Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Rule Idea

The thing seems to be to me that this is all based on how the system can be abused, and not the validity of the idea. The current system could be cheated ridiculously easy we all post two lines at a time and bam hit the limit in no time... but people here don't that. While I agree an idea should be measured by merits as well as it's possible implications it just seems by the incredible large amount of good people on this site, there is a great amount of but someone could do this to cheat! Perhaps there has been a reason for this much suspicion in the past, but it just seems a bit like everything is footed from the negative.

I could careless either way I'm posting what I want... it prolly be twice as useful for me to split my posts up and prolly wouldn't give people so much drivel to work through... but I don't care I write for the fun of it and enjoyment... It just seems alot of the people here do as well and would they simply really just stretch it out like that if they aren't already abusing the system?
I was just browsing around, bored, and descended upon this beautiful gold nugget.

Sargon Vynea said:
The thing seems to be to me that this is all based on how the system can be abused, and not the validity of the idea. The current system could be cheated ridiculously easy we all post two lines at a time and bam hit the limit in no time... but people here don't that. While I agree an idea should be measured by merits as well as it's possible implications it just seems by the incredible large amount of good people on this site, there is a great amount of but someone could do this to cheat! Perhaps there has been a reason for this much suspicion in the past, but it just seems a bit like everything is footed from the negative. I could careless either way I'm posting what I want... it prolly be twice as useful for me to split my posts up and prolly wouldn't give people so much drivel to work through... but I don't care I write for the fun of it and enjoyment... It just seems alot of the people here do as well and would they simply really just stretch it out like that if they aren't already abusing the system?
Man, what a breath of fresh air from the usual.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Pandeima said:
I'd like to propose something, preferably a modification to the rules since the slowed down activity has drastically decreased the speed at which factions are finishing dominions.

Current system is that you go 125 posts per dominion, then add 50 posts per extra square away from the most controlled square. I'm thinking we should combine the original dominion rules of 100 posts with the update of 50 more posts per extra square. HOWEVER, I also think another rule should be added: for a dominion of a planet in the SAME square as a planet occupied by a major faction, the posts required should be REDUCED to 50 or 75(most likely the latter). It only seems logical to do so, and it'll help our factions get to work on finally filling out the map and turning acquisition of territory into a faction-vs-faction battle, which is only inevitable now.
Any thoughts? Seems like a simpler solution...


Disney's Princess

Decreasing post count is unnecessary. If the goal is to create an environment of direct FvF conflict? You need only begin an Invasion at your leisure. Problem solved.

Now? If your goal is to increase the rate at which planet's are acquired? I might argue that post count is irrelevant entirely. Given that Dominions have been proven to being accomplished in only a matter of hours. Regardless of the state of the Rules.

If anyone feels uncomfortable with the way Dominions are currently executed? It is important to first locate the problem with which you have opinion, state a goal or resolution to said problem, collect enough data about the impact of the problem, and then go about devising ways to solve it. Moving from A to B. ...That said. I do not believe the system is 'broken' and does not require fixing. Lol. :D
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
In regards to faction expansion, I'd agree with you that the most recent incarnation of the Dominion rules worked... When we had the enormous level of activity we did before the board went belly-up. However, since then, faction activity levels have noticeably taken a drop to pre-rule change levels. Despite the logic in regards to decreasing post count requirements being somewhat obvious, implementations made(such as 50 more posts per extra hex and 25 less posts for places in the same hex) will serve to adequately make things fair if said system is implemented.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
I'd agree with you that dominions can be done speedily. But since the board crashed I've yet to see any dominion proceed along as quickly and smoothly as the Aeten II ones. Even the Empire's dominion of Bastion, 50 posts shorter, is taking weeks, and likely won't be done by week's end. That's what I'd call a definite decrease in activity.
There's such a plethora of reasons for that that to pin it on 'too much posting required' is a bit... silly, for lack of a better term.

Finals are coming up. We've a major national holiday that people travel for - Moridin himself is without internet from today until like, Sunday or something. That's pretty normal right now. It's just that time of year where activity slows. There's nothing inherently wrong with brief dips into lower activity - it's normal, like a business cycle.

But making a cakewalk easier won't solve your woes. If people don't care about the planet they don't care about the planet. Sarge helped OP with a ton of dominions, but to say he helped with more than half is pushing it. If I don't care for the planet, I ain't showin' up. If I feel there's enough people there already, I ain't showin' up. If for some reason I feel Sarge wouldn't show, I ain't showin' up.

I'm willing to bet some of the Sith are in the same boat.
Dominions aren't the problem, and short of a community uprising, I won't even contemplate changing it. No, I think people are getting bored, and discussing changing current systems is easier than coming up with entirely new ones.


Well-Known Member
@[member="Sarge Potteiger"] @[member="Pandeima"]
My issues with post count/word count has nothing to do with holidays. For recently, even when there weren't any real things on, it's been maybe 3-5 people working on them. And as the Lord's of the Fringe are no where near the size of Empire/Republic/OP it's exceedingly difficult to reach the post count.

Here's my proposition, let this be the part everyone regard now because the first post didn't say exactly what I meant:

Alongside the already enstated post count, we could ad a word count as well. Total being above 30k, BUT the most notorious thing about this rule being, no matter if it's 15k words or not in a post, it only counts as 500. Thusly it's a huge number to reach, and then the word count limit per post is to small to really make a huge difference.

That's what I hope for, because then through team work it can be achieved but not any easier then prior.


Disney's Princess
I'd like to counter the logic that having between 3-5 people participating makes Dominions weak, slow, or undesirable. Therefore. Rather than attempt pander to perspective and change the rules to favor instant gratification of the minority, how about people just step up?

I find it difficult to listen to suggestions to a system which works 100% of the time and functions exactly as she was designed to. Lol. :p


Well-Known Member
@[member="Jay Scott Clark"] it's not that it is weak, it is however the slow aspect. Most people do not have a fortnight to spend on the sight, and as such wish to get as much done as possible while they can. But then they also have everyone else's schedules to work around as well, my proposal simply takes that in mind and hopes to make simple even more simplistic. For on the note of simplicity, it's not all that simple to get people that live lives to "step up". Also, I can note that if my offering an idea is a problem it does not have to be read. This was a singular idea from a singular man, that has found validity from a few. Just as previously stated, I agreed that what is not broken needs no fixing. I simply offered an idea I had seen could be acceptable for the site, and heard agreement from some when brought up in the Lord's of the Fringe.
Ehhhh, that logic works in a sense. Most people don't have a humongeous amount of time to dedicate daily, but I know writers who 'posting regularly' means once a week. They're good, quality posts. They move the story along. The only thing is, they post as much as they can - their schedule just might not line up with yours.

You could then, of course, make the argument that this would favor your post count proposition; but to me, that cheapens their ability to work in the story. If one of their posts is half the dominion, what's the point? You lose the whole concept of 'collaborative writing' in the jumble to get a dominion pumped out as quick as possible.

Just because most people don't move at your pace doesn't mean there's something inherently wrong with the system.

On a much more minor, nitpicky note: Adding more rules to a rule won't improve simplicity. It will, in fact, have the opposite effect of confusing more people.


Well-Known Member
@[member="Sarge Potteiger"] I agree, it most likely will at first, but then again so does a Post Count in the first place. For some, like me, I have never been to a site that used post count, thus I was confused. But I got it after a while. I still feel honestly the system as is has more of a possibility for cheating then with my addition. I have seen some posts that are more or less:

So and so looks at him and says, "I hate you. Die." And jumps at him.

Though technically it could be enough for some, others feel that's way to little. Thus mentioning another possibility, one that requires more flower and pizazz, some will take to and make it work well.


Disney's Princess
Zaiden James-Greyson said:
But then they also have everyone else's schedules to work around as well, my proposal simply takes that in mind and hopes to make simple even more simplistic.
I respect this. Though I'm not sure that the goal of 'speeding up' Dominions respects their time in the same manner. Your ideas are wonderful Z-man. I suppose I am just shopping on a full stomach right now. Lol. :D

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