Geneviève Lasedri
Fascists hate her!
Silver Station: They'll leave the lights on for you--way too bright. Though, it was probably the condition of her eyes and not the output from the lighting cells. It had been only two weeks since her surgery, and while vision was slightly improving each day, her eyes were still in the early stages of recovery from such a heavy operation. They were so sensitive right now.
A couple of more-or-less anonymous Rebel escorts with standard-issue SXB-1's trailed behind their blindfolded leader as she progressed through the deep space outpost, scouting out the premises to make sure there would be no intrusive vagrants--or assorted varieties of outlaws--floating around. A couple smuggler vessels were docked on the far side, but as long as they stayed there, they were fine. This should be a quick exchange by business standards.
Lasedri still had an uneasy feeling about this whole deal. She had hated the idea from Day One, but she thought she had enough checks in place to prevent anything bad from happening. Besides, her man Mitczik would probably sound the alarm if he noticed anything off. To her knowledge, there had been no such alarms.
'Seeing' everything was clear ahead of herself through the Force, the Benefactor motioned for her soldiers to stay behind. Better they not know what had happened over the course of this month.
Shortly after, she arrived in the central atrium of the old space station--possibly the location of several mission briefings from a Rebellion long past. But if there was anything to be sentimental about, Geneviève felt none of it. This was her cause; no one else's. Hopefully that illusionist crazy had kept in line. Now that she thought about it, it was perhaps for the best that she could not use her physical eyes, lest she be fooled by any of the woman's optical tricks.
"You there?" she murmured, allowing the acoustics of the room to carry her voice for her.
A couple of more-or-less anonymous Rebel escorts with standard-issue SXB-1's trailed behind their blindfolded leader as she progressed through the deep space outpost, scouting out the premises to make sure there would be no intrusive vagrants--or assorted varieties of outlaws--floating around. A couple smuggler vessels were docked on the far side, but as long as they stayed there, they were fine. This should be a quick exchange by business standards.
Lasedri still had an uneasy feeling about this whole deal. She had hated the idea from Day One, but she thought she had enough checks in place to prevent anything bad from happening. Besides, her man Mitczik would probably sound the alarm if he noticed anything off. To her knowledge, there had been no such alarms.
'Seeing' everything was clear ahead of herself through the Force, the Benefactor motioned for her soldiers to stay behind. Better they not know what had happened over the course of this month.
Shortly after, she arrived in the central atrium of the old space station--possibly the location of several mission briefings from a Rebellion long past. But if there was anything to be sentimental about, Geneviève felt none of it. This was her cause; no one else's. Hopefully that illusionist crazy had kept in line. Now that she thought about it, it was perhaps for the best that she could not use her physical eyes, lest she be fooled by any of the woman's optical tricks.
"You there?" she murmured, allowing the acoustics of the room to carry her voice for her.