUT then along the side with that we couldsay as you did, those with super posts get a prize. Like maybe the one with the best post on the final day of a week gets their name on the factions home page or something.

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Ashin Varanin said:
I don't believe 3/4 of this thread has much to do with whether it would be a decent idea to allow a, I don't know, 25,000-word standard as an option alongside a 125-post standard. I'd endorse an option like that, and I can't think of any counterpoints that hold water.
I could agree to this, and 25K is a decent start. Stuff like 5,10,15K is just way too short, and some writers can pump that out like nobodies business. A particular thread comes to mind where a user literally posted over 8K words in a day, and it was of terrific quality, I'm talking could-be-published quality. If he can do that, most users could probably pump out 5K a day regardless of quality and the longer minded users could do at least 10K a day.

However, a question to you @Ashin Varnin. Currently as it stands you can dominion farther than a space away for another 50 posts(IIRC). What do you think would be a good addition in wordcount? 5K, 7.5? 10?


Well-Known Member
@[member="Jaxton Ravos"] another idea i hadn't thought of. I figure 5-10 would probably be good for something along those lines.
Word counts have some downsides. For instance how are they to be counted? You'd have to have someone recording each and every post looking for the correct length. Possible but annoying.

I've been places where word limits are placed on posts. it doesn't encourage more post, it encourages...waffling. Characters discuss their breakfast and the exact size of their...communicator to pad the word counts.

It also slows down the dominions rather than speeding them up. Rather than doing a 100 word post which is adequate, people feel obliged to do 500 word posts, and that takes longer.

I think it's a valid point to make but...not really that useful for the site.

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